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Comments on "On the Street....Leigh, Paris"
Love this whole ensemble. Maybe it's just because I, too, wear mostly black all the time.
So chic! Love that sheer swiss dot blouse... the shoes The entire look is sort of naughty secretary!
Let us all grow up to be so lovely~!
Tuileries Gardens, café et elegance! Paris FW!
Gorgeous from top to bottom.
it's not easy to be outstanding with a black ensemble, but I think she did it. Bravo!
Just one word: Wow!
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Wow...she looks fabulous! From the haircut down to those amazing shoes!
incognito! reminds me of 'Mulholland drive'
Oh I thought you were talking about me ;)
Leigh always a amazing! What a great photo and perfect setting of Paris in the fall..
She is a little bit out of this word but still, great picture, great autumn!
She looks great. So adorable. Almost like a doll. Absolute perfection. Oh, and I LOVE all the fall colors and leaves changing around her, it is like the cherry on top for me.
Perfect :)
LOVE the shoes!
love this photo..her pale skin, dark clothes and hair create a strong and beautiful image.
i want her shoes!
I think she's trying too hard.
Aah the sheer top, the flaxen hair, the large glasses, the vertiginous heels. A funereal beauty, and utterly sublime.
Really??? Starbucks... in Paris. Someone needs to educate this woman's taste buds.
WoW, I just love the contrast of her skin and her black outfit!
Wednesday Addams grows up, goes fashionista, and looks fantastic!
amazing shot and she looks perfect.
autumnal chic. great shirt and big sunglasses.
HMMM! The hair a bit goth, the shoes a bit fetishist naughty. As some else one wrote; a secretary with a "dark side"?
so perfect!
Love that shoe! The whole outfit is haute but the shoe is sexy as hell!
Hey I know her. The DJ.
cannot get over the Dior shoes. oh so hoir. love.
But how in the world does she get around in those shoes?
Thanks doll,
The Glamorous Housewife
Love this all black outfit! Beautiful picture!
her shoes are to fetish
Adore the simplicity...I can hear the leaves crackling under her amazing shoes!
OMG, LOVES!!! Ridiculously chic.
Love all of this, esp. the shoes!
such a beautiful american girl.
Hello Leigh Lezark! Fancy seeing you here!
gorgeous studded shoes. she may be all black, but she'll definitely stand out!
Love the Starbucks (and the outfit)
she can drink all the starbucks she wants, i'll always love leigh lezark...
We love Leigh - she's our style crush!
Breathtaking image. If you ever decide to teach a class, I'll be among the first to register. -Aaron
great hair.
(It's not often I feel the use for capitals.)
Is that blue nail polish? I love it. Matches the blue black hair.
Beautiful arms and hands too. Agreed the cup she's grasping ain't so cool, but I love the way you've caught her with her hands splayed, weblike on it.
Beautiful - absolutely, stunningly beautiful.
Everything about her looks right to me. Her hair is gorgeous, her complexion looks fabulous and I think she chose her clothes and shoes perfectly.
Audrey Hepburn came immediately to mind.
It would be Paris too wouldn't it. Where else but Paris.
I've fallen in love!
Oh, no! Someone is carrying a large paper Starbuck's cup in Paris! This should not be!
Great shot with wonderful lighting. Her black ensemble sets off the her complexion (and the foliage).
I still don't know who she is. But she always looks really interesting.
The shoes are a bit too aggressive for my liking, although I guess simple pumps might look a bit twee with the femininity of the whole look.
The hair is great; nice to see a classic symmetrical bob, not one of these ubiquitous angular Victoria Beckham-copycat cuts that often don't suit the girls they're on.
Fabulous!!! Love everything...especially her hair!!!
Great hairstyle! Seeing your pics of Paris, I'm missing this city. It's the city of my dreams...
The hair is so amazing. Black hair always looks so shiny. It does look a little wig-y but that is just due to having an amazing cut color combo. Love it.
I love this shot! Her black ensemble really stands out against those autumnal colors. I want everything she has on, from her shades to those fantastic shoes! Perfectly chic!
She always looks so immaculate, can't believe I didn't see her around Paris during fashion week :(
Iconic. An American in Paris 2009. I love when this happens with photos! This is one of my all time fav Sartorialist moments.
I am also digging a lot of black these days, as long as it has a bit of glam texture and the right silhouette.
THE SHOES !!!!!!!!
I like her hair quite a bit. The shoes look so sweet with those pretty fall leaves.
Can Americans take it easy with the super-sized Starbucks cups when they are in Europe? Jeeez
Yes very dramatic, very lovely… but the pedant in me must say flaxen haired she is most certainly not! Raven haired yes. La fille aux cheveux de lin was a blond, i would image a silvery strw blond at that. lol! As always i love your photos
awwww i love her top.
Love love love the shoes!
The dress and shoes are Dior!
Doesn't she get cold? I don't know what the temperature was in Paris today, but not warm enough to walk around in something like this?
I love this whole look! The look is soo strong and powerful!! Great look!!
i'm in love with this.. she looks soo soo chic.
...in love with her hair...
a delicate other worldliness firmly planted on earth.
as an aside: even if it wasn't leigh -- she's still clearly american. no parisian would be caught dead carrying a cup of coffee.
Flaxen hair?!
I like her delicate blouse - a good antidote to the tough-girl shoes
Those heels are rock star!
What a great shot. Love the stark contrasts between her all-black theme and the Autumn colours. Love it!
LEIGH LEZARK! Love her. Her still is so chic, now...she looks lovely.
Funnily enough, she went to my school...
Love it. Her skin tone is perfect with all of that black.
Being that she only wears black, you might call her a one trick pony, but she does it better than most and always looks great, so in the end I can't hate. She's hot. All the time.
Great look! Stunning.
sleek and black...love everything!
I always find images of black clothing difficult to admire on screen or in print. Especially in this pose as it's too hard to see what she is wearing, the textures, the draping or if it even fits her properly.
Apart from the horribly distracting charbucks cup (in a Paris park no less!) I like the photo anyway.
What a lovley picture!
Dark from hair to toes. She makes it so chic. Love love her shoes. The laces-alike, the studs, the embellished heels. Fab
she is so striking in all black.
Those are some big feet!
Love the glasses & the hair cut/color, though.
Absolutely chic
fashion as the ultimate way of expression, ultimate as maximum way that one can communicate of oneself
see you at L.A. ;)
she is stunning xx
Reminds me of this post "On the Street....Tuileries, Paris" .
this jersey girl looks like she's about to make a mob hit.
you can never go wrong in all black.
any body else notice she has really long feet?
Give me her phone number! I will make her a coffe! Oh God! The wife I ever dreamed.
Oh I love that one...from the hair to the shoes.
Her top, her hair, bref, elle a tout bon !
lovely look, however ... she is drinking starbucks coffee? in paris?!? ack!
live for leigh lezark- just featured her on my blog last week!
love your blog xoxo
what a beauty!!! :)
those shoes are HOT!
Perfect. Stunning. I love her shoes.
I like everything about this picture...everything. Very stunning.
An American in Paris! Oh LEIGH LEZARK you look divine!!!
She's beautiful! She looks like a character out of a film! Love her shoes!
Love the way the hair frames her face, and the glasses totally complete the outfit. Class.
For me, this shot is about the black. Obviously! But, it's great how she mixes busier pieces like the top and the shoes in with the solid black of her hair, shades, and skirt. It makes the look fresh and gives it an edge.
She looks great! Who cares what brand of bean she is sipping?
Autumn....yellow leaves...
I love the hair and the glasses. And I'm not a fan of platforms, but the details on those shoes are amazing. She is so naturally fab and chic and radiates style!
Leigh is just amazing, and those shoes! UNREAL!!!
She is about the best thing in the good old U.S. right now. Great look and great style. Oi Mr S. looking foward to your book deal in L.A. next week. Think I'll roll up from the L.B.C. for that one. Safe flight my son.
I like how her top is sheer which makes the outfit look more chic than anything else. I love the entire outfit!!
- Vanessa
OH YES that top is fantastic. She's so chic it hurts!
While everyone commented on the very obvious element (i.e., the shoes), I am rather surprised that no one commented on the lovely symmetry between the shoes and the blouse. The repetition of the dot motif is a little too studied to be purely accidental. Beyond that, the almost piano-like gloss of her black skirt and black hair (repeated in the light bouncing off the sunglasses), along with that perfect tangle of limbs leaves me wondering why all the fuss about the shoes when there is so much else to get excited about here. [For the record, I will state that I am a bona-fide shoe fanatic myself.] There is also the great joy of looking at a picture and seeing someone who clearly knows that she is aware of seeing and being seen.
Stunning !!
she's been everywhere lately...dont mind though as I find her dark style inspiring!! great shoot...she looks sombre and deep in thought...
Amazing. she seems soo calm.
@James 10:03am: Hon, flaxen=white blonde. Oops.
Otherwise, rock on with your sycophantic selves, Sartorialistas!
Those Dior shoes are off the hook!
Incredible shoes, hair, sunglasses and lip color even!!
Oh her shoes are super fantastic.
She looks like a dark-haired Anna Wintour in her youth. Killer outfit!
I kinda asked myself,always: how would a 2010 Holly Golightly look like ?!
and here she is .
I <3
so classy. her shoesss!!
Starbuks in Paris. A crying shame. !!!!!!Could not focus on the shot at all. Come to France and enjoy our culture ..that includes coffee also...
What a shame with that cup in her hand and that in Paris!!!!
Thats how we know the Americans.Starbucks in the hand. Great shot, but that paper cup a big NO NO . Its Paris you are in.
No French would be caught carrying a Starbucks outdoors. Come to think of it indoors also. Girl you are in Paris . Please try some of our wonderful coffee and even from a proper cup.....
Can't see anything but that awful cup..... shame and it in Paris.
Great hair. Really a lovely shot.Sadly, it's those cups that let you down.
Yugh! Starbucks....
I loveeee her. she's sooooo soooo sooo gorgeous. adore her lustrous black do. it's always impeccable. those shoes are amazing.
"Leigh Lezark also guest appeared in season 2 of Gossip Girl. She appered as a party guest in episode 20." haha, that;s how cool she is
Great shot....
I literally can not wait till I am older and can pull of this look. She can pull of all black with studs on her shoes without looking like a goth. SO chic. Perhaps the coffee, sunglasses and phone equal it out. The french do it so well.
As I read these comments about her cup. Hey, our fault why do we have starbucks at all in Paris if we are going to complain about an American girl liking it.? Different culture, so she is right to take if she likes. When I go to NY I NEVER take Starbucks.Am always looking for my coffee and food. Great shot Sart!
Xcuse me but I love the shoes and the hair... I believe these are her most attractive features in the pic...
This look is already a little tired
Wow, who can even SEE that cup amongst the awe-inspiring beauty of the leaves, the light against the contrast of her chic black. She's fabulous from her head to her toes.
It's true that cliched-cup has become the new cliched-cigarette.
A Parisian shopgirl on a break?
The ensemble is trés chic. The shoes are like pieces of archetecture -- like La Tour d'Eiffel!
This is ab-so-lute-ly fabulous!
Someone I recognize!!! Leigh Lezark will always have a special place in my heart. I've always loved her style. Although this isn't a favorite outfit for me, she looks great -- and I love her shiny blacker-than-black hair. Who cares about the cup?
anon @ 11:50am : black-on-black is tired?
oh god i love her.
Parker Posey....a "few" years ago. Fabulous! BTW, she was talking to me...uh huh.
one of the best photos ive seen on this site. everythings perfect and so quintessential paris.
Starbucks in Paris? Dommage. She looks pretty chic though.
I love how she is wearing such intricate, extravagant shoes for a daytime stroll in the park! This is why I love Paris!
I don't understand how leigh lezark is so beautiful. she is truly ethereal and I love how she uses what she can to communicate her ladylike edginess in her style. she is one of my style icons! that blouse is wonderful. and thanks scott for the contrast in this photo, really nice against the greens.
so captivating!
fantástico, uma imagem que define elegância acima do normal, adorei!!!
she is the epitome of cool.
ah i love th all black
I love her. I love your blog. AMAZING
I didn't know about this girl, upon googling her up, I discover she is a pretty cool customer, the kind of gal I would like to be friends with.
I like that she dresses all in black, that is her niche and she is unapologetic about it.
I wish to see more pictures of her, now!
I love this, it's as simple as that!
Amazing shot! Love everything about it!
This is soooooo cool. I love the shoes! They are brimming with the fierceness!
Wonderful work as per usual.
Oh, stop with the snobbish comments about the damn coffee/cup. Who the hell cares? She looks amazing.
She doesn't just LOOK amazing -
she KNOWS she looks amazing.
The shoes are phenom.
Anna - http://skiddish.blogspot.com
I love how the fashion world adopted and accepted her so easily... She started out as just a DJ, & now she's front row at the best shows!
argh! She has the Dior Cartagena sandal! It's been sold out in my size for a month.
Only in Paris can someone look so chic sitting on a bare park bench.
Even the park bench is chic. sigh.
soooooooooooooooooooo chic !!!!
she looks MISSHAPEn.
love the DIOR cartagena shoes !!!
I think all the outfit is Dior
So French. I really love Paris that way, can't wait to go back on thursday!
Love her entire look - especially the hair.
I like how..the see-through blouse and strappy shoes are paired with a more conservative knee length skirt.
She is so Jackie O. looking..
I Love he shoes! so Beautiful