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Comments on "On the Street....After Ralph lauren, NYC"
nice, first!!!
So chic!!
Um, wow.
Can I carry your books to class for you?
Can't help but notice your beveled sleeves. And that you still wear a pocket square despite also wearing a t-shirt and jeans. I'm dying to see what shoes you're wearing. Sigh. Probably brilliant ones.
omg, hotness.
It works.
- Vanessa
Ease, regal.
Like the jacket/cardie combo. Plain white tee sets it all of nicely. Not sure if I'm feeling the turned up collar.
Nice jacket, I think the look would be better with more of a contrasting vest or no vest at all.
well, yummy comes to mind.
Ah! I want everything he is wearing!!!
That is a beautiful jacket, the vest is a nice touch. The jeans however ruin it for me.
The jeans ruined it. Why couldn't he have worn a nice pair of blue or gray or tan slacks? Cotton, wool, whatever. Anything is better than beat up raggedy old jeans. It makes him look like a 17yo who thinks it is cool to dress like you don't have any self-respect. It seems like these days men dress like children; they have no maturity, no elegance, no respect for other people. This is the kind of look that makes me hate American style, and I'm natural born. No excuses.
I have read Sart say that he often times concentrates on part of a look or a feeling that inspires him in the subjects of his photographs. I assume that's the case here. Great hair, facial hair, coat, and vest. Even the jeans aren't bad. A white tee shirt in and of itself can be cool under a jacket as well as the collar standing up on a blazer. However, the low slung jeans with the white t-shirt hanging below the cardigan which is left hanging mid torso is ATROCIOUS! It makes this man who is cleary in excellent shape look like he has a beer belly.
Loving the 5 o'clock shadow...very handsome. Blazer seems a liiittle small.
got to love the gray))
Wow, nice jacket! I wonder what he's carrying in his hands.
Classic look. The sports jacket and the jeans are well executed.
This is a VERY good-looking man, but I cannot support jeans-n-blazers. Esp when there's a matchy vest involved. It looks too much like fashion plates.
also ... 1st?
I love how relaxed this is - he mixes a great jacket with medium wash jeans and a white tee. I actually like the jeans a lot. And he's gorgeous.
I really love this!
Beautifully made and fitted jacket. He looks incredible.
He is hot! Mmmm. And yes, love the mix of white tee & jeans (casual), with vest and sportcoat.
I hope your other viewers give this look a favourable review - I am excited to be coming to NY in February and, unlike many of the "looks" I see on your site, this is one that I think I can manage!
I want to be stylish and urbane, but I also like to feel comfortable with how I dress!
I dress like this. I now feel like it looks boring. :(
yes, just yes
Tonne Goodman in the background! Would love to see more photos of her, please.
i wish his hair was black.
looking good Garcia!
Well that's just about right.
i wonder if that is really a pocket square or just a piece of paper.
i hope it's a square.
Perfection, the pairing of the blazer with the vest and jeans is sublime!
The white shirt is such a contrast but it works very well, given that they grey blazer is striped. Definitely making a fashion statement, it doesn't have to be a collared shirt, a plain white T-shirt can exude elegance as well! Bravo
I'm not sure if I like this or not. I like the colour combination, grey and blue, but it lacks something for me to say, "Ah, bingo!" It looks a bit sloppy...the t-shirt underneath isn't doing anything for me.
what a nice-looking man. love the blazer & vest, and the white pocket square that matches the tshirt is the most subtle but most effective part of this outfit. without it, i dont think this would work as well.
Jacket collar up, top vest button open (and not the bottom), pocket square matches t-shirt. And those chalk lines! The guy goes his own way and looks great.
I'm a sucker for men in this smart lookin jackets.
Very lovely shot=D I like the way he has dressed down the jacket and vest with not so dressy jeans.
wow. it's my first comment, and i'm first on the list! i really love your blog - and the shots are great! inspiring blog. :)
it's great! it's my style. what is the name for it?
Love how that super chic blazer is casually paired with a knit vest and jeans. So polished.
great style is good to see classic style mixed with denim in the right way.i would love to see the shoes
somehow reminds me of a very nice school uniform.
I like the vest, coat combo!
Oh wow...
Aside from his gorgeous face, the ironic combination of the formal, vintage-esque blazer with that colour of jean, is really original and (dare I say it?) very masculine.
You don't see anything as understated or as cool as that on the cover of a MYER mens wear catalogue.
This is the way to button a sweater vest.
Does anyone know where to find this jacket? It is fantastic.
Beautifully-cut jacket, but I'm not a fan of the way he popped his collar.
If it's deliberate, which I assume, he didn't "unfold fold" it properly on the right side, but the left side is perfect.
I'm a stickler, I know.
This gentleman dresses just like my Shakespeare lectuer. Needless to say, this is a very GOOD thing.
le gris est trés chic pour les hommes.
Very sharp. Is that a waist coat or a cardigan I wonder.
classic, elegant casual wear. perfect...down to the slightly turned up collar.
he looks good!
A beautiful and effortless juxtaposition of tailored and casual.
like. he makes gray look gooood
I'm really appreciating the blazer trend right now, i think they should never go out because a blazer is such a classy choice.
Everything is right about this.
i loove the hair style...!
inspiration !!!
i love it..
great, & amazing look
Very Handsome! Love the vest!
<3 the sart!
I like the idea of putting the the blazer over the knit vest or cardigan he has on with a t-shirt and jeans, but I think that the boxy-ness of the blazer and then the print just kind of makes me want to draw a histogram on him.
love him...i wish the picture showed his shoes!
I have fallen in love with the photograph, and the man.
Not bad. But it's a lotta look. Vest, t-shirt, sport coat (with the collar turned up) AND a pocket square.
nice, that jeans is hard to match
yummy... nuf said!
What a striking gentleman.
Very nice, though I've never been a huge fan of 'popped' blazer collars...
I love that he is also wearing a vest under the jacket.
I'm not sure if I like the matching vest or not. I think the jacket is structurally and texturally so strong, it can pull off this mixed looked all by itself. It doesn't need the matching vest to do that. I mean I think a vest is good, but maybe a black or brown one. A leather one. That would really be stunning. To match his hair.
I love this! It's casual underneath, business on top.
smart casual yet tasteful
Well dressed and super handsome...love it when that happens. Great casual ensemble.
Never been a big window-pane fan, however on a young dude like this, not bad at all!
- le 21ème
wow marry me
very well put together! Love the shades of colour arrangement he has going on. Especially the 'checks' on the blazer.I like how the vest and t-shirt are pee-ka-booing out from underneath. Good fit of jeans too. Good eye Scott!!
ok this is awesome.. I like the way he is dresssing it down with the white shirt and jeans..
the jacket is amazing.. good execution..
very inspirational..
I feel like you capture the most beautiful men in the world. Love your style.
very nice! dig the fit of his jeans :)
He clearly needs to marry me :P But okey I love the pants and jacket, they are an odd coupling, yet they fit so good :)
Such classic clean lines, nothing better than
a man in a beautiful sports jacket and well loved
jeans....if only we had more that "followed suit"
in New Zealand!
It's nice, because he's young and handsome. I think it won't look well on anynone older, chubbier or not so pretty. In Polish there is a proverb "ładnemu we wszystkim ładnie", which means that "pretty one looks always pretty no matter what he/she is wearing". And that's it in this case, I guess.
I like the waistcoast AND the jacket.... quite unusual!
And the grey is lovely with jeans....
I can't say I like it. The jacket is somewhat boxy and I don't really like the mix between the formal pocket square and the casual T-shirt. I think I'm too conservative for popped collars on tweed jackets.
<3 the tweed blazer.
Simpliity is the key.
Emmy =)
What kind of shoes was he wearing out of interest?
nice match : the cardigan & jacket.
would have loved too see the jacket, slimmer at the waist though.
Simply Flawless. Love the jacket with its little turn up, vest, white tee, white pocket square, even the hue of his blue jeans.
worn in a non chalant way
its nice, i like
Great! I absolutely love the beautiful sports coat with the vest. So warm and rich in texture and feel. Just a simple outfit with the white t-shirt and jeans, but so comfortable and cool. No doubt he feels great wearing it. Love it :)
Oh my he is handsome! :)
Ok so it's official, "the perfect man" do excist.
Nothing special to see here... move along...
Now that's what I call a good looking man.
hot guy and great outfit :-)
great combination and the jacket shape is awesome.
he's beautiful. one of those guys that look like a god no matter what they wear.
quite nice -- no turned up collars tho. i wish i could see his shoes -- i hope that he's not wearing socks.
usually not a big fan of t-shirts under jackets, especially not with such heavy fabric, in this case it works! the "average joe" jeans (which I love but seem harder to find these days?!) the nice cardigan and the fit but not too tight jacket...great look
I adore this. A really fresh take on suiting with a twist. Imaginative yet easy,effortless yet chic-love it! Susanne Ireland!
How to be relaxed but not sloppy - good work.
Perfect if the jackets were a half inch shorter - great when the watch shows off a bit.
beautiful!!!classic & cool!
beautiful!!!classic & cool!
Simple, classic, perfection!
This is definitely a more guy friendly fashion statement. Some time designers are disconnected from real men and design for only the metro man.
I really like the jacket and vest combo. The blue jeans and white T are a James Dean throw back. What more can a guy want. Stylinsh enough to catch a ladies eye, comfortable enough to wear regularly, and machismo so your buddies don't give you a hard time.
splendida giacca
I really like the jacket length of the sleeve and waist.
Love this...thanks for the inspiration!
Beautiful. Confident. Unique. Stylish. Simply love it.
what an attitude... so so sexy !! :)
Does he have it all or what? Yes~!
Not bad. He has basically "dressed and smartened up" his t-shirt, knit vest, and jeans with a rather smart jacket for a slightly more grown up and formal look. Nothing revolutionary or extraordinary but quite pleasing on a young and attractive man. I don't understand what people are objecting to.
Nice picture for a sexy man !
Simply perfect!
fantastic simplicity. although i would have appreciated the cardigan in a more contrasting color. even just a darker gray would have set the layers off so well. great look overall.
Oh yes!
Scott, This is a very attractive man, originally, attractively and stylishly turned out, yet not in a contrived way; this shot was well worthwhile taking and sharing with all of us.
What I can no longer understand are all the negative comments you receive on these 'comments' columns. can't your readers keep the negativity to themselves and save their comments for what they enjoy? As long as 'it's' style, allow everyone to have their own signature, at least! I don't believe you've ever exposed us to 'tacky,' and for that I thank you, because there is far too much of that out there, and fighting tacky, is, I believe, the entire purpose of your work?! Bravo. robert
Delightful---the whole package deal!
confident and easy. turned up collar keeps it comfy-looking.
Perfect...'nuff said.
Finally, someone leaving RL and not looking like a cartoon character.
Bravo for adding some personal flair.
OK, this guy is super handsome, and confident; which helps in pulling off this look/style for himself;
If it were me, I'd probably go with any one of the following
1. Go with navy twill or wool slacks instead of the jeans
2. Stick with the jeans, cardigan, and tshirt, and go with a different (or no blazer)
3. Stick with everything, but I'd say if the shoes were brown, it'd prob round out the outfit.
This is my very humble opinion, of course.
patterned jackets with solid supports! they're everywhere.
Great look...poo to the negative detractors, too. They are just jealous!!
my husband dresses like this, which is partly why he is my husband! it's not what you wear it's how you put it on.
The man is definitely going for a casual elegant look. The sloppy white t-shirt, un-tucked, kills it. The white t-shirt doesn't give it a James Dean flavor, it gives it a Hank Hill (King Of The Hill) flavor.
hmm i feel like th jacket kinda clashes w th pants :/
The man can't make a decision and commit. Jeans & t-shirt or formal? The combination of the two doesn't make for casual. It makes for ephemeral chic. Let's face it, without the sweater, jacket and square, the look wouldn't hold. Without the jeans and tshirt, the formal elements can better stand on their own as bespoke, quality, and design. The popped collar works... as a gimmick. Take away the nice man and your left with a glorified frat boy.
The casual ensemble is as perfect as the guy himself... That's hard to come by!
Very simple and nice, I guess I have my new look.
i love this! the actual outfit is quite smart but the jeans and the guy himself makes it look quite laid back, easy, effortless...its great! the man is rather dashing too :)
Jeans never ruin anything.
you handsome devil, mr. grey and white! LOVE the classic ease of this look! thanks, sart :)
Great hair
i wunt that..
Average! The Blazer could have been a tad more fitted and a darker denim would have complemented the tweed!
I would KILL to see pix of the posters who say they dress just like this, or that their husbands/boyfriends do.
The cynic in me asks, "Really?"
Great outfit! The blazer is really great. I like it paired here with the casual jeans, vest and tee. But it would look just as great dressed up.
this one isn't thrilling me for some reason...maybe because he looks so bored?
I do like the jacket, though.
xx cbp
No no no. He's not elegant or original at all. Manicured scruff, overly tan, upturned collar, jeans and t-shirt topped with a blazer, vacant expression...all signs point to classic d-bag.
Beautiful man, beautifully groomed.
I love the blazer, the pocket square, cardigan and even the white t-shirt . . . but the jeans just ruin it. If he were to wear dark washed jeans it would be different. The light wash makes it seem childish and careless. He's a very good looking man, but he would look dapper if he took the time to choose a darker wash.
his jacket is well-made and that, quite simply, is the only way to wear a jacket with jeans or whatever you decide.
my crazy self is more focused on Tonne Goodman in the background and what i know are some amazing flats shes wearing. epitome on clean lines that woman.
man, is he beautiful. the hotness, indeed! would have been a bit better without the waistcoat being so similar in color to the the jacket. but he's so freaking hot, i'll excuse it. :)
This whole look is fantastic--I love it. It's perfect in its imperfection.
Hotness! Great look.
Always a fan of grey flannely with a chalk white windowpane. I have one from Ralph Lauren from 20 years ago in a DB - it's timeless...
oh yeaahhh bring him on! lol
He's beautiful. The clothes are improved by him.
Yes, I do agree with you. But we all think differently.
All he needs to wear is a tan.
This is so average and boring. More colour please!
Okay, I am a little tired of people taking the no-matching rule too far. I like to keep things interesting with contrasts as well, but sometimes keeping it simple with color coordination works out beautifully. This man is an example.
Some commenters appear to need corrective eye surgery. There's not a hint of beer belly in this outfit. The sleeves on that jacket are fantastic, and the jeans are executed just right. So he looks like a fashion plate, so what? This looks like his daily uniform, not something put together by a stylist...and he wears it SO WELL.
It's simple, easy and classic.. He does wear it well! And I want my cardigan back Garcia!!! :-)
The implementation of the look seemed effortless, therefore it was successful. I too wanted to see his foot atire.
i juz love it!!!so uniqe!
fabulous all over. i'm a fan of blazers with jeans.
love this look on a guy
What happens when he unfolds that pocket square he keeps balled up in the front of his jeans? Just wondering...
Yum yum! I say denim is the most masculine thing for a guy. To truly wear it and not have it wear you takes a certain swagger as the kids say. :)
It's an interesting twist to see him leave the top button undone. I don't know how I feel about it. I don't not like it but.. no. I like it :D
Simply... STYLE! -in capital letters.