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Comments on "From GQ......at Paula Rubenstein, NYC"
Amazing picture!
Fantastic picture, very masculine.
SUPER handsome man. OH to live in America!
It's the interior, that does the thing
I love the light in this photograph - and the forthright expression - I can feel the photographer's presence and his affect on the mood of this sitter - all the textures in the back ground the glass the gilt - the curious objects add to the mystery.
My favorite of this months photos
Yes Sir
Is he rocking Adidas? Cool shot and what's he holding? At first I thought it was a rugby ball but it's too small.
What a great specimen on mankind. Love his open shirt, holding the ball, the paint brushes, the antiques, et. al.
that polo fits so well!
Great setting, gorgeous guy, wonderful execution...Priceless!!!
Handsome man in casual style with chic interior design,,,Supreme.
love this photo!
This is why I love men. Thank you!
I adore the shot, Scott. Not quite sure if you intend to show his style though -- as photos here typically do -- 'cause we don't really see much of it.
magnificent setting, a favorite place...
love paula rubenstein.. I shop there often!! I'm glad to see it on you blog!
Ohhhhh, yes sir. Times like this, I am oh so proud to be an American.
Great Photo!!
Very nice shot
Great Great photo.
What a beautiful shot.
This is surely of one of those greeting cards – Happy Birthday to my Father/Husband – where a collection of male accoutrements is put together to portray the cultured - but at the same time rugged - aspects of the man in question. Ocean going yachtsman, explorer of dangerous coastlines, kicker of footballs and - yes, the guy has just slapped a coat of paint on the back fence.
Yet he has managed a pause in front of the gilt mirror to fine tune the hair and practise the brow furrows.
Good fun...
And I do very much like the colours.
The sneakers are a big no.
the brushes make this picture awesome.
lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- two girls living in chicago and nyc blogging all things fashion.
It truly is the setting. He would be handsome regardless of the setting, but the atmosphere takes it to another level.
So masculine, so brooding, so yummy.
I love the Nautilus watch...
Actually this guy and his outfit is totally average, not to mention his sneakers. It's the light and the interior that "lifts" him to a higher level.
Oh my - where do I start? Instantly in love with this picture. Love the composition, lighting, textures, feel and subject couldn't be more masculine yet soft; expression, the texture of the leather/wood? ball he's holding, his face, skin and the fuzz of hairy forearms and beard.
Don't laugh, but it reminds me of the portraits the Old Masters painted of their Dukes and Royal Princes.
Don't get it; an average bloke wearing a polo shirt, jeans and Adidas trainers. What is there to like about this ensemble?
good shot!!
the paint brushes! the tilted art on the wall. the bureau reflecting in the mirror. the man! you're brilliant! A stop at your blog always inspires my day!
another example of how a rugged but elegant watch can emphasise a beautiful arm
he's so handsome!
mr. hunk!
Who makes the polo? I want to start looking into this make! Definitely, as said before, an amazing shot.
OK, so he's wearing a navy polo style shirt? this passes for style?
Wonderful portrait. I want to reach in and touch that shirt.
some jeans, a polo shirt and a pair of adidas... am i missing something?
I can smell the musk in that room. Great use of accessories for the picture. The German cross pendant he's wearing adds nicely to the look.
Love this photo but I have a dumb question: is that a sport ball in his hand or does it have some other function? Just curious that's all.
so cool!
Ruggedly handsome...love it!
I dont do Woof, but I will GRR for this one. Jorge from WPB
YUM!! Classic, rugged, preppy, manly. Just needs a new haircut.
I am way more interested in that shop than the guy. Or what he is wearing (which is quite average).
Great shot, great advert for Paula's taste, and a guy who knows how to put himself together with just enough flair. Bang on.
Average Shirt, no-go- shoes, nice big E and one of the greatest watches ever. PP Nautilus.
I agree with anonymous - the shop is more interesting than the guy -
wonderful shot though.
the bull in the china shop, and i mean that as a huge compliment rather than a slur. he's terrifically masculine. i love this picture.
Arggghh, He'd make a fine sea captain.
i love the shirt
whats he holding on his hand
Love the Uniqlo collaboration polo and Addidas set against the soft aura of the surroundings..the subtle mix of clothing, sitter, and setting cast an enchanting spell!!
Scott, how come this picture look so different from the rest?
The colors, the interior, the presence of the mirror and the light coming from the left... This is so Vermeer... This is perhaps one of my favorite pictures by you Scott.
this capture is FAB!! love the masculine strong feel about it...
Something about the way he carries himself gives me the sense that he is quite honest. I would trust him.
J'adore le décor!
Et le regard!!! Wow! Trop bien!
Merci pour ces photos magnifiques!
La Bise
can anyone get me a link to the model watch?
there is so much artistic quality to this picture. This is the type of thing I wouldn't mind having blown up and framed and on the wall in my home. Great photography job and who cares about "fashion" when you have such a timeless thinking piece?
agree that it's great to see an interior shot. more please; scott did some shots inside a paris café last month that had the same great combination of interior atmosphere and clothes resonating with each other. ...plus in winter, we get to see things that aren't hidden by coats!
thanks for the inspiration!
He's a handsome, rugged, down to earth guy with a great sense of humor. How do I know? Because he's a great friend of mine! Fab shot Scott!
Such a serious look. you could've asked for a smile!
My friend takes his smiles very seriously! :-)
I expected different shoes. It's perhaps that lack of expectation that makes me question the validity of this man as a fashionable person. However, it is good to see simple, rugged, American manliness on this blog.
I think fashionably rugged is a look a lot of American men can pull off but overlook. So aside from the shoes, kudos!
Love him! So masculine and handsome!
Well this is of course not about his outfit cuz we have this everywhere everyday in every single man that u might know in this world....this photo its about masculinity...basic is sexy....cuz we stop looking that much to his clothin and we get ourselves looking at his features...his arms... his chin... his hand.... even those wrinkles... well.... sexy daddy for sure.....
One of my favorite places for inspiration. Thank you for posting this. S