Cary Grant, Les images d'une vie

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Comments on "Cary Grant, Les images d'une vie"
Quote from Wikipedia - "...he was noted as perhaps the foremost exemplar of the debonair leading man, handsome, virile, charismatic and charming."
Great suit + style = hero
Hands down the best looking man to ever walk on the planet earth. Style and a keen sense of humor. A true man's man. All hail KING CARY.
There is this vintage taste of Elvis in the photo.
Ah, Cary Grant (or Archibald Alexander Leach)...certainly the greatest male star of all time!!!
oh my oh my. He ALWAYS looks so....dapper.
When I moved to Los Angeles in the early 1980's Mr. Grant was still with us and every inch the electric jolt of style he ever was.
He used to eat at the Border Grill wearing the most elegant black plastic spectacles.
Thanks for posting this and defining the look as effortless chic.
Cary Grant is amazing all around-acting, style and lets not forget humor. I just watched "The Philadelphia Story" today and I just can't get enough of him.
Total chic.
How very Sartorialist he looks!
But I'd take Robert Mitchum over Cary Grant any day.
Such a handsome man, and so accessible. He always made his work look effortless.
Hey there,
You should totally come to SEATTLE, WA! We love you out here. It would be wonderful if you could!
"it's like the say, the clothes make the man..."
-screamin' jay hawkins
Love it !! What a nice way to learn about him !!
He is without a doubt, one of my favorites!
Scott, thank you for this post of Cary Grant. Grant has always been extremely special to me not only as a style inspiration, but as a role model for living fully and well. I find that I constantly refer to him and try to introduce him to a new generation of my clients, especially those young men who are really looking to develop and polish their image and expand their horizons (fair disclosure: yes, I do work in the fashion industry).
Coming from a poor family, as did Grant, it was wonderful to be able to have this magnificent man to refer fm time to time in order to determine what kind of man I wanted to be in this world. He genuinely became, as those of us who love him know, the sophisticated, funny, suave and charming gent he portrayed in so many of his characters. He was not flawless, to be sure, for he was all to human in the best and worst senses that term implies. But, to echo the French in your title, il etait un homme. My enduring regret is only that the world will never see the likes of him again.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cary Grant! One of my favorites!!:) Thanks for the lovely pictures!
Love this site so much inspiration and I'm loving too.
Love him =)
Are you coming to Chicago, IL for your book signing?
The man....For me, he's in a small group. Sydney Poitier, Sean Connery, Miles Davis, Nat King Cole and Steeve Mcqueen. Good photos, Sart. See you this Thurs!
NO ONE could wear a suit like Cary Grant. Check him out in "The Bishop's Wife"--flawless!
He was always so debonair. I don't think I've ever seen a bad photograph of him.
Are there really any words that can describe the style and screen presence of Cary Grant? Was there ever anyone like him? No. Will there ever be anyone like him again? Doubtful. He is 20th century style personified. And, besides the style and the way he wore clothes, the way he spoke, his charm and savoir faire, he was just simply bloody handsome as hell.
Judy, Judy, Judy! What a darn fine picture tribute to this man of eloquence and style!
Do men like him exist anymore? Aaaah, if only....
nice, he is so dreamy ;)
I love him. He is so charming and fabulous in everything ... LOVE him The Awful Truth with Irene Dunne! GREAT Style movie! (1937) and funny.
pure class...pure style!! That second shot is just natural!!
Seeing Cary Grant reminds me that all men need to take a little more pride in the way they present themselves these days. He is absolute ease and perfection.
Love that hair part too.
Go visit
I was so happy to see this on your already amazing blog. Cary Grant epitomizes a classic stylish man. I don't think I've seen a more charming and handsome person onscreen. Not only was he capable of carrying dramatic thrillers, but also silly comedies. He had the amazing gift of being able to mix his wit into his dramatic roles. I can't get enough of him! Thank goodness for Turner Classic Movie channel!
He is so handsome, thank you so much for this unique post!
a good man wears a good suit
his charm really differentiated him and made us not take ourselves so seriously. i think that's always healthy for fashion.
style and grace.
Classic photo of Cary Grant. :)
Those who want to pay this great man some tributes, take some interest to watch the video at
Hope you enjoy!
i'm a major fan of the classic styles... and even in this day and age he looks amazing!
the soft collar on the 2nd shot really adds to the laid back look. Difficult to get a soft unfused collar these days on a business shirt....
Love him - the most stylish man ever - and so many fantastic films. Thanks for posting these pics!
Love him, love him, love him!
simple yet effective, normal yet attractive... charisma mixed with great suit style... Cary Grant was definitely one of my favorite..
Hi from Spain!
I like so much your blog. I´ll write abouy on mine.
oh, how I love cary grant...!
(and on a quick side note: this book was recently featured in a major daily newspaper in Germany. however, the German version uses a different cover photograph, and now I'm really happy I didn't rush to buy it yet, because I must say I very much prefer the French cover version. just shows about the French and their sense of style, I guess!)
What a beautiful man, my all-time favorite. Too bad he and Sophia Loren never . . . . But the style in North by Northwest, he and Eva Marie Saint, the use of grey clothing in a color film, oh my!
A gentleman
He was glorious.
.....Old Cary is still packing them in. I've got a couple of CG books so I'll probably pass on this one but it looks interesting. That the fashion industry is still so dependant on Grant and Gary Cooper, who is quite his equal in the sartorial stakes, to be the beau ideal of how serious and adult men dress is an enormous testament to their quality and flair. There are still a few stars around when it comes to men's dress, including Matteo Marzotto who regularly appears here and Clooney of course, but they don't really have the visibility that Cooper and Grant had. Grant is responsible for making me first aware of men's clothes at age 15 or thereabouts when I saw him in North by Northwest. That grey suit. I wanted to look like Cary Grant. In the mid sixties when the transcontinental trains still ran I travelled across America in one but unfortunately never met Eve Marie Sainte in my sleeper.
He was a seducer...THE seducer. But in a very elegant way, through the way he stood, the way he looked, the way he talked, the way he dressed...
You can tell right away that he was extremely comfortable in his clothes (obviously custom made) and that's why he exudes charm: he was not pretending to be anybody else but himself.
'Let them see you and not the suit. That should be secondary.' - Cary Grant
Image No. 2 - it is a great picture - but shoes with that thin soles makes the look unbalanced and way to feminine. A real man should at all times have coarse shoes.
extremely fabulous :)
wow amazing pics ! thanks for sharing :)
Cary Grant certainly the greatest male star of all time,he love old school style.
These are classic! Love the old hollywood style.
Cary Grant is the reason behind my interest in men's fashion. He's the reason why I'm pursuing my dream as a men's stylist. It has been said before but, "Cary Grant is the epitome of fashion." That will never get old. I love Mr. Grant.
Oi blogger MAX. about your comment on soft collar shirts. Being you are from the UK you might try some Paul Smith mainline shirts they have a much softer feal than his London line. You may know this already but if not good luck. ModPaul...
Italian television had a few days ago a rerun of North by Northwest where Cary Grant crosses all America in his gray suit, that somehow manages to remain always well pressed and by the end has become very much like the armour of a modern knight.
Both him and Eva Marie Saint are unsurpassed in style, IMHO. Saint is not as pretty as Grace Kelly and the other Hitchcock blondes, but manages to be hotter then them by clear and controlled acting, exceptional makeup and hairdos, and understated fashion. Both Grant and Saint manage to use sex as flyswatters - so they say - without the need of showing naked skin.
Where has all this style gone now?
On the note of Cary Grant's fashion:
Thks Mod Paul!
All you need is a book on Cary Grant for formal & Steve McQueen for casual....wardrobe sorted!
I have always imagined that God looks like a combination of Cary Grant, Gregory Peck and Jimmy Stewart.
The penultimate male!
CK DEXTER HAVEN! CK DEXTER HAAAAAAAAAVEN! Cary Grant is the man of my dreams and I'm in love with CK.
Luca said...
" Saint is not as pretty as Grace Kelly and the other Hitchcock blondes, but manages to be hotter then them"
........Agree with you about Marie Sainte, but you forgot about Kim Novak who epitomized hotness.....the others are way too ice maidenish even the delectable Kelly......Paradoxically as she got older she got hotter although she was truly a vision of loveliness in Rear Window and To Catch a Thief.
"Anonymous:A real man should at all times have coarse shoes."
........Yes I'll be sure to put on my heavy soled Mephisto clodhoppers the next time I wear my DB striped's horses for courses
The incomparable CG. My muse. Elegance and "effortless" style exudes... particularly from the early-to mid-40's on, when he really established his style.
You are spot on Max... As Mr Grant was the best looking man to ever walk on the planet. Steve McQueen was for sure the Coolest to ever rock the planet. There are two great books about him one called "40 Summers Ago..." the other is "Steve McQueen William Claxton photographs" Both must haves for the S.MQ. fan.. Folding Persols, Heuer Monaco watch and white tee's all part of my day to day uniform. Thanks to Mr M. If you can't find the books give me a shout.
Good Luck...
One more thought... As far as living style Kings lets not leave out my all time fave. Hailing from Woking England the Mod Father Mr Paul Weller. The man has Style, Massive Charisma and he's one of the greatest Rocknrolla's of all time.
Brummagen Joe, thanks for your comment. Kelly and Novak would have been gorgeous even in kitchen aprons, and Kelly had so much class to become a real life queen. Saint was not as pretty to start with, had a skinny face and was small and thin. Interestingly, Hitch transformed her in a glamour icon by a subtractive process, instructing her to lower her voice and not make unnecessary gestures. When MGM designers provided her with a wardrobe, Hitch trashed almost all, brought her to Bergdorf Goodman and bought her elegant but very conservative dresses. She seduces Cary Grant in a simple white shirt, no flesh shown, and in all the picture you can barely peep her knees just when she comes sliding down Mt. Rushmore.
Of course she was a first class actress in a first class role, but I always found so fascinating that such class could be reached better by understatement instead of overstatement.
Thank you for the post. Gary is so charming, so great, so unique.
Cary Grant!!!! Awesome!
Agreed, all around. That cover picture just shows how he can look at you as if you are the only one on earth. And the smirk on his face as if he could look either sad or happy with a fraction of a movement. He can be so dark, yet so sunny at the same time. He is my favorite actor of all time, and so effortlessly embodies style and a talent all his own. Thank you for posting!
please not that Mr Grant was a BRISTOLIAN ( meaning from Bristol in England). we always did know how to dress!!!
sigh. cary grant is the ultimate.
one of my friends just tried to cut her hair like his.
I love him too.
Cary Grant is one of the ultimate style icons. He really was stylish.
there is just an endless nostalgia in his image, he was the perfect gentleman, he WAS style.
Thank you so much for your kind comment and revue about the book.
Enjoy it!
Yours sincerely
Frédéric Brun
(the writer of the book)
Cary Grant is overrated. The "effortless chic" photo is just a man in a suit. Nothing special that shows added personality
Cary Grant is definitely the master of 1950s classic, semi-formal, style. However, as style icons from that decade go, I admire James Dean even more. His mix of casual and semi-formal attire still looks cutting edge today.
Edith Head said he was her favorite. I can see why.
I've been looking for a picture like this for AGES. Have you ever seen one like it (the legs crossed) of Jimmy Stewart? Love it!
Ahh Cary classic. They don't make them like they used to.
That last photo is enchanting. I heart Cary Grant.
His best was when he married Barbara Hutton...what a couple!Her jewels and his looks!Tge jewels lasted longer...
One of my favorite things about Cary Grant are his hands. I don't know why, but my eyes always go to his hands.
One of the things I noticed about these images is that on the first shot his hair is combed right to left, and on the 2nd and 3rd it's combed left to right. Did he change his hair? Or did someone reverse a negative film?
Fun to read the comments. He was the best looking man ever. With Suzy Parker in Kiss Them For Me. She was as beautiful as he was.
wow! classic!!!
He is the quintessential gentleman in every way. A classic that will never go out of style!
Some of my favorite Cary grant photographs were taken by Imogen Cunningham!
LOVE him...
Love him too ... Don't you think that George Clooney would be able to become a good picture of this sort of
stylishness and "class" ... without a lot of effort ??
Thank you--for reminding us about the meaning of 'classy'!
What a classy guy! Pulls the look off with such ease.
There is no such real thing as a "sartorialist"; only one who is, as CG always was, simple and well dressed for himself, first and for most.
The first photograph has been reversed.