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Comments on "On the Street....Hearts, London"
Her blazer is so DE-LICIOUS
she's so cute! love it
Ooh, a smiley Ms Paltrow look-alike but with real-ish thighs!Glasses and jacket are gorgeous.
Love that jacket! The pattern adds excitement to the ensemble.
Cute. but the glasses scream, "I'm fun and wacky!" A longer top would be a bot more flattering. Great boots. Is the bag Chanel?..on second look, a bit mish-mash.
love that blazer! Reminds me of the universe! Woo
This is soo interesting and different but still pulled together.
Totally, my inspiration for my wardrobe tomorrow! It's so stylish for cool weather!
so thrilled to see a woman with HIPS on this blog! she looks delicious.
i like that she's paired fun accessories with some classic ones too, like the bag & the boots.. the jacket is especially very different & fun
That's an amazing jacket and this is the right way to pull off ornate heart shaped shades. You don't see that often.
Legging was never pants, and never will be. I wish you cropped the picture.
Oh my! Her jacket is absolutely gorgeous :)
Leggings should not be worn as pants!!!!! no matter how thin you are! That being said, her blazer adds just enough punch to her otherwise simple outfit. And those glasses are fun yet not phony.
i need that blazer! love it!
Isn't this POPPY DELEVIGNE - the British socialite/model?
So beautiful jacket! Lovely glasses!
Heart shaped sunglasses are making a come back. You can quote me on this.
omgggg!! I lovvvvve it! I just saw a pic of michelle trachtenberg from that new nurse show Mercy wearing something similar.
What a gorgeous jacket! The combo of leggings and boots are also nice.
great blazer, amazing bag choice and i'm loving the shades ;D
sometimes it is just about bringing the right spirit to what you wear and how you wear it. case in point. :)
honestly, i could care less about the jacket. she is breathtaking.
unique...its like a funky twist on equestrian style :)
so pretty and looks as someone so simple!
Those shades are cute cute cute!
Love. Definitely a Paltrow look alike. Cute shape; her curves pull off the leggings nicely. Blazer-glasses combo is supreme.
I want that hair.
I like the outfit, except the boots with the tights (just the coloring of the two together)... oh and the heart-shaped glasses.
The trophy jacket/blazer is killin it. Beautiful colors!
Wow. gorgeous girl and such a fun outfit!
how cool to see an adult in those sunglasses! and with those wicked cool riding boots. i've noticed that people admire thrown-together looks, not trying too hard, and this is certainly an example of that. she looks happy and good.
I'm loving everything! including the heart trasshhyyy glasses
I have a pair of sunglasses just like these. I adore them!
if there's one accessory a girl can't live without, it's the black quilted purse from chanel.
She looks like a young Cate Blanchett! I dig the digs. The blazer really pops with the dark leggings and boots.
Great blazer : )
This is my style for sure. I like the kind of 80's silk jacket sans shoulder pad. and the rainbow frames go well with the dark jacket and leggings. I wish I could see more of the boots. Nice image.
When I saw the title of this pic looked to blazer for hearts and was pleasantly surprisded by her heart-rimmed glasses, oh the whimsy. The blazer is supernova.
Gorgeous jacket, love the colors, the sparkle and the texture it has. And the chanel quilted bag of course!
This really takes me back...It could be vintage but I'm sure its probably now...Feels like dejavu!!!
so chic! love the multi-color heart shape glasses!
Love her glasses and more noticeably, she is breathtaking.
I read your book over the weekend and was so inspired by what you had to say about your interactions with those you've photographed.
What a doll!
So cute! She is beautiful and rocks the ensemble
loooving those sunnies
and im also really loooving this space graphic trend im increasingly noticing!
good god. what a perfect outfit.
The blazer with those GORGEOUS sunnies -> perfection!!!
fantastic .........
I'm not really won over by this look at all. I think the boots bother me more than any other single element. I don't have a fundamental problem with black/brown pairings, but to me this just doesn't work. The white top totally bothers me too. Ahh well, she still looks like fun.
looks like poppy delevigne!
For the love of god, just say "no" to leggings, people.
Cute. Super cute.
LOVE that blazer!!
Constellation print!!
Ahh I predict more galactic prints in the near future...
i love the blazer!!!
i love it, the whole thing
it's sort of like she's mixing child-like and grown-up pieces
Her smile reminds me of Paltrow. But this woman has style her own!
Love the Sunglasses!!! -madetolove-
Aw, I like her shades.
The Lolita glasses and the sequined blazer are really nice !Topshop has a similar model in stock :).
Normally I don´t like the heartshaped sunglasses but she carries these beautifully and with style. Perhaps the combination of something classy and mature (the Chanel bag) plus something quite silly (the hearts) is the reason why the look is good alltogether.
Mmmm... Yummi:-)
Very fun sunglasses¡
And welcome colour¡
Kisses from Spain
oh, i love her blazer!
Gwyneth smile, love it :)
Between Gwyneth and Jodi, right?
I love it that she has the body to pull the legging like pants like that.
Wonderfully done, but tragic if you don't have the certain look...
LOve the bag!!!
Nice Photos, I like it :)
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Love the top half, it looks very natural on her. Bit of a 70s/Stevie Nicks thing going on?
awesome personality
Yes, hearts, but leggings are not pants!
I cannot stop wondering, in what kind of climates these people live. Like here, she has dressed her lower body really warm, thick leggings and boots, but her upper body has only an open t-shirt and a thin (and very nice) looking blazer. Sweaty toes, goos bump arms? I think it should be possible to dress both stylishly and comfortable at the same time. This calls for a thorough philosophical consideration of the state of the world, which naturally reflects on fashion.
Oh dear, what an ill coordinated set of items. Robin Hood meets biker meets Merlin meets Chanel meets Janis Joplin meets Twiggy? Where's the style in here? Again, young & pretty so anything goes? Maybe, but don't confuse this with any sense of style.
great jacket and chanel bag! :)
Such a perfect balence of casual glam, the glasses are really cute! Usually I really hate short tops with leggings, be she pulls it off here.
Pearl x
Prety girl and perfect outfit,the jacket is fab!!!I love it!!
tout simplement j'adoooore !
except for the funny sunglasses her look hasn't anythink special.
A classic quilted bag never goes out of style...
Just a quick note to the Sartorialist; your book has now reached the shores of the Netherlands. Congratulations on such a beautiful piece of inspiration - It really goes way beyond fashion. Thank you for this.. and the picture of your daughther is just too lovely!
She is so nice!
I'm simply in love with that jacket. . . It would fit my closet very well ;)
I like how a wicked jacket can spice up a what could have been a tad bland of an outfit, sweet!! With love, from Hong Kong. xoxo M
Is that Poppy Delevingne? She always looks good whatever she wears and this is no exception.
I love her jacket and the sunglasses are an adorable touch.
I have to say-- how do these women carry around a small Chanel bag- pretty much meant for evening-- in the daytime? Do their assistants carry their PDAs and makeup, etc? You really can't fit much into that teeny tiny bag.
because the outfit is very plain makes that adorable blazer stand out! I want that blazer really bad does anyone know what the brand is or wear i can find it??
I want that sunglasses!!!!!
they sooooooo neat :D
I'm in love with this!! From the jacket to the glasses and the bag!! LOVE IT!!
fairly average outfit for london, but delicious curves in those leggings
bag = classic
I think it is Poppy. You guys must all be younger than me... with those shades on I think she's a dead ringer for a young Meg Ryan.
love love love this blazer. gorgeous.
love love love this blazer. gorgeous.
boots & leggings make my heart happy
definitely one of my favorites!
I believe this woman has made the Impossible into Real..she looks so Sharp, Clean & Neat in Punk Items..
I <3
amazing shades
This is not that impressive outfit. The blazer leggins look it everywhere in England now. And a bit boring.
She, is too cool!
I have to laugh at the "looks like Gwyneth comment but with real thighs??!"... this is Poppy Deleveigne, a top London model, currently in this months UK Vogue! She is stunning and has that beautiful carefree face and great London style, fabulous! And her thighs are perfect! :)
this look is perfection for me!!! love it
totally in love with this!
the blazer goes really well with the white shirt and the 2.55!! XDD
i'm sooo a big fan of TheSartorialist! :D
It's a beautiful richard chai fall 2009 jacket.
i hearrrrrrt this outfit
I have to be honest and say that when it comes to her personal style, I am not a huge Poppy fan. There is however, something great about her look in this pic. Is it perhaps the fact that she is obviously having fun with fashion? I love her jacket but the brown boots kill it for me...and not in a good way!
average. i see girls wearing this outfit everywhere i go, and it never looks any more interesting.
I love it..!
The jacket perfectly frames the simple leggings and tee monochrome look. I like the boots but flats would look equally as nice. Understated chic. I just love the power of a one-off jacket. No surprise I've got my eye on one a tad like this.
I would love to read a poem inspired by her
Great basic outfit structure and classic bag. The jacket adds some fun.
Villedela Goes to London
i love this glasses! so funny!
I find that it's a great combination of blue white and black
very well done :)
the blazer mixing with the white top is a perfect example of colour combination also the blazer with the pants and shoes Cause the whole ensamble to combine perfictly
definitely looks like poppy delevigne to me...