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Comments on "On the Street....Erin O'Connor, London"
I love Erin O'Connors srtyle and I think this expemplies it. She always looks so classic and quintessentially british in style.
Love the oxfords,fower necklace and that diamond cardigan. Not forgetting the ornage bag too!
One of my favourite shots.
love the shoes! and her pants remind me late 80s style.
I do love Erin O'Connor - one of our best models and I love the fact that her style is so British.
She looks wonderful. Love the orange bag.
Love the POP of colour! Made me look!
Trust the supermodel to dress in style. Her androgynous look really suit those man-style pants.
shes just so striking and beautiful. what a cool outfit too, noice shoes
Inspiring style, stunning combination with the colourful bag. Should cut my hair.......
Recommended for the second edition of the Sartorialist publication at Penguin Books!!!
love the oxfords. much better for your feet.
Wonderful! The bag completes that outfit, even if it crashes with it. Those shoes remind me of those Comme des Garcons from a few years back. I guess once you buy CDG you keep it for life? If not, you should! Jorge from WPB
Aye, chihuahua!
very nice. the pronounced pleats on the trousers and the patent leather oxfords are classics. Just one little detail I don't think she should have considered and that's the clip-on round badge thingo. it cheapens the sharp and elegant look.
Love the overall look and the length of the pant but sorry, they end looking like a bad hemming job...sigh
is it just me, or do the pant hems look poorly done. is that the intent?
Absolute perfection. Immensely beautiful proportions, textures, colours. This is style and not fashion. And style, true style, will always trump fashion, because it is an expression of personality and as such, an act of generosity. I think so. Delicious and memorable.
A beautiful haircut for a beautiful face.
Love, love, love. I love the touches of masculinity and feminity. She looks great!
love it, love it! exactly my style
I LOVE every single item she has on!!! I want it all...I have used her hairdo as inspiration in my beauty shop...She is a super star in my books ;>)
I'd forgotten about Erin. She looks as stylish as she ever did!
I love her hair!
I like this a lot - except for the shoes, which everyone else seems to like! However, I'm not sure what style of shoes I would like better with this. Any suggestions?
Once someone else pointed it out, it does look like the pants are hemmed with something temporary.
Now that's style! Style that makes me want to walk up to the person and ask them out to lunch. She's fascinating.
Oh, she was wearing this outfit on GMTV last week and made it look incredibly chic. She is just such a special gorgeous model. Love the bright bag, such a beautiful happy statement.
Love the bag - does anyone know where it's from? Cheers!
im in love with this girl
she and her melancolic look, makes me want to feel sadness one more time---
she also has a kiera kn. look too..
btw she could use something of this:: http://www.mercedessalazar.com/new_en/necklaces/601-my-enchanted-forest-necklace
kiss kiss
I also love Erin and this perspective on femininity. When you mostly see long hair, stiletto heels, short skirts, etc., this look is so refreshing. You know, I have 2 pairs of Donna Karan shoes like this from years ago that I haven't worn in some time but that I've thinking about lately. I think I will now pull them out of the closet and start experimenting with a new look. Thank you for the wonderful image!
loooooooove it.
in the words of Edna Woolman Chase(I have it written on the wall of my closet):
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess"
How true it is - and this lovely person has true style.
Another one of these lovely flower necklaces. I am making one of my own with some silk flowers, ribbon, and an old chain. I love the top half of this outfit *especially the diamond cardigan*, but not a big fan of the shoes/pants combo.
Funny how a bright colored bag goes with anything. Love her shoes.
Great style 50% trend 50% personal
The outfit is great, the haircut is the frosting on the cake.
She is definitely a style icon...
Her haircut is perfect.
And I love the baggy trousers with the flower necklace.
Wonderfully put together. So simple, so elegant, so relaxed - effortless. Nothing contrived here.
Thank you Erin.
The stuff around her neck looks like something she found in her fireplace this morning. Maybe it would look better if the shirt were buttoned up? The pants and hair look sloppy, too,as mentioned before. Glad she's not pigeon-toed. The best part is her wistful expression. That makes it all right and her beautiful.
How beautiful is this Irih lass... Great style .
Love the necklace!\\http://loveyourfabulousself.blogspot.com/
The bag has a life of its own~!
Adore her and love the composition here. Especially the punch of orange. Making me wish I had picked up the orange Coach bag on HauteLook the other day after all :-/
Flat out perfect!
she has an old fashioned classiness.
the kind you don't see much today.
Great combos. Very Brit-looking in a contemporary way. The bright red bag reminds me of their old phone booths.
Her hair is great for the shape of her face, but I almost didn't want to dwell on the image because she looks so sad.
How much more beautiful can one look? I ask you.
Erin looks so beautiful here. Very relaxed. I love her bag and necklace.
i don't know what's happening at the hemline of her pants. everything else she is wearing is rockin' my bells!
I saw her when she was in dublin !
really like her shoes and cardi
Beautiful woman stole some man's tuxedo oxfords. That bird-style necklace or top under the sweater also doesn't work. The trousers, sweater, bag and purse do.
love how the red pin/crest on her sweater and the orange bag just pops! beautiful.
The perfect mix of androgyny, britishness, and never dowdy...love the orange bag!
Love the pop of color her bag gives the outfit!
this is great. geeky-androgyny. i love her hair.
The pants hem looks like the bottom of a bubble skirt. I love it! As a sewer, I look in your photos for little touches I can incorporate into my wardrobe. Bubble-bottom pants are in my future. Very chic. Thank you.
The bag is Mulberry:
I have the same one in grey!
I love it, too. The pants and shoes practically make me sigh with relief. As a 40-year-old woman, even though I have a good figure, I struggle with so many of the pants and heels combinations out there. (For example, why does the Barney's jeans bar carry no models of trouser-style jeans? It's nuts.) This looks so comfortable and stylish.
love the necklace with everything!!! (wish i know where is it from).
Is this a Michelle Jank necklace?!?!?!?! I reallllllllly want one!!!
The trousers are just terribly unflatterng. But I like the necklace and bag; a lot.
The necklace looks like one from Accessorize. She's not Irish, though her name is!
Love this lady, she is so graceful and as shown here her style is impeccable.
This looks great on her, would work on no one else -- you have to be as beautiful and statuesque as this, and most of we mortals aren't.
why, she's magnificent!
she rocks!
Stylish! My first visit to your blog. I came here looking for designs for my daughter's gown. Am I glad I googled:).
I would wear this without hestitation. It's great.
The first woman in flats I've seen on this site yet. But of course she has to be barefoot. God forbid women be seen wearing socks and comfortable shoes.
The bag is very high street, something that you might pick up cheaply in Top Shop. Great clash of colour popping there. You'd have to be pretty tall to carry this look off but it is perfectly Erin. I love her hair in this shot. It seems perfectly matched to her outfit. Very androgynous around her stunning angular face. The patent shoes are perfect.
would love to know where to buy the exact same shoes. any clue about the brand? thanks
love her pants !
I love seeing her in a non-Marks & Sparks pose - her true beauty shines through.