On the Street....Caraceni Suit, London

Caraceni is world famous for the quality of their suits. This gentleman looks great in his, however, to me, this shot is all about his umbrella (one of the 20 in his collection) and how he uses it as a perfect prop in this photo.
This is grace, this is dignity, this is real style.
PS. I know the collar sits away a little, but I think that it is more a process of aging than of the original fitting.
Comments on "On the Street....Caraceni Suit, London"
I love his tie!
oh my goodness, he is adorable and so stylish
The shoes are TDF to boot!
Yes, i also think the tie is really well done!
shoes tie umbrella confidence. great style!
Totally dapper! Wow.
Note the drape of the pants.....I know drape is forgotten in this era of drainpipe trousers and flood pants but it's one of the things that distinguishes a great pair of trousers. The teaming of grey flannel with the suede shoes is another classic too.
The accessories pale in comparison to the genius of a Caraceni. Famous for good reason.
I can't say this enough.. you always find the small details and really appreciate them in your photos. Beautiful shot.
he definitely is adorable and I agree that the umbrella makes the shot.
Aging does suck. Even your clothes won't fit anymore. Great umbrella.
$100 says the gentleman is Italian. He looks Italian and he dresses like an Italian.
It's with photos like this that I truly love and appreciate this blog. You don't have to be young and have the looks of a model to be stylish! and he proves it :)
I do think umbrellas make excellant accessaries. But for me its the boots this time...He looks like he might have rocked this ensemble many times but the boots make it so fresh...He looks ageless...Yep thats my goal!!!
He looks so distinguished and well put together. A joy to watch!
I find it annoying when individuals refer to older people as "adorable," as it cannot help but come off as somewhat infantilizing. He is a wonderfully dressed and distinguished man, please proffer the commensurate respect.
Wonderful photo! I love the flannel suit and suede shoes. A brilliant combo. Very Duke of Windsor. I agree with a previous poster, this chap does not look English.
Wonderful picture! You said it, Sart: grace, dignity and style.
I too was about to comment on the gentleman's perfectly cut pants -
completely agree with Anon 8.32am.
He looks like such a gentleman in this exquisite suit!
i collect brollies too! and his tie pops!
Classic and the tie is lovely...
he uses an umbrella as an accessory that's for sure... there was no need for an umbrella in London for the past 10 days!
That's elegance!
This suit and the man wearing it make me happy!
beautiful suit, amazing shoes, great dignity...and does that umbrella really have a pattern to it??? this gent has it all!
Mark at 9:45 a.m., I'm with you! He is from an era when men typically wore suits for air travel. I admire his style. Thank you!
I, too, love the drape and length of his pants, just perfect!
Yet another picture for my office bulletin board. Too cool.
I love it! He has great style and dignity!
Yes~! I would walk with him anywhere~!
True, it's a beautiful suit and he looks dashing. But it makes me a bit sad to think that age makes him shrink from the collar. Well, I guess that's life for all of us - either we become too big for our clothes or too small...
you can be adorable and have dignity at the same time - and it has nothing to do with age
and check out his tie!
The fabric is so thick and rich. The shoes are fabulous.
Understated dignity. It's years in the making.
i love his tie and suit combo
The trousers and shoes are great! Unfortunately I can't look past the coat though. The collar stands off his neck by a MILE and the sleeves are too long - no cuff showing. A suit that beautiful in its own right deserves a trip to the tailor for a few tweaks...
This is my dad's clone...smiles.
i would love to see a book of men and women in his age group who still appreciate style. His outfit and a man you posted over the summer (sitting on a lawn chair with a cardigan and florsheim wingtips) they have something. There seems to be a difference in economics but that's not the matter, they have attention to detail without pushing opinion. It's very nice to see the creative spirit and vanity still kicking in those who are older. it's a benchmark and a reminder that good things take practice and not just money and that style and fashion are not only for us while in our 20s.
thanks for this.
I'm on the road to geezerhood and I can only hope I can match this gentlemans elan.
he is excellent. such class and elegance, style attitude everything
This is what a well dressed gent looks like after he decides to ditch ephemera of fashion and settles on a classic style.
What a stylish Man, like a previous comment I immediately thought he was Italian very Dapper yet dignified.
I never had any grandfathers, but had I, this is how I would have wanted them to dress! Beautiful, dignified, stylish --the epitome of dapper.
LOVE the combo of the chocolate brown suede shoes and brelly with the charcoal grey suit! PERF!
Anon 6:02 PM has a great idea. Perhaps you should not have disclosed it but set about doing it. Very viable as well since the elderly is the fastest growing age bracket in most societies.
I love seeing an older person with such style. The umbrella perfectly completes his look and makes this photo pop.
Look at the way the color of the umbrella draws your eye to the shoes. I wonder if he has an umbrella for each pair? Amazing!
How lovely. Dressing well is this gentleman's wonderful gift to the world. More of us should follow his example.
Scott, I love it that you dont just showcase pretty young things.This gentleman looks fantastic.
Now that's style. Understated perfection. And total class.
These are some of my favorite shots - people of all ages. I also like the series you posted of the kids. It humanizes fashion and style. Like someone else commented, its not just for people 20-30.
And God save the Queen !
London kicks ass! Yayyyyy
I love it when old folks bring the style...
We used to have an old gentleman in Chapel Hill, NC who would come into town and sit on a bench on Franklin St. wearing the most awesome iridescent suits, always with hat and cane. He'd hang out several hours looking fine, and then get a ride back home. I once saw him in an in-flight magazine.
The styling on the suit is a bit dated (look at the sleeves). It certainly use some reworking to generate a better fit for the wearer.
Overall it works and would really excel with a better tie.
"This is grace, this is dignity, this is real style." Absolutely! Such a handsome man!!
The umbrella is perfect. Love it so much.
The fit of the suit is not perfect - or rather, it is not perfectly modern. And yet, he he wears it very well.
This suit (and the gentleman, for that matter) is a classic. It could have been fitted twenty years ago. What is so appealing here is that everything is of the highest quality; none of that made-in-china rubbish. The suit was made to last, and lasted it has.
Brad Man!!! He is here.