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Comments on "On the Street....Black Pack, NYC"
i can never get enough black. always chic.
sexy, hot, beautiful
I love her hat and shoes :)
Oh, wow. The girl in front is just stunning, from the hat to the cigarette down to the shoes. Amazing.
beautiful people!
Great footware.
crazy cool shoes! :)
I couldn't take my eyes off of their shoes...
FANTASTIC, was it happenstance that they all wore black? those YSL's!
Aaahhhh girl in hat and YSL's is so, so, so hot. So untouchable. So indescribable.
I feel any all black outfit ALWAYS works, no matter who it is on.
She's absolutely beautiful, and her shoes!
Wow, they're sexy. I wonder if they're in a band!
They are each others best accessory.
If only we could all be this cool. Edgy and inspirational.
Out of all of these looks, I love the plaid pants the most. . .
those shoes.
in the forefront.
i'm caged.
this looks like a scene in a movie. Beautiful.
That is hot. The hat, the open back, the cage boots. Wow.
If fashion were high school I'd want to sit at these kids' table. Big time.
Ooh! The hat! The cage boots!
L O V E !
Second from the left has a great pair of pants.
Lady in the foreground has a great pair of shoes, and a nice hat.
Black on black on black on black.
Although they are all wearing the same colour, it's the shapes, patterns, accessories and how they are wearing it that makes the difference.
How to kill an otherwise great look...
they look so worderfully stylish. i need to buy some stylish clothes.
Those spiderman looking shoes are SO cool!
wow...love this!!
are they asian people? they are the coolest asian ppl ive ever seen..except the cigs of course. ill take the man on the left. LOLS. no seriously, that womans outfit is hot. love the hat and the crossed back.
i really loved the shoes.
this is amazing
Wow, she looks amazing. LOOOOOOOOOOVE the shoes, that dress, the hat but mostly the uber cool attitude. :)
NYC is full of various fashion cliques. These are some of the "cool asians," a must-have on the guest list at any major party
Like them YSLs!
I absolutely love ever piece of the women wearing cowboy boots outfit. Everyone looks so chic in this picture. Black is NEVER boring.
what a shot! cinematic!
YSL shoes never get old!
You guys like the boots... and I just can't stop staring at the guy on the left's hair. More men should do that.
Love this pic! Black is classic1 Those Chanel shoes are my favy!
sex appeal
typical parsons crew.
Those YSL's look a million times better worn that in stores!
absolute chic! i love the hat, the position of these characters, and the color blaaack!
The girl with the reddish hair is absolute. I love her western boots!
Yep, the shoes are rad.
This is the first time I have seen these YSL's worn in a way that makes them look good and not too over the top. Congrats to her - it is a difficult thing to do.
cool gang they form.. n of course , they look sooo smart!!
Great example of the many ways a single color can be worn. Those shoes on the woman in the foreground are pretty hot.
Damn she looks cool. Even though she's surrounded by very well dressed peers she still manages to stand out. Great photo!
OMG! This is solely an aesthetically Glam FABULOUS post!!!:)
...and one day, black lungs as well.
ridiculously amazing.
LOVE the backless top and well, she just looks great.
i looove her look, from top to bottom :) inspiring for shiz ;)
too good love it...u seems to have a natural talent...keep it up
do visit my blog http://aiensjunkspot.blogspot.com/
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Her shoes are marvellous, the heels icredible...a bare foot, but not naked: that's sublime eroticism!
I love that they are dressed like this during the day. They look like vampires. Sexy. Because vampires are always sexy.
Amazing shoes!!!
Who are these people? Are they a pack of ubercool vampires. I want to join the pack. Love them all.
Gosh of course I love the girl in the foreground with her YSL's but the girl to her right is really interesting too! The sleeves under that perfect blazer and the stripes! Love all their styles...
"they are the coolest Asian ppl I've ever seen"-really? As in 'oh that's the smartest Latin person I've ever met' or 'that's the most dignified black woman I've ever seen' ? Because truly, that's one of the stupidest comments I've read.
Love the composition of this photo - foregrounding that gorgeous girl who looks like something out of a very stylish film, and all the patterns - the lattice work on the shoes, the stripey top on the woman to the right, the way the texture of leather bag just pops. Gorgeous - I think it's one of the best pictures I have seen in a long time.
Oh my God! I love this Yoko Ono meets the Travelling Wilburys look. Only that woman could wear those YSL shoes with such 'I don't care about the world' class! Oh, to be her... And their hair!!!!
oh my goodness amazing shot! perfect! btw do you read every comment posted?
She really looks amazing!
Shoe -jellous!
juliet xxx
Pictures like that are my drugs
mwahahahaaaa...hahaha... cowboy boots. LOL
anon 2:34. i am asian and i am proud that here are 4 badass asian people. they inspire unabashed individualism and style. there is nothing wrong with my comment. why are YOU so offended?
Everyone looks fantastic. I'm typically not a fan of all black on men (women definitely) but this may make me change my mind.
The shoes have a great look to them, are they the Yves Saint Laurent ones? It's intriguing how they are designed with heals flowing directly off the same pattern as the rest of the shoe. The had adds a nice touch to it all and helps to pull off the monochromatic look, not a huge fan of the purse however.
i like how the lady in the blue hat is the center focus of this shot as her look seems to stand out the most. however, having the other stylish people in the background really compliments the entire photo with the all dark, mostly black palette. so chic.
Those cage shoes- be still my beating heart!!
They look so cool, with the exception of the cigarettes!
Let me see...I'll take the cowboy boots, then her blazer, the button detailing on the sleeve of his jacket,must have his bag...love it all! But I'm satisfied with what I have selected!
I love the shoes, I love the entire silhouette...
these folks should never leave each others' sides....what a crew
I love the attitude! Conveyed so well in this shot. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures
Perfect capturing of story in this image! I love the width of the brim of her hat. Perhaps a clutch would be more fitting?
Anon 9.05: why tokenize?
That hat puts the outfit over the top! I love it and want it!
So mysterious and cool. They belong in a movie.
Great!They are cool.
But,japanese people is inclined to follow the latest fashion trends. So everyone dresses the sort of same outfits.Is it stylish even if it may be high-fashion style??
Super Mega Cool bunch of hotties!! How i wish i dare to walk ard in public with that hat on!!
What a motley crew!
I guess those YSL shoes are getting some wear these days.
The navy fedora would be fun without the bag. It detracts.
I'm thinking that the dude on the left is wearing shoes several sizes too long for him. And that this is a trend he's into, like the shoes they wore in medieval times.
Anyone else reminded of blogger Luxirare? I think this could be her
^ lol. I'm pretty sure everyone in this picture is japanese.
it's all a little velvet goldmine
Killer YSL boots.....
what is with people's need to critize the smoking in this picture? this blog is about style!
Has anyone else noticed the scrunched, opera-length gloves being worn by the girl at far right? Now THAT is a bold daytime look. I love it all.
WOWWW, this is a killer!!!! I love that woman in a hat, my style totally. I need to copy hers. lol, but I don't own that YSL cage shoes. I don't think it's luxirare blogger. Pls, tell me who is this woman in a hat??? I want all her outfits. I agreed, as an Asian myself, it's kinda offensive to say "they r the coolest Asian ppl I've seen or met". I know, we're more petite, we don't have crease eyes, no blue eyes, etc...... asian can be hot and beautiful, cool as well.
The coolest pack ever! I love black.
Digging the cage heels... YSL? What I wouldn't do for a pair of those...
i like the woman in the hat - she is a stunner by all means!
the other lady has chosen, in my humble opinion, the wrong outfit. her legs just look even shorter.
OMG .... so effortlessly COOL. So gorgeous! Thank you for sharing this. La la love! <3
She makes black look very chic!
something so intensely rebellious about their image - - - -
Japanese have the best syle. Always.
Great look, but the cig is a killer.
I love the unity of black. I especially like the jacket on the androgynous figure to the left.
I also noticed those photos at Thom Browne the other day, and really like the way you're portraying multiple people. They both give you this eerie feeling of power and in numbers which is incredibly dark. It's completely different than watching a show or seeing an ad.
This is something! So cool!
i LOVE this photo
that woman is so f-ing cool. what an intriguing crowd. this picture is sort of fascinating.
They are what's New!
I love the young lady's hat. She is killing me with that hat and her demeanor.
She is hot and she knows it!
Felicia, This Time Now
love this so much!!!
Those boots in the front....
I want to be their friend.
Ahhhh, it's too bad cigs are bad for you 'cause they look so DAMN cool. What else would someone like this be doing with her hands without a smoke? It's the perfect compliment to the fedora.
The guys shoes on the far left are amazing _ what are they ?
hmm.... the cigarette makes her look insecure.
Love that she's wearing the YSLs like they're not fancypants brand name; they're just a cool pair of shoes, which is exactly what they are! Bravo. Wish I had her budget tho.
That being said, gotta say the cig does kill it. Cigs do convey a style, a style which i would classify as "contrived and smelly". Ruins the otherwise original look.
This photo is very Dark and Lovely! Those shoes are are killer. This picture is very reminiscent of those vintage 70's ads that made smoking look cool!
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wow can they look any more cool... perfect shot! :)
forget the fashion here! This is a great moment. Would love to see this black and white.
Love the photo! Love the YSL shoes and how she wears them! LOL, why do asian girls always look so much cooler than others?
Yves Saint Laurent' i love this shoes! make a mix good with a borsalino hat....
The return of the bound foot.
The first thing I thought was - cool it with the fashion victim vibe!
They should never walk anywhere together - it's like a matchy matchy outfit spread out across four people.
I think most of the readers of this blog have to school themselves on the difference between style, fashion, and costume.
And I LOVE black clothes!
they ooze coolness
Ok, so what *is* the difference between style, fashion and costume? I love the girl in the front. This is just a great photo.
I want to do a drawing of this group! Her hat is so Woostock it's a fantastic silhouette~
Striking eyeliner, those shoes are out of this world.. ADORE THEM!!!