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Comments on "On the Street....Black Jackets & Legs, NYC"
Beautiful and stylish ladies, nice shoots.
they rock !!!!!!
She's rocking her scars. My hat's off.
Those women are so stylish!
Beautiful pictures!
Are they going to work like that? I just hoped legs were not such an issue here and that I could go to work dressed like this.
Great pics by the way, love the way you capture light.
P.S. Can't get enough of your book Scott
Great Style !
Bottom picture: the first time she did that boyfriend shirt thing (with the pink one) I thought it looked great, but I think it may be a little overkill this time around. She has such a great smile though, can't help but like her.
Some friends for Garance... :)
Nice pictures
Isn't that the same lovely blonde from the book who was wearing a similar style shirt/skirt in pink. Love the demonstration of different takes on a consistent theme that you know works well for you!
Love the schoees picture 2.
the blue skirt is really funky too.
this is why I love sartorialist!!
Im in love with them
Now, the first girl needs something else, what about this:
It also fit the second one haha
No, boyfriend shirt + blazer needs pants.
Nice nice very nice pics¡
And very REAL¡
wow, the bottom photo:
everything's perfect (except for how 'bout just a touch of a skirt sticking out from beneath that shirt- please).
sorry, but looks like she forgot her pants...
loving the electric blue skirt. But the second outfit is divine! Ah i cant wait for LFW
Both women have legs to show, but I don´t particularly like blazers.
seems like the forget-the-pants look is going to stay with us for a while.....
In the first photo, she is a beautiful woman but the neoprene skirt doesn't flatter her.
In the second photo, I think she needs pants. If there is even a slight breeze, won't that whisper-thin shirt just sort of fly up, exposing her?
I am all for showing some leg, as long as it's done tastefully.
I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket...
it's nice that you don't neglect us in spite of all the amazing things and people that surround you nowadays.
do get carried away a bit, but always come back :)
Beautiful looks. My favourite is the last one, love her shoes!
Oooh...! La segunda imagen de este post es inreíble... Adoro los básicos, soy una fetichista de las camisas, y más cuando se combinan con elementos más trendy como el bolso o las sandalias...!!
Genial/Great! ;)
they look great
i love how the second girl rolled up her shirt over her blazer, very nice touch!
<3 the Voguette
I really don't think I like this look where the jacket and whatever is underneath are the same length and there's no skirt or pants. It has that "what did I forget?!?" appearance. Leggings or tights would help, I think.
Both are great outfits! I command the woman on the bottom picture. If we were all that brave to wear "just what we want" to work. And here I was thinking that the scene where Carrie Bradshaw leaves Big's apartment in nothing but heels, a white button-down, and an H belt, was the product of someone's fantasy. Long live New York!!! Jorge from WPB
wow what great pins!and love love the double buttons on the shirt. Are you coming to LFW - Check out http://www.lfwdaily.com
for the official newspaper of the week if you don't manage to get your hands on one! Everyone here is dressing for you anyways!!ha ha
love for all
Not a flattering look.
I'm a girl that loves a blazer
check out my blog
niiiice legs. the leggings for me would take away from the apperance...but where does the 2nd go to work???
I'm always curious as to what their professions are.
where is garance? she rocked this look recently, didn't she?
Oops! - someone forgot to put on their trousers!!
The second girl, we've seen before and she looks consistently awesome. Beautiful,beautiful legs (those legs need to be seen all the time!) Then winter comes and is a bummer.
I really like the second one. The rolled cuff and the shoes
Blondie looks bodacious. She gets it right. Not sold on the brunette and her blue wet-suit girdle as a mini skirt. Just sayin'.
Legs, legs, legs! Beautiful. I'm also loving the sunglasses in the first image. Please oh please help me find them?!?
From the caption "Black Jacket and Legs" I thought the photos would be of legs in black tights. What a wonderful surprise. I like how the blazer/sweater are the same length as the short skirt/dress. In the first photo, the blue skirt in the pops, and like her dark hair, sunglasses, top and blazer. The light color of her dress and hair are very nice in the second photo, also like the interesting buttons on her dress. Enjoyed the effect of the green canopy, and lights to the right (turquoise in the first, red in the second) - what is this effect called?
I love that blue skirt, I'm a sucker for an exposed zipper.
Very nice silhouettes, especially the black & blue...
Both beautiful pictures & looks !
the first skirt looks lumpy in all of the wrong places---she has excellent legs though--the second girl is in proportion and looks perfect.
A primeira se parece c/ a Luiza Brunet.Lindas!
dang those are nice gams.
I'm generally not one to criticise, but I agree with above - where are your bottoms, young lady? Also, the second skirt looks a little like a wetsuit... not ideal.
Beautiful shot as she is nonchalant and with a smile. What most caught my eye are the shoes. Does anyone know what kind of heels they are?
I really like this look! I think it would be hard for many to pull off, though. It is very fun yet. sophisticated
love the second one! she was featured in your book with a pink silky boyfriend shirt and sandals.
gotta love the boyfriend blazer trend. sophisticated, stylish and practical all in one. tights might have been a nice choice for this outfit... to evolve the look from summer to early fall.
Reminds me of one of the Hemingway girls.
this reminds me of what garance was talking about
the second one looks just like the character 'Tracy' in Manhattan!
Eileen , the shoes are Louboutin's Paquita satin shoes :)
love the boyfriend shirt look! Great pics!
Beautiful girl, beautiful look. I especially love those shoes.
AskMelissa.com - Win a Marc by Marc Jacobs Dress for signing up.
Every time I see her (the 2nd one) I get more curious about her underwear. But perhaps Jorge has a point... she sticks to her style, no matter what others say.
Fab outfits.
The boyfriend shirt and blazer? Cute in a photo, very-------and she is fresh and likable.
But in person? walking down the street? I'd be like "oh jeez. Embarrassing. Insecure woman w. off taste seeks attention."
black jacket/blue dress - is she planning on body surfing. looks like the neoprene wet suits of yore.
these 2 outfits are perfect!
bottom pic: She sort of looks like she forgot to wear her pants, but those GORGEOUS shoes save the day.
I love the second photo. I like how she simply cuffed the sleeves of her blazer.
The second one, please! Incl. legs!
beautiful, but a bit too much orange on the tan for both of them :S
I remember the 2nd girl--so lovely! She stood on Barbie tiptoes:
Love this!
on the first photo amazing skirt ;-)))
second photo is o simple and so sexy ;-)
great, powerful, amazing legs!!
the girl in the second picture is very sexy, wish i could afford to walk around wearing only a shirt;-))
You posted a picture of the 2nd lady the last year
She have the same beautiful smile, same look
And her legs, MAAAAAN im in love ;-(
love the second one
Very pretty, very feminine, but she looks like she's Donald Ducking.
For the love of Pete! They cannot even sit down in these outfits. NO. I'm sorry. They've got lovely legs but these outfits are tasteless and completely devoid of style.
I like the ease on display in the 2nd shot. She does what she does quite well.
Where are her pants??? This reads Olsen twins-fashion victim to me. I do love her shoes, though
second girl, definately!! shoes-double amazing. legs-amazing. dress-amazing. blazer-amazing. perfection!!!!
I like seeing this much leg! However, this is the second shot I've seen of the woman on the bottom looking like she forgot her pants. The shoes she's wearing are great and she's beautiful, but it would be nice to see her in a real skirt or dress.
the second lady looks so much like mariel hemingway when she was young!
Top pic is so secy, except the high-waist skirt accentuates her paunch. I'm sure she's svelte as can be, however, the garment leads me to think otherwise!
- 21arrondissement.blogspot.com
i want the second girls shoes!
they are amazing!!!!!!!!!:O
The young lady in the second picture is Amazing with a capital "A." And her picture in the book is incredible as well. Just wish I knew her in person...
My first thought was, "Where are the pants"? on the second look. On the first look, her skirt looks like it's made of neoprene.
The 2nd woman looks fantastic! I think I saw her on a Canadian fashion show last week.