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Comments on "On the Street....Anna Dello Russo, NYC"
Weird dress...it looks like a skeleton, doesn't it?
I love that shoes...
Her legs are so fierce!
hmmmmmmmmm...not sure if I love or hate it. this first thing i noticed was her flesh colored rear end and thought "that looks sort of naughty." then i looked at her spine and thought, "what a great Haloween costume-she looks like a very fashionable skeleton" and finally i noticed the lovely raglan bell sleeve (my favorite part). an impractical dress but she has fabulous legs and is rocking it---so my final grade is a A-
Those are some killer calves to accompany the robotic spine...
very eye catching ;)
The print draws you to look at her tone legs. So fierce!
I wish we could see the front !
Su vestido "frasco de parfum" es...
como ella! Loco!
I don't know about that dress, but holy smokes... those are some calves!
love the heels and the skirt, great outfit...love the blog
she always does it right. love the detailing on the back of the dress, perfection.
Statement shoes...
She's unique¡
Perfect mix
hm,that's different
Shoes! Legs! Gorgeous!
that's an interesting print.
those legs!! she could wear practically anything if she had those on show. miaaauw
LOVE THIS! killer.
eyes poppin! =)
i looove her dress!
i think i have mentioned that designer in one of my posts:
Ace dress and shoes.
She looks like a superhero, I LOVE IT!
Nice calves!!!! AMAZING SHOES!!!!!!!
I love that this photo was taken of her walking away.....
she got sum powerful legs omg lol
Excuse me, but we can see your giant backbone. It would take one to wear this.
It seems like Anna just has an endless amount of delicious shoes. I could, quite possibly, kill for her closet :)
Wow everything about this is absolutely amazing - if only we could all dress like Anna!
my God...those legs! she's THE Lady
Love the shoes and bag but the dress seriously has me scratching my head...like a computer-age spine. Cool I guess - on a different person and a different dress- but it doesn't appeal to me.
xoxo Lusty
What do you think of smoking in fashion photos?...Have your say at:
those shoes are sick. Amazing. Love them.
the things i would do for those SHOES
i love the sleeves on this dress, and the match with the shoes
AWESOME heels.
Halloween came early to 5th Avenue.
On her way to the chiropractor?
wow. love the colour combination.
It's like the spine of a malfunctioning robot.
That dress! It's tantalizing in it's originality and imagery! Such a cool look!
nice shoes and nice legs to go with them.
LOVE the mary katranzou dress :)
Love the perfume bottle inspired dress...stunning!!!!
Yeah, she's got great legs. Yeah, the shoes are really cool. Yeah, she's very rich.
The emperor has no clothes.
Carry on.
Anna is fashion embodied!
mary katrantzou dress... awsome
amazing outfit! ^^
love her heels and bag, and that dress is fab!
Wonder what the front looks like!
who is that dress by??!! I just can't put my finger on it...
Too pretty!
Love your blog...ever thought of doing something on african style and trends. Here you'll find more colorful and outrageous outfits. Let me know if you need assistance with that. Obi
Thoughts... a) don't like the dress, b) got to start doing pilates to c) have these legs.
Too much spray tan!
hot as hell....and VERY rich.
her legs are amazing
I always love Anna's clothes, but I always feel like with her it's about the garments she owns and not really the way she wears them. She can definitely rock every single piece, but I never feel like execution is particularly creative.
Still, the dress IS fantastic.
Great shoes. Worst possible choice of dresses.
WOW, what a shot!
mamma mia! one classy haute lady!
I'm pretty sure this is the same dress, from the front.
I prefer the back!
Wow! Phenomenal woman.
oh those shoes!
Saw this DRESS in last issue of Wallpaper. Beautiful. Good choice. She is definitely has access to up and coming designers. Good for her!! Great legs too
So fierce!...........love the dress and the colors but i hate the skeleton...........those shoes are so amazing an everything is put together nicely and well coordinated.
The dress is amazing!! The shoes are gorgeous!
Great photo!!!
woah woah woah, those shoes are so amazing! i wonder who they are?
I can't seem to recall the label but it looks like a "perfume bottle dress" featured on the last page of Marie Claire's September issue...
I actually really love the back "spine" part of the dress, and the sleeves, but then it goes a bit wrong. In my eyes it looks a little like she has a perfume bottle on her bum.
Great calves! the shoes are great too!
I love all her look! BUT LV bag....is so tacky...please eveybody has a LV, try to be more original as your look!
Oh, Anna! You're so lovely, but I prefer this dress on the model. Maybe the black tights would help? I'm just not feeling it today. Sorry!
Her calves are JACKED!
No - don't care for that! Sleeves are nice - and the shoes when you have a car waiting!
A dress as unique and personal as she is. Anna is so fantastic, her style is beyond taste (she can pull off whatever she wants!)PLUS her legs are amazing!!!!
Spoke to her at your book's party the other night...divertida!
I love the dress, why? I don't really know. But I feel like she went there, how many people would wear a dress with a skeleton in the bag. I also like the arms on the dress. Italians have an impeccable style. They wear anything and it looks great. It's their confidence.
that an off look to me... trying too hard
interesting hint of the human skeleton in a floral design. hate the shoes.. i hated all the fashion week shoes.. they really are just the same shoe in a diff color
legs anyone>?
Dress is revolting, but she can carry it off with in shape legs.
two words... oh yeah!!!!!
its the perfume bottle dress collection! i knew it had potential to be snapped up
wow she looks 'outta this world' the back panelling is very robotic! and yes do agree, great calves!
my first thought was 'oh my!'. i thought that her butt was hanging out of a leotard or something!! its....interesting..id need to see the front for a complete review ;P
At first look I thought it was weird, the dress, but when i saw the shoes. I loved this look...
I love the shoes!!!!!!!!!
I just love the sleeves and calves.
Hmmm...not a fan of the dress, but she has nice legs.
Holy Jebus THE SHOES!
oh wow, those shoes.......
The dress is a bit "robotic" for me, but the shoes, OMG
- 21arrondissement.blogspot.com/
Woah, very nice catch here!
Hate the dress, but she can pul it off. Amazing cheekbone, and legs of course
Scary. OK she's made her statement.
Angela in Victoria
is this dress from mary katrantsou?
Love the dress its by mary katrantzou. and hot shoes.
Those sculpted calves with the maxi trompe loeil pattern on the dress. Brilliant capture.
I don't get the compaliants about this dress...? I think it's beautiful and original. As a matter of fact, it's at the top of my "to buy" list.
Rad! Futuristic sexy!
mmmm OMG is an appropriate thing to say right?
the dress is from Mary Katrantzou's A/W collection inspired from antique perfume bottles
It's a little too, um, high fashion for me personally. Works for her, though. Kudos for being able to pull both that dress and those heels off!
Ooh, probably the only worth back-picture as the back of this creation really is worth to be photographed.
The angle of her face makes her look 20 years younger.
its not a skeleton...its a perfume bottle. see the front and the rest of the collection here:
its pretty stunning. i think it looks better on her than the models.
Provocative and strange all at the same time--exactly what you'd expect from the Italian editor of Japanese Vogue. You can see her two culture cues in this outfit. Usually she reads very Italian to me but here is "Italian in Japan," 100%.
I know it looks like a spine but has anyone noticed its a spraycan with foam! they have graffitied her spine! cool.
omg, I lovelo0velove the shoes! The first thing I noticed was ofcourse the dress, but the soes..can't look away from them..I wonder where she got them ..
The dress is by Mary Kantrantzou!!! following trope l'oeil aesthetics!!
She's Greek and She's rocking!
I agree with a previous poster. This dress would look better with black leggings of some sort -- even really shear ones.
The front of the dress can be seen here, 3rd from end, this season:
I think Ann's M.O. is dressing to intimidate. Maybe that's because of her work, being a fashion editor and all, but I think that level of oddly unexpected PLUS expensive only suits a very slim minority of women.
I like creativity that is more accessible-looking. I think her business mind has eclipsed her human one. In other words, she's holding a conversation with a handful of her peers.
Those shoes look from here like molded polyurethane foam, I.E. Crocs.
I agree strongly with Travelbug - you've heard of F... Me Pumps? Well, this is a F... You dress.
What fun! Love the dress and the shoes are icing. I don't think the dress would work as well if it wasn't fitted perfectly to her body...but it is. Fabulous!
Travel bug has shown us that this dress is at http://www.marykatrantzou.com/ and very slimming indeed.
When ever I see this woman I am less ashamed of my terrible posture. If she can do I can do it.
Who is this Anna? What does she do? I love her style. And I love this blog.
I'm not wild about this dress. I think it's distractingly graphic. And, it reminds me of Battlestar Galactica and how the human-form Cylons' spines light up in sexual ecstasy. Just sayin'.
I love her shoes! And the dress it´s a little diferent, but in her it's gorgeous!
love the sleeves.
I agree, this is eye catching :) but for the right reasons :P The dress is different, but very creative and i especially love the sleeves and shoes!!... she really does have the figure to pull it off... well done to get the shot before she hopped into the car ;)
Bottom line she has bad posture and it distracts from the total look.
im so jealous i dont wear clothes like these everyday!!
soo perfect
Miu Miu shoes - gorgeous structure. LOVE her look!
Don't like the mix of pirate sleeves and robotic spine.
OMG the lady's got legs!!
I feel like she wears these fantastic, eclectic and expensive clothes...but she doesn't appear to put it all together well.
I never like her complete picture, although the elements are nice alone. My idea of fashion is the talent to put a mess of items (expensive or not) together in a way that is artful and clean and beautiful. I don't see her as having much inspiration on that front, which is strange, considering her vocation.
I see her make choices because they are en vogue, and not because they are flattering.