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Comments on "On the Street....Anna Dello Russo at Dolce & Gabbana, Milano"
She looks quite wonderful in that dress, however, I have to wonder, from a practical standpoint, what happens when her panties ride. I feel like it could create a bit of an awkward situation.
Oh Man. These Italians have the perfect style!
It is always a great moment when we see Anna and her amazing figure on this blog. Besides the fact that she has access to the very best, she knows what she is doing putting an outfit together! Talented and with a killer pair of legs...and pazzisima!!!
Lovin all the lace!
oh gosh, what a great piece!!
maybe not so much for her age though, but I love it! and the lace dress for right is amazing!
Naughty! and I love it....
Great Shot!!!
Very nice to know that this picture is not better than real life! Aurora and Viviana are wonderful girls and Anna was incredible in building such a dream team!!!
Congratulations to the Three and to Scott!
I see sunglasses are shrinking.
Fantastic team¡¡
Kisses from Spain
Ah shes wearing the cherry shoes! Gosh does this woman ever look bad, I adore her. They all look so fabulous!
Pleasure of seeing the "See-through"!
They look absolutely great! Anna's look is very daring, kuddo's for wearing that! The man next to her looks fab too by the way. And in the second picture the woman on the right looks absolutely amazing!! I love her look the most, what a great body, great hair and great clothes.
I guess those Prada lace dresses did find their way to the streets, although this is a re-interpretation. I find it interesting that all fashion types are wearing Ray-Bans, rather than some hot designer. Maybe sunglasses have indeed gotten too expensive! Jorge from WPB
That dress is to die for!!
Anna is really stunning in this black dress........
and these "old" shoes are gorgeous too!
nice blog i love what you have done with it... im trying to get new readers like yours.. there so wounderful!!!
I'm loving these ladies shoes!
Very sexy! Anna is always impeccably dressed.
Love the Tom Ford-era YSL shoes on ADR!
The woman on the right in the second picture is perfect!!
i don't know, i can't really get on board with the see-through-ness. i know it's for a fashion event, which puts it in an evening/over-the-top category, but i still think it's too much for a sunny day. i really, really love her bracelet, though.
iI think Anna is a little overdressed, anyway she looks amazing! but id rather go with the turquoise capri and orange shirt, that looks soooo joyfull and chic!!!!!!!
The Jo No Fui camel lace dress is amazing!Aurora rules.YO
Sorry - but a see-through dress on the street is tasteless, no matter how rock hard your body is.
she looks great
love the three girls..all hotties
come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think
Anna can do no wrong! Love her
I LOVE it, I want one!
This just looks embarrassing to me, like she has a very lovely slip and forgot to put her dress on over it. It looks like she's taking her inspiration from drunken young pop singers, which is never a good thing...
Vamping for the camera! She is divine.
Love that risky sheer ...
She wears the best clothes all the time. I was not aware she was older as I mostly see her in sunglasses.
I like it, boudoir chic, though she is really treading on the line of good taste, who am I kidding, she treaded all over it. I love the colors and outfit of her friend on the left.
nice nice nice
the ysl cherry shoes anna is wearing are to die for! and aurora looks perfect as usual...
So sexy !!!
i love the colourful outfit of the girl in the left in last picture (dont know who she is)... plus, I don't think anna dello russo should wear that tranparent sheer... it may work for someone younger, but I'm not very fond of it
amazing dress! for the night life?
Very interesting dress and I'm sure she double-checked that the knickers stay in place.
If I could just have one assistant like hers I would be a very happy girl indeed!
Carmen, Ms. Dello Russo can solve the "ride-up problem by wearing a thong.
beautiful ladies :))
For me it's the cherry shoes that give this outfit a touch of irony, a little bit of tongue in cheek-ness that enable her to carry it off so well. Brava Anna!
I absolutely love the girl's outfit on the left! Wonderful mix of colors and LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE the shoes with it!
The tan lacy number the girl on the right is wearing is also gorgeous!
a bit much for bright dayligt - especially on a woman her age - great body or not
that dress is killer. she looks awesome!
im loving the black sheer suit...very powerful...too revealing for my taste, but she makes it look classy not trashy...a biggy for me in my opinion
Wow- the colors on the left in the second are PERFECT.
All the shoes are fab. The color on the woman on the left is so cool. The print or knit on the right is very chic.
Now about Anna's dress. Very provocative--on the order of vintage Cher. But I'm seeing it being worn by a Diva singing at an award show--with the skirt much shorter. That it has a longer skirt, past the knees, is the designer striking out of the showbiz niche and daring women to wear it in more ordinary circumstances. (But I'm thinking NOT in the daytime.)
I'm sure we'll be seeing this dress on other photo subjects in the future. But I have to ask: Is fashion in in general on a bender to completely appropriate the hooker look and oeuvre? What's left for a poor self-promoting hooker to do?
Love the shoes the woman on the left is wearing. She looks fabulous in every way.
WOW. Anna always looks sensational in your pictures but the first photo in particular is a whole new level of beauty. From those sculpted cheekbones right down to the (now) legendary legs.
anna has a killer bod!! perfect to wear a mesh dress.
sale items added.
Absolutely ADORE the sleeves and the overall lace, such balls to wear this in daytime! Everyone looks GORGEOUS!
I love the dress, I'm sure heads turned. The only incongruity to my eyes is fairly utilitarian cut of her sous-vêtements from the back. If you're going for that look, you've got to do it all the way.
Does anyone think she looks like Giselle Bundchen in the first shot?
Love the YSL Cherry shoes! These ladies look like they know how to have a good time:)
The first time I see Anna looking good; her proportions are often exagerated; this time they're very balanced (especially the heels). She even looks friendlier.
maybe i wouldnt think i was trashy, if she was wearing it at night. i love the dress, just not for the daytime. great body though.
She makes this dress seem perfectly normal. And he shows us how rolled trousers and no socks is supposed to work.
Anna is HOT!!! And her smile is so lovely in the second photo with Aurora and Viviana.
You know, she's enjoying life - And That's important!.. In fact the three of them look perfect, together. Fault her for her age and body?? Hmnn... Her straight hair-do and slim figure keep the dress elegant, in black of course.. Sublime! All Three. Love the Light.
I can't stand the dress! Its unique but that is about all of its positive attributes! Our true praise should be directed toward the woman on the left!
I think that dress is from YSL/tom ford Era, just like the shoes. Not only Anna's been wearing YSL/TF era but Carine has been doing the same.
are they trying to tell us something? Perhaps we need TF with his timeless designs again.
My favorite post to date! I love her style as well as her assistants' Viviana and Aurora! The second picture is timeless! Viva!
I love this photo for their smiles, just as important as its style !!!
Damn. Ladies this is how its done!
"Les trois grâces"... The Bulgari snake watch is so chic and well worn.
gosh. i cant pick whos more ugly... haha
Love the cherry shoes.
OMG! I love the black dress! So Beautiful!
WOW... I want.
I reeeeeeeeeeally want.
i am sold on this outfit choice. who wear this if not for her and the comments on age or the sunshine appropriateness of the dress are so impertinent for me. she carries it off so well, does not look cheap or ill-suited. she downplayed the outfit with those cute shoes and her careless attitude and a lovely smile instead of a glamzonian killer heel and a cold gaze. what else do you want people, that's about the most you can expect from such an icon
Last picture - they all look fabulous, but the one on the left is a woman after my own heart. Not a stitch of black, and the most intriguing, lovely colour combination.
Anna Dello Russo....unicità, sensualità, classe e glamour...un mix da urlooooooooooooo!!!!!
Anyone know the shoes the woman on the right in the 2nd pic is wearing? They are fantastic!!
Anna Dello Russo is completely flirting with the camera...who can blame her i suppose!!
anna looks so hot yet remains decent, love the outfit!