When we first met.... Lucy

Above is Lucy, I took this picture when I first met her at a cafe in Melbourne. I thought she looked so cool sitting there during her coffee break - so French somehow. I knew the picture wasn't right for the blog, but when the Saba job came up she was one of the first people I suggested we shoot.
I'm really proud that with each of the people we shot we were able to maintain the true nature of the subject.

Comments on "When we first met.... Lucy"
She looks like a young Cindy Crawford!
This photo embodies what style means to me... color, texture, beauty, and freedom.
Wow-- so effortlessly striking!
To look "French" she needs a cigarette in that top photo! Beautiful young lady . . .
I LOVE the shot on the bike: so much energy and the lighting is beautiful. She's gorgeous!
i think she has the laid back aussie look :)
Nice shots. Nice lighting. Nice clothes.
Lucy is also breaking the law by not wearing a helmet. Oh well, how else could she keep hair like that?
her jawline is perfect!
I love both pictures!
incredible, extremely natural..beautiful.
I love both of these photos, but especially the bottom one! The outfit and bike are incredily cute!
her face is so symetrical... wow
Her eyebrows are like a butterfly about to take flight from a flower.
BTW. I think I've been to the beach in the wall paper.
both shots are stunning - the bicycle shot though... perfection.
Shes so naturally beautiful.
weird, she went to my junior school
Wonderful looking young woman!
She has such a beautiful face.
Nice photos. Beautiful girl.
I agree with Style Scanner, she looks a lot like CC.
@Serg Riva: "Her eyebrows are like a butterfly about to take flight from a flower", I want some of whatever it is that you're taking.
The second picture is very sexy. The tight jeans, the scarves and the depth of field renders a great photo!
i love both photos but i really am crazy about the bike one! it looks like shes a model streight from the pages of vogue!
Pure beauty. Thank you, Sart.
she is just stunning beauty,very sophisticated
Lucy is naturally and effortlessly beautiful. Great choice of yours!
Bette V.
ha ha, perhaps it's a small world.
i was so disappointed when you posted barely any photos from melbourne, and then you went and posted someone i've met.
she is very pretty, though she has a sort of masculine face shape
She serves me my coffee and breakfast on the weekends. Tusk, on Chapel Street in Windsor. She is beautiful.
She's so beautiful. Her hair is what I'm drawn too. I have really kinky hair and no time to blow dry it. So i appreciate shiny, flowing, straight hair. =) Great photos.
god I wish i looked that good on a bicycle.
love, katey
She is fantastic, I love the way you capture people as you find them but also with some like the lovely Lucy you can picture her in another mode, she looks wonderful.
I could easily mistake this for a movie still. Who is our beautiful, but anxious heroine off to rescue? Well done, Mr. S. I've missed this side of your work.
LOVE everything about this.
Both pictures are amazing - so full of life!
Sart I love you and your photos but i wish you would stop cutting off feet! I was so sad a few posts below when i couldn't see Anna Piaggi's shoes! And in the bike photo its not a big deal but i think seeing them would really add to the motion of the shot.
She is so pretty!
the bicycle photo is just so fierce. love it
Nice photos - beautiful girl!
she's a pretty girl but her outfit looks like so many of the chicks in SF,CA. Please, something new already.
Good call Scott...Breath taking
she's gorgeous.
oh amazing,
Garance said she didn't had the chance to take a picture of the cool sunset in that café.
it is awesome.
@Anonymous 3:29, You are right, her style is pretty much like that of every college student in California. But wow, she is a stunner.
Can't wait to see the SABA campaign! These look gorgeous already :)
That's a really beautiful picture. She have a powerful strong face and it gives the right energy for pictures like that.
In the first picture her french style isn't present at all. but when I saw the second one, wow, she's pretty cool and she has a amazing natural beauty.
Such an awesome photo.
I love your initial shot of her in the cafe, simply striking. Her hands are a real focal point. Wonderful colours in the cheesy sunset in the background.
The SABA campaign is at denimblog.saba.com.au
she is very pretty.
she purdy!
I love the bicycle photo! So cinematic.
this must be posed because it's illegal to ride a bike in melbourne without a helmet. she could get fined for this if a copper spotted her.
She has AMAZING bone structure!
I like her face!! lol
i am so inspired to be free and beautiful right now ; )
What a gorgeous girl:)Yes she does look like a young Cindy Crawford.
From Norway - SoulPrincess
i love her style ! lucy is soooo cool!
I just checked out the site. Incredible work!
Too bad the blog is only for two weeks!
Sorry, but I don't like the first photo, don't think she's in a great position, even if she is realy relaxed.
But the second one is great!
The lady does inspire me with an affection not altogether fraternal.
She is sooo pretty! And the backround on the 2nd picture is perfect.
The photo of her on the bicycle is stunning!!!!
Please, please tell me the name of the cafe you shot that - I need to find out where I can get this georgous, kitschy and wonderful wallpaper.
Now this is what I love about your site. Gorgeous photo (on the bottom.) Love the woman's determined face and athletic stance on the bike (like she's actually got somewhere to be, unlike all those twee shots of models on prim cruisers.) Plus the atmospherics are gorgeous -- I have got to learn how to take a photo!
So much more enjoyable and interesting than what droops off the pages of Vogue.
Gorgeous girl. Gorgeous shots.
i think im in love...
wow. gorgeous.
Wow she looks amazing. What a great shot - the movement everything is so good!
Far out.. what a stunner.
Melbourne is full of beautiful girls.
diane said...
I agree with Style Scanner, she looks a lot like CC.
@Serg Riva: "Her eyebrows are like a butterfly about to take flight from a flower", I want some of whatever it is that you're taking.
And I agree with Kate G--I think both of these shots look like stills from a movie! I read the comments on this post, and not many people liked the first shot... But I disagree! I think it exudes an effortless coolness... Probably because she's "doing her own thing" and wearing hoops and a white tee rather than trying to look chic. I don't know why I like her look so much, considering how much I love fashion and "looking chic". But, looking like Cindy Crawford probably doesn't hurt either.
looove her eyebrows. she's gorgeous.
Great job in Melbourne! Can't wait for your return....
Wow the bottom photo of her on that delightful bike is one of my favourite shots you have taken!
your australia photos have never excited me...sorry.
i love the paris and italy ones. They either look plain or too staged, like the subjects knew you were coming and decided to dress up for the occassion.
There´s someting about her that reminds me a bit of Isabeli Fontana...Maybe its the jaw + eyebrows + hair.
for a long time now ive had such a hard time getting that instant 'i get it!' from your photos, just because im a 19 year old hippie and thats not really your aesthetic, which is fine. This picture LEAPED off the page. Thank you.
Spectacular! Who did the hair?
she's lovely! Xoxo <3 Üdo
put her on a fixed gear
beautiful, amazing, so natural. the type of girl that only passed me by on my imagination
I knoww that this probably thousandsth comment wont be red but I have to say it : It's Carlito's Way !!!!!!!!
So natural, love this very effortless-looking style.
what a beautiful, striking face! i'm very glad you put the top photo up.
she is beautiful! plus its tusk best place!
I admire this photo... Scott - you capture the essence of style and freedom... you are truly talented artist!
Her bone structure is so perfect and strong. She is beautiful. I like both pics.
I love her look. When you were in Australia, there was a picture of you directing lucy in the magazine Grazia, and i thought to myself how perfect is that bike and her beautiful hair.
You captured her spirit: wild and carefree
What a natural, energetic beauty she has.
Love the juxtaposition of the scarf - the design itself seems a bit more formal, but the pairing and the way it's tied loosely around the neck just works for me.
Love your blog.
Oh how I miss coffee from Tusk on Chapel St! She is gorgeous too...
The outfit is perfect. It is simple match; she looks casual. It seems that she didn't pay so much attention in what she is wearing. What makes the outfit excellent is the skarf. It brings a femenin, glamorous style.
I have seen this kind of style in Charlotte Casiraghi. She is very glamorous, trendy and elegant in all what she wears. She has her own style.
small world, she went to my high school