Style Piccoli

So finally I get to share the shoot I did for Style Piccoli with my kids and their friends. Claudia (above) is such a ham and a natural model. I would just tell her the concept of the character and she somehow just got it. I used to shoot kids a lot more, but I'm such a big kid that I could never get them to sit still or stop jumping on me long enough to get the shot.

Comments on "Style Piccoli"
so cute! love the backgrounds and how these children are so clearly kids, not small adults.
Soooo cut!!! :)
they're so lovely!
These are wonderful. I especially like the one with you and a byline in the right, with the shadows on your suit. The children are adorable. The first photo with the pigtails, hightops, hat and expression is my favorite.
So rad!the girl with the hats has so much personality! Her stance, the way she is sitting. The Grouch tee is awesome with a smile!
I hesitate to post pictures I love of my son. I should reconsider possibly. Thanks! CS
i don't know about that, i myself find kids who are posing like that a bit creepy...
Awesome!! And you became your own muse too?...and Isabella makes a cameo. This one has got to be my favorite post of them all.
I love a gap-toothed smile any day
im still waiting for your book to arrive. i pre-order it at amazon :(
great work!
So stylish children... They should be on Milk Magazine!
198, Butterfly: Fashion, Design and Architecture:
I adore! Love the first shot!
awww fashionable kids are the best love it
I really like the outfit on your daughter - the one with the jean shirt - But on an adult. Posing kids like this is kind of creepy.
I'm also depressed you didn't find anything to shoot in Toronto.
I'm not sure who the girl is in the second photo (may be your daughter) but she is my new style inspiration!
I love these shots! Partly because the concept is so cute, but mostly because they pull off the outfits so well - it looks totally natural!
Claudia is adorable!I love the fact that they are wearing hats!:-))). You did great job! Fantastic pictures.
First Pic: Why so serious???
this girl is wow
is there already a bit of evilness in her eyes?
The first girl is so cute!!!
Lovely pictures
such angsty little kids! haha great pictures, scott! I love the picture with the floppy fedora, chambray shirt, and bean boots. The neckerchief adds some attitude, while the pants draw the eye. it's all about balance! I was dressed more or less the same the other day but something was missing- checked pants!
Can't wait to get my own copy of the book!
Hahahaha they're so cute man I love this one. Good job Scott.
D'you mind if I repost this on my blog? Perhaps just one picture, with a link to your blog?
Oh, I don't know. This is really cute, fashionable, and well-done as always, but it kind of weirds me out how these kids are already so conscious of their self-images, which I don't think is something little girls should be worrying about at that age. Let kids be kids, no?
so young and so stylish! thank you for sharing as always!
for Kas
this isn't their self image, this is them playing a part - a role. They totally understood the idea of taking on the persona of an explorer or hipster. I just wish we would have found a tiny frilly dress at the flea market so Claudia to play Princess in one shot.
those kids look sooooooo chic!!!!
ahhh love it! the first little girl has so much swagger
Love it Scott! Very cool!
how cute is the first picture!
wow, these shots are fabulous! The kids are actually great models, I adore it!!
so, do you enjoy walking around town taking pictures of little children?
haha, just kidding.Cool pics.
Adorable--I love the second picture!
Fun photos. It's interesting how these photos are like a Rorschach test for commenters. Some see creepy, others see kids very adept at mimicry, just having fun. I think these girls are hitting that age where they WANT to put on outfits and pose like little grown-ups. I haven't forgotten trying on my mom's clothes when I was 9, 10, 11, and prancing around in supposedly "grown up" poses.
What a joy to be able to photograph children, and you do it really well (of course you do). Your daughter is jaw-dropping beautiful.
What intense captures!
I'm of the opinion that children are much wiser beings that we give them credit for. Such maturity in these poses.
Rock on.
Omg... This is great!!!
they are adorable!
love these shots! you have totally captured the fun and innocence of being a child. you can see each kid exploring their future with their poses. that is what being a kid is and this is what dress up should look like!
oh my god! she is incredible! its pretty funny/cool how awesome at modeling she is. shes gotta be like, 6!
I LOVE this! Congratulations on a beautiful spread. These kids are fantastic! So beautiful and such models already! I think the best photos generally come out of having fun. We all need to return to our care free, uninhibited days. Bravo
I am surprised by some of the comments, I used to have fun when I was a kid going to jumble sales then coming home, making outfits up and then we would put on shows and stuff, it was FUN! My mum has a whole bunch of photos of us kids posing and playing 'grown ups'. I love this post it brings back good memories and its nice to see kids having fun.
she is totally model!!
awwww, super kawaii! it's amazing how kids can be play pretend so easily without any inhibitions. look at them giving you all this attitude....adorable.
I REALLY REALLY love it. Ditto on a well done not making them look like mini adults.
this is amazing.
Claudia looks amazing. Both outfits are equally sick. You should definitely post more kids pictures. Or even create a whole new "The Sartorialist Kids" site.
haha aw..that's kinda awesome haha
Omg your kids are naturals!!! You will def. be getting calls from some top kids clothing stores v. soon!
OMG, they are so cute and so adorable! I dream the day I'll have a child of my own to make something like this.
Wondeful! I love your job.
so cute!!! they are all beautiful!
wow! so stylish!
The children are beautiful & so artistically photographed.
Your short hair in your bio photo is a very strong look for you.
Cute! I love to see kids dressed in stylish clothing and not just t shirts with characters.
how wonderful!
I really love your blog Sart, but I really don't get this one. This is not what makes a kid a stylish kid to me. They are dressed like grown ups just in smaller sizes. Where are the elements of style, that make kids style so special? I mean, the shoes are "perfectly" untied und not kids way untied. What happened to "effordlessly"?
Still nice photos.wonderful kids.
Makes me want to get pregnant.
oh my gosh!
they don't even qualify for a bank account and yet they dress like a million dollars!
awww so sweet! I can't beleave that these kids dress like that, they are so stylish....
they do look cute, but i'm starting to wonder wheter they should dress acording to their age, I mean if they are using this kind of clothes now, what will entretain them in the future?
Same that going clubbing at a very young age...
love it:)
These kids look so urban chic, I love it. There's a lot of adults that could take a cue from their style.
These kids have such a downtown chic vibe, I love it; some adults could take a cue from their style.
So difficult to shoot children preserving their innocence, without having them transformed in little adults.. marvellous job!
this makes me wonder, how come noone makes something like this for a magazine more often? they put clothes on all kinds of people, but not on children.
imagine a girl in a dior gown and a crown? sweet!
the kids are adorable!!
In a word? ENDEARING.
I love colours, joy and happiness on pictures.
Peace and love!
Ah Scott! I've been enjoying your photos for a few years now and these photos are certainly my favorites. So much ease, nothing contrived. Brilliant, simply brilliant.
Great, wonderful. I want to be kid again!!
In a word: phenomenal.
Oh my. Both of your daughters have your eyes, but your oldest is you to a T! I think the photographs and the children are lovely.
These are great!... You the man Schuman!....
czech out this kid!
your pictures are not only amazing but inspirational. I can also feel the fun and the emotion behind the picture. You've got talent!
Great pics...strong Schuman genes! Beautiful!
I love how kids are so unaffected. They really don't give a damn and more than anything that's what I love about them!
P.S. I just recently came into possession of plaid jeans just like those above. What's even better is they were free from Macy's Children! YAY for kids and clothes!
This is absolutely amazing. Such fabulous kids!
i love the denim top
oh my goodness; how adorably fantastic is this.
great and amazing job!
I love this! This has to be my favorite post to date. I would love to see more children's-street-style. They are so true to themselves and so pure it's nice to see the fashion choices they make.
this picture for me is going to tell us about "every little child must have their style"
Amazing pics!!! Kids are never easy to shoot.... Totally love the background and the styling of the kids! Beautiful
As the mother of a raving beauty, incurable tomboy, and natural fashion plate all rolled into one, this is my favorite set yet! I absolutely adore it. Your kids are wonderful.
What is "Style Piccoli?" Is it a print magazine? Online? How can I get a copy? Love these photos!
pants, pants, pants
~great genes! :)
Gorgeous pictures! i love those kids!
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Nice kiddies i always like's kids. They are realy very nice kid's in a cute picture shot with a supportable background.
they remind me of little miss sunshine :)
How cute! Those kids look amazing! Wow
I could never get them to sit still or stop jumping on me long enough to get the shot.
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I'd rather see kids who have obviously chosen their own clothes, rather than over-styled, precocious mini-adults. They're cute kids, sure, but it would have been more interesting and fun in my opinion, if all the clothes for the shoot were presented to them in a heap just to see what they would have pulled out on their own.
walked by the SABA store today in sydney and was excited to see your work as their window display! =D
Looks nice, but what about not closing your shirt around the wrists? Did the buttons fell of or is it stylish?
So CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't mean to spoil the party, but i think kids should be left to enjoy this period of relative self-consciousness. God knows, it doesn't last long. I think it's awful that the fashion world has encroached on that, putting them in magazines and evaluating their "style." It also has a very detrimental effect on other kids, who aren't as cool, who aren't so wealthy, and who aren't as adulated and adored by their parents. They are just kids. Leave them alone. Buy them a book on bird-watching instead. Teach them to play chess. Feed the ducks in the park.
This is incredible! You have such an ibality to make anyone look like a supermodel! xxx
they're adorable!! mini sartorialists all :D
I agree with nevermind although I think he/she mean (un)selfconciousness
Such cute lil fashionistas!
I agree that they look like mini adults. It's just weird to me. I didn't look like this as a child... when parts were played, I threw on bits of halloween costumes, mom or dad's clothes or other things lying around the house (baskets, ribbons, xmas things, dads fishing gear). I looked like a mess of imagination. My style, likes and dislikes were still developing. My personality was shaping. To me, this looks over-styled and unnatural.
You're right about Claudia being a natural model. I've never seen a kid look so cool and collected in front of a camera. :)
Life, Love & the Pursuit of Fashionable People
Cute photos! Where can I find the poster/photo of Diana Ross in the 4th frame?
I kind of feel what nevermind is saying. But perhaps maybe these kids enjoy dressing up rather than fashion itself? Maybe it's actually a game for them over looking a certain way.
I do wonder whether they actually picked the clothes themselves and have an adult adjusted the clothing for them. Because if you do let them dress on their own, that's definitely the fun part!
omg, this is SO fabulous!! I love the second picture!! SOoo cute! :)
I did. Thank you pandora.
And what about shooting the kids while they're jumping if it's how they behave?
these kids are a natural!
Those kids are better put together than I am on most days! I love it! They're too cute!
waaayyy cool!
For nevermind
You raise some very tricky issues.
I hate to ask the question but do have kids?
Parenting is a very touchy/tricky subject. I wrote three responses to your post and erased all of them. It will just create an overheated discussion that really isn't right for this blog. I will just say that my kids both get straight A's in school. For them, expressing style and learning chess are not an either/or concept.
I agree with 50two Little Miss Sunshine...they are precious
I do have a kid, but he's not as old as yours.
The "teach them to play chess" comment was a bit silly on my part, so let's erase that one.
My main point is that one of the best parts about being a kid is the glorious freedom of not feeling looked at, having your appearance judged (even if it's positively), not caring where your shoes were bought, and generally feeling UNself-conscious.
I myself love clothes and expressing myself through them etc. But it is absurd and naive to assert that that's all it's about. No-- when we look in the mirror, we think about not just what we see, but what others will see, what they will think. We assess editorials in terms of which current trends will work for our bodies, in our lives. We eye people up on the subway, critiquing all the time. Why?
I'm sorry, but worrying about whether your belt matches your shoes is as much about expressing yourself as it is about fitting in with the herd.
And I think a kid should spend as much time as possible developing a connection with themselves that's a bit deeper than worrying about how they look and what adults are going to think of their "personal style." They have plenty of time to enter the herd, and once they do, there's no going back, unfortunately.
I did not mean to suggest you were a bad parent-- I'm sorry you read me that way. It's actually great that you can involve your children in your work. I'm just commenting on the photos and on the larger significance of the fashion scene's growing interest in kids.
the little girl trying on the tie looks way beyond her years. and those cheeks!!
Absolutely brilliant. You all had fun creating the looks/scenes, and that's great; but what I really noticed is that (to my eye, at least) the kids don't look manipulated into being miniature adults, nor do they look forced into being cutesy little kids - such looks always seem so insipid and overused. Instead, these kids seem to be showing us that they have their own personalities and are developing their own interests. I really love it - you did a great job!
Nature is a genius. It makes kids adorable so we'll spend blood, sweat and tears -- and equal amounts of money -- raising them.
To life!
Love the Kiddos! So cute! More, more! :)
hey these kids are cute but, most all children are. the pic of you made me wonder how you are doing. you said some of your kids are here in the snaps which made me think of you as a father and then well, about how you are doing without your father. it's a long transition and I hope that you are doing well.
is this your daughter? if so, she has your eyes :-)
First thing in the morning, before the caffeine had kicked-in, I mis-comprehended the reference as 'Style Spicoli,' a-la-Jeff!, Ha, ha, ... (just a little levity.)
kids rocking it
you capturing it
perfect combination
I really don't like the first two shots. They're just too unnatural. The children are adorable and so are the outfits but I don't think children (or anyone for that matter) needs to make such a concerted effort to look good... The ones with the girl taking photos look great though! Kids can be so spontaneous and live in their own little worlds... if you can capture that I think it's so much more natural and beautiful!
this looks amazing. i think it is one of my favorites. i love that these look like kids and they are not overly sexualized. kids love clothes and dress just as much if not more than adults. they really know how to have fun with it, i am happy you showed that.
love this. kids are so cool. they just know, don't they?
i really like this because you're letting the kids be themselfs but also adding a touch of style to it. It doesn't seem like mini adults because it depends on how the parents are. are they stage parents ya know stuff like that? but these are beautiful photos and im pretty sure the kids had fun too! just because they pose in photos and actually care about what they wear doesn't mean they're loosing their youth. im 16 and im the biggest kid ever although i still am haha but these are lovely photos and i love you blog! :)
kids have crazy swag!
love it...
so cuteeeeeeee
Love this shoot. I like the fact that it's done in a way to make these little kids seem so mature and adult, shopping the flea markets as though they've worked the industry for decades and know exactly which pieces to go for. It's sort of eerie, but that's what I also love about it.
The "duck boots" and the high-top sneakers are hideous, but everything else is fantastic! Bravi.
Love this shoot! The kids are adorable, and are better dressed than me. LOL
Adorable! I absolutely love the colour block sweater in the very last pic.
I LOOOOOOOVE this! Please do an off-shoot of The Sartorialist for kids!!! You can call it "Kinderlist" :[) cute eh!? ahahah lol but really, think about it! Children are my BIGGEST inspiration...they don't over adults ---- I miss being a kid... :/
OMG I can't believe some of these comment. These people clearly have no little girls in their lives.My daughter and her friends would all dress up and have a show for our neighbourhood & all were around this age .They loved it. This is what a lot of little girls like to do .....Loved all these shots...
what a way to start a resume~! looks great~
these kids will have some good memories when they get older~
Hey Scott, maybe your daughter can later be your meal ticket LOL
(it's not that you're doing bad yourself though ;)
They're so cute and stylish! :)
They're so innocent and lovely!
sooooooo! Cute!!
Awesome as always! Love children
really cool Sart - what flea market is this? is it in NY?
Where are these kids hiding and where can I get one of them?!?!?
The little girl with the pigtails and hat has so much pizazz, you just have to love her.
The only thing I would change are the sneakers as I feel they pull the attention away from the rest of the shot.
those girls have awesome style
Style Piccoli is sitting on a row of U.S. Army "parachute bags". They are worn by paratroopers under their webbing straps as they jump, then unfolded and used to stuff in the deflated parachute canopy after landing. (Which is in part self-evident, I suppose). And, as here, they're scooped up by many, many other people who've got stuff to stuff. "Airborne!"
surprisingly i love the children more than the adults, just because it's so unexpected to see them so stylish
super, super, super! <3
really stylish looking kids
this is beautiful, n creative. wud like to follow up ur blog.
what brand are those bean boots?
the LL Bean ones look different (a different sole amongst other things).
i'm loving this littel girl! she's looking great
I love the second photo of the girl with the floppy brown hat and boots. Such attitude.
Would love to know where those bean boots come from.... a virtual prize for anyone who can find out....
That is the cutest set of photos I've seen since my little neices birthday.
I see sadness in those eyes.
Cute! I love to see kids dressed in stylish clothing. He is so CUTE.