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Comments on "On the Street....The Man, Milan"
love the way he frowns. goes with the hair well and adds a bit of flavor to the entire outfit
By turns ridiculous and wonderful
I'm not that much into it.
Man in the middle has beautiful bone structure and grooming.
oh!!! 1st!??
that's so elegant..
i love this blog so so so much!!
Konie from China
I love pictures of older individuals, it always gives me somthing to look forward to. I wish I'll grow old so gracefully and still love fashion.
Love, love , love this character.
Who is he? where is he going?
Is he a clown on holiday?
What melancholy humor can there be in that
book he holds?
He is such a character - or caricature! From his flyaway hair, to his tie sticking out below the sweater, to the rolled up pants! The effect of his light colored suit against the bright blue and red sign, with the background washed out, is very nice.
Love the creepers with that suit!
looks like the crew from cirque du soleil leaving work
i love his shoes! they look so comfortable too.
it made me think of the munckins in the wizard of oz, in a good funny way
the intended(?) frumpiness of it all is what makes it brilliant.
Just take a look at his shoes!!!
love him, esp the hair.
Cool. For me he kind of looks like an... Umpaloompa.
Love his creepers! Wouldn't think a guy that age could pull off wearing a chunky pair like that, but he certainly does.
He looks like the brain, from Pinky and the Brain. Maybe he is ruling the world right now.
The creepers are such a great little thing aren't they? I agree, that man lives in a world of his own, i just think how would another person would look with that same outfit, put that in the body of a model (sans the creepers) and you'd get a killer look.
his nonchalance is key to the look. he is aware without appearing to be. awesome!!!
Is it me, or does this look like THE wizzard of oz? :D excellent. I find it interesting that he is short, yet plays with high waters...
The man looks so cool :)
Thank you for this beautiful shot.
YEAHHH Grampa is wearing Doc Wingtips!!!! SO RAD!!
@Klever Girl- You're right! It does ;)
I like him, and I like the men in background too.
Love this so much...
Beautiful mess.
The shoes caught my eye... wonder what people think about platforms for guys -- coming back?
he looks like a grumpy Mr.Pinkwistle
The madras of the tie and the heavy fabric of the vest make a great juxtaposition, and the vest anchors the solid suit and the colorful tie. I would never try this outfit myself, but I think it is brilliant! Jorge from WPB
Can't believe he's walking hand on hips lol I love it!! HAIL The Man of Milan!!
yes! i was trying to think of what cartoon character he resembles and i was thinking something Dr. Seuss-ish (maybe the grinch??), but The Brain from Pinky and the Brain, is an excellent call!
His creepers just about blew my ming!
I like the colour of his jacket and pants a lot.
wonderfully off-beat. his unique style is a delight!
Sure it is... creepers, smoking, chinos, vest and tie... stylish.
198, Butterfly: Fashion, Design and Architecture:
It's all about wearing what you like and feeling good in your own "skin".
Great pic. Made me smile.
"A la meirda con el mundo"
- Mi Padrino Henry
I'm gonna repeat a few people here when I say how much I am digging the creepers. They really make the look.
"A la mierda con el mundo"
Great pic, made me smile.
He is one of survivor from 70s UK punk age.
what a superb homo sapien! i'm IN LOVE with the hand-on-hip walk. TERRIFIC! one of my favorite shots of yours
I love his creepers!
I like his shoes, they are proper stomping shoes and he sure looks ready to so some stomping!
If nothing else, it is interesting. Though I suspect there's something there worth gleaning.
I have some short friends that would love those shoes.
Personally, I'd wear the tie.
Passport Foodie
a fashionist old man ;)
do you live in milan?
please reply :)
I guess it takes all kinds of opinions. I dont like the look at all.
The shoes are something I wore in the 70's uhg
The quirks are debatable of course, and I actually dig it for the most part. The shoes on the other hand are sinful.
Don't you love the eccentricity ? This guy must be a creative, maybe an architect, writer or artist.
little man with heels !
But I find this character really mysterious and whimsical ! A sartorialist in short !
perfect combination.
This is one of my favorite of all your shots. This imperious little man has great style made more interesting, I think, by his incongruous head. Where do you think he's rushing off to? What's in the book? What's he all worked up about? What a great image.
He is japanese editor.
I like the shoe proportion.
That cat always cracks me up. I swear I had those same Creepers he has on back in 1981-82. But really he's a bit toned down in that shot. No color this time HUMM...
All three gents are of interest.
I especially like the bright green clam-diggers with what looks like a plaid tie.
I love that he's wearing brothel creepers with this suit!
Freakishly brilliant.
Dressed to kill and forgot about it.
If you look at the last few shots the older people are so interesting, genuine and authentic. Can't wait to get there, they inspire. At the same time are pictures of those just starting their journey. Now I'm going to go find out who Mr. Pinkwistle is.
He looks like a Scholar!
Is the sign in back of him saying "Don't do this at home, kids!"? :)
I've noticed in all the photos I've seen of him here (and elsewhere) that he's always striding purposefully. It adds a lot to the total look.
brothel creepers, not so much. green pedal pushers and the mint shirt in the background - yes.
I want this entire outfit and along with it to spend a day with this gent. Is he a designer? at the very least he has an excellent tailor. I love that he is doing all the things that us shorter fellow are told not to do:
cuffed pants
high waist
short square vests
colours that break up the line of the body
and yet he stand far taller and will gather far more compliments than the tallest man.
If clothes could tell what a man thought. He seems so far from present time.
Love the blog! awesome pics and incredible style.
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"It's his world and we are just his subjects."
I love the comment....
actually the pic is very interesting: who is that odd man? where is he going and above all, with that strange look; what the hell is he thinking of?
bravo pour la photo!
Love this blog, and the fact that you´re showing stylish people in every ages! Niiiice work!
Oh, this modern day Napoleon Bonaparte incarnate...
I think I may be in love.
Looks like he rolled up his pants to put focus on his great shoes.I like an added touch of uniqueness
Mad scientist. I like what he's holding. Is that his work documents? His notebook. It makes an interesting accessory. Always what they're holding makes for an interesting accessory.
Mr.Pinkwhistle is a little ''brownie'' a term used by his creator - authour Enid Blyton for a grop of magical people. Mr.Pinkwhistle was depicted in the old drawings as a little man with pointy ears and short trousers and fantastic shoes...
he was a benign creature who often helped good little children or taught naughty ones a lesson. The adventures of Mr.Pinkwhistle was one of the first books i bought from a second hand bookshop with my dad in england. as a little girl, he always used to scare me a bit though, going round peeping into children's windows....
i hope this link works for you guys - http://www.childrensclassics.com.au/ccp0-prodshow/mr-pink-whistle-party-enid-blyton-online.html
Your comment is exactly what I was thinking. This type of person isn't very common in streets. It's him & the others. He's very elegant.
this is beautiful
you don't just capture beautiful images, you manage to capture the emotions in their eyes and expressions.
every day people, always intriguing emotions.
"Hmm. I want to follow the fashions, but my pants fit correctly! What can I do? Wait...roll them up!"
Godthose Italians can dress...even,as i imagine this guy to have done, just grabbing the fist thing and throwing it on...and yes maybe this is why their look is so,well,non-look.every single person has their own style and this is what appeals to me about the Italiani.
omg yeah he looks like the labratory mouse that overtakes the world....
the pinky, the pinky and the brain brain brain brain....
The two gentlemen behind him also seem to demand attention from the lens. Ahh, were the rest of the world this colorful and dynamic.....
He looks just like Truman Capote's O. J Berman at the Breakfast at Tiffany's!!the same shoes, clothes...marvelous
I can say truly and honestly, that after looking at your images I have started noticing details in mensnfashion on the streets on London... Im talking about not british, but complete foreigners..
on these occasions I wish I had my camera with me, and sometimes I wish I had more guts to come over and ask to take their picture.. - because most times it happens when Im travelling on the tube...
Wacky...not in a good way. He put a lot of thought into putting together a look where each piece is assembled in a totality of unharmonious proportion.
I would be forgiven for thinking he didn't care too much about fashion, for fashions sake.. While, his checked tie belies a sardonic sense of humor.. I think he knows where he's going! - p.s. nice, city-chic pic of mature folk. We are one.
I love creepers, can't help myself
He needs platforms to properly be amongst his subjects.
so happy to see a guy wearing socks with his shoes.. finally! he is rather rad too :D
i know that he is very famous people. but i don't know him.
what is his name??
brilliantly sculpted together! perfect timing on the shot
Love the Creepers!!! best shoes ever and making a comback
I wouldn't be surprised if this photo ends up on one of Thom Browne's inspiration boards...I think it's cool.
first thought: mad hatter.
he walks with total confidence, with not a care in the world!
Do you think he knows he is being fashionable? Maybe he is a little bit eccentric....
He's Mr. H. Suzuki, Editor-in-Chief of ENGINE magazine, Japan. Also known for his eccentric looks. Nice to see him here at the Sartorialist.
He is an editor of a car magazine?
That's interesting!
No wander he becomes the editor-i-chief of a japanese magazing like vogue homme or GQ.
The black vest brings out the delicacy, so gorgeous.
This is one of my favorites ever!
The first thing i thought was: wow, he's an hobbit. but with wonderful clothes. :)
This is excellent. A movie or ad campaign or something should be based on this. A man of his own world who likes what he likes. Tredair might be interested.
i love this man, i think he says, bow at my feet or i don't know what i'll do . impression impressions . i love your photography. your love shines through.
I am not impressed.. could be more crazy
Slick, uncomplicated, haphazzard with intention. Looks like another easy dress day for him. But comes off as creative style.
my favourite of all time. i think its the caption that follows, gets me every time.