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Comments on "On the Street.... So Simple, So Perfect, Paris"
oh my godddd. perfection.
Clothes nice.
Cigarettes yuck
so handsome!
so handsome!
really like the color of his shirt, would love to see the full ensemble, though!
I'm not really into this. Slapping on some ray-bans and holding your iphone and cigarettes doesn't impress me. :/
god, I hate these glasses.
but shirt's nice. hair too.
Yea, very nice style!
Something to copy myself hehehe
Such a handsome guy!
was in paris just last week and simple and chic definitely sums up the atmosphere, style, and everything else. this picture represents this perfectly.
check out my blog at
He is QUITE good looking. And the outfit really works!
Sart! Why is almost everyone you photograph have a cigarette in hand??? Haven't they got the memo?
are you talking about the clothes or the guy? lol
It's definetely a very attractive photo; both the clothes and the guy.
Hot, minus the cigs. Love the sunglasses.
Sometimes black sunglasses are just enough!
the title says it all...
your blog makes me miss europe so incredibly much!
so hot!
I LOVE this shirt! I want to wear it myself!
His whole look is PERFECT!
not so perfect for me...
I'm not getting over excited over this one. He looks pretty "normal" as in parisien to me.
Bette V.
¿existe de verdad?
Minus the cig breath and I'll take it.
nice bed-head.
It is perfect!!!
i will copy his style for this
except for the marlboros.
Wow, he's gorgeous.
Men like that are the reason I want to pack up all my bags, leave Australia, and travel until I run out of money.. :)
He's got the most perfect crooked smile. Or maybe it's just a normal smile taken from the most flattering angle. Love it!
love simple...love the color!
so simple, so perfect, so sexy
LLP: I wondered the same thing. Looks just like WA.
oh yeah. another iphone user :D. glad to see that good design is becoming a fashion statement.
i love this look. in my opinion he pulls off the "not trying to hard" concept which is crucial in my opinion for this type of style. thumbs up!
Too bad the shirt doesn't have a breast pocket, a decent place for cigarets and a mobile.
...so gorgeous!
What on earth is the big deal? a young guy wearing a shirt and holding a phone while balancing glasses on his nose?
What is to be our focus? the phone? the glasses?
I'll have to look back and see how many people said this shot was 'amazing'.
Just a guy in a shirt. What's wrong with everyone?
it doesn't impress me at all...i've seen better looks..(diego, from Barcelona)...
les gens intelligents fument...
it´s simple, his haircut is simple, but he has something, what girls and women love. georgeous smile :)
it´s simple, his haircut is simple, but he has something, what girls and women love. georgeous smile :)
wes anderson ?
Hello! over-reaction everybody! It looks like something my dad wears when he was painting (in the 1980's). Above that the phone, cigarettes and glases are so passe...
Wow... extremely appealing & attractive! Definitely smells like Paris. He's normal & has that quelque chose with him => almost perfect! I'd go for him without blinking.
so boring!
The Heartbreak
Oh nice !
really, a simple look. simple and perfect! this is much more impressive than these over-the-top stylings.
Yum. He's got a Johnny Depp air about him.
What I noticed first is the way he's tied his sweater around his waist. Has he somehow integrated it with his belt? Whatever he's done, it's a great look and moves him beyond "a guy in a shirt and pants." It's all in the details, isn't it?
When you can ride the bus with your head sticking out,
Wear a wrinkled shirt with the sleeves pulled up in one bout,
Then acknowledge the presence of a Parisian belle,
That just caught your eyes and put you under her spell,
When you can master the above like a Parisian, then
And only then, should you criticise his clothes through your pen.
Not so perfect as he is a smoker.
But the picture is well taken!
I don't think style was the major factor in this picture. This guy just simply looks really darn handsome.
What do the Italians call that color? Carta da zucchero? You can tell that the quality of the cotton is very good. Looks so fresh and summery.
please, so ordinaire !! et le téléphone et les cigarettes : non pas possible!!! et le sweater autour des hips : pffff!!!
but great pic, as always !! tkx
he looks sooo effortlessly perfect! im loooving it!
The hair, sleeves and glasses make the look...works well...pretty usual in Paris...
Did he comb his hair this way?
Natural? I love it.
Nice photo, -but perfection as regards the outfit? -I had to take a second look to find it, but perhaps it's to do with the slim cut of the shirt that, along with the slightly heavier weight of the fabric, flatters his shoulder as he turns. And the shirt sleeves shoved up just that little bit farther than usual.. the slim waist of the shirt.. All this creates a pleasing proportion that is decptively nonchalant.
I worry about the wrinkles in the sleeves of his nice jacket knotted around his waist though! So tired of those shades too!
I'm loving the weighty hairstyles of the European men...There's just something about a guy with a great hairtsyle. Very charming...He is totally clad
The cigaretts, well...but the rest, is simply perfect in my eyes!
Blog it >> http://fashionmeetscologne.blogspot.com/
Simple is the key of success ! ;)
Those are Tom Ford glasses, or am I wrong? Little to much wayfarerish though
Hey Zuccotto, my grandma liked to use the expression, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all." What's so nice about this blog is that we can all chime in about personal likes and dislikes, different looks and moments, and have a variety of respectful opinions. We don't have to agree, but we do have to be polite. Implying that previous posters are moronic because they like something you don't isn't respectful.
More photos of skinny, TALL, hot, young men. Please. PLEASE! We don't get to see enough of the younger flesh. That old adage, 'Tall, Dark & Handsome'? Totally true. Let's face it, all the DOLCE VITA's aside, women (and i think deep-down, men too...) want to see hot young men. That's right. Skinny, superfit, TALL men. add style into the mix, and hey, THAT is untouchable, envious perfection.
tying yr sweater around yr waist is always lame and never perfect, no matter who you are (unless it's 1994 and you've tied yr flannel around yr waist)
not really feeling it. Reminds me of John Waters and R. Crumb...but those two are really beautiful. This one is just "ehh"
It is perfect! I really loved. Simple and beautifull.
an amazingly beautiful man. reminds me just why im gay! i love how his crinkled shirt goes perfectly with his too perfect to be a mistake bed head, the ray bans are a little larger than usually seen which are nice, and the marlboros somehow make him even more sexy- i bet he doesnt even smoke he just knows it makes us drool....fabUlous!
scrolling down too fast i don't notice the titles at first glance. my first reaction to this was, how simple , clean and perfect.. and so the title was !!!
I <3 , seems the times of Melrose place are back!
dude. i believe that's wes anderson. with a haircut.
Such a beautiful man, simple and elegant
the glasses are such a chic classic
and has effortlessly chic
This is totally Wes Anderson. Love it.
He reminds me of andy murray
I think this guy is American actually, or English, but certainly not French. He's a stylist for GQ, can't remember the name. Pretty striking in real life; very tall, skinny, cooler-than-thou demeanour. I suspect that's what Scott saw, but agree with the comments that it looks nothing special on paper.
Ahh Garth Spencer of British GQ!
soooo right!!
Simple is good. What shines most for me is his sunnies..(sunglasses). The shirt color suits him; but as though he pulled it from the clothes basket? Although, with his hair, physique and smile... It still works!
As a European girl I am allowed to say that I have seen this look far too often to find it impressive or fabulous or "stylish"
My own father wears this look all the time in his spare time, as do his friends and a lot of guys I get to see in the city, and I do not even live in Paris.
Honestly, simple outfits aren't reserved for the Parisiens or Milanese.
Yeah yeah sure the hair cut is nice and the shirt fits him well. But this is just the same BORING and uninspired look worn by plenty.
Irene from Brussels
if anyone else looks like this contact me at http://theperfectprincessofpimlico.blogspot.com for an interview
He wears this understated, classic look remarkably well. I think that fine head of hair is all the "pow" he needs.
he looks good :)
This candid portrait represents a triumph of effortless 'how' over old school 'what'. JFK, anyone?
"Above that the phone, cigarettes and glases are so passe..."
Sheesh, really, "glases," passé? This gent is simply looking good without having to be ostentatious. When did subtlety become passé?
Wes Anderson! for sure....
HE´s a model!
Never mind style, he's just super-appealing. Mission accomplished!
I'd love to meet the guy. Totally in love, just by the pic.
I love the smile..not the cigarrete, though.
but the smile almost make me blush...gorgeous guy.
I think he is an American in Paris.
So beautiful. Can I meet him?
this photo has got something sexy, cool and so unexerted that makes it special.
wanna tousle his hair!!
Essence of Paris. Genuine behaviour and intemporality.
My favorite! He looked sooo smart...until I saw his cigarettes...an accessory that I wish would soon go out of style.. :/
i'm in love.
This guy looks like Hugh Grant, and not in a good way... Maybe it's his "I know I look good right now" smile. But otherwise, I do like the outfit.
...So is it Wes Anderson?
phwoar.. prefection yes
He is hot! And I think it is due to his effortless style and confidence. *sigh*
he looks like wes anderson?!?
yumm :)
Cool and naturally perfect.
GOD! Where i can found this man, so gorgeous!
The hair and the sunglusses make the perfection!
xoxo from argentina!
Kinda boring IMO.