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Comments on "On the Street.... So Simple, Florence"
I love this picture. I want to be her when I grow up.
I love her...she is a clear example of how her look is a reflection of the woman she is.
I really like the neck-piece
How daring yet elegant!
pure elegance
I have been gazing on this excellent photograph and have concluded that she can literally go anywhere in this outfit, that I love linen, that I love her hair, that I love her left eye. The necklace is not an ornament, but
her authority. The hell with tatoos; one magnificent necklace can get you all the way through life.
She's Spanish though, and fantastic at her 74 years old. Eloisa Bercero style has always been fantastic.
I'm not usually a fan of jumpsuits, and I'm not sure if I like this one (is it chambray?) but there is just such a sense of timeless elegance in this photo.
Black to Work
so beautiful...a look we're seeing a lot of right now but still wonderfully androgynous and timeless.
Love the black and white photo. Such a serene look. Interesting: mature woman, watch band, necklace, stance (hands in her pocket). Don't like the mannish haircut. Like the texture of her outfit, interesting buttons, and the wrinkles give it character.
Owwwww! I love it! So cute, and looks so chic and confortable!
when i am older, i will wear pearls, but i will also wear all the things i was too scared to endanger my future with now, when i'm young.
Wow. Absolutely stunning.
I'm the first!
Amazing photo *-*
This shot is less about fashion and more about showcasing your skills as a photographer. Beautiful use of light.
Amazing hair style, great light fabric and fantastic necklace.
Simple and smart, amazing necklace.
Kiss from Kill the Heel
Love it.
Simple, yet effective.
Such a nice outfit. I can't put my finger on exactly what makes it...but I guess it's the woman herself. She looks like she has a good soul.
See, I dont like the whole jumpsuit trend, but I like it here, as she breaks the verticality of it with her sweater, which is much more substantial than just a plain belt. It helps that it is made of what looks like old linen, yet with good stitching and vintage-looking buttons. Overall it feels like a very utilitarian outfit, counterbalanced by the cameo (thats what they're called, right?) and I love the wristband of her watch. Jorge from WPB
I'm blown away by her features... Her face has so much character!
Regal beauty...I love being a woman!
Nice necklace!
The victorian-style cameo and the collar is so chic.
quiet beauty
love the silver hair with the linen texture. very comfortable too.
is she cool or what, women of certain really do know thier style..luvh da vintage choker.
epitome of aging grace. chich chic chic chic chic!
So simple... and so perfect!
A stunning image.
I do like how the sweater around the waist breaks up the linen jumpsuit (?). The accessories are stunning too, simple. There is power in simplicity. And the popped collar and rolled up sleeves works too.
Great necklace, I almost feel like her pose could be immortalized in the cameo.
Yes, I love it! The she has aged so gracefully. Not in the sense of fading into some conservatism but staying current and expressing depth of experience
through simple but sophisticated means; the cameo,
double watch band, knot in the sweater sleeves, subtle texture variations.
Very fine portraiture Scott. Could you please post a color version as well?
And I love the necklace!
There is something indescribable about this snapshot. I can't find the right words.
I love this fabric (I'm guessing it's linen, so light and airy and easy to wear), I love the military-style upper half (so flattering!), and I love her feminine necklace. I wonder if the legs taper down at the bottom or not and what kind of footwear she's got going on. Also, she's kinda rocking the popped collar, and onesies are just so much fun to wear.
This is definitely an outfit I would wear. Thanks for the inspiration.
Tres elegant!
Love the contrast of utilitarian jumpsuit with that stunning piece of jewelry. I'm with you on this Sart.
Intresting face! For me beauty!..Love it!
I had no idea jumpsuits could be so... elegant! Beautifully captured.
so simply perfect.
The guy looks wonderful!
excellent picture
love theeee necklace
nothing to say
its perfect
Now that is a lesson in composure. She could rock a bin bag because of the way she carries herself!
This is wonderful. I love her look but you have also captured it well. Bought your book, by the way. Great work. I have been following your blog from the beginning, so it is good to see it come together that way.
Yikes! She looks like a masterfully-carved statue. And I mean that in a good way...
okay this is by far my favourite shot on this blog ever!
Now this is style!
Stunning photo.
look at her eyes
I see a thousand untold stories in her irises
beyond that, the clothes meaning nothing to me.
the person is everything
what a statement piece she wears around her neck! the contrast of the working class onepiece with the refined luxury of the cameo draws attention to both wonderfully.
Such grace and wisdom, captured in the most beautiful light!
Great photo, very simple & chic! I love that necklace!
I love the fact that I can't tell if it's a man or woman, and that it doesn't matter.
i saw this post featured on http://www.joandjoenyc.com/1/post/2009/08/todays-style-pick.html and fell in love with the photograph!
Exceptional! And I love that it's shot in B&W.
the buttons remind me of the eyes of a mythological bird. Do they see into your soul? Do they gleam at night? Dusk will bring the answer, no?
su collar!!!!
Simply beautiful!
beautiful photo! im a fan of a woman her age and the way she pulls off that jumpsuit. go her!
so simply,but so chic!
Love this shot in black and white.
A lovely woman with scads of style!
I love this statement~!
Was she barefoot? Flip-flops? Birkenstock? Certainly no high heels.
She's the kind of woman I aspire to be. Unfortunately I live in Dallas, Texas where this kind of natural and original beauty is totally unappreciated and considered threatening.
Too bad... I still plan to mature creatively—just like her—despite Dallas.
Patsy Ann
As I get older, I so appreciate women like this one... who make it look like a plus. She is majestic!
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Awfully sorry, but I think a couple of precisions are needed here. To begin with, I am not a Spanish but an Armenian lady, and actually I am only 64! The same one that appeared on other photos by the amazing Scott Schuman: Parisian of certain age/ The Lady in denim jumpsuit, Paris/The Silver Fox/Sand, Grey and Stone.
Wish all of you the best of luck.
Thank you, dear Scott, and congratulations!
This is how I hope to be at this age. Not only the way she's dressed. But the way she looks, as if she's really lived in a way she can be proud of.
Wisdom is reflected in those eyes.
Also love the pearl choker w/ cameo.
Beautiful photo.
So beautiful! www.harleyshops.blogspot.com
Not a jumpsuit fan although this one does look great on her. But her face, her bone structure, such architecture! She is beautiful.
This is one of the best portraits you have ever posted!
She is wonderful and full of life, intelligence and style!
I don't know because she is always mistaken by a Spanish lady who lacks her deepth. If you are able to read beyond the nose, thinness and others physical traits they both share, you never mistake them!
They are not one, but a thousand worlds apart one from another!
Love, love this woman.
what a wonderful piece of art ...
I wonder where the necklace comes from...
Anonymous said...
This shot is less about fashion and more about showcasing your skills as a photographer. Beautiful use of light.
This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. I couldn't even bring myself to look at what she was wearing, I was purely focused on the beautiful photography. Your use of b&w for someone like her is brilliant. She looks like a marble statue, especially with her thoughtful gaze. Well done!
I like it. I also wonder if the colour was intentionally left out as it overpowered the photo.
absolutly amazing.
Such elegance, with shades of Dorothea Lange. Well done.
Beautiful older women... setting an example for those of us still green in the world.
izzy i fully agree with you! simply elegant and what a confidence
An elegant necklace on a jumpsuit, I love it!
great energy
There is something almost magical when we see somebody that has aged and still looks beautiful. And knowing that no matter what you do in life, age is something inevitable. So people, dignity and no plastic surgery please.
Looks like Leibovitz could have shot this...your skills are def beyond just an eye for fashion, Scott.
Beautiful subject, beautiful photo.
This woman totally dispells the myth of the dowdy, frumpy granny. She looks modern, chic, and above-all, timeless. I love how she paired the classic cameo pearl necklace with the very now linen jumper. The pop of the collar and the oh-so effortless sweater wrapped around her waist add a personal touch. And, making this an even more fascinating look, is the woman's face itself. So noble, so patrician. Veristic but elegant. Brava!
Just bought your book in Utrecht, the Netherlands, love to have your pictures on paper! Thank you for the inspiration.
I like her face
Goodness! This is an inspiration! I am 47 and THIS IS THE PATH I want to be on as I look towards the coming decades!
More like her, please!
So elegant and relaxed...daring (jumpsuit!) but classic & timeless, she looks amazing ;)
I absolutely love this picture...what a wonderful portrait
of this lady...Amazing necklace sooo Italian, her double wrap watch oh my, the cardigan around her linen jumpsuit...she is too cool!
Amazing picture!!!
the singular
Her face is real. For me, that is more powerful than a jumpsuit or a necklace or any accessory. I look forward to a time when women remember that nothing is more attractive than reality and stop Botoxing themselves and all that other stuff that just erases your humanity and your individuality.
This woman is beautiful because she is herself.
Now this is a jumpsuit I like...nice fabric & beautifully constructed. Simple.
...and the layered necklaces, the watch,
the sweater wrapped around her waist,
her relaxed stance,
and her amazing face.
And I love that you shot it in black & white!
She reminds me of how the wonderful Shorewalkers group in NYC dress for saunters and wonderfully clothed excusions~! Thank you for this~!
the colors are amazing. she looks like a statue. beautiful subject, great photo. she does have excellent style, and poise.
1:38 p.m. - I just knew it. I have seen your photos in Scott's blog before & you are without a doubt a beautiful woman with great style. Not a sense of it; you have it. Fashion is here today & gone tomorrow. Style is not & essentially, this is exactly what Scott tries to illustrate in this blog - this is what we all have come to love. You are the type of woman that most women aspire to be......
Such a strong, intelligent face--this is the type of woman I still hope to be when I am in my 60's. So chic, and the necklace is stunning. I agree with the person who said that this has echoes of a Dorothea Lange portrait. A very powerful portrait!
i could stare at this woman for hours... there is so much experience and beauty and independence in her face. truly remarkabla.
love love this photo of a most beautiful and elegant lady with such great style!! anyone know where to find this exquisite necklace?
Is this your very first black/white picture ever?
black & white!
wow. at first, i thought this was a man, then i realized how much i loved her choice of short hair. i love her gaze too.
love the b+w, reminds me a bit of a d. lange photo. though definitely less okie and more city sophisticate.
she is gorgeous! her face has a sort of "other-worldlyness" about it, like she is from the turn of the last century. terribly Edwardian, but at the same time so modern and cool. i love the sweater around the waist too - so laid back. J'adore.
What an amazing photo. With it shot in b/w the tone and textures are amazing.
Just got your book in the mail yesterday, love it. It's influencing choices with me. Well done!
Love the b&w photo.. she looks so strong yet elegant.
b&w at it's best.
There's a certain handsome elegance about her. Wondering why you chose to post this in black and white.
i thought it was a man too but then i realised the necklace and blush.
nice photo though so many interesting elements!
Great portrait, I love her necklace a lot.
Stunning, so cool and elegant. In this plastic times, I do love people who are not afraid of aging.
so freaking beautiful...
Love this.
Is this an all in one?
Nice picture....charming
Amazing!!!! She could wrap herself in an old curtain and still would look stunning and beautiful. Style is not about clothes - clothes are just one part of the bigger picture that is true style.
Katy - you are so right.
Amazing wow !!
molto elegante
this is a stunning photograph. she is so chic and elegant and her pose is so statuesque - absolutely beautiful.
Such fine detail and expressive lighting in this b&w photograph. Absolutely beautiful.
I love her serenity and self confidence.
but I really prefer your pics in colours.....
OMG! This is the most stylish woman ever. I remember her from a recent photograph in a marvelous coat. She obviously loves linen! She is what the French call "Jolie Laide" - not conventionally beautiful but strong and striking. I hate all-in-ones but this was made for her. And I'm loving the formal necklace with it. Was she wearing espadrilles? Love her double-strap watch a la Hermes.
I would love to see the color(s) of her garments, but I can also see why the b&w works so well, i.e. It emphasizes the texture more.
Wonderful photo. She looks like a statue...so classic and refined!
This is so perfect in black & white...her regal elegance and obvious poise are just emphasized in this perspective.....thank you.....L
Look what she's done with the accessories! Without them we have a plain jumpsuit, but with tied sweater and necklace it's perfect class.
well so she is an Armenian--that says it all. Grace, beauty and elegance are all part of her native charm
This picture is so well accepted by everyone, that I feel really belonging to the very small minority writing my opinion. The picture itself is fine, I do like her watch and the way the sweater is tied loosely on her waist. Yet somehow, I feel strangely sad and I don´t know why.
Her watch!
beautiful image !! timeless
She is a goddess!
The photo is masterful!
Whilst aesthetically this picture is beautiful - I also feel it's kind of heavy. I don't know how to explain it, but all the greyness, the textures of her clothes, the dark background- just seem to bog me down.
I LOVE the necklace though.
She's not Eloisa Bercero, spanish freak!
Yes, yes, yes....bring back the days of Georgia O'Keeffe and Anna Magnanni when beauty was from the inside out, fearless, unapologetic.
It IS art that imitates life...absolutely.
powerfull is human dignity
This is what fearless acceptance of age looks like.
stunning, naturally effortless looking, age appropriate woman.
fab necklace! reminds me of my friend's designs: www.jennfenton.com
Anonymous: That is precisely what I was thinking. There is something about a strong woman with a little age. Georgia O'Keefe comes to my mind, too - as well as Jane Goodall. I like to see real faces - not botoxed, overly made-up ones. I do not care for her jumper however. A strong face can also register as a bit masculine. The pearls are lovely and soften her face. The jump suit is a bit too manly.
Good photo. Nice necklace. Stylish lady.
I still don't understand why people want to wear a jumpsuit. It is not very practical...
Unbelievable! I love this photo! The colour and texture of her skin is so similar to the linen. Beautiful!
- 21arrondissement.blogspot.com
this is a very good portrait.
Dear Scott
This photo is so stunning it took my breath away. One of the very few advantages of growing older is that one comes to know through years of trail and error what really suits one's body and personality. This lady has it down pat.
Gorgeous photo! Probably one of my favorites of yours so far. The textures and tones here are wonderful. I like the neck piece with this outfit. It's an unexpected and unforced combination. She's very comfortable and relaxed with herself. Very nice.
she just has this noble majestic image in her!! u captured her in awe :) awesome!
i want the sartorialist back in florence!!!
She reminds me of a short story by Somerset Maugham: Jane. This is how I always imagined Jane to look like.
This is such a beautiful picture. It reminds me of Dorothea Lange's pictures.
She gives me goosebumps - elegant, graceful, strong, confident woman, which makes her sexy! and i love her cameo necklace...
I want to see her in a movie, a doc or narrative, just as long as she's the star.
How elegant...
Wrinkles in linen bother me a little bit. Is that ok for me not to like it? : )
Sart, please keep asking women of a certain age to have their photos taken by you. Those of us who are in that age group eagerly watch for pics of women with style.
Thank you for your beautiful work.
so beautiful!
I just stopped when I got to this photo. I like everything about this image, but in an unexpected way. And it gets better each time I look at it.
Oh! And the first comment here is perfect--me too.
There's no doubting this lady's style but your execution of the image is superb. The tones make this. A classic.
"Sart, please keep asking women of a certain age to have their photos taken by you. Those of us who are in that age group eagerly watch for pics of women with style."
You took the words right out of my mouth. Would love to see more.
I love her! She has been pictured before, wearing a long coat and I loved her then also. When I grow up, I want to be just like her!
This fashionable lady, fashion critic of Moscow ... Maria Ter-Markarian. Her haircut I did.
She is regal, she stands like a queen.