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Comments on "On the Street.... The Next Step, Florence"
I love it. He reminds me of Stefano Pilati. Where can I find these "trousers" ?
Mother of God. Jesus wept
oh dear.
Theres baggy shorts...and then theres shorts that just look like a giant bag.
I immediately think Allen Ginsburg India Buddhism -- it throws me for an imaginative loop.
I bet those pants are comfortable. And whats up with the shoes? I can't figure out what they are exactly...
The next step...towards what?
Is this the fabulous and ultra sexy Mr. Tony Ward? Whoever he is he can carry anything off with that face. Ogling aside, great pants and such fascinating footwear.
I LOVE the influence here!
I've bought trousers just like those in Osklen's last years summer collection
Sorry, no. Interesting, perhaps, but not stylish. What happened to the proportions? Also the shoes look two sizes too small.
Not to be worn on a windy day on the north east coast of England! Super cool for the beaches of southern Europe though.
oh wow, i love the feel of this photo--- very casual cool
Too Seattle for my taste.
Full disclosure: I live in Seattle
Nice tattoos!!
that is so crazy! I love it.
Ahaha I love this blog SO much. Its such a cool idea, and you do so well with it. Your writing, pictures, and the variety of people you select makes this blog priceless. I just started a blog of mine, mainly a photography and fashion blog (photographicfashion.blogspot.com), but its nothing near as cool as yours! I love how you travel all over the place too, its very interesting to see how people dress from across the country.
Sorry this is a long comment! ahaha
I don't understand this.
They're from Umit Benan's new collection, either that or the model from the lookbook has ran off with them!!!
Awesome - he carries the look very well.
I have a feeling the beard is crucial in pulling off this look.
reminds one of japanese workman pants.
The pants/shorts are really cool!!!
He is Umit Benan.
you can see his new collection here:
Cat Stevens meets M.C. Hammer? I'm confused.
I have a recurrent dream in which I'm wearing something like this while trying to get home on a busy Friday afternoon and wondering, will I make it?
hmmm...i have to think about this one
i like his sunglasses, t shirt
and everything but his pants..
too baggy
flying squirrel pants!
reminds me of the daring athletes who hurtle themselves from cliffs - the next stage of paragliding.
More wind for him! But this fashion is not for me.
A little weirded out by the beard and espadrilles, but there is something strangely chic about the look. But I think it only works in this exact pose. Imagine if he were sitting and the effect is blown.
It's a very laid back look. I wouldn't try out those particular pants but maybe something along those lines if they ever come out. These ones just look like "pre extreme diet" pants with an elastic waste. I love the collar of the t-shirt as well as the tattoos and bracelets.
Things I think I know:
1. He is a good looking man (despite, or perhaps because of the ironic beard).
2. He's got a nicely proportioned body from the waist up.
3. He looks like he has cartoon legs from the waist down.
4. Pants: They're too short, and too long all at the same time.
5. He wore his wife's shoes today. I like that.
Ah . . . what?
YES PLEASE. I actually gasped out loud when this picture popped up in my RSS. Then I had to click on the site to blow it up. This man looks in-credible. Not too Hippie. Not wearing an urban kilt, not too fussy,a little rock in roll, and kinda like Luke Wilson (yum).
Who is he and is he single?
i'm not sure i'm feeling this one..........
The shoes are espadrilles, no? They fit; it's the trousers two sizes too large.
I like everything--face, tattoos, shirt, shoes, setting--except the pants. I think I'd rather see a Speedo and his legs!
In a word, hot.
I don't like the low crotch, but...good summer shoes.
I don't know if I'm ready for and sort of harem type pants/shorts on the guys yet...
I think the shoes are espadrilles. Those pants look like a grocery bag, not sure if thats good or bad...
He looks as though he has very short legs for my mind but I love the beard and the colours and the casual flair..
And he stands tall.. with his short legged look..
i bought these kind of pants in Bangkok flea market for less than 10 bucks. And comfy they were. Trendy too, if you have the right match of everything.
Sorry but I'm not havin it. STOP HAMMER TIME! comes to mind. HAHAHA.. I know we all need to do our own thing trust me I'm as silly as the next bloke, but the pants gotta go. Sorry my son.
He seems to be ready for my tai chi class :)
The proportions remind me of Thai fisherman pants.
I think these are Japanese pants. Quite popular for women in Indian stores right now.
Absolutely love the pants!!!! Reminds me of Yohji, the proportions are perfect.
this looks like something i would have worn in middle school circa 1998
I love the bracelets though!
It's all about the espadrilles...and wide khaki!
I actually kind of like these pants but not with this outfit.
100% wedgie proof.
like it.
He looks very comfortable with his look...Matter of fact I think he might own this one ;)
I really enjoyed this post. The pants are so fantastic. Is anyone else with me on maybe no elastic in the waist? Love the khaki but I would have shortened the hem an inch. I'd like to see them with a tonal mid thigh length jalaba. Maybe in all linen?
This is Benan. And this guy is the new deal. Normally I judge people who dress like this as trying too hard and being "fashionistas"- so Janne, most of everyone else who posted, I understand what you're saying- this isn't classically stylish. (People dress like this in Seattle!?) However, take the time to look at his fall collection preview for '09. You'll quickly see that he does have a very classic sense of style as well as this more eccentric personal taste (please note the somehow masculine leggings).
My first thought seeing this: I can't believe this is the same guy designing those beautiful three piece suits! All the b.s. about him growing the beard and how this relates to some story about how the clothing is more about the inside than the external blah blah- it's a cute pr story. But look at the clothing, the classic jackets, duffle coats- Hell the new Cuba line has this badass linen mechanic's overalls thing. It Is Freakin' Awesome. This guy should seriously be welcomed into "fashion"- he's all the classic masculinity that's missing from it, in my opinion. And you know what? He looks pretty chill wearing these absurd pants anyway.
By the way I haven't seen any of this stuff in person. It could be total garbage ;)
I think this is Umit Benan...and yes, the beard is indeed crucial in pulling this off...
Hammer Time!
I think he looks terrific!
i want my boyfriend like that.
Yea, it gives it the whole minimalist vibe to me. Don't think the pants would work without the beard or bracelets and love the shoes. Reminds me of a monk's sandals or something.
I believe this is Umit Benan himsel, carrying one of his own creations.
I like the volume of the pants, but the crotch looks far too low, like wearing a pair of Vivienne Westwood bondage pants, you'd barely be able to walk.
Do you think he wears underpants under those? ;-)
Those pants are just out of this world. Wonderful.
I think its super coool! I like when people make a statement looking sooo incredibly comfy!
I'm moving to Florence!!!
The trousers are great - less of the hammer time comments! Heavier material gives them the edge.
Shoes give me a problem though - too girly for even me to wear.
MC Hammer...Can't touch this....Please don't touch this....don't even imagine this look. Woah, Nellie!
molto comodo!
Ok, looks great on him, on someone else........... not so much !
Waist up, I think Umit's look is very sexy, but waist down it's a little awful. Just because it's "designer" doesn't mean that it's a good design.
Thought it was a nice relaxed outfit, bohemic.
BUT when I saw the shoes? No, why did he force his feet into his girlfriends/sisters shoes?? It would have been nice whith a pair of slippers!!
~i think it defines comfortability; it may not be edgy for many, but i salute the guy for being fashionably courageous. I give 7 for the shoes, 5 for the oversized pants, and 10 for attitude. :))
4.75 yards of 60 inch wide khaki fabric to make these short,blousey,pleated pants: see-how-I-can-so-easily-distract-viewer-from-even-noticing-who-is-wearing-them.
From the waist up he looks like a regular guy.
Love people who do their own thing:)Go for it:)
Corpus did this a couple of years ago in jersey...no elastic. I love mine and wear them always. Leaves much room for accessories:)
is that his own face tattooed on his arm?
Fits him...except the shoes...
Maybe in India where this kind of pants have been worn forever.
But in Florence ?
Well they have to be worn by a westerner ....
An immigrant would be scorned for not adapting to the Europen way of dressing.
Those are some serious pleats.
I quite like the pants but why is he wearign espadrils, they are bad enough on women!!! My mother always told me to be suspicious of men with beards - they have something to hide!
Quel style!
Viva los hombres guapos y con estilo!
He is f*** gorgeous!
Hi Anonymous (at 11.48 PM) – I just checked out Umit Benan's collections, and I agree with you – very stylish, classic cuts, great colors and all. He is obviously extremely talented. I just don't get these super-baggy pants. But hey - eccentricity is fine. It's pretentiousness I have a problem with. I don't know which category these fall into.
He is working this look! Love it
This look = 1/2 MC Hammer + 1/2 capris.
Not cute.
about the shoes:
the accurate name is "esparto grass espadrille" - in Spanish, alpargatas de esparto.
Traditional Spanish shoes, remarkably fashionable nowadays, and incredible cheap.
These pants, are like Hakama-traditional Japanese garments, kinda of worn like a wrap skirt,but similar to pants. They are still used in traditional martial arts to connote Shodan ranking!
I think it's very well done, and the faux-toeless tabi slippers are a nice touch!
Its always interesting when you have shots like this how some people hate the clothing and others love it.
Personally I think he looks silly. Well from the waist up he's great but the pants/shorts and shoes are just wrong.
The shoes are seriously too small. A pet peeve of mine is shoes that don't fit. Was at a party 2 days ago and a woman had on shoes that were at least 2 sizes too large, how silly looking.
the shorts... no, just no.
Love the pants, with the espardilles and the grey t-shit, cute.
198, Butterfly: Fashion, Design and Architecture.
Most comments on the pictures are always very positive, even when I honestly could not find anything positive in these pictures. So when I saw this picture I was wondering if I would be facting all the "love it" and "great look" again. But luckily this time most of us agree that this is pushing it just a bit too far. That said, I really wish I could grow a beard like that!
he looks like an intellectual-biker who ran out from the "Little house on the Prairie". GRRR...nice and coool mix!
He must have borrowed the shoes from the girlfriend!
This picture is so amusing to me, as from the waist down, it could be me!!
The sarouel (drop-crotch pant) and espadrilles are staples in my wardrobe. Not sure about them on him, but why not? He looks like fun, if a little fundamentally intense. Don't like the prison tattoos, personally, but on the whole I'm a fan. Marl grey with khaki is a great look.
aside from the, as always superb photo, the best thing about this post are the comments
I love the wornout shirt, the pants and although I don't really like the espandrilles they are certainly better than flip flops. He looks confident and therefore stylish, not anybody can pull of a look like this. Thumbs up.
... and the beard is just hot ;)
I feel bad saying this, but I am the only one who hates this? They look like shorts made for an obese person worn by a skinny person.
Just because it's different doesn't always mean it's chic -- in my book.
Just checked out the rest of his collection. Am in TOTAL agreement with Anonymous. His collection is very wearable, but with the inclusion of shapes like these pants, also forward-thinking.
Visual proportions become normalized to our eyes. Think about how the "boyfriend jean" was demonized on Katie Holmes last year, and now being graciously accepted in the mainstream. I love boundaries being tested, and Umit Benan's work does a great job of pushing our boundaries.
To sum up: A successful sartorial leap.
This look is what I call mind bending. It works so well conceptually to me, (comfort, hot weather attire, color) then it challenges the a, b, c's. Great shot for inspiration, I'd probably rework this a little to make the proportions "better" otherwise, I would love to see men in this look.
I can't help it. I hate these pants. I don't see anything terribly new here
I just fell in love with the man. I therefore forgive him for wearing his girl's shoes...
I'm a sucker for a man with a full beard. Love the hair, the glasses, the tats, the tee, the watch and the beads. He looses me from the waist down. I didn't know they made espadrilles for men. I just can't wrap my brain around that.
Where do I get those pants in black?! I absolutely adore them!
I love it but i'd bring the crotch of the pants up a bit so it doesn't get that weird foldy thing happening. I love the colors.
forward-thinking? amazing? I doubt it. the most fashionable item jesus ever wore are birkenstock sandles, not ballon plants.
What a great picture! I love it!
That is a bit TOO dropped- crotch in my opinion, though I like the tan and gray colors together. Nice contrast, Sart, of old Florence architecture and crazy camo truck.
By the way, is that a tattoo of himself on his arm??
For pampers?
This is my favorite version of this pant so far.
Inspired by Rocky the Flying Squirrel, no doubt. Almost as funny.
The pants are hilarious - reminding me of the low slung shorts that teenage boys wear. The shoes are effeminate. The tattoos on one arm, and multiple bracelets on the other, are interesting.
Not too sure about this! :-S
wow--would love to run into this person he must be a kick! I think the yohji-ish pants are super cool with the old grey t-shirt--doesn't seem to be trying too hard to me and you know those pants have got to be amazingly comfortable!
Hmm... I like his glasses
The next step is an ankle length skirt..
Can't help but think a more fitted shirt w/ less-open neck would make it look better.
Wizard cool shoes, though.
I have no problems with extreme statements but this doesn't strike as "chic" the way one would hope.
I want to be this man! I want to get rid of my entire clothing collection and only wear his clothing! Umit Benan is brilliant!
Isn't he the author of "A Year of Living Biblically" ?
Um, some of this I like. I'm just wondering what the benefit of that culotte cut is. If it's supposed to be cool for the summer, why so much fabric? And wouldn't it be difficult to walk in? Why not wear a long skirt and REALLY freak people out? A skirt would match the espadrilles even more.
But I like his ink.
Holy Moly!
While there is nothing left to be said I still gotta say - Yikes! The likeable thing is that he's got the cajones to walk around like this.... a circle in a world full of square pegs.
The beard does not match the outfit
I am agog at the number of comments about men in espadrilles! They are the classic Mediterranean summer shoe and totally cool. Check out the heat given off by Alain Delon in "The Yellow Rolls Royce"--and his shoe of choice. No one can argue about his cojones!
I think this guy looks good — from the nose up.
i like everything, pants, tattoos, attitude, hair, beard, oh well....
haha...nice picture! Though I bet the guy is super comfortable in those shorts and espadrilles. But speaking of espadrilles a great and not too strange looking designs from Barcelona, Spain can be found at
he reminds me a whirling dervish... I kind of wish he was wearing a skirt. or that the pants wrapped more.
haha, it reminds me of the that skort-like thing that they wear in Aikido matches...except not in black......anyway.....
I absofuckinlutely LOVE this!!!
Is that a tattoo of him on his arm?
- le 21eme Arrondissement
I could see those pants being a big hit with circus clowns.
the guy and look are beauteous!
i absolutely LOVE this. thank you so much!
Brilliant! He's comfortable and self-assured in this outfit, and at the same time is breaking barriers - as is evident form the many shocked comments to this post. Chic? Style? That's subjective of course. In any case a follower he isn't.
perhaps not my liking but i adore what seems like a reinterpretation of the U.S. neo,b-boy look of dressing giant shorts and enorm tee shirts.
His pants look like the Chinese Hakka tribe pants. I saw a lot of them in old vilages in southern part of China, but they were usually in black.
i love his japanese (?) hip look. seems like he already knows what the sense of this life)
the shoes are called espardenyas, a traditional shoe still worn in catalunya.
where can I get these in SFO CA??
love espadrilles on men. But mens espadrilles do NOT have the ballet ties around the ankles. These are womens shoes, "not that there's anything wrong with that".
What makes these pants different from others of the same cut (thinking of the whirling dervishes I have seen) is the heavy papery fabric. I like the softer ones, but these are cool in a very weird way.
he's cute. he can wear anything.
These trousers are absolutly fantastic! I love it! Completly different and cool
Fearless. People like him are crucial to fashion. It's moving towards the future, towards no boundaries of what one can wear. It is without regard to gender, or even to the body, it is simply a statement.
WOW!!!!! Definitely comfortable! :)
Please tell me that's Sasha Baron Cohen, punking us for his next film...
I've been around long enough to have worn a similar style to this in the late 80's (there is nothing new under the sun...) and they are very cool and comfortable...but I have to tell you, here in Australia they are called "poo catchers"
I love it. Just because. This is fashion at its best.
I so want these trousers!
yes for man skorts
ADORO!!!!!!!!! I love !!!!
no no no, im so much more for a more fitted look. no no no.
He's got me.
ah, Benan. don't know a tonne about him but what i do know sees him to be a very interesting, talented and stylish person. i like the pushing of the envelope with some of his pieces and the old-world gentleman style of others.
i really get a laugh out of the commentors making absolutist statements about what is 'for men' and 'for women' only . really funny. xx
i love the watch and all the arm bands
A la Michael Kors on Project Runway..."the crotch on those pants is insane!"
Wow! Very nice look & Nice tattoos!
this is style? here's the test....would you post this photo a year from now? exactly.
I think that's E from the Eels.
this is a bit too much..but he can pull it off. All you need is attitude!
revenge of the boyfriend jeans - the girlfriend espadrilles :))
The only person that comes to mind who cold pull off this outfit is Julian Schnabel, but that would be a stretch....
He looks like two different people - a man on top and woman on the bottom.
I saw last week The Darjeeling Limited,(Wes Anderson),and this Man,with spanish spadrille,reminds me this movie..so good to see;)
LOVE. But I agree with louprolific.
big man pants: bingo. laced canvas shoes: double bingo.
these are thai fisherman pants, quite cozy and can be worn a variety of ways. you can find them in thailand, naturally, but many sell them on Etsy
Simply Perfect !
If I see this guy at my school or other art schools it's ok.
Other than that I don't get it, seriously.
I think I would run away if I saw someone wearing an outfit like this. I wouldn't know if he was trying to be stylish or if he was a little mentally deranged.
He is a designer and was selling at Hotel Jolly Lotti in Paris last June.
Pure simplicity. Almost austere.
a rock star look that only works if you're actually a rock star.
but espadrilles on an average dude? not feeling it.
wow impressed
yeah where can I get those pants !!!