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Comments on "On the Street.... High-Top Cons and Jackets, Florence"
Love the look of the bottom photo. I love the combination of the formal with the casual. It's so Sydney! Definitely a look I will be trying when the warmer weather hits. Bring on Summer!
awesome look, but I just cant quite get around the high tops. To me this look would be better with lows.
WOW, the first guy is soooooo hot.
Awesome style. Loving it :)
Interesting dad, not completely sold on him though I think the pocket square makes his high-low look a bit formal, shoes seem more appropriate for the second younger guy
Both very REBEL
I'm sorry I know you're the expert but these guys look like they're 8. The only people I ever see walking around with blazers and shorts are little boys. Shorts are fine but I just can't get myself to like a look that puts them with a jacket especially for an adult. I do like the cons with the jackets though, any sort of hipster update on the blue blazer is a breathe of fresh air.
Great Photos, well taken, almost can ear how they sound like
Chic Wishes
The shorts are cut too close. It looks like he's wearing boxer briefs and forgot to put his pants on.
So stylish! I love the pink and black striped pocket square against the black, white and gray!
i love his style...
i wish i can pull out that style too
anyways, very nice
To me this would look like crap if it wasn't for the shorts. The cons need a lot of space not to mess up the rest of the look. Now, with alot of leg, this look kicks ass.
I love how schoolboy this look is!
so cute. maybe i won't get rid of all my converse just yet ...
i wonder if this would look as good on a girl? maybe not because i think it's something about the blazer + shorts + male leg + chucks. but perhaps something similar, but different could revive my old cons . . .
Aren't they the same person in both shots?
the first guy surely has a good sense of humor.
I like this combination.
this confirms my belief that chucks are the best versatile classic sneakers. ever. you should do a feature with chic ladies and their high-tops!
the bottom look got it right.
he's young, he's hot, he does what he wants.
...and he wants high-tops. he managed to make this look come as as very organic and 'thrown together'.
i love it.
the top photo is all wrong, his jacket and pocket square are both too formal to be worn with those chucks.
or maybe the chucks are too informal to be worn with the jacket and square?
his choice to wear the chucks comes off as too deliberate.
Fuj - Gentelman and shorts. Terrible
Funny at first sight I thought they are both the same person, they even have a similar dark brown bag. Anyway, they both rock this style.
Bette V.
perfect ;) i love guys who have style
I like the clothes really, but the shoes... The shoes make the man! Please change
I love it how he looks kind of old school with the high top chucks and the shorts with the dress shirt and a blazer. Reminds me of a kid going to school in the morning back in maybe the 20's or 30's. I love it so much!
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I think that both photographs are of the same guy (check the bag). The second ensemble--what else to call it, costume?--looks slightly less ridiculous but, c'mon ... he's not Sarah Jessica Parker (though he may wish he were).
I think you have to be a slender young thing to pull this off. Otherwise, it's too infantilizing to wear shorts. These gents rock it right, though!
THAT IS SO AWESOME!!Anyone who says that the shoes don't work with that outfit I will keep my response to myself :) SO SUPER RAD!
I like your main subject in this shot but for some reason the woman and man in the rearground look to be the most interesting to me, in this particular frame. He is indeed unique and worth the focus but the two passerby-ers are so meticulously "on point," head to toe.
not the same guy - the first one is wearing white shorts the other, grey turn ups. do look very similar though.
Hmmm....can't quite agree with this one. Not with so many other more fitting sneaker designs available.
Suit + cons = stunning combination.
I like the second photo it really works all casual, but the first guy no way, maybe its the too tight shorts?
They don't even remotely look like the same guy. I'm glad none of you are sitting on a jury. The second guy pulls it off. The first guy, not so much, and I think the lady's reaction in the background might be a response to how it is not working.
His outfit makes me rethink my idea that men have less choice than women in terms of dressing. Great, great outft.
I like it a lot! Very sexy
totally great. gorgeous outfits.
Too gimmick-y. Converse hi-tops should be worn with a certain amount of discretion. Otherwise very nice elements in both pix.
I don't think this works...am I the only one? What he's wearing from the waist up is nice.
perhaps if the jacket had been run thru the washer and dryer so that it had the same mood as the shorts it would feel right.
as it is it looks like he forgot his pants....not feelin' it.
Do NOT be fooled ladies and gentlemen! They are different in just about everything! The blazer up top is navy...the blazer at the bottom is black! The blazer up top has a red and white striped pocket square the one at the bottom is just white. The man at the top has white pants..in the bottom they're grey. The Converse shoes at the top are not tied up to the top...at the bottom they are. The brown bag at the top is small and not the type to slouch and lay sloppy on the floor...the one at the bottom is softer leather and therefore it is sloppy and slouched. Even the aviators are different types because the ones a the top are gold rimmed..the bottom are silver! (LOOK CLOSELY!)
check out my trendy blog!
cute guys or guy...I want the white bag the lady is carrying in the first picture...I adore it
I clearly need to get some shorts and Chuck Taylor's. :)
Passport Foodie
Interesting look - clearly only for slimmer guys though. I wonder if slim tailored shorts like that will ever make it here stateside?
Loving those hi-top black chucks! Great sneakers that go with everything!
Overall both looks are really good. Love the idea of combining casual shorts and chucks with a blazer.
Cool and funky.
Peace and love!
It's a very interesting combo. It's fine I guess if eecuted well....
I'm sorry, but no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No.
the second photo i like a lot..
so sexy! although i find the pocket square a little over the top for the first guy. the second one = yummy!
Comfirms my infatuation with the complex elegance of Chuck Taylors.
I love this so Much. Im going to make some.
Interesting how virtually identical outfits can be so different. The top one looks contrived, the bottom one looks authentic. I think the fact the lower guy's willing to sit on the curb to take/make a call and let his bag flop tells us his cons are part of his life and not some cred-claiming prop.
these are fab.
Yes . . . maybe the jacket should be less constructed.
The man in the top photo is beautifully dressed, EXCEPT for those shorts & high tops. Slim white pants, cropped at the ankle, would serve his look, and his physique, much better. The man in the lower photograph may well be the same subject (everything from his nose and chin to his brown leather satchel look identical), but the grey, slightly looser shorts--and the pose--make his sartorial sins less obvious. We all live in fear of being caught by your merciless lens! The only revenge is to learn from our mistakes...
i loveee this.
it's so fresh
this is amazing!
Great look! It's always interesting to mix it up and not just stick to one prescribed formula for a look.
Yuk compare and contrast to trousers above. Not cool, not comfy and trying too hard.
Although once again shoes don't match..
Wow, sportswear and formal. Where do these people get their inspiration. Whatever will be next? Jeans and a jacket? The nerve of these people.
*Removes bileous tongue from cheek*
always loved the cons-and-jacket-outfit - for women, too. wearing shorts it's even better. love it. and you know how to display it perfectly.
Sart, they got your attention ,anybody´s attention !
That is probably the reason a lot of people get up in the morning and get dressed.´
It is time to do the opposite- at least when it comes to dressing.
the first one does such a brilliant job mixing the dressy and casual look
Yes, I must admit I despise it when grown-ups pretend to stay forever young by wearing clothes that should be reserved for kids or teens. Age with dignity, lads :-)
...and yes, it is very Dorian Gray'ish.
Really great,
except for the shoes, i can NOT
stand the Converse label, it's so borin'...
Agree w/ anonymous above re the little boy look of jacket and shorts. And the high-tops don't help matters. Little boyish, nerdy. Not a good look for a grown man. Maybe not even for a kid, for that matter.
top guy looks like he's on his way too school. The shorts are too tight.
The bottom guy rocks it.
I wish more people dressed like this in the states.
i love both of these looks. i love when people shake up their ensembles a little bit with an element of surprise. totally cute.
Also, I think the reason why the Cons work better in the second photo is because of the uninterrupted black and white, thrown in with casual grey turn-up shorts.
In the first photo, the navy-blue and white color palette (along with the pocket square, of course) conveys a clean sense of formality, so the Cons are jarring once you move your eye down to the foot.
Converse with a suit coat!? How subversive!!
Nerd nouveau is a popular current look, especially with art students. There are better examples of it, thank heaven.
Who knew high-top Keds would be such a fashion rebellion. Or are they Converse sneakers? I always see them as Keds.
This is an American influence that is comparatively benign -- considering all the junk food we're responsible for spreading around the world.
Wow! I love people who really don't care if they look like oddballs, really don't care if there isn't an ounce of sex appeal in their style, really don't care what anyone thinks. How boring a place it would be without them.
These dudes are of the Pee Wee Herman school of dressing.... bringing a giggle to all who cross their paths.
Cons will always rule!
pretty awesome. definatley a look meant for europe (or sydney) but still, the hi-tops make the whole look very fun, a nice juxtaposition with the blazers!!
The first guy looks like he forgot to put his trousers on before he left the house. A bit ridiculous.
what's so great here about this being a blog is that you're scrolling down, seeing the top half of a chic gentleman and then scroll further down and be completely surpirsed by the mismatched bottom half - the mismatched-ness being the strength of the look though!
the shoes are great. classic even. nothing new about wearing them with either shorts or blazers. we did that back in the 80's. the bottom gent has it right. the top gent has it wrong, and it's the too tightness and too whiteness of his shorts that make is so wrong.
carry on.
love it...would love to see the cut of the jacket though...
re. the top pic though, i'd like to see the shorts a touch looser and a touch longer..
How very Angus-of-AC/DC.
he looks like a flight attendant for some reason.
I love this look!
The converse gives thier outfit a nice casual edge.
Great shots!
cool! the WHITE socks on the first shot!
Today marks the first day that I own something in a picture on The Sartorialist. Hot.
I'm sorry, but it's just so contrived, which is never good on a woman, let alone a man. From the fussy little pocket square to the "zany" hightop chucks. It's a look that's trying to say "I'm a little schoolboy". But they're not.
The guy in the tan blazer in the top photo looks great. The two boys look silly.
This reminds me that while I adore all of the photos on this blog, my favorites are of the classic, wearable male looks.
Great combination!
Blog it! >> http://fashionmeetscologne.blogspot.com/
I <3 it
love it too!
The second guy gets my vote. Rather cute & dashing, at the same time ;)
I like it!
- Vanessa
all are cool.
i liked bottom one, he don't care for anything.
amazing photo.
just great ! so stylish guy, anyways.. are they same guy?
The first man has confidence to boot. Look at his strut. This is why I like the first outfit much better. The white shorts are a perfect fit in my opinion, and they offset the formal wear in a playful, casual way.
In fairness to the second shot, we can't see how it looks with him standing upright. Buy my money is still on the first.
I think the fellow in the white shorts at the top looks v. geeky. Leave it to Beaver shoes don't belong here. They don't belong on grown men, if you ask me.
I love the juxtaposition of the formal blazer and casual style high top Cons. It's a look that most people can pull off without even thinking about it. Simple yet stylish. Love it.
I'm a huge AC/DC fan, and also a fashion student.
These guys are rocking the schoolboy look like two groomed Angus fans. It's nice and different, and refreshing to see a bit of male leg :)
Looking Cool!!!
wow..! he is looking good with those shorts and blazer.