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Comments on "On the Street.... Eva in Black & White, Milan"
Round faces are so endearing.
lovely dress
She always look stunning!
she is so brilliant!
omg she lok amazing kind of like a fashionab;e nurse or if lady gaga was to be a nurse thats what shed look like love it
She is so adorable! The black pill box hat is cute. Her smile - charming. The poofed shoulders on her dress are lovely. The contrast with the young woman standing in front of her with her black dress and black bag make a nice contrast.
I ADORE that dress! The sleeves are amazing.
It IS pretty amazing!
She DOES look amazing!
she's beautiful and the sleeves on that dress are so so cool! she's got an avant garde audrey hepburn/tatou thing going on here.
oh the sleeves on that dress...
She looks lovely!!!!
Love love love this.
Ooh love it. Simple, well-tailored clothes = A+.
awesome dress!
I love her outfit and her hats. Few people can pull of looking so good and feminine short hair. She is lovely.
We don't mind Sart!
she's really beautyfull dressed!
I don't blame you, I would not resist either, she looks great!
I love the white dress so much!!!
If I wore a hat like that I'd look like 'Ena Sharples'!...
Hmm, from my perspective the woman in black stole this shot, yeah although even from behind lol guess my infatuation with black attires took over
She is so lovely.
Beautiful pic, i love her dress.
This is just perfect! She always looks so cute and professional at the same time
keep shooting! she has been my favorite for over a year now, i never get tired of seeing her amazing looks!
she has very bright personality I gues
She looks really great.
Peace and love!
She is trec chic indeed. I love her style.
Bette V.
Yep! she looks adorable...keep her
pictures coming...she wants me to see more.
she looks adorable
I really really love this :D
i agree.....she dresses....wow
She's beautiful.
Wow! thats a lovely photo.. I can see why you don't tire of shooting her (:
Your photos are always so interesting. Very inspirational.
She does look adorable
yes to this, because Eva can do no wrong because she is lovely.
but no to the man
you just have to love her!
Well, I hope you do keeping taking her pics, she is just amazing, and her style...incredible! :)
Never mind Eva. I'm liking the backside of the woman in the black dress!!
I know many people have already commented on it, but the sleeves on this dress are so lovely. Definitely worth mentioning, even for the 30th time, haha.
That bird is always right as rain!!!
I need those shoes
Does anybody know who her dress is by? i'm thinking maybe d&g?
perfection! not only her outfit but the photo itself.
The Heartbreak
Please keep shooting her! She is really lovely.
Very excited to purchase your book, only a few more days! :)
You keep shooting her as long as she brings fabulous looks like this.
whats her full name ?
I <3 Eva. Her smile brings so much energy to anything she wears!
All about the patent bows.
She always looks so cute! The LWD is so chic, with the puffy sleeve so on trend.
No no, you need to shoot her MORE.
People WAIT for shots of her.
She's lovely.
That dress is laid back, glamoroous perfection ♥
she's wonderfully adorable, and so alive. i love that dress.
My favorite is that her face is so sweet. How lovely to see style juxtaposed against a beautiful attitude!
can you gather all your Eva shots in one post?
it would be nice if you would start featuring random people again instead of all these fashion people. not very inspiring of late.
Love her! shes a new icon! xxx
This is a pretty look, but I can't help to make a little Blackberry product placement joke. There it is.
Thank you, thank you, for putting in a lady with short hair, it is wonderful to see something other than the overdone stringy mess no one can seem to get over. Plus she is charming in that dress, the hat, those shoes..
I love that hate and her dress is adorable
Unquestionable attractive. But it's the shiny black hat paired with her shoes,..that is very pretty. She looks sharp but unassuming, like it.
I like this. Very simple and fresh-looking. She has a great smile, too.
If you need a good female subject in Bordeaux, I can help you - Eva is great but Claire is in the top ten ...
lovely dress;)
eva is pretty amazing... theres not much else to say
i read about your blog in vogue and never knew the story behind the whole thing until today. your photos are amazing and very inspirational x
Everything about what she is wearing is absolutely gorgeous. The white dress just looks so clean and chic, such european glam, and the accessories compliment the dress expertly, taking the outfit into a new realm. It looks like the kind of outfit that came together so simply, but just works. This woman can dress.
check out my blog
She's flippin adorable!
Beautiful sleeves on a simple little shift.
I love how sweet this girl always looks, seems.
Sadly, hardness came into fashion and sweetness went out, but she has brought it back. What else should a young woman be?
A real individual.
Black & WHite = No Mistake!
She's always spot on.
the dress is by australian designer kirrliy johnston, from last season. it comes in coral/pink and orange too. the shoulders are put togethr with silver snap fasteners.
or it is a copy.
anyone know what brand her shoes are?
Qué diosa es por dios! I adore her
Your girl is lovley, Hubble.
she is simply marvelous don't you think?