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Comments on "On the Street.... Navy & White, Florence"
Panama hats are the hottest thing in Paris this year... everybody is wearing them!
His pocket square really sets the tone.
Florence never looked so good when I was there!
God, he is gorgeous sans clothes. Yeah he's got style, but whoa, what a face. This must be after a runway show or shoot. Guys who are young and handsome don't dress like that and just sit around. En Fuego!
I completely agree with the hat comment. I will also never doubt a navy suit and a white shirt (especially when the fit is excellent).
It's all perfect from the hat, the upturned cuff, to the slim cut suit. I like the sunglasses in the chest pocket. Beautiful blue coloured suit.
I love this! I would talk to him.
The dude has style + Swag really makes the picture! great photography as well!
I love it. The color and the hat is amazing XD
One word: PERFECT!
Love it!!
He looks great.
exactly the original style of panama hats...not the hipster mix
I've never left a comment until now but wow, what an outfit. And what a fine specimen of a man.
NAVY looks FAB...
He looks good. Very chic yet casual... Wonder with whom he's on the phone. Not with me anyways... :(
yes, let's bring back the hat for men and women. blue and white-can't beat it.
Elegant, classy....perfect!
the hat is the least hipstery thing about him.
Button up, get a nice tie, button the cuffs, shave, and he becomes nicely retro-ish/proper/awesome.
Thanks for this.
Love the look. Hat's are under-rated. Summer is when the time you can really show off any hat styles.
Sart, I think this is your best commentary ever!
Classic. And well put together.
I enjoy how both photos today feature people on their cellphones.
Now THAT'S how you wear a jacket and button down shirt in the summer. Sorry, but I thought the jacket with shorts in an earlier post was way too costume-y and uptight looking. This, on the other hand...fabulous!
ya know, it's been done..but he does it well and he looks good, so, it's OK!
I get your point Scott on the hipster irony with regards to hats. As a hat lover myself, I believe that one should dress to suit the hat. It isn't simply a matter of throwing on a panama/fedora/flat-cap/breton-cap/boater/bowler while wearing sneakers and a hoodie. Call me conservative (at 28 years old) but I do think that hats deserve some respect instead of being treated as just another option to add to one's postmodern mix-bag of accessories.
- Darrick, Melbourne
Love the look. Has inspired me to make sure my next suit is navy
love how everything about him seems so blase'
A smooth kid
'Hipster irony.'
What a wonderfully simple lambast.
The hat looks natural...not like he is trying too hard. Very relaxed and smooth. The pocket square is clutch!!! I've always been a sucker for great colored cashmere socks and amazing pocket squares.
Brilliant! More please!
a perfect start to a Thursday! thank you :]
I like this moviestar look!
super rad outfit he's rocking. I don't usually like hats because great hair trumps great hat all day long, but he wears it well. Awesome navy edged pocket sq and good shirt collar. What were his shoes? I'll bet whatever it was, he was sockless.
I'm in love!! hahhaha.
Perfect photo, and style!
I love your work .
oh, swoon....
i have ceased wearing hats just for this reason. you walk down the street here in seattle and every frat boy, thug, hipster, etc seems to think that by putting a fedora, or driving cap with their cargos or tight jeans makes the look.
the hat makes him look like he is trying too hard.
the suit and everything about how he is wearing it is wonderful. love it.
Great look, really cool, the panama makes the image, the working holes, the open shirt.. nothing is by chance.
Really like his cuff-links! Fantastic fit of the jacket. Looks fresh and modern, yet classy and timeless.
While I am very glad to see men's hats making a resurgence, I would be even happier if hat etiquette were to return. No, you cannot continue to wear your hat at the dinner table.
This is possibly one of the best suits I've ever seen! LOVE that blue!
so, so handsome man
Totally agree!
so classy!
The shoes, man, the shoes!!!
That is sharp.
beautiful man, perfect ensemble.
so cool!
I absolutely love the hat and the combiation of colors between the hat and the suit.
I completely agree. The hat is lovely.
And it is so effortless...hipster looks like it requires such effort :).
besides ur wonderful eye for fashion, these are reali good people portrait as well. i enjoy it. Thanks!
he is very handsome and chic
good photo
Completely agree with you on ironic hat-wearing :)
Clearly a man who has fine style....but I can't help but think how handsome he'd look without it. The hipsters have ruined these hats
I have to move to Florence if there are really a lot of guys like you shot!
I'd love to see him in those sunglasses
down with hipster irony!
deleterious in long spells
What I really love is the white pocket square with the color trim. I haven't been able to find them online anywhere. If anyone knows.. please let me know.
absolutely dig your attitude. sometimes a hat can just be purely classy.
what a gorgeous guy
That young man should model. He looks cool yet sincere, not at all snobby or elitist. He's comfortable in his own skin.
Classy, but at the same time very contemporary. As you, Scott, said, i love that a hat can be worn without irony.
This guy pulls it, and i really wish that i would have the same confidence. Because this style is awesome.
// P.A
Nice, very classy! Looking good ;)
He looks great, and I think he knows it.Wonderful!
Not to be to critical ,I think the hat sits to high on his head from the brim to the ear,
I remember when all men wore hats and dressed to go out
Best hat company in the US all hand made on the southside of chicago. the Optimo Hat Company is one of the last remaining traditional hat shops in the world
Haha, Scott Schuman with a little zingy-attitude. I like!
I absolutely adore this look, perfectly pulled and the photography is flawless.
I aspire to look like this gentlemen. Well done sir!
i looove this
he looks sooo effortlessly sexy
that hat is tooo great
Yes, he wears the hat especially well.
Wow, wow, wow!
I'm absolutely in love with his look. I've been dying for a hat like that (I really love his). But his suite looks so good and fits him so well!
Lovely. Kissis from Spain
He's perfect.
Down to every last detail.
It's actually hard to stop staring.
All this hipster rage is obnoxious. Hipsters are like any other awful subculture, clinging on to their trends and running them into overkill. Get over the fact that their trends cross over the line into yours and ignore the fact they don't wear it as well--their use of an object isn't going to tarnish yours.
That said, he looks fabulous. I take my cues on how to dress my boyfriend from your photos, streamlining the costumed look of some, and making adjustments for personality & whatev.
anyway, great shot
What is on his Jacket Pocket? Looks cool!
mhm. beautiful. love the hat as well. where can i get me one of these? (the boy not the hat!)
Ciao Bello!
Jason Sciara
do I like the hat? yes
would I like anything on him just because he is yummy?
ummmm yes
elegancia personal increíble, la de este chico
Good Lord, he is fabulous!
oh my god this man is sexyssime
The hat definitely makes the outfit.
He;s so cuuute! & impecabely dressed.
He executes this very well....
Just like ^Dannie said, "effortless".....
This is my fave blog, so im sure you all will love mine....check it out!!!!
Daang! Everything is spot-on! there's not a single thing in that outfit I would change. And the man is not so bad either...
very elegant !!
Yep thats what I call style...He looks like he shares the same fashion brain as one of my main guys Johnny Depp
To Mr. Winch and all others inquiring about the pocket square, R. Hanauer makes one very similar to the one pictured (or perhaps the exact one):
They also make great bow ties, speaking as a satisfied customer.
He looks amazing without looking pretentious.
Love it.
Hot Damn!
hi everyone, i got one question: what shoes to wear with that? socks of which colour?
i appreciate your opinion. the more so as i am a bit clueless myself :)
I love seeing your photos from Italy, particularly Florence. Though it would be nice to see a few more true Florentine characters rather than the international fashion crowd in town for Pitti.
Wow...that is all i can say...
So cool and yet so hot... In short, deadly combo!
Er, I think I may be drooling...
A really nice hat and a great actittude. It's a very chic look.
I love it when people wear 'it' pieces not to make a statement, but just because they love wearing it.
Hats are beautiful and very practical things as well.
I love this guy's ensemble, but I wish the hat band was coordinated with rest.
Totally adore it. So effortless. So macho in young Belmondo's way. So wild and classic same time.
This may be the best-looking young man I've ever seen on this site. Everything about his clothing, accessories & grooming suggests a respect for tradition balanced by 21st-century ease. There are so many charming, quirky details here: he's obviously a man with great personal style. French? Italian? Brazilian? American? The fact that his nationality isn't obvious is yet another thing to admire...
Mmmm, yummy. :P
I love this outfit! That navy suits him perfectly. No irony in this photo.
i agree! he looks great ,simply chic and casual.
best regards, Clarissa.
I can appreciate this look, I know my husband will never dress this way but it probably would not work for him!
Ruined by not being able to see what shoes he had on
Dear God. There are no words.
despite all the great things about the man and his look i am transfixed by the pebble-y wall
wow! hot!!
Oh my! Perfect & effortless...literally made my jaw drop!
I agree with the comment on hat etiquette returning along with the hat. Why don't men know to take them off indoors? At the theater, at dinner, in an elevator? This boy, at least, looks like he knows what he's doing.
HOT!! too cute for words, love the hat!!!
Ai, Dios mio!!!
This took my breath away. I just can't fault a thing, man, attitude or outfit. As a committed hat-wearer, I applaud, as a member of a household that does not contain a single suit, I feel strangely engaged. All the relaxed insouciance of a young Alain Delon. He's got to be an actor or a model.
My grandfather had a word for this look: sharp!
So true. This guy knows how to wear a hat right!
Hey Sart, where are the photographs from São Paulo? Love to see what caught your eye around here...
Cool look - nice roll to the lapel of the suit jacket... I wonder what kind of shoes he's wearing - I'm sure sans socks!
HAHAHA "hipster irony" SO TRUE.
Be still my heart. Delicious!
I like how he is put together. That man has style.
Can anyone hazard a guess as to what material the suit is made of? It looks like it might be a linen/cotton mix maybe?
he's dope!
I wish we all could wear old-school hats again like 1930s NYC Great Depression style. I mean we're in a great recession, right? Let's break out the hats people! Glad to see this guy is on board.
Love this. So classy.
The people that do not like this guy's "hipster" look should go hug a missile and cry for global warming or something like that. Something that really matters. This guy is clean and showing quite an amount of respect in his look. People and their tags just murder me. How about freaking just "individual" or "cool" (does not give a damn about mob-driven conformity or rules).
Pre-schoolers and kindergartners should wear Panamas to learn to think on their own and be "cool", not be restrained and part of the "herd."
perfect tag to the photo.
amen to old school style, un-ironically.
The neckline and the shoulder cut of the blazer looks absolutely right on him, and this is an example of a good color that substitutes black.
And with that face? I'd have him any day ; )
I wonder, what shoes were he wearing?
i love your style and what you bring to fashion blogging...
so so so HOT
He is so beautiful.
I grew up in a world where and when keeping a coat's sleeve's undone is a sign of pathetic show off..We're supposed to know the suit is besopoke, we're not supposed to be told, sir!
I agree with the first anonymous, Florence never looked so good when I lived there either! I think they are improving and forgetting the "the-more-it-shines-the-better" period, when they wore a lot of golden/silver items... but it's curious how men there have always been much more stylist than women, I guess it's because of the innate elegance some italian men have...
Love it... perfect match! And sooo sexy :)
Where's the suit from?
A classic look that truly suits him. I love how Europeans blend style with practicality, they never seem afraid to try something out, and always succeed in making it look effortless.
S.B. x
After de coffe, you are the best moment in the morning, thanks
everything about this site is inspiring....inspiration on foot!
If leonardo dicaprio acted alongside jude law and matt damon in the talented mr ripley, i'll picture this is how his character would turn out to be...
Believe it or not... he is a colleague of mine here in the Netherlands... He is so proud of this picture ;-)
There is nothing about this entire outfit that I don't love. Its perfect, every last single detail.
He looks sexy.
Frumos :)Beautiful photos; Good luck :)
Hat does add something. Suit looks perfect for summer, light, relaxed.
hats are the finest old clothing items .... intense, real and direct .... but, it is a hard one to get right, subtle
I really love your pictures... I need your opinion in my blog pleaseeee!
Love the suit, hate the hat. It looks pretentious.
Actually, hats were hugely popular (functional?) until the 1950's. They serve a purpose, a straw type hat for the summer to help keep the sun away and felt in the winter to, well, keep you head warm and protect from the elements. And, yes, there is such a thing as hat ettiquet. At the dinner table? How about taking the hat off once you go inside. Again, a hat has a function, indoors what would be the function other than an accessory? Oh yeah, the guy looks great!! But, maybe TOO perfect?? He's maxed out, it ain't leisure wear.
This is a great shot. I think his outfit is beautiful. I also agree with the hat, sometimes I feel funny wearing a hat because I think it just looks like I'm trying to be hip. It looks great on him!
I love the way this old glamour hat works on this young handsome guy. Makes him look debonair without, as you said, any irony
he looks abs adorable) and so easy... that glasses in the pocket make some intrigue)
there was a mention that this fellow has a movie star look. Unfortunately, that would have to be someone from a bygone era. Most celebs in a relative age bracket don't seem to look this sincerely put together or comfortable in their clothes as this young man.
The outfit is very nicely done.
The only worthwhile comment out of 100+, by Sara:
"All this hipster rage is obnoxious. Hipsters are like any other awful subculture, clinging on to their trends and running them into overkill. Get over the fact that their trends cross over the line into yours and ignore the fact they don't wear it as well--their use of an object isn't going to tarnish yours."
I love the whole look. plus, this man is very handsome.
Just a gorgeous man
He´s so elegant and clean! Love the hat!
these are the kind of genes that must be preserve for posterity....
I loved his hat! I want one like this! He is really charming.
i would eat him alive. right up my alley
what a beautiful suit, love the colour.
Great look. LOVE the wall that he is sitting on.....great texture!
there is nothing here we can't find in a GQ ad from 99-current. i want to be surprised or made to think.
wow, this is fabulous and i totally agree with you about the hat thing.. it's not out of place, it's part of the ensemble
"Look at me, my cuffs are functional!"
I believe I am what you would call a hipster. I'm 16 and I own a fedora hat. I shop at Urban Outfitters, Topman; I got the hat while 15 and I have recently abandoned it for fear of being called a hipster. When I bought the hat, I thought "I really like this hat, I like the way it looks, and I like how I look wearing it, I like how it goes with what I'm wearing, I like the options it may give," etc. Not so much,
"oh, look I'm wearing an old-school hat." Does that exempt me from hipster-ness?
I'm in love.
Simplistic perfection!
very modern-day-Frank-Sinatra-smooth. perfection.
I agree with the person who said the hat is too high on his head. But then I'm an oldie who knew panama hats before any kind of hipster thing. I'll also agree with whomever said 'trying too hard'.
On the other hand, sharp and amusing.
Anonymous said...
"Look at me, my cuffs are functional!"
I'm glad someone else noticed..
Must be another "old school" gentleman! Monsieur, je vous salue..
what a total italiano spunk ! mmmm
i just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say it is absolutely fabulous. as i worked my way backwards from 2009 it struck me that fashion and style are two different things. give me style any day. thank you, david
Great style, made wearable by the laid-back attitude of the young man, and his casual wearing of the suit and the shirt.
Exceptional fit of the suit that helps a lot.
He looks amazing !
I looove it!
What a look. Love it
Very attractive.
he's very sexy. i love the look. he looks like he could be Leonardo diCaprio's brother.
I'm going to hazard a guess and say the suit is made by Boglioli. It has the shoulder of the K model and has very high armholes and a very slim silhouette. Also the sleeve buttons already come functional in the K model. Sart would you happen to know for sure and confirm either way?
Navy blue happen to be one of my all time favorite color.
Agree. I love his look
He looks fantastic!
very beautiful...
verry nice look
Ha! Yes, Sart I agree with you 100% about hipsters. This gentleman reminds me of the classic looks from the 50's.
loving it . great style. hat did it gorgeous.
I think we need to get past these rules of menswear that plague every man who wants to explore how he dresses. Otherwise we'd be locked in the rigid etiquette of whenever menswear in its present form was developed - 1800s? Don't damn this fantastic man for playfully unbuttoning his suit sleeve! Don't file him under try-hard for wearing a hat to be stylish and shaded! Just be glad he exists to bring us all a little pleasure.
I'm glad to say I know this very versatile young man in question; this picture portrays hem really how he is. All the time. Clothing and style are one of his many(!) passions. Currently he’s seriously contemplating about opening a shop for bespoke suits in The Hague (the Netherlands).
As for his current profession; no, he is not a model nor is he Italian. He’s just a gentleman of leisure who is successful at everything he lays his hands on. That is, what he truly believes in.
By the way, I do believe that this hat is not called a Fedora but a Trilby. Being a hat with a shorter brim angled down at the front and turned up at the back. Whilst a Fedora has a much wider brim which is more level. (For more information: http://www.lockhatters.co.uk/historyhats.aspx)
Hi! Fortunately hats are back and hopefully to stay. It is still hard sometimes not to feel that irony when waering one myself.
Regards, The Urban
someone back there compared the young gentleman to Monsieur Alain Delon. Nice observation. The young man does seem to have that elegant and nonchalant detachment for which Alain Delon was renowned.
The mere mention of Alain Delon makes my 60 year old mother swoon :)
I totally agree about the hat, and anyway, those kind of hats look the best when they aren't meant to make a statement.