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Comments on "On the Street.... All Stripe, Paris"
Scary picture
COOL, Love it!
Cool and navy. I like it.
loving stripes. timeless i feel (?)
just lovely.
such a simple outfit but so eye-catching
Stripes seem to be eveywhere this season. One of my favorite classics!:-)))
Maybe it's just me, but I automatically equate black horizontal stripes with parisian chic
Cool top portion of the outfit, the pants are ill-fitting. I don't like the pants
It's been a while since I wore these kind of glasses... Time to start wearing them again..
Where to buy the t shirt??????
A great outfit for a Sunday out in Paris....
Interesting how he ensembles black and white.
Absolutely amazing.
hm... im not sure what to say..if he cut the hair off, would he be as striking? yet, i don't like the hair..dilemma.
Is this a (very arrogant looking) male or female creature?
Very cool outfit. I like it!
Looks like he came right out of a Tim Burton movie.
I love the pants and comfortable elegance.
ohhh. perhaps this is one too many images of men in stripes for my liking - not interesting. however,the ultra cool 3/4 suit is interesting.
Cool outfit.
But cheer up guy, the world is a beautiful place. Especially in Paris.
Passport Foodie
would love to see this look on a girl. with hot pink or red lipstick. with very high heels. everything else eactly the same.
simple and simply great, i really like it
very interesting.. not sure how i feel about it yet though.
excellent choice of backdrop for the photo.
I think it is a cool outfit. without the shorts, it would be way to fem. Sexy boy!
looooove it~!!~!!!!!
Beautiful, simple, timeless, classic, with the quirkiness all in the pants. This looks like a beautifully crafted piece of tailoring. Yohji Yamamoto? I'm loving it....
Is that a clutch or a package that he's carrying? But love the hair and the stripes.
No beef, but I can't work out if this is a guy or a girl. Anyway regardless, i rather like stripes.
I'm feeling pleased that I bought myself a similar striped shirt from Marimekko. When Vancouver cools down I can't wait to wear it - maybe with very high heels, as suggested.
Great photograph. The subject's expression mirrors the simple color palette. However, I am not entirely sold on the androgyny of the look...
Looks like an escaped prisoner. I am not a fan at all. I can't wait until we get past this whole capri/ankle showing dress pants phase of fashion. It looks like these pants were rolled up and not made this way. Was it raining out?
That's Rirawin!!!
I wore that 20 years ago, except my pants were slightly longer. A classic look worth remembering. I like his classes.
I love how the Japanese are transitioning to a more "serial killer" chic style.
More stripes? Well I guess they are a classic element.
So cool! Love it!
I've never been to Paris...but I can only imagine rolling my eyes every time I see someone dressed in a striped shirt like this. It's akin to wearing a beret or something an old caricature of the French would wear. Insert cigarette and neck scarf as well? Stripes are classic everywhere else but Paris it seems. There it's just a parody. Correct me if I'm wrong.
yes, you never fail with stripes :)
love the simplicity but the vest & trouser shape and use of pattern really make this stand out!
this is so dior homme/hedi slimane.
I love it! The only bright thing in this is the orange post-it.
thats just his cool face.
Love the pants! The striped background and blouse are absolutely wonderful!
WOW...I never thought I would see bold stripes and blazers worn with such unexpected femininity. Are those harem pants? I've never seen them on a man! What confidence!
its a package, not a clutch :) Cool guy, cool stripes!
I like!!
You gotta go to Paris for this? Whoa. Whatever happened to "Daddy Longlegs," or at least "Amalie?" Burst my bubble.
Love this look! www.whowhatwear.com also had a story on Brenton stripes today! Check it out at http://www.whowhatwear.com/website/home.php
I look forward to your women styles :)If you post one pic of a man please do add another one of a woman too :)
I like this, he has taken the classics and made them seem new.
I'm curiuos about his shoes--I how the striped wall is right next to the striped shirt
Love the look. I saw a few men with these orienzal styled trousers...I think I need them too. I like his androgyny as well.
yeah... someone beat me to it but it's worth repeating. If you have the good fortune of finding yourself in Paris it means that the Gods are smiling favorably upon you. The least you can do to acknowledge your good fortune is to smile.
Not like this guy though http://www.thesartorialist.com/photos/62709Jump_97Web.jpg
Just something in between.
You've got a great eye.
This person looks like a cartoon character. I love it!
I love how the obvious combo look unexpectedly fresh on him. The wall has vertical stripes, shirt also but, his hair and silhouette is lithe ,vertical & contrasting element. The facing of the pocket flap being white, also cool.
great photo!
I love it!
Mmmm. Yessss!!!
I love the stripes. An outfit so classic and effortless will be timeless.
The glasses? Not so much, I'm all for a modern take on fashion, but I'm not keen on them in the slightest. Each to their own, without individuality, the industry would be nothing..
S.B. x
very androgynous...
Like the stripes but would have preferred a crisp white long sleeve collard shirt. Its hard to pull off black and white stripes.
he's nothing compared to some of the other "stripes" shots you've posted. but i do like the striped building behind him, which sort of makes the photograph rather fabulous.
The stark contrast between the shirt, blazer, wall, etc. is very beautiful.
The top part is awesome! The shirt, the blazer, the hair, the glasses... but I'm not feeling the bottom so much.
This look is great on him!
oh, what a handsome man... simple but cool outfit!
I like the idea, but those pants are not doing it for me. I can't figure out where the crotch of them is and i"m not sure i want to know.
love it! looks like an interesting character.
very stylish!
Cool, who are all these people? :)
so chic, so stylish. he wears those stripes with such panache.
i like this look!!!!
this photo- i kind of like and kind of hate at the same time. c'est girl or boy? outfit reminds me of ca. 80s commes des garcon or yohji.
i wanted a blue-white stripe under the black
just so demanding, I know
Those glasses bring some smooth smartness into that look. I love it ))
Yes yes yes It works works works
I absolutely love this stripe look. The look is very RTW and unisex. Love love now I'm getting ideas.
Aahhh...the fill in Black Eyed Pea!
This guy's got it dowwwn. Stripes always will and always have been cool. i love how he's showing it subtly, would be interested to see the rest of his outfits! x
This look is exactly what i love. The best things come in simple, easy, fun packages. But speaking of fun, turn that frown upside down friend.
~stripes have always been classic, . i love the black top that goes on top of it, it silenced the whole street attitude and turn out to be semi formal - with shorts as a twist.
The hair perfects it.
pascal grob is what i think of when i see this picture
The concrete wall in the background wears those pre-cast stripes so well.
I love the juxtaposition of the roughened facade texture compared to the rigid horizontal lines formed by the channels.
Brilliant on so many levels such as acoustic and aesthetic plus you can use the grooves to conveniently display your ST Dupont lighter or rest your shoe in the event your shoe laces become undone.
This is the first time I can't see if it's a lady or a guy...
Nevertheless, I like the jacket. :)
i love those glasses!
the stripes have inspired me!
nice look. love the cropped pants.
black comme des garcons baby.
amazing! his facial expression suits the outfit really well. love the long arms under the jacket.
i love the hippie hair
great hair - should be an ad for some avant garde campaign. SO tired of seeing the same "western' looks. is anyone still pushing the bar??
oh wow, interesting!
simply great. love it!.
love the hair.
He's really working those sleeve and pants lengths isn't he!
am i a bad person for asking of the gender of that horizontal striped person of navy and whiteness?
Masculine meets feminine in a truly...shall I say RAW way? Shrunken blazer for the fashionable win as well.
Timeless feel! Love it!
Be sure and pop by & leave a note & follow! It would really make my day! :)
wow, cool look!
Wow. The stripes, the glasses, the hair, the look on his face. Perfection
The best outfit sart. has ever produced.
so androgynous.
Le Miserable.
He's so pretty! I want to stroke his beautiful hair. Oh, and nice stripes, too.
Come and see us all in Edinburgh!
stunning classical picture
having perfection
I like this blog,, also visit hotel in bsndung and god luck..!!