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Comments on "On the Street......Trench Tie, Milano"
gorgeous nonna:)
How the cute white poodle matches her fluffy white hair. Love her vivid blue dress, the rolled up sleeves of her trench coat (note, which is not buttoned), and her matching white plastic bag with blue letters on it. I should only look so good at her age!
head to toe (paws) elegance
Love the trench, love the dog, love the lady
Isn't she lovely!
Fashion is timeless. You are never too old- This lady is proof of that statement.
ma che bella signora! mi piace anche il suo canioglino...
It's so nice to see someone not 25 or younger on a style blog! Style doesn't end at 30!
Isn't this what we all want to be able to celebrate~! She is a start~!
ohh she looks wonderful!
I want to be like her when I grow up
work those hose!
She looks FANTASTIC -we all should take note from this elegant lady as shes timeless -one of my favourite shots <3
How nice to see an older lady (with great style) featured among all the usual young lovelies on your blog!
Flair at any age -- even in sensible shoes and support hose.
She truly is lovely. If the plastic shopping bag and old lady hose distract your attention, squint your eyes and you can see how beautiful she once was...and still is.
soooo cute!!!
the trenchcoat, the bright blue dree, the hair, the smile. just lovely!
What an elegant lady. I want her coat and toy poodle.
Love this woman! It's how I aspire to be when I am about her age. I see so many women like her in my NYC neighborhood (up near Columbia University) doing their daily errands while still telegraphing to the world that just because you are "old" you don't just lose your style. You can see that this lady took the time to tie her trench just so and adjust the gathers perfectly. And it says a lot about her personality. The dog is cute, too!
i am so totally loving the blue on g\her... its such a refreshing choice
check out my blog http://preppygoesrock.blogspot.com/
Simply delightful
Effortless chic! its priceless..imagine what she would have looked like 40years before.
This is classic. Just beautiful.
She reminds me so much of my own mother who recently passed at the age of 95 and whom I admired so much. So graceful, beautiful, talented and always wanting to stay up to date in style - may we all live the same way. Love to this lovely lady & my mum....
One is never too old to look their best. Bravissima, Seniora.
omg. so cute! and why is it that dogs DO look like their owners?!?!?
She's fabulous!!
I like seeing the older set on this blog. I would suggest new footwear.
Aw wow! So cute.
Love her! Her coat and the blue of her dress is wonderful.
what a striking vision!
Lovely lady! I am under 30 and I want her dress!
what a lovely lady!
Doesn't she look gorgeous! absolutely beautiful! :)
I am also delighted to see this beautiful older woman here.
Although her sandals and support hose may not be esthetically pleasing, they are essential to her mobility, especially since she is walking without a cane. Most likely the current stilleto-devotees will be wearing sensible shoes -- or having foot surgery -- long before they her age.
love the trench, what a cool nonna!
I love it!
I love it!
Thank you for sneaking in photos of the elderly. She's adorable! I'd personally love to see pics from Greece if you ever end up there. They are known to be the happiest people who live long full, lives. Bravo to any lifestyle who has those stunning results.
Damn, I aspire to such heights of style.
she reminds me of Katherine Hepburn
She is a good example to others; out walking, exercising and taking some pride in her appearance and proving you can always look nice no matter what age!
This lady has made me aware of how inappropriately I dress while walking my dog.
Sheer grace and elegance! What a lovely lady..
Shooting old people is an always an incredible experience…
Not to be rude, but her and the dog look somewha alike - they're adorable!
Love it!
What a beautiful nan! :)
Old people do it best!
made my day:)
:):) So much alike!
Is the hemming on her coat a particular style? i love how glossy the blue fabric is.
Sart. I love your shots of older people - especially Italian older people. Love the spark in this woman's eyes and her elegant old lady hands. Bravo!
What an adorable relaxed classic lady.. Love the white and black trench with the electric blue dress.
Too beautiful.
This is why your blog is required reading/watching: you remind us all that elegance and style are ageless. Thank you.
love seeing an older person presented...Grandma's got it goin on...:)
so so cute!
What a styley Grandma!! She looks chuffed to be photographed too. How cool!!
Ever so lovely. My envious eye sees a wonderful and intriguing couple that draws me in on both a sentimental and artistic level along with the upmost of respect seeing and appreciating her as she is.
Bless her nylon socks! Isn't she lovely.
fabulous until you reach the shoes!
I want to be this stylish when I'm old!
Gotta love how her hair matches the poodles hair. She's so cute, great colours she's wearing!
Well done on your great findings.
i hope im going to be this stilish when im a nonna... the color matching is gorgeous, that silky blue with the cute b/w trench. i've always said that my italian grandmas were the stilish ones...
Very elegant and stylish. Age is no barrier! :)
love her eyes...
best pic in ages! wonderful!!!
shows what one good piece can do! she's wonderful.
her expression is so honest and priceless...a kind of look you don't get from younger people very often. Gorgeous gran!
Good girl...
- collar up
- belt tied
I don't even need to comment on the blue. You've got it you haven't and it doesn't fade with age.
i love her.
Beautiful elegant hands. She hold herself so well and knows how to 'don a trench with ease and grace.
The young make an orgy of fashion, but the older folks more often dine prudently.
That's the most adorable coat.
Ohhh... I love her. I want to hug her and the pup. She's got it going on... still rocking it later in life.
Love her! The combination of the blue dress and that trench. But her smile makes the whole look. Great shot! Great lady!
cute i love the trench tie <3
gorgeous lady and adorable pooch!
there are no words.. this woman is simply beyond.. and the mini poodle in tow is an essential accessory..
xxo HH
hay girl hay!
how cute. love the jacket.
so many poodles, so little time! simply divine..
xoxo Brigitte & Serge
Everything and everybody in Italy is beautiful! Such elegance. She reminds me of my Grandma Jane who takes the time to get dressed and put on jewelry every morning despite her age and health. I think this really keeps her young and positive— and sets a wonderful example for the women in our family.
woman is cuuuuttttee
and dignified
Gorgeous Lady with the prefect pet!!!!
Anonymous 5:30 AM said...
"fabulous until you reach the shoes!"
Sorry, but fabulous precisely because she is wearing sensible shoes. Not too flat, they are cushioned and give her feet needed support and not too high because she actually might like to walk without support from a cane or god knows what else.
One smart granny proving you can be elegant and sensible at the same time.
I am encouraged by the comments which respect this woman and where she is in life. One can't immpose wishes about shoes, nylons, etc. when you don't realize the challenges that come with age - "just you wait,XXX, just you wait!" as Eliza sang. I really appeciated the comment about the fact that she is hanging on to her mobility, no cane and out walking around. My mother-in-law who exercised all her life is now in her 90's and struggling to hang on, too. Brava.
cutie nanna
I think it would be highly impractical for a lady of advanced years to prance around in 6 inch Louboutins so i take no issue with her footwear. I think she is nothing short of magnificent, so elegant and a sartorial inspiration. One of my definite favorites.
Pictures like these are just wonderful. This is how I shall aim to dress when I am that age. It really proves that you don't have to be young to be stylish, its a life-time thing. The elegance is apparent. She looks so classic, and that coat is beautiful!
It really does give the phrase "granny chic" a new meaning..
i still think that the portuguese old ladies, in their black dresses and with their gold earrings, are the most beautiful :)
Cute coat! I think she just proved to me that this coat can work on any girl, any shape at any age. Love it!
Stop criticising this fabulous womoons shoes. Ive seen much worse footwear on folks a quarter of her age. Beauty and style are timeless and she is the epitome of this.
Bella!What and inspiration. Thanks!!!!!!!
Oh Scott, you really know how to go straight to the heart.
This is what I love about your site. Women like her make me feel brave about the old-lady future awaiting me. She is the epitome of chic and sensible for her age.
This dog is the canine version of her. Look how the front left paw is held in the exact same gesture as the lady's. I won't even go into the hair, that's too obvious
More old ladies please!
fantastic coat and color combination. i would guess that if she knew she would pull up the hose. however, even the dash of green from her pal's leash adds the right spark.
now, we might want her to have better looking shoes however,that she is up, mobile,trim,smiling,groomed and stylish for her set, she's going better than fine.
She is quite possibly the most gorgeous thing I've ever see on this site. She looks so gentle - the eyes & smile - and her hands remind me of my grammie's. Still vital & caring for a little companion. This is the beauty of getting old, just by her expression it looks like she's had a full & happy life... things like this make me question everyone's (including my own) fear of aging.
Oh, how you make me miss my own elegant Nana today. She never left the house, not even two days before her death, looking less than freshly pressed. Elegance is eternal.
oh, that's awesome.
I love the fabrique on that blue dress. And that jacket is beyond my vocabulary. When I get old I want to be like her.
She's adorable! I love her trench with the pop of blue.
Oh my god, my new favorite picture!
this is just perfect
such amazing greatness. style is timeless and effortless.
What a lovely lady! hehe
she is fabulous. period.
she is beautiful
love her trench.
amazing! love it
Love the electric blue peeking out from underneath! Very daring for a woman her age. A refreshing change from all the black you see on women of that age in America.
Mi mancha Milano! :( I know where she is
Now, just how gorgeous is this......so beautiful.........thank you.......
What a waist!
I wish people would stop with the *&@?! granny thing. Everyone who is elderly isn't a grandmother. Give it up folks! You are stereotyping and considering how little respect is conferred on mothering these days, you might be demeaning. We don't really know anything about her other than this picture. Elderly, or even just older, women tend to be treated in an offhand way. Older men aren't called "dear" or "hon", or are they?
I just love when old ladies dare to wear more "modern" stuff. She looks great!
she's stylin!! I hope I can be half as fashionable as she is when i'm older.
I LOVE that coat!
That's pure style and ¿?¿?¿? who says that you have to take 20 years to go on a wonderful pic and splurge on style every pore of your skin, bravo to the photographer and super super super bravo for the model !!!
"when I grow up I want to be an old woman"
She is absolutely beautiful! I love her smile and overall demeanor - she looks like she would give the kindest hugs! <3
She makes me want to invite her for tea and excellent conversation...to me, this is what "attractive" means.
that what's this beautiful woman got..
I <3
she is bringing it. insane
one of my all time favorites of your shots. there is a lot of depth of emotion coming from her and from behind the camera. thank you for showing such respect for the older and wiser set of our generation.
This grandmother looks so great. When i grow older i really want to look as good as her. She looks amazing!
great photo....please give us more examples of stylish elderly people around the world--remember the baby boomers are getting older and we need lots of fashion inspiration!!
Super Gorgeous. Bella! Love Her. She would be great on Advancedstyle.blogspot.com. Keep it Up!
Awesome trench coat. She must have been always stylish. The pooch always too.
Thank you, I am inspired but such a beautiful woman.
how cute are they?!!?!?
This woman is a perfect example that you're never too old to have style. I aspire to have my style as I age...
I love the colours and the way she ties the trench. What a scoop.
this is what i want to become...she looks amazing...
may be i would change her shoes, but in general - beautyful woman
I love that woman! I want to be like her in the future! the dog is nice, and she is beautiful. great hair and face!
She looks like a neighbor of mine who consumed a quart of Four Roses every week until she died at 103.
Still, this lady has trenchant good taste.
It's my first time that I visit your blog. And I love love love your photography.
Now, I'll will check your website every day.
I'd have to say this looks very Lucille Ball. Effortlessly chic.
Oh - please can I be as stylish as her when I am old? That would make me very happy.
Flesh-colored stockings are the new black.
Most stylish nonna.
And as someone who has a beautiful dog, I would not be at all offended if someone said that we look alike. I notice it all the time when I see dogs and their people.
She's just "great" :)
Its so easy to project on to her. I disagree with the criticisms about her shoes and hose and those that stereotype. She looks great and she's out walking the dog. Cool.
Personally, her hands remind me of my mothers and my grandma's and of their gentleness and skill.
At times I wonder about us Americans and how we think that if we don't have the right shoe or piece we aren't stylish. I don't think that it's about the pieces. It's more encompassing than that. I'll take a cool freak in Salvation Army than one who bought exactly what a salesperson/stylist sold them.
3 cheers for variety.
This is exactly my idea of your blog. Elegance and beauty can come from the most unexpected. Hope to be like her in 30 years time ;)-
thank you for celebrating the crone years! she's a fashion beauty...
This...I LOVE!
-rhesaXD from http://ralstyling.blogspot.com/
such a cute old lady and i love her trench and the blue dress!
Absolutely spectacular Lady! My hat's off to her. :-)))
This woman understands how much beauty can be given to the world if one only cares. In twenty years, I hope to look like her. -- The librarian who wears four inch heels.
i love this! great trench! what a cute, stylish lady! xoxo.
She looks absolutely fabulous. The was she is wearing the trench coat is so chic.
It is such a pitty if she won t see these comments..
How wonderful to see a "mature" stylish lady - such elegance lets see more of her and others like her.
The older ladies in my neighborhood (the Center of Rome, Italy) are like this lady. They don't leave the house without look fly. I don't know how they do it. It seems effortless.
I love her trench and that color blue is gorgeous.
style is forever
Beauty! I hope to look that great when I am her age.
Her clothes are beautiful and so is she. Lovely.
grandma's have it going on. she is so awesome ♥
aww the cutest ever.
This is super cute.
A delight to see on your blog, love the variety of people you see on here!
Beth xx
I think this is one of your most fabulous pictures for a while!....one gorgeous lady.....i always see older folk and think they do chic so well!
If i look half this lovely when i grow up i will be very pleased with myself.
Oh Sart what would we do without you?...Hannah.xx
* cough, come to London soon , cough*
Love this blog!
delightful! what a gorgeous creature.
she is smoking she is one hot grandma!!
Adorable! She reminds me of my grandmother, and i feel lucky :)
(Not because she is old like her, but the style)
Sometimes it's sad when people (getting older), forget to take care of themselves- inside and out. She is truly astonishing.
And she reminds me of Mimi Weddell, who is also remarkable.
Wow, the most unbelievable thing I've seen today!! Awesome!
what a grandma!! That is an
excelent picture. Beatiful
this reminds me of my grandmother..except she is missing the signature strand of pearls and a small watch
love the jacket
Nothing like I've ever seen before. So lovely. [= What an inspiration.
love the belted trench with the silk dress. but most of all love the saggy tights and the house shoes! work italian grandma
The little plastic bag is from Lindt chocolates! I love her even more now.
Amazing. I love her & her trench!
Love her and love the fact you actually found someone like her!
Simply beautiful !
She truly is cute! I keen on her style. It says a lot about her.
the cutest picture ever!
She is amazing. What an inspiration!
Oddio signora, che bella la signora!
From an era we could learn something from... she's fabulous and she knows she's "never fully dressed without a smile."
This gives all us ladies hope for a future where we can walk our pooches in style with such ease and grace.
Oh yes, style is not a question of age. Just came back from Lisbon, beautiful old men and women with austere elegance in beautiful light and then the european middle classes in PE shorts and plastic sandals...
She was secretly hoping no-one would catch her wearing her Cinderella dress under her trenchcoat!
No, she seriously does look elegant. I wish she were my grandma.
I want to look like her when I am Granny
Oh, let me be her.....NOW !
Great photo!I really like it!
Great Sandra!!!
Kisses from Bergamo.
Marco, Mariuccia e Alberto
I love her, this is one of my favorite shots definitely. Such class and elegance!
Love this lady, and all old people!
Beutiful and true
Who said old age meant unstylish? She looks beautiful!
I know her!!!! she is the mother of my kids pediatrician, the best pediatrician in milano!! you should see her in winter time with big fur hats and superchic cachemire coats...and you should also see the pediatrician daughter..same charme!francesca