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Comments on "On the Street......Tri-Color, Paris"
I love the combo of colors and patterns AND texture! He has it all going on all at once but that is the beauty of it because he is doing it RIGHT.
great pic scott
i follow ur blog care to follow mine?
Another poetic moment!
I love the leopard-print scarf fluttering, revealing, a glimpse of the wearer's true tail...
that leopard print is the perfect addition... great photo.
oh regarde le dos! et the leopard touch!
Where can I get that blue jacket please?
oh! Yes, I see leopard print.
Great colours in this photo! the dark blue seems to go very well with the leopard print.
lovely, lovely leo scarf
i love the plaid scarf with the blue jacket, and of course the leopard
Nice blue jacket (looks like velvet); I have a DB bottle green one myself. This guy's got a "tiger in the tank"--his tail is hanging out! Nice shading in the shot, Sart.
LOVE the simplicity and the peek-a-boo leopard scarf.
Great jacket & scarf. Love the colors.
Love his hat and hair with the leopard print! Don't know why, but i do. Another cool caught on the street moment - you're getting back into your stride Sart..
leopard print is totally unexpected detail, i love it! :)
oh hey, by the way- a swatch of animal print. I'm baller.
love the aubergine and evening blue combo. love the traditional wool plaid with the leopard chiffon. love the sheen of the velvet with the matte knit cap. love...very love. nice...very nice.
The little peek of the cheetah print surprised me, in a good way!
amazing color ways...
99.999 percent pure yummy.
What an exciting, witty photograph. And I love the look.
what's that thing cming from under his jacket?
Very rich colors that are perfect with a plaid and a cheeky leopard print scarf. I wonder if there's a statistic for how many scarves per person in Paris. Like, every 5 secomds someone in Paris purchases a scarf. Seems everybody there owns at least one or two.
The print scarf "tail" makes me think this is what Chester Cheetah would wear if Cheetos was sponsoring Fashion Week...
great shot
I love the hint of animal print.
the leopard touch finished the outfit. nice touch.
the leopard print seems so out of place and interesting and bizarre. obviously makes the outfit.
I love the color palette, and the mystery the leopard scarf poses. I'd love to see him from the front!
Is that Mister Mort?
love it- enough said.
I'm sorry, but animal print is always tacky. No way around it.
I do agree the jacket is lovely. :)
and the hose colours in the background... delish !
I love how this outfit just seems so standard...until you notice that POP of leopard print. Very interesting.
ahahah it's like there was a leopard hidden in this sober jacket.
the fury behind the wise clothes.
be careful!
That's where my scarf has been all this time :-)
Just kiddin'
LOVE his velvetien jacket ....so soft and much more richer in texture than a corduroy one...
mmm navy. yum.
Sart are you coming to Sydney for RAFW? Please!
the back, the style, the hair, reminds me french actor Louis Garrel, is that him?
LOVE it. like he's a secret leopard by night and by day his tail has turned into a slash of scarf.
yes on the leopard! colors fantastic.
Love it.
Pure poetry! Beautiful.
Beautiful. Who is he?
nice! i like the leopard scarf,so fashionable
I love it men, tiger scarf is so beautiful!
That's so heartwarming! Like Hobs from Calvin and Hobs.