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Comments on "On the Beach......Tri-Color, South Miami Beach"
beautiful and relaxed; what more could one ask.
miami beach cool, its not over done its got a chill vibe;i like it
once again great pic
Love the blue with the purple, they used to be my 2 favourite colours!
Great look. She look's very sexy. These colors are amazing together.
if i looked like this it would be because they were the only three clean items available
my great style for break! so cool, fresh and pas de problème!
Love it. I know its already warm enough to swim in Miami, but I like how she's working with jewel tones that could be worn in a colder climate (hence your Paris picture below). Even though its April 1 it isn't high summer after all, plus not everyone looks great in yellow/gold/those sunny type of colors.
What I really like about this photo though, as opposed to your other beach photos so far, is the sartorial interest in the--skorts?? what are those?? Don't care what they are; they are both climate and season appropriate and truly fashionably interesting.
the beloved Ambra Medda, of MIami Design fame. stylosissima, of course.-
She owns her outfit! That wayfarer really finishes it!
I love the Havaianas on her feet!
is this Ambra Medda of Design Miami..?
she's incredible, look at the smile. no pretense. she looks rather happy having left london....!
Robin said...
"is this Ambra Medda of Design Miami..?
she's incredible, look at the smile. no pretense. she looks rather happy having left london....!"
Just in time to miss the riots!
Thanks for this and the caftan shot because as a Floridian, I've been thinking about "Florida style" or lack thereof. Due to so many half-time retirees here, it's been hard for this state to establish an identity in general, but these two ladies are inspiring.On a practical note, her cardigan is an essential here because indoors it is always chilly due to ungodly AC temps.
...i want to go to there....
The people in these Miami pictures look very beautiful and relaxed, but I don't see anything really extraordinary in any of their outfits.
Wow! Wonderful combination. Is she married?
Flip flops are hideous. End of.
nice sunglasses
absolutely love it, especially her shorts.
OMG, Are you in Sobe? That's awesome, I hope to run into ya sometime. Your a great Idol scott. Hope your enjoying the great weather we're having.
I have those flip-flops! Same color and everything! (Me and everyone else...) I love Miami!
this blog is amazing!
It must be winter because in Miami Beach we cannot wear that sweater, you would suffocate. Today for example it is 87 degrees and humid. Lovely clothes though.
just about to leave my apt to make it over there, day is lovely!
I love the people you have picked for Miami. Im glad you didnt get the usual around here.
A look I can relate to...dividing my time between two tropical locales. Yes, Miami has suddenly gotten warm & humid...great beach-strolling weather!
someone opened up a can of yummy and dropped it on her head.
what an amazing smile.
She looks like she's floating. This is pic is really good!
You know what makes this outfit very Miami? The really simple clothes matched with a very expensive watch. You still want to show your wealth somehow, in tiny little ways. I like the outfit, though. Jorge from WPB
Oh my - she's beautiful! What a joyful face and everything so completely effortless.
I wanna look like her when I grow up!
Lovely shot
The look is relaxed. The colors are relaxed. Nothing matches in a good way. The ratio of print to solids is good. Everything's easy, it's nice.
To flip-flop or to not flip-flop that is the question. I say on the beach is perfectly fine and anywhere and every where else it's perfectly fine to leave them at home.
this picture brings joy
I want to be where she is, please. *looks at the snow outside her window*
She looks great and lovely and happy. This picture makes me smile.
I like this.
this is lovelyyy!! ohh how i miss miami
I would like to join her at the beach and enjoy a marguerita.
i love it!
are those the marc jacobs flip flops?
-karl lagerfeld quotes
Sunglasses and smile... Lovely
A neo-hippie!
It's really funny how people express there aversion to flip-flops. Yet, thousands of women wobble around New York in sky high, overly expensive shows!! I guess some aren't worried about pretension?? And besides, yes Miami is great, but it is also hot and humid as hell and down here in the southeast people dress for comfort. The only reason people where flipflops is they would go barefoot if they could get away with it.
I love this laid back style!:)
Love the colors and sunglasses; she's on the beach so flip-flops are ok...
But the best part is that she looks so happy and relaxed...
Nice picture and it's nice to see a smiling person looking happy - but the outfit to me is nothing special; I don't even think I'd notice her if she walked by.
The flip flops are okay. They have their place but - again - nothing special or eye catching about them.
I've never commented on your blog before but I do read it daily. Just letting you know that I'm loving the Miami series, it's great!
Sart, where you there for Winter Music Conference?
Beautiful, chic, casual, comfortable.
Love it. Relaxed yet pulled together. She looks fabulous.
Hmmmm...I think that sticking to the usual places and their fashions is the thing to do. Miami?...I don't know...
amazing ... just simply stunning
I'm so depressed that you're in Miami and I haven't found you yet. Ugh.
However...at least she's representing. Love this look :)
are you still in miami?? i moved here from new york and still have never spotted you
A nice ensemble for spring! Love the colors and the backdrop here!
i am feelin' those trouser shorts. they look beautiful.
Great everyday chic. Looks like something I'd wear out :-) I miss Miami!
nice one! it looks so perfect!
so relaxed!! and happy
i don't get it. the photo is gorgeous and she is gorgeous.
but style?
really? Sart. If she weren't nearly the beauty she is and just a "normal" looking woman in this outfit you would assume she was in her pajamas?
ohhh -- i want to be on the beach too ... what a sunny outfit!
love it! My favourite colour combo.
I have to admit that I don't like this outfit. It's just boring, although she looks like relaxed etc. And probably she'd look good wearing almost anything, but with this outfit, there's nothing special.
Another week of this good weather and we too can enjoy an effortless look like this ...
Lovely girl - her smile is just radiant !
she Ambra Medda!
absolutely wonderful
she is cool, classy and chic all the time...Fendi dressed or casual like that...AWSOME!!!!!
she looks so cute and she has Havaianas_brazilian flip flips on her feet :D
I'm just loving the relaxed attitude and the Ray Bans.
those shoes are Havianas. The outfit is relaxed but beach style can and should include smart and pulled together. think about the woman in the caftan. give me some kind of fashion or style. and if it's about the naked or almost naked foot, let's have those in some lovely slip ons or sandals.
beach attire should still be inspiring.
this outfit is cute but not fly.
Love the loose, breezy clothes combined with the trendy ray-bans. Not trying too hard either way, perfect for the beach!
this is my perfect idea of girl with style ...nice pants
Like the shorts they are an interesting design and look very comfortable.. and the glasses...totally not digging that top and cardigan combo though! Looks like something I would see women wearing around my local shopping mall...
Havaianas in the feet
always clean
beautiful picture
sexy and refreshing :)
It's so nice to see fashion outside of the typical track... Paris/Milan/NYC/London. Especially, as weather plays such a huge role in what people wear
Ambra Medda is completely stunning and extremely sharp. I have yet to see a picture of her where she doesn't exude elegance and class.