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Comments on "On the Street......Simone, Florence"
Such a kwl dude! So nonchalant and effortless. The paper and cigar(?) are great aesthetic touches to the photo.
You can see that man has got character!
I can't work out what I like most, the photo with its stunning colour composition and brilliantly captured moment or this guys outfit with that wonderful jacket!
i love this photo. the scarf length, the line of the pant that leads to the shoe, the colors of the magazines and postcards contrasting the gray and muted tones he's wearing.
Perfect... That's such a wonderful blazer and the scarf seems to be made especially for it. I like the cuff in the jeans. And the mustache is wicked.
Nice tash!
Totalmente cool! I love his look, his gray hair, the blazer, the old jeans... everything!!!
Maybe he and Mr. Stipe conferred on their outfits. Scarf, subtle pattern, turned-up jeans, great shoes... I love them both.
is this in la stazione? beautiful colors.
f a n t a s t i c p i c t u r e.
I r a r e l y c o m m e n t b u t
i c h e c k i n m u l t i p l e
t i m e s a d a y a n d
f o l l o w i n g y o u o n
t w i t t e r
r e a l l y h e l p s ;)
a n y w a y s, l o v e
t h e c o l o u r s
a n d t h e l o c a t i o n
o f t h i s p i c t u r e.
a 'caught him off guard' shot. really nice.
So charismatic person! He seems like Jack London.
Love the fitted coat and jeans!
How fortunate to be holding a newspaper that has colors complimenting his outfit!
yes, timeless, and amazing light
love the 'off guard' shot !
Those are always better than the 'posed' ones !
I'm in love with the lighting in this picture
& the jacket :)
Rugged and polished.
The weather is so beautifully springtime in LA that it was difficult to even consider this picture...winter be gone!
yeah. i like florence better than miami.
The blazer rocks
His shoes! Oh his shoes! His High WASP shoes! I could worship at the altar of his shoes. In a dignified matter of course.
glad to see an enlargement from GQ size... jacket really comes to life
Sergio totally rocks the 'stache!
I saw this in GQ
It's good
Not sure about the knee patches, but that jacket, with that scarf and shoes, looks fantastic. And his hair and body language only accentuate the effect. Nice.
The individual but very classic style fits perfectly to the cigar and the newspaper. Accessories that signalise some kind of refinement.
ah, might this be at the stazione- santa maria novella?
In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him
Definitely enjoy the patches. It's good to know that dads dress similarly on the other side of the planet...
I love these pictures where you would like to know more about the subject, like in this case; what does he do, what's the story behind this man.
on the clothes; still like the tailored look with jeans and boots. I think it will never go out of style.
Coolest ever
What a contradiction! He is very natty--the scarf, chicly long and perfectly coordinated with his jacket, the very fact that he is wearing a sport jacket and not something else (like leather or denim, which would be more casual), the hair, the moustache, the neat cuff in the jeans and above all the well-shined dress shoes. The contradiction is the jeans, so worn that they are patched. He must LOVE those jeans. He manages to make knee patches look natty.
just to let you know that the photo has been taken under "galleria" near Repubblica square. Great outfit, very italian style......
Cool guy, which is why it's all the more surprising to find him reading decidedly uncool newspaper LA NAZIONE. La Repubblica would've been an altogether more appropriate choice, particularly given the location!
perfecto! seriously. easy elegance.
Great patchwork on the denim jeans. Classic photo.
this is not your first photo of simone and EVERY time i see him i fall in love with him more. he is goddamn exceptional in style and sex appeal.
Love the facial hair. This is just a great photograph. Really great lighting. Very stylish, yet still really casual.
It's all about making a point without shouting.
Oh no!He's got on 'masculine print scarf' guy's pants on!
In three 100 days I will be in Forence :-)) !!!
Ahh I love his moustache and the patches on his jeans.
as for the jeans, i'm assuming that they're originally raw selvedge unwashed, unsanforized denim that he's lovingly worn in over a number of years(the twisted seam leads me to this conclusion as the, what i'm assuming are functional, knee patches). i've recently become a fan of buying raw selvedge denim and wearing it out with the uniqueness of one's lifestyle. working on a pair of deadstock made in japan rrl's and spurr classic fits.
I love this because it reminds me of being in Italy, where I just returned from. I really enjoy that Italians love to dress up, so that even when they put on jeans their coats and shoes stand out as chic and high quality.
I also enjoy the boldness of Italian design. Although plaid is popular around the world, I think the ultra nipped in waist + strong shoulders + luxe fabric of the jacket distinguishes it as having the Italian sensibility.
I keep trying to get my English boyfriend to tailor his English suits. He finds the Italian look much too slim but I urge him to go for something in between the two because I just adore the more body conscious look on a man.
He is sexy!!! lovely photo, altogether coooooool...
you gotta love that denim twist!!!
wow.. one more of those style we've already seen several months, oh no: YEAR AGO!!!
Oh he's cool. Really really cool...
I think this is in the colonnade walkway adjacent to piazza della republica near the bookstore Edison. Wonderful!
Haha! I write for that newspaper!
I saw you working on this shot while waiting on a taxi.... and it was quite a production!!!
You had Mr Simone walk over and back the Piazza Republica about 5 times in order to get the perfect shot...
Sort of undermines the idea of spontaneity, but proves your determination to stage the best frame possible...
I still think these Fiorentinos look like phoney over-thought English men. Pea-cocks in every sense!!!
for Anon 6:12
Funny, I shot this for GQ first so that is why it was more pre-set than other shots but it is still al his clothes and very much his style.
simone is such a character; charismatic indeed! and several years since i've seen him... he's the third of old friends that you've surprised me with. thank you for catching them so beautifully scott!
I have a close friend who still smokes like a chimney, whose persona as a man of real substance is smoke tangled. A photographer friend has taken jewel like photos of him.
This is the way people are, and I am all for street photos related to reality.
Still, my take on this one is.. sad.
another inside job from back of the closet !
my favourite photo so far! Simone I want to meet you!!!!
The Sartorialist is a genius, though!
such style!
I know him!
I like the pictures you've shown of Simone. Scarf's a little long, might get caught up while walking.
He looks great. I can almost smell his cigar.
I want him to wear one of our bags.
I love his effortless style. Selvedged denim? Can't get close enough to tell.
very sylish...seems effortless...
somehow he looks familiar, was tis guy shot in a suit before?
Sart you at your best capturing the effortless style of many of your subjects. They are my favorite shots since , to be honest with you, it is rare to see it on the streets. This guy is great - grace, and confidence, wrapped up in his own particular style.
classic look..lovely
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I want to be this guy when I grow up. I saw this photo in GQ and I thought the dude was amazing. Great style.
Does anyone know where the good-looking shoes are from?
Thank you!
That´s funny.
I remember the place where you shot this photo.
Last time I went to Florence there was a such a talented woman playing violin at this place ;)
yes, timeless, and amazing light