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Comments on "On the Street......West Village, NYC"
ahhhh corduroy :) i love you
wow...I thought for sure you were back in Milan with this photo. Glad to know theres some men with classy cool style right in my own backyard! haha.
i loooove all this texture! (particularly how that of his beard compliments his shirt...)
I love his coat - especially those pockets - and how his facial hair balances out the heavy knits.
Omgosh. He's so cute! =) Looks like santa in urban disguise.
If I recall correctly, you have photographed this person before, haven't you? Isn't he the one who works with Ralph Lauren in regards to finding thrift and vintage items?
I really admire his style. He has served as an inspiration ever since the first photo you posted of him wearing the khakis patched up at the knee and the shawl collar cardigan.
¡¡Qué mono es!!
Great picture!! Great guy!
Very rus in urbe - looks as if he is from somewhere in Maine or Massachusetts... I love the colours, textures and that great bag. Gorgeous photo!
interesting fisherman-mariner-english professor look!
really? i'm not very cool but this photo and the one below look like they could be my nieghbours out in the sticks of suburbia.
Oh wow, it's Beard Papa! All he lacks is the pipe. Amazing.
YAY, he is looking great!! I love the different shades of colors and mix of materials.
This makes me feel warm and cozy.
The re-incarnation of the Greek shepherd. Look for Girls in the Sun (1968) nominated for Golden Globe (1970-Best Foreign Language). Had the shepherd gotten the girl...
warm and cozy indeed...nice photo
Wonderful. Just wonderful.
some people have faces that hold a thousand stories... brilliant photo!
the real deal
(mr. mort, are you taking notes?)
This is the second posting in less than a month in which the subject is wearing those fabulous yellow/light tan gloves. WHERE CAN I GET A PAIR?
Huge inspiration!
Tweed is it! I'm really feeling the tweed thing for next fall, ever since Pitti and the cool Armenian woman in the beautiful tweed coat.
His name is doug, he works at RRL, one of Ralph's trusted friend. He's a very approachable guy, with a distinct style.
Beautiful, beautiful portrait.
In my imagination he knit all that himself ... I can dream can't I?
I had the same thought that Kelly had -- isn't this guy Ralph Lauren's vintage buyer? You had a fabulous photo of him wearing a watchcap, a thick cardigan, and patched khaki pants. Anyway, he's my dream man -- fortunately for me my hubby looks a lot like him, so I won't be tempted to stalk him any time time soon...
Is it the same man?
ohmygosh his little smirk + white beard = melting heart
Such a tasteful, rustic combo - and all items are right on the money. The jacket is splendid.
I had the same reaction as 2:52 --I immediately thought this was a Northern Italian, particularly given the mix of browns in corduroy and tweed.
He looks great. And his outfit would be greatly diminished without the orange glove.
The Zissou Society is alive and well.
he should be my dad!
beautiful photograph
Great hunting jacket, great looking and casual's best. Great country look.
This is one of my favorites of yours. What a great character! Cool bag too.
fisherman chic!
Was this shot on Cornelia St behind the IFC theater? I live on this street and see this guy every so often. He always looks great!
Love it!
What a happy figure the man cuts. Again I'm struck by the realization that it's a person that makes the clothes work and not the other way around. Usually.
He's always great!
love doug.
I adore him!
This gentleman never fails to impress. Moar!
pirate? sailor? cockney?
hmm...his sweater and his beard=same texture.
cool! he looks like a fashionable fisherman!!!
"ahoy, matey!"
love the tonal textures of this man's outfit. I wouldn't be surprised if he works in the arts.
Interesting combination of different field traditional apparel.
I especially like the jacket and the smile behind the beard,so self-confidence!
Old Man Style is the best style.
Hemingway back from the hunt. In fact, a hunter's return to the good country. Lovely.
I wrote my Parsons statement of intention letter based on the first photo you took of him. There isn't a particular thing that's inspirational about his clothing, it's simply a whole...state of mind, if you will. I find it rather hard to describe the intense feeling he gives me every time i look at the shots you took. Great enlightenment and an infinite 'thank you' for seeing and photographing him.
This guy looks like a gamekeeper ,he could walk down the street in any village in Yorkshire and not get a second look!! love the whole sartorialist blog! Fab
Dont know who this is but how cool is he! His own style!
...ANY PORT...