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Comments on "On the Street.....The Kids Are Alright, NYC"
they are alright for sure. i love kids with good style..there is no reason not to have it.
This kid is my favourite.
So cute and stylish.
dang it! these kids sure look better than i did at that age!
omg ....cute!
WOW! The top photo is so charming. The colors she is wearing, and that smile on her face...so sweet.
I wish I had style at that age. =(
only in NYC
they ARE the best! love it!
Perfect looks for kids!
Oh my! Can I borrow the first girl's outfit? :)
Wow I am utterly impressed with their outfits. When I was younger I wore oshkosh, and whatever else my mother gave me.
this little one in the hat is rocking pure tremendocity.. skater spawn? amazing.
those are some cool kids! the little girls tights in the first photo- genius! where can i find those! :)
Kids are so much cooler now. I used to wear sweatsuits at that age.
omg i hope you have parental consent
but what amazing stylish kids
if you saw what i wore at that age...
jeeze, heck, i don't dress that cool at 17
These kids are more than alright they are fantastic! One someone questions the family-friendliness (or less-ness) of NYC all they have to do is look at these pictures. They should be on a I (heart) NY billboard. Style confidence and glowing children. Gotta a love a New York City kid.
aw cute
Oh my goodness! I the first one... down to the blue fingernails.
I was wearing little more than Osh Kosh at their age haha...they've got a foot in the door already!
"kids these days....." haha
I'm not so keen on the second, but my gosh, the first is absolutely brilliant! Such energy.
quite alright indeed stylist little devils...!
1. My favorite dress + my favorite tights + my favorite cardigan + my favorite shoes + my favorite hair accessory = my favoritest outfit ever in the whole entire world!
2. Kid Rock(s)!
loved the pictures!
nice outfits!
My first impression was: 'man, I hope I have kids that cool' then it was 'man, if I did, that would mean my kids are cooler than me...' kind of like if jesus realized he in fact could heat up a burrito so hot even He couldn't eat it...sounds great at first, then just a tiny depressing...
I wanna be that little boy!
they are so cute and stylish.
just started blogging, lets exchange links. visit my site,
Either these kids have serious taste in style or thier parents do aha.
Ah! They are both so cute!
Loving the little girl's style.
The world would be a much more interesting place if everyone had the fearlessness of children. :)
Wow! The girl's dress is just fantastic. It's really difficult to dress kids fashionably in a way that still keeps them young, I find.
Her mommy must have a very keen eye (;
I can imagine how that little girl brightens up the streets! She looks so full of life!
Great colors....i love the girl using that dark blue , vibrant .....jumping !!!
really great !
Great colors....i love the girl using that dark blue , vibrant .....jumping !!!
really great !
aww they are so adorable!
and stylin'
Both so different and yet so fantastic.
Girl on top mixes so many fun elements but maybe what's best is the joyous look on her cute face. Check out those blue nails!
The kid on the bottom rockin' the sk8er look is really so cool. Not sure if it's a boy or a girl but either way it works. If it's a girl.... WOW! When so many little girls take their style cues from HSM it's delightful to see one bold enough to forge a different path.
Makes me wanna go get knocked-up.
I wish these kids were friends with me when i was a kid.
I love the boys skate influenced style. his hair is awesome
fantastic, especially the first girl!
Wow, I am officially considering procreating.
that first one brings to mind marc by marc jacobs, no?
wow... i like both..they're so cuuute!!.. they looks so bright
I love how individual each of them is, and how fabulous. I'm glad nobody is telling them they can't wear that, because blah blah blah.
Love the kids feature! Awesome!
She's 12 and she dresses better than me. I'm 30. Sigh.
These children should come to my school and give a speech on the excitment of getting dressed!
the girl on top is so adorable!! what a beautiful face! she just looks so happy! her tights are absolutely amazing. does anyone know where i can get some? i fit into childrens' sizes.
great post. this completely lifted my spirits.
awesome photos!
ohhh... this is so cute!!
these kids are definitely in good hands. love both of their styles, especially their hairstyles.
I wish that purple dress came in my size.
True inspiration, true style. To be genuine, individualistic, unpretentious, and carefree...
The second one is mario cornejo's kid.
the second one is a pure rockstar shot
I LOVE to see kids expressing themselves in their clothes. These kids are obviously getting support for who they are and confident in their personalities. It's great to see their personal style reflected in their clothes. Too easy for girls to think they should wear what other girls are wearing.
the little boy is exactly what my son will look like some day... minus the tight jeans! just a pet peeve!
oh man...if I was this boys age, I would so be crushin right now! :)
holyshit i have a kid. that 2nd one looks identical to me.
i wonder if these kids actually have thier own style and are amazing or if thier parents just have great style and dress thier kids
good grief! they look great!
These girls are such visions of effortless Manhattan-child precociousness. I love it. The hatted one is like some contemporary Annie Hall street urchin with a kid's card to Barney's.
that lil boy looks like he shuld belong in california, he dresses like a cali boy
wow, the kids are definitely alright in NYC.
They have it so good, they don't even know..but more then likely nowadays, they do! Their people before they even become kids lol!
The little chicklet's tights are the cat's pajamas!
The purple/blue little girl is just an absolute dollbaby! The expression on her face is priceless.
The second kiddo is cooler than I ever thought about being at that age. Great shots!
You know, that first picture of the girl in purple is really a stunning outfit but...
I sort of hate seeing this. I suppose these kids might be just at the age where they might do this by themselves, but I have a strong feeling it's their parents that force this on them and decide what they wear. This age is maybe ok, and it's good for youth to develop their own style, but I hate seeing 3,4,5,6 year olds dressed in elaborate adult outfits that their parents have obviously prepared. It gets them too worried about image at an age where they should be wearing dirty old sweats and playing in parks finding worms.
hate to be the serious one... again perhaps these children are old enough and have made this choice for themself, but just wanted to make that point for all sartorialists - don't force your sense of style on your young kids... let them be kids for awhile.
<3 the who...I work at MoMA and let me tell you...parent's that take their children there sure know how to dress them as well.
Well done Sart. The second looks like you... your kid?
love the first... so cute!!
My god those kids are awesome!!!! I swear, those kids rock so much!
wow..i'm blown away.
if only i had style when i was that age! aha.
i especially like the boy's outfit!
These kids are divine! Their personality exudes in their outfits, even if their parents had influence in them!
the second one is excellent!!
OMG They are so cute and so good wearing!!!!
I'm in love with the first little purple fairy...but I'd hate to think that this kids are daily made to loose their valuable time in making looks and poses instead of playing, running and having fun...Are there really parents who reinforce image slavery in their children at such a young age? That's messed up!!
You out there wondering if kids can have "their own" style: I can certify that YES, they can! And I truly believe that these kids don't have parents who dresses them up. The style thing lies in their personal choices, maybe in just the one thing a parent would take away because not "perfect". I myself tend to be to matchy-matchy with my girls aged 7 and 8 - But I have realised that their own sense of style is better then my trying to make them cool, so they pretty much find their own way. With some strange results, of course, but most of the time ok and from time to time just brilliant.
As are these two!
Love, Cath
before i was not a fan of fashion kids cause i was selfish! and i would not heard about the new trend of show/street kids influences bla bla bla but now i like to see how they give life to the garment. So great pics!!
kids are always a good way of inspiration and when they wear something like this it means even more...we all should see the world in colors:)
the child in the second photograph looks a bit like paul mccartney!!
am i the only one who sees it????
either way, fantastic style :)
one day, my kids will be just like that!! GREAT PHOTOS!
I love it! A little more in the mix is a good thing Scott. The little sweetie jumping on the stairs is great!
So gougers! Like the clothes on the second picture best but love the jump on the first picture!
they've absolutely got it going on. I'd love to hang out with them for a day and see where their inspiration comes from... parents? playground!? <3 love it.
both are amazing but i can't get over the color scheme of the first.. an those tights! and the bag! the dress! she's pretty much what i'd want to have for a daughter.
wow. i wonder if they dress themselves or are products of their chic parents??
Great photos Scott! You really do bring out the best in people - Love the jump!! Geez, I sure wish I had this kind of style going on when I was this age - I don't think that my Mr. T fatigue pants would have cut it.
good sense of style starts early. cute kids! i wonder if they put these ensembles together, or if they had parental help...from the photos, they have a certain attitude that says "this is all me". bravo!
first time to realize how fresh purple can be ... <3
I definitely wasn't dressed that well when I was their age. 90s style...plastic sandals, rather embarassing haha :D
Kids are looking so cool,little models.
the first child look like babysim!! sooo amazing :)
the girl looks great. bright colors, nice patterns, the touch of red.
the second kid seems like he's trying too hard.
Stylish little fashion queens.
Anon 1:26 AM:
Very well put. And though one should NEVER judge children, their parents are another matter. The adorable child in the bottom pic clearly has been dressed as a mini-me hipster by her parents. It's a little offputting. But, clearly, both great kids.
can we be friends? i wish i was that cool when i was little.
to anon 1:26-
As the parent of a 7 year old girl and 8 year old boy, I can testify that (some) kids definitely have their own style at that age. My daughter has been dressing herself like a mini Lynn Yaeger since the age of 2, with crazy color combos and interesting layers.
My son favors a plaid fedora and patent leather loafers for all occasions, and recently asked for a gold tooth and a monocle for his birthday. Obviously, the parents have to buy the clothes, but you'd be surprised what some kids can put together on their own.
very cute kids!
that purple dress is lovelyyyy
The tights on the girl are incredible
child models? where do they learn to put together outfits like that?
oh dear they are just DARLING!!! =D
i just love what the first child is wearing. she looks angelic. the colors just pop with brilliance, not to mention that she is full of joy. so much personality physically -through her beautiful smile- and sartorially through the mix of patterns.
It's a bit worrying that so many adults on here approve;
Kids doing their thing style wise, misunderstood by their parents is a good way to push things forward.
A generational difference is a good thing as there's nothing more depressing than a child dressed identikit to their parents.
AND... OI SART! Didn't you take any shots in London???
Very nice pics!
loved the colors in the first pic!:)
i know the little man on the bottom, and i can assure you he is a free spirit/force of nature! he has NOT been dolled up by his parents, he has been nurtured to think for himself...
I like how the little girl's coat is falling off of her arms, like she couldn't hold still long enough for her mother to get it all the way on her before she ran outside, looking for adventure. That's what I see.
I think the Obama girls will encourage a new direction in children dressing cool, but like kids, not little grown ups...
wow if you like the 2nd kid, come to cali... we breed this kind of cute look!!!
Love the color combo in #1. If she got dressed without mom's help, then she's someone you should keep an eye on, Sart!
i love that splash of purple.
Now this makes me feel old and expired... Back when I was that age I was styling barbie dolls rather than myself, paying no attention whatsoever to my frizzy hair or my mismatched clothes.. Where's a time machine when you want it, huh..
he looks like Jason Mraz junior!
They are so cute!!
I really love the first photo..=D
they are so cute. the little boy has so much confidence..i love
cuties! this is classic kid style. love the color on the little girl.
tienen un Gran Futuro!
that second girl is gonna be a rockstar!
I love the vibe of these pictures...if you can't dress so adventurously when you're a kid, when can you ever? I wish I had done that more as a kid, look for my own style.
Only thing - "alright" is incorrect. It's spelled "all right". Consult The Elements of Style.
Notice the complicated lacing on the 2nd child’s gray shoes. Are they sold that way or has someone altered them?
Iwish I had that style at that age.. :D I really love stylish children,.. they are so lovely n__n
the boy, joey, is maria cornejo (of cornejo clothing)'s son... he better be stylish! :P
I wore Mothercare at that age! Woah
Picking your own clothes and having fun with style is admirable at any age, but I hope at this age that the only opinion they care about is their own. You can say that if you can't experiment with style as a child when can you, but the other side of that coin is this: if you can't dress like crap and have fun without worrying about appearance and grass stains as a kid, when can you?
she looks like a little irina lazareanu
this boy has the face of a child but the stance and maturity of a man in his 20's