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Comments on "On the Street......Sharp Cut Coat, NYC"
Oddly enough, I'm more interested in his bag! Gorgeous coat though.
he looks kind of beatle-esque. the slim pants, skinny tie, mop top. yup, Paul McCartney circa 1964. I like it.
A great example of a perfectly fitted coat! I am not convinced he can fit a jacket under it but if he can, so much the better. The bag also looks quite interesting and definitely separates him from the crowd.
Love the lines!
Great......simple and classic...about the bag I'm not sure
gorgeous bag. anyone know what kind?
The coat is a little short in my opinion....
he probably walked around 'sans scarf' because his fabulous outfit, completed with a tie.
A scarf would make this man...'just one of the guys in NYC'.
Nice shot.
Do you happen to know the brand of the bag? Perhaps it's vintage...but I don't think this type of man is buying any vintage stuff. :P
He does look perfect as is, but the fabulous woman in the pic above (with fabulous scarf) does too. Nice contrast.
yes. Nice indeed. I do love the bag. I'm always looking for the perfect size bag...this one is nice!
Lovely coat, he looks quite formal...nice shot!
Am i right that we are talking about 70F which is somewhere aroung 20 degress Celsius?
Scarf when it is below 20? I can't wear a jacket at that temperature because it is too hot...
Just saw the article in the British Journal of Photography which mentions you and other similar concepts. You have to love photos like this. Cheers!
Perfection! He is definitely a head-turner.
I like the understated not too overworked style.
I'll be looking for wool/silk blends with Mao-collars, this spring.
love it!
that's the way I like to dress.
This is perfection. I never go out without a scarf (as soon as it's a bt cooler), but this picture has made me reconsider.
I'm totally speechless on this one. Stunning! that's how this gentleman looks.
Chic, sexy, retro!
Bag is Prada. t's BEAUTIFUL. i am lucky enough to own. looks good on him!
I think I just fell in love with this man. *Swoon*
Too bad most men in Portland don't dress this well.
And Stylethread, I totally agree with you on the Beatles comment.
Spot on!
who makes the bag?
is this mark ronson?
Great tailoring! I wonder what happens when he gets to where he is going. It doesnt look like there is room for a jacket underneath the coat. The bag is Prada, and interestingly enough it looks much better here, being used, that on the shelf at the store.
Now THERE'S a proper-fitting coat!
What a magnificent outfit! The rigid structure of the body with the slouched leather bag. I wish sharp men like that existed in sydney...or maybe im not looking hard enough on the street!
Man bag...lol
Perfect fit! the gloves and tote make him a bit ferosh...
love david thielebule. LOVE him.
omg he is hot, he doesnt need a scarf!
That bag is incredible. I love he way it works off the gloves and those boots that look like dressy leather chukkas. Sharp dude. A style very dear to my heart.
Classic waisted coat and colors of all clothes:zero-risk enterprise!
like everyone else all I want to know is WHERE DID HE GET THAT BAG?! I NEED one.......
I believe the bag is Prada.
This looks great! I totally love his whole shilouette!
Lean, mean, clean like a well-oiled machine.
So refreshing to see a well-dressed man without the ubiquitous scarf. He seems to be managing just fine w/out it...
Correct me if I am wrong, but I see three colors: navy blue, black, and brown. I love the fact that three colors that some fashionable people will claim can't go together (or at least two of them can't go with black), go together so well in this outfit. Nicely done.
Love this. Is this a three quarter length coat? No way he has a jacket under the coat, but if he's going to work he can get away with the dress shirt/pants tie without a jacket in this day and age. I want that coat and that bag.
Love this. Is this a three quarter length coat? No way he has a jacket under the coat, but if he's going to work he can get away with the dress shirt/pants tie without a jacket in this day and age. I want that coat and that bag.
This is Harper's Bazaar accessories editor, David Thielebule, Jakandjil.com blogged about him with another fabulous bag on 2/17.
David got out of his jeans! Amazing!
it's daniel vosovis from project runway isn't it? i went to F.I.T with him, im sure its him?
The bag is Prada, but I should say his ensemble was nicely together..
Nonchalant perfection. I agree with the above statement that this man clearly pulls of black blue and brown flawlessly despite many "rules" against such pairings.
The contrast is which is not achieved in color is represented in other aspects of the outfit. As previously stated the slouchy unstructured lines of the bag contrast with the tailored sharp lines of the rest of the ensemble. The material contrasts are also great with the many different levels of "shine," Leather, Wool, Denim(?), Cotton.
I like his haircut.
daniel vosovic?
love this
Navy coat - I love it. The cut is great and as a designer I really love navy! I love also how he works the navy with black and the pops of chocolate on the bag.
Beautiful, beautiful cut and color. Sharp figurativly and literally!
You didn't happen to get his phone number, did you?
nice bag!
love the coat. love the bag.
Oooh, he is too dreamy.
soooo sleek. and hes not bad looking (understatement)
wow! it looks clean..
i like the bag..
This is my total look!, its sooo me!!!!!!!!!, its sooo right and OMG the bag, im a bag person totally!
i'm pretty sure this is mark ronson. he's too damn adorable
The coat and the bag doesn't seem to match but it turns out not bad at all. I like his style!
Nice looking man, very well dressed.
Like to be his date...
This sight made my day. He's just perfect! Love the coat, the bag, the shoes, the gloves and the man!
A sexy look!
A classy but extremely cute look!
David looks a bit like Adrian Brody in this picture, and that is totally a compliment. He looks amazing.
love the look, and the prada bag... got to get one for myself!!
That outfit is a triumph - clean lines, carefully put together without any fussy details setting off wonderfully the predominance of the black with clever use of the midnight blue coat.
Great look!
Reminds too much of Hedi Slimane in a somewhat out of fashion manner.
Dave Theilebeule was also featured in NY Mag's video look book this week, spotted just outside Bryant Park:
definitely David Thielebeule from Harper's Bazaar. He talks about his PRADA bag on the nymagazine video lookbook here:
his coat and leather gloves are perfect.
i love it, the coat and bag!
beautiful beautiful light, perspective, focus, highlights on profile, bag and shoes. lovely shot!
He's the fifth Beatle.
LOVE the bag.
the light is so beautiful in this picture
So we have Paul McCartney (Beatlemania years), Mark Ronson and Adrian Brody. How about Jon Hamm??
After seeing this pic and falling in love with the bag, I spent several days hunting down the bag online and, with the help of TPF, found out the bag model is VA0749 (Prada, of course).
Next day I went to my local Prada store, and am now the proud owner of this very bag.
love his entire look,he looks very sophisticated and charming.
Impeccable! The clean lines are reminiscent of the Duchess Windsor's style.
the same opinion than Mathew above, but what about the light in the pic!!!