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Comments on "On the Street......Off the Odeon, Paris"
Can't see him on the pitch at the Stade de France!
love his fur collar
I simply love men in women's jackets.
I do wonder how his hat stays put. The different period references and mixing of male/female garb makes this totally funky. Me likey!
something about this whole ensemble, to me, is much too effeminate. I like my men to pull off the feminine touch with an edge.
So chic. Love the watch (I want one!) and the Balenciaga bag...
LOVE his bag and faux fur collar.
loved it, a lot of personality
Fabulous! I love everything about this!
OMG! Quelle type. Really one of the boys, all right. I'll bet he eats lots of carrots.
the fur coat is a stunner! also I love the "dandy" finishing touches, like the driving gloves and the watch...
At any rate, is is just me or is there a trend growing for gentlemen handbags? I didn't see so may of them around only a couple of years ago...
so smart looking, love this look!
He's trying too hard. Subtract any one thing (hat, nose ring, watch, fur collar, gloves or bag) and the rest would work.
He's good-looking, but I don't care for the femme look on gentlemen.
if you think there is anything redeeming about this you have officially lost your mind.
great style!!! very edgy, but still retaining many classic elements. that fur wouldn't work for everyone, but i think he pulls it off quite nicely. i want his bag.
I kept looking at his gold watch and the holes on the gloves. This area is intrguing.
I immediately thought of Charles Darwin in The Fall.
more men need to wear fur
more men need to wear fur
Oh man does he look pretentious. The manbag, driving gloves, and fur only make the more indie pieces, the hat and nose ring, look like two items he wore purely to establish street cred. While I grant that nothing clashes, the whole concept just turns me right off.
Wow, this is stunning. He looks amazing.
My late dad's hat. My late mom's coat. My daughter's purse. My old driving gloves - I wondered where the heck they went! Given all that familiar stuff, I should like this look better than I do.
Hummm ! Canoooon ! :)
J'adore ses gants à la Karl Lagerfeld :)
Wow, I'm utterly in love.
how glamorous! the glint of his watch and the gleam of the fur coordinate seamlessly, and the gloves are very lagerfeld-esque.
how glamorous! the glint of his watch and the gleam of the fur are seamlessly luxuriant. also, his gloves are incredibly lagerfeld-esque.
This is genius.
I like this but I think the fur is a little too much
o dear, there's a bit of a "i just robbed grandma's closet" vibe here.
Wow! I love how he takes feminine elements--the gloves, the fur collar, the way his hats perches just so--and makes it his own. He's both androgynous and genderless. I love all of it!
I'm sorry, but no.
A glamorous bohemian dandy...I like his style!
OMG HE LOOKS LIKE ME! love it, i only hope I pull off this look as well as he does
beautiful photo. i love the desaurated colour.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bag, i must get one!
He definitely has a cool vibe. Although it is far from classic styling, at least he is playing around with style in his own way, and having fun.
Wow, he's cool looking, someone definitely determined to be his own person. Or he's a really good poser.
Love the Bal.
Quentin Crisp would approve!
On some people the fur and the accessories together would be too much--but this man put it together well! Perhaps such a handsome fellow gets to wear whatever?
fucking brilliant
a little guy in granny's clothes...granted a rich granny...hence fashionable?...he's been doing it since he is five...it's his nature...
Amazing style!
Tres feminin, non?
hello balenciaga!! what a beauty
my gloves!!
I would really like to know how that hat is staying on.
I thought this was an intriguing look.
I like androgyny.
I shouldn't like this but I do. There's not enough bravery in mens wear these days. Nothing but sportswear or suits can get so dull.
il est sensationnel.
He's definitely teetering on overdone. Still intriguing though. Mens fashion should look like one puts it on with care and taste, but then forgets all about it.
He hasn't forgotten all about it.
This is one original styles dude.
So decadent ! I love it...
Very feminine... however I see a slight balance in that his facial hair, piercings and hat gives him a masculine touch. If "fashion" close the edge equals edgy, then this guy is certainly 'edgy' (I do hate using that term, as much as I hate the terms 'raw' and 'organic', but it really makes sense in this context) Cool guy, his confidence really pulls this off.
wow, that is one attractive guy.
love the piercings.
Vive la boheme! Love it!
I like the fur collar...this man is not looking to be accepted, he just wants room to be who he is. He commands the space he occupies everywhere he chooses to be. Smart.
Like the look , though most of the elements are derivative, hate the driving gloves, don't like the fur..
Interesting. I usually enjoy the attempt at mixing masculine and feminine attire yet his outfit just doesn't appeal to me. Perhaps it's just a little too much going on with the bag and the gloves and the fur and the watch and the hat and the piercings. Men wearing woman's attire is fine by me. I once saw an attractive woman wearing a pink pea coat, and would have worn it myself if I had the opportunity.
Magnifique, the fur is wonderful.
I love this ..amazing!
I appreciate the facial hair and piercings, without it this look could be lost on a man -but surely he could pull off anything. Cool gloves too
I love everything about his outfit
Love the zany Frenchness of it.. where else would someone get away with testing the waters so well..
This is to me one of the strongest snapshot of style in a while. "Though most of the elements are derivative.." Of course they are! Everything we wear for the most part is. Is all about choosing the right fit dimensionally and aesthetically for your personality and experiences. Men's street fashion is usually so devoid of chances that they might as well be anonymous. Love the elements as they are in my closet as well. Need to see the shoes though. Trainers would ruin it for me. As would cuffed high waters. It's time to raid each other's closets.
<3 this
Would love to get a look at the high heels he's wearing.
would've been spectacular minus the piercings..
For some reason he strikes me as completely masculine. There are many feminine edges yet none of them are strong enough to over power his masculinity. Beautiful
i'm on board for everything but the bag. maybe something more structured would have been better. put all this on a woman and it would be very interesting, but i think even men working an androgynous vibe need to watch out not to overaccessorize.
There is way too much going on here: The bag, the gloves, the watch, the fur collar, the hat, the piercings. They detract from one another. I think if he lost the bag and the gloves, he would seem stylish rather than costumed.
I don't know whether its the lighting or what not, but it seems very vampiresque to me. The juxtposition of the fur, gloves and hat with the women's cut and gold (digital?) watch make it really unexpected.
If you're not a rock star (or somebody who is independently wealthy), is it possible to dress like this? I consider myself to be bold in my dress, but that means wearing trim suits and slim ties to the office...not feminine faux fur jackets.
The outfit has me thinking, to what job is this dude headed? I have to say that his style choices limit him to food service.
ugh the whole look is sooo chic! i love it all! that jacket looks gorgeous! and the bag(balenciaga i think) is gorgeous. every fashion obsessed boy needs a bag. geeez...what do you people expect him to carry....a suitcase?!?! ugh that'd be ewww....
punkesque style with the septum ring and the hat n gloves.
that bag sure whatever floats ur boat..
but that fur coat/collar is soooo hideous
i say go wit a leather biker jacket
Check out matthewizzo.com or oaknyc.com and you will understand that this guy is not dressed for hanging at a sports bar downing pints with his football mates. He is aware of his limitations for personal eccentricity as are most of the folks in the ensembles on this site. He knows the drill... get it tailored and refine... refine... breathe.. then subtract one more piece. Now I do agree that the gloves work, but lose the watch or vice versa. I think that the watch is to accentuate the goldish tie but it totally gets lost with the glove-watch-cuff action. The nose ring is personal preference but imo.. neh. His face has enough cool accessories with his trimmed facial hair, strong nose, deep set eyes and Jim Dandy Sixteen Candles watza happenin' hot stuff Duckie top. The bag is very hot! Very Surface to Air.. loving that look for sure. The jacket is very fresh and tailored to his figure... though the watch does hide that fact at sleeves end and doesn't allow the gloves to add that visual "exclamation point".
Not many men have the confidence to [tastefully] pull off a women's Balenciaga bag.
fuckin fabulous.
yep, its a lariat ....i have the same bag in purple.
not my type of look
Wow! He is on the cutting edge of Paris fashion here! Charlie Chaplin meets Michael Jackson and Cruella DeVille. Is that a nose ring? A little hint of Hot Topic as well.
Sorry, too fem in my eyes. But he´s got balls to wear it!
He is very affeminate but oh so sexy lol
needs a tatto or 2 on his neck are though then it would complete this man's hotness lol
and maybe a black gauge
but wow very very sexy man we got here
oh no, yikes!
I love the furs this piercing ! rock and roll touch !
Clément louis
I love everything about this look except the fur on the coat. I feel it's the wrong shape. I think the collar of the jacket should not be v-lined. But I do have to admit I adore guys that wear handbags (I am a girl), I think it's very cool. But nevertheless I love the whole thing.
brilliancy. simple with an edge.
check out http://fundamentalguy.blogspot.com/
I love it, he has personality dressing.
I adore the fur and the driving gloves but not together. The hat, piercings, and watch are magnifique however. As for the bag, well c'mon wouldn't it look great anytime, anyplace?!! His confidence makes him look cool without looking too try-hard! Love this pic!!
Oh my god I think I just fell in love..
I adore feminine looks on men.
But this feels contrived.
I love it! he's cool looking
Formidable. True the flaring faux-fur collar is feminine on its own, but on him it's not effeminate so much as feline. He's a dandy aristocrat of bohemia.
We need more pretension on the streets.
waow that balenciaga.
I get the feel of the 40s from this picture. So vintage yet so modern. Love it!
PS - I will probably buy those gloves now.