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Comments on "On the Street......Mittens, Stockholm"
Brilliant!!! Superb geek chic., think the trainers are a nice finishing touch! Maybe i should get knitting again?
Umm, Stockholm or Williamsburg?
balls!? i love balls!
and purple shoes!
cute! nice purple runners!
great style, i like it.
cam i have those gloves svp?!
kool stuff!
I have been known to wear some men's pieces (I'm a woman), so I guess it's ok for him to wear women's items (mittins and shoes.)
oh, he's adorable.
i love how the sneakers completely contrast the rest of the outfit.
I am sure the pompons on the mittens serve a purpose, right? I would have let either the mittens or the sneakers make a color statement, but maybe not both at the same time. I like the outfit overall! Jorge from W Palm Beach
What I really love are the purple shoes!!
Aww. Adorable. The green of his beanie is such a compliment to his skin tone.
milk and cookies?
This is too cute for words!! The violet trainers, especially.
what i like best are the sneakers! i always feel like i cant wear sneakers with skinny jeans, but this is great.
the rest of the look doesnt really do it for me though.
What is it about those Sweedes that is so Sweet?
i need to get to northern europe immediately. the boys are supa fly!
where can i get a scarf like this?
Cool, I love it! I love men who have an eye for colour and can have a sense of humour about what they wear. Shows character!
haha, he looks like the kid from "a christmas carol"!!!
like the shoes though!
Totally geek-chic. And the pink and purple New Balance... genious.
Great shot of a cute kid.
Great! I thought, scrolling down. Then I saw his trainers. And the lilac ruins it :-(
I have those mittens!!they're from H&M & they're really warm! cute pic!
Super cute! Only, lose the shoes!!
Like that the ears stick out under his hat:)
the definition of cute
What a cutie! This outfit is simply adorable.
Oh my gosh! How he cute is! Love that big scarf! It's like a sheet
cute boy, adorable shoes!
Great Outfit
Are we all looking at the same picture? I don't like this at all.
Great find. The vintage new balance sneakers and the pom poms on the mittens show a confidence not commonly seen! I love kids like this...makes me feel positive about the future.
Not all that fresh - good individual pieces (gloves/scarf/trainers) - not sure they all work together (colour-wise?) though...
Beautiful outfit
really digging the purple kicks
The pea coat is also H&M, maybe two years ago. I have it and I always get comments on it.
The gloves vs. shoes creates a battle of warm vs. cold palette. I prefer the warm (gloves win out).
What a total cutie pie. Love the mittens and those purple shoes.
Doubling up on scarves - why haven't I thought of that!
he is so adorable! i just want to give him a hug and a blanket! love the shoes
They really know how to knit in Stockholm! I'm not sure if that's a scarf or some exemplary sweater folding and wrapping...
this guy is TOO cool =)
I think it has to do with his eyes which is simultaneously innocent and sad the way a boy would be sad. Those eyes reflect the awkwardly matched purple shoes, red mittens, and the unexpected zipper on his coat. Without those eyes this outfit would not work.
cooler tht ever ......
purple sneaker the eye catcher!
Those mittens are from H&M. I have them in white.
what a lovely boy. Those mittens are amazing. He looks like a character out of an early 20th century children's story. I don't know about the shoes though. I love the purple, but not so much the style.
I want to build a snowman with him.
take off the shoes and he's definately cute
I know this guy, he s name is Anton.
he's such a nice person, and very cute!
so wonderful! his runners make me unreasonably happy
I love those sneakers.
so cute.
Lovin that scarf, shoes are a great color. He looks like a hipster but more unique. Nice!
Isn't anybody bothered by the bulky items in his front pockets? I don't mind guys wearing skinny jeans but please put your cell phone, wallet, keys, &c. in some other pockets besides the front ones. It totally messes with the clean lines of this outfit (and it wears holes in the front pockets). I like the look overall—great colors, great pieces, nicely mixed but am totally distracted by the front pockets.
Are you sure this was Sotckholm and not the North Pole? Maybe Santa let him have an after Christmas vacation.
I've seen this picture a few weeks ago on stockholms own website. Nice picture!
Does anyone know who makes his peacoat?
this kid is so cool, i want to be his friend.
On his way to get stuffed into his gym locker, no doubt.
he's amazing!
Love it.
what a gorgeous boy!
Oh, that's Anton! He's originally from my town and we've got common friends. He deserves to be recognized here. Seriously, he's got great style
I'm sorry, that does not work for me. Tight Trousers with big lilac sport shoes? I never like that.
But I agree, he is cute.
Excellent!! his coat, skinny pants,
and nice colored sneakers!!
and the point is his brrrriliant red colored mitten.
totally adorable.
everything is great besides the shoes
Nothing to criticise here - I love the humour of those Swedes. Great, original, simple, practical style.
i have those mittens and they are from H&M!!!
So gorgeous!
so nice and simple..
he looks so cozy
SOO CUTE! You can tell it's so cold he has his hands fisted up in the mittens!
Oh, that's Mbukka! He's originally from an African tribe I know and we've got common friends. He deserves to be recognized here. Seriously, he's got great style
awww! he's adorable!
this guy's got it.
never with those shoes
QT pie
You can see how cold it must be if you look closely, because his hands are made into fists inside his mittens.
It's actually not considered that odd for men to wear mittens in the northern countries. I live in Finland and often both men and women wear mittens. And the pompoms on them are just a cute detail don't you think? I love this look, it's so kind of rough, very Swedish...
He needs a bag. I see things in his pockets.
Those mittens look hand knit and I bet they are "thrummed" which means you knit bits of wool into them to give them a fluffy lining inside, would explain their size. Cute!
He looks great and i love his hair too! Wish he's found a bag for whatever it is he's got in his pockets though! I'm easily distracted!!!
I believe we have finally found Waldo.
Gee, he looks awesome!
Those shoes and those mittens are rather fantastic. I love wearing winter hats like he is too, pushed back and bangs in the front. And his scarf! Brilliant. Love the whole ensemble, and the zipper on his coat is a great finishing touch.
He definitely looks like a cool cat, I'd love to meet him.