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Comments on "On the Street......Life of the Party, Paris"
Good Heavens, Sart, what did you say to him?? Did you ask if you could borrow his coat, it's quite something.
Hmm... this guy seems quite familiar.
I really like his trousers. And his coat.
lol ...that's fantastic!
See, that's why you should ask for permission to take people's pictures.
I love this so much it hurts.
Beautiful shots. I like the low depth of field. Almost looks like film.
That guy seems fun!
Amazing! That second picture is genius. I love his expression and general pose, he seems to be an extremely interesting person.
Indeed! Great shots & great style.
This guy is nuts and so is his overcoat and scarf. I love it!
go plaid!
Big smile on my face now. :)
Oh yeah!
Dr. Tartan & Mr. Plaid
I'm totally feeling him, especially because of current events.
All debonair, suave, and self-possessed on the outside (or at least from the back) but, on the inside, he's all on the verge of complete insanity (or at least from the front)!
Ooh, loved the coat from the back, and then woah, scary/funny shot! Haha!
Was this man shouting at you sart!? lol Interesting mix of plaid
What was the joke that prompted the laugh?
Plaid on plaid with negative feelings (loose quote of Malcolm McLaren...) Love the plaid trench, and how the red plaid scarf picks up the red in the coat's plaid. Digging the aviators too.
Love layered plaid. So classic.
He's a bit insane. I think I love him. I love it when men mix plaids.
haha- what a champ!
nice outfit!
loved the coat!
i hope to be him one day.
He's my favorite Sartorialite ever.
Absolutely RAD...
How fun! Some fierce personality makes any outfit unique, rather than a costume.
I love, love these shots!!! This man is not afraid to express himself...true beauty!
haha, Scott what did he say? STOP STALKING ME!!!
I LOVE these pictures. (And I want his bag.)
I knew it was him before I saw his face, checkered pants man lol. That coat is super dope!
Wonderful coat. Love the length...
i love pictures with personality, and this guy totally served it! made me laugh at the office. :)) i want more of this sart. :)
I think he's been waiting for you.
hi! is the first time that i see your blog, and i love it!
So, i think that i will pass often!!
[i love all the photos! :)]
Could this be the one person that did not want to be photographed by you? I call this "mad plaid". xo
genuinely crazy faces are my favorite. oh, wait. a very close second to quiet, sigh-ish laugh faces with the eyes caught shut. in black and white. :)
cool coat
loooool, love the back picture of him.
great natural sense of style - and how refreshing to see someone actually smile and have fun. fashion is fun people!! :)p
this is an amazing photo, was he really sneezing?
what is his name!? i've seen him all over the site, i wanna know who he is!
This guy is the male scary spice. He looks rabid...do not think I want to be around him, and his clothes choice just make this scream out.
Hahaha awesome!!
Awesome color combo. Love the loud pattern. Some good inspiration for the men who are afraid of both.
what a fantastic coat (and man)!
more more more!!!
I actually find the two other figures in the bottom picture more compelling than the central "character."
Small world. My wife has this same jacket. Colonna she bought in Paris in 1997. Get to see someone rockin' it.
love it love it love it
i Love him!
I love the mix of two different plaids;loud like his pose is but quality and taste speaks even louder.
I think I will remember this photo and his outfit for long time.
Rad plaid!
Wow-wee-ka-zow-wee! Is this what happens when you wear several plaids and tweeds at the same time? What sharp and crisp plaids, love 'em.
i love his coat.
he is intense!
the first photo made me think of the phrase 'a man with a plan!'..
i dont see how it is comfortable thugh to wear the overcoat one arm in and one arm out..
haha, the outfit goes with the attitude.
I love it.
He looks like Kenzo! Or a slightly younger version. He's glorious anyway - I mean what could be chic-er than the melange of French and Japanese style? I'd also love to know what made him react like that......
Gave me a big smile.
Does that mean that he does not want to be photographed?
Nice fashion blog keep posting this further.
awesome! hahaha
Un japonais à Paris ?!!
Ahah excellent !
I've just picked The Sunday Times fro the internaional newsagents'. You're among the 100 best global blogs, 6 best in Style worldwide. And I also read you are going to work with Ms.roitfeld.Not only do you deserve the limelight,but fashion needs you eyeview.
just a word: splendid !
In the world of we are living today, people have the tendency to take pictures that are too pretty or 'perfect'. To see a photo like this, just put a smile on my face. Everyone should do this more often! =)
excellente photo, j'adore cette expression de visage et le style de ce mec!!
Looks like the most awesome guy!:D
That must've been some kinda soda pop to prompt such a violent belch...
he's wearing his coat in a extraordinary way...just one arm in the coat...like the mix of colours
great shots and dear god i will rip off that jacket from him! ;p
What a cool mix! Pictures that could tell a story too. Great spot!
what the fun!hehehe
what the fun kkkk
Pure class! Genius!
My favorite movie in exactly 2 frames.... :)
It's been a long time since we've seen him. Definitely prefer this outfit to the striped pants :-)
Maybe some day you could do one of the mini-bios on him?
Whatever made this fellow laugh so hard, it should be manufactured, bottled, and distributed for free around the world.
love it!
He looks like a hoot!
ha ha...is he angry or just having fun? (who cares, the photos are fantastic!)
Ha ha ha This reminds me of my favourite Uncle. When we were little kids we used to follow him everywhere. Then he would turn and roar like a lion and we would scream and run away. My Uncle was very patient.
Sart, how long did you have to patter along, giggling, behind this gentleman before he reacted like this? And did you scream and run away?
He's Kenzo?
So fun!!!
Is that Kenzo?
Blending plaids without them clashing... Wow! LOVE his expression in the second photo!
i want to know who this is too! he's always on here!
i love this man.
The coat is amazing! Any clues on the briefcase/ bag?
Is that Takeji Hirakawa?
Scott, you gotta tell us his name. I know it's been mentioned that he works for a boutique in Japan. I'd love to visit if I ever make it out there. Must be a helluva store.
Absolutely fabulous. What a smile. What a coat. What style.
Yes, it's Takeji Hirakawa, a leading fashion critic from Japan. Certainly one of the more interesting, knowledgeable and insightful characters in fashion today.
haha, oh i love him! I've seen a pictures of him somewhere else
Yeah, I thought it was him. He did an interesting interview in Mekas recently.
Hirakawa is certainly one of my favourite dressers, always well turned out and fun.
ah Takeji.. What an animated photo :)
screaming queen
"This is the part where you scream" ;)