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Comments on "On the Street......Kate, London"
Platinum white hair with Ray Bans on a more mature woman- HOT.
she looks great but whats with the freaky insect with the pincers next to her handbag??
OMG, I LOVE U KATE! Totally smokin hot per usual!
I am so envveous of that hair! Gees, she is gorgeous.
My word, I love that woman...
I agree with Michael on the platinum hair + raybans being awesome. and i LOVE her bag, but what the hell is that huge beetle thing doing there?
is that a giant beetle attacking her hand bag?
Mmmm what is that black lobster on the side of the picture on top of the handbag????
what is her full name?
What's the big insect-looking thing near her bag??
She looks like Andy Warhol
La Lanphear is simply HOT!
Let's acknowledge the giant beetle. I hope its a purse accessory. Without it the bag would drag.
what's that beetle thing on the right side of the photo?
she always looks so good without really trying
love her hair, and the bag is great! is that a a crab claw i see on the right near her bag, or am I seeing things?
great pic, but looks like she's about to get robbed by that freaky lobster claw thing
what is that giant but in the corner?
She reminds me of Robyn (Swedish singer)... Very 80's, so cool.
Black is always great! It gives a nice contrast with the white hair and all black.
By the way...what's the thing next to the bag?
She is supercool!
A classic look done really well.
Slightly worried by whatever it is disappearing out of the right of the photo.. what is it?? an over-cooked lobster? some kind of giant London cockroach? Does she know it's there? did anyone tell her??
a modern day remake of Breakfast at Tiffany's (must be the Ray Bans) 48 years later, fabulous!
what is that scorpion thing at the bag!??!
It's the female counterpart of Andy Warhol. Beautiful!
I'm slightly confused by what looks to be a black lobster claw near her bag ...
Is it just me or has a stag beetle flown into the picture close to the camera, it doesnt look to be attached to the bag!!!
Kate is not that old! Maybe early 30s? I think this photo/angle makes her look older... she is beautiful though.
She looks gorgeous as always, but I'm intrigued, what's that black insect/thing on the right of the picture near that amazing bag?
it reminds of Andy Warhol..the hair and sun-glasses....good job!!- emmet
lovely cockroach
andy warhol?
She is lovely but what's that next to her bag? it looks like a black lobster :-$
it looks like a giant ant is attacking her bag from stage right. what is that?
Mysterious pulled off by the platinum do and studded purse. wow.
...is that a giant beetle hanging off of her bag?
hello my long lost twin....?
this coat is STYLISH, in a word. wish we could see her shoes, but i can imagine they're fabulous.
Please Sart: What is that lobster thing?!
Dear Sart,
I adore this picture but most of all I love the comments concerning this picture!
Could you please tell us the (I can imagine brilliant story of the giant black lobster?)
Thank you Sart, keep up the good work!
i have no idea what it is but we were very close to the British Natural History Museum....and the McQueen boutique
she looks great as usual...seriously when people have style...what can you do...:)
This is the first time that a Sartorialist fashion pic contains a sense of beauty and menace. Almost Hitchcockian. Yeahoo for the bag bug :) I foretell a directional fashion sense here.
Platinum Blonde – Ambition.
All you need is a studded handbag and your done.
And maybe a hint of retro sunglasses.
Nothing more nothing less.
LOL... That is funny... Her statement seems to be: Remember the lobsters - On the brink of extinction!
But i love it. Carrie put an accent on her weddingdress with a bird and Kate wears a lobster. Great.
A bientôt,
haha its all the beetles i took from the mulberry store the night before! oh i was obsessed with the bedazzled beetles!
Mullberry is all about the beetles, I think I had about 15 that I, left throughout london!
london fashion is so intriguing !!
please post more photos of london fashion.
Definitely Robyn!
the answer to the crustaceous riddle is inside the parcel and judging by the looks of it, she keeping her deal close.
The giant claw is trying to steal her bag! Get away damn claw!!!
Hasn't anyone heard about the giant insects that are replacing miniature dogs as the accessory du jour? I heard Paris named hers Eeeewww.
I love the convertable-ness of her jacket - the whole bottom zips off right? I've been wondering how the whole giant hardware look works with these bags - everything else needs to be pretty understated huh? I'll have to go to Tarjay boutique and see what's going on. Great look.
hot damn!!
I wish I was this lady's assistant.
Someone rescue Gregor!
I love that bag and also her hair cut. She looks adorable
her hair is awesome.. but that scorpion thingie is freakin me out
Please Sir,
Can we have some of London....
Sart, this is my favorite post ever! Could not stop laughing at all of the funny comments. Thank you so much. Great!
her studded bag is superb - but ... is that a scorpion eating it?!!? lol.
Oh, Sart, I hope you were a gentleman and saved her from this would-be purse snatcher of a beetle. He must have been a tricky sucker, not to mention terrifying, what with his ability to suspend himself in midair. But we all believe in you.
Sart to the rescue!
her hair is brilliant!
i may have solved the beetle mystery!
the ladies at bagsnob.com posted these pics of the mulberry presentation (in london), where very similar looking critters were used as decoration: http://www.bagsnob.com/2009/02/mulberry_fall_2009.html#more
i'm thinking kate was there and snatched one as an accessory!
Who is the bag by? That is my question.
I love her hair! I wish I could carry such style.
I love this photo, her hair, smile, glasses ... :)
She looks great !
Love the contrast between her hair and her outfit 's colors...
who is her bag by?! i love it. <3
I see this beautiful photo and my weariness for black goes away. I remember why black is so indispensible and always so freakin' chic. Love it, just love it all over again.
The Andy Warhol-esque hair and shades are cool too.
All I can see is that freaky beetle.
Where can I find that bag?? Who is it by?? i love it!
hahaa this is such a surprising picture!
That is a scary scary bug. I hope she made it out okay.
Nice photo, and lovely smile...
Someons can tell me who she is?
I have seen her in many street fashion shots. She always looks great. I suppose she is an editor,
isn't she?
is this robyn the singer?
Love the outfit!
After you took this photo, did the giant charred insect take a bite out of her? just curious.
It's a Mulberry Bug.., I assume she went to the Mulberry party on Monday..Bugs all over the place..
my favorite lady!!
Insext-infested Bag aside, this look was possible-to-excellent any time over the past 30 years. And that's what makes it so good.
Andy Warhol??
ultimate *chic*
Major girl-crush. I love it when you post pics of Kate. My favorite are Chelsea after the rain and this one, because of her smile and the crazy pincher reaching out to snatch her Mulberry.
The Mulberry bug is a little distracting but lends the outfit a touch of the surreal.
You take a picture, and it turns out that a mystery object appears in it. Scary! Just like in "Blow Up".
the first thing i notice, is obviously, her great hair.
the second thing...and i had to refocus my eyes a bit...is that giant insect creeping into the frame. is it part of her bag??
or some joke-ster trying to be amusing??
I'm having so much fun reading all the beetle comments- hilarious! This is my favorite post ever. I love it, creepy bug & all!
She is SUCH a gorgeous woman--even prettier in person and BEYOND sweet to work with! LOVE to see her still looking so fierce!
kate, always great!
Who is she?
She always looks good. Love the coat but I especially love the creature from the black lagoon bogarting into the shot.... She's smiling, unaware that she's about to get eaten up!
without her hair, she's nothing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have only this picture, but what we've seen speaks for itself. London has been taken over - conquered, if you will - by a master race of giant style ants. It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive British or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain, there is no stopping them; the ants will soon be here. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted arbiter of style, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.
it's my hero! kate lanphear, style director at elle!
and i somewhat resent michael's comment that she was "more mature" even if he meant it as a compliment.
That is kate lanphear. Gorgeous as always.
I love her hair and her sunglasses, but then you all pointed out the bug on her bag, and now I can't see anything else. Eww.
Great photo Sart & even better comments I laughed so much. Evenso she looks scared, ummm London... make that just cold.
Queen Kate with the hair, ray bans, the stud bag and the smile...
As a biologist, I have to say I love the crustacean touch on her bag........... : ) A whole new take on accessories in the same color palette.
But I definitely couldn't pull this accessories look off, even among my biologist friends.
The bag saves the outfit from being dull.
For goodness sake, its just a garden variety bag bug. We see them all the time here in New Zealand. Make great pets.
The look is nice, but not amazingly unique or stylish or beautiful. Don't you see plenty of girls walking around the city looking like this? I do (I'm in Sydney). Nice but not incredible...
Sart, please explain the stag beetle.
Kate, she's the best. Such a great style she has, and I would kill to have that hair :)
Great pic and comments! Looks like the beetle's being held by someone standing next to her rather than attached to her bag though...
That constrast with her hair and outfit is so chic. Love it!
why does everybody make the same coments? "uh what is that thing..."
it is terribly dull
when i see these photos i just wanna move to NYC, My god
Oh my god, she's soo coool!!!
Andy Warhol inspired :)
Who is Kate? I'm new here, but would love to see more photos of her. Yes, the claw....hum.
Love the bag! Is the black creature attached to the it?
What a riot! I've read the posts and I'm not the only one who thinks there's a big black crustacean creature trying to grab her bag.
Sort of takes the attention off her cool pose. But it's memorable!
Beetle aside, this is so London right now.
Kate rocks a black and white palette like nobody I've ever seen.
Love her Marc Jacobs bag. < 3
what's on her bag?
I don't usually reply to posts but I will in this case.