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Comments on "On the Street....Hudson St, NYC"
Amazing. I love her look. The length of everything she is wearing is such a perfect balance. the coat is very nice, and I LOVE her bag, The hat is pretty groovy too.
another annie hall... love the necklace and platform hiking boots!
love this look....fabulous
i love the weighty masculinity of the jacket, the boots, the hat... but her jewelry definitely gives it a feminine balance~
love it!!!
Absolutely love her coat and her accessories.
Se looks terrrific! I totally love her vintage bag, her coat and the lovely lovely button-down shirt. She looks soo trendy and confy...
I love the socks and the cropped jeans. SUch a bazaar comb that actually looks amazing!!
love your blog
This is one of the best style, i've seen so far, and i've seen many of the for following several street style blogs past few year!
Who could've thought this combination, and i happen to own all those things from peter pan collar shirt to swing coat.
yes, it's about how you wear and who you are.
Wow! Just WOW!!
Dear Sarto,thank you for your daily dose of happiness and inspiration.
Doesn't she have such a pretty and so natural face?! I adore that bag.
The proportions are perfect, right down to the platforms of her shoes! That's a great bag too but personally i don't think anyone over the age of 4 should wear a Peter Pan collar.
not a big fan of the cutoffs, but i like everything else, especially that bag! i do like her color scheme of textural varying browns with blue jeans and white shirt.
That necklace is amazing! Very different (in a good way) style!
I love it! It's perfection.
the hat is adorable
Great. simple. Like it!
Great outfit! Love the tweed coat and the peter pan collared shirt. But the accessories are what really make the outfit in my opinion. Without the hat, bag and necklace we're just looking at a good outfit, but with them the outfit is extraordinary.
just perfect!
How gutsy, that she cropped her jeans to make this look. The necklace locks it all into place.
Intersting look.
Finally a lady with original style!
So coveting that bag!
this is exactly what i want to wear. right. now. such an intelligent, chic look!
I'm not sure...but I like her hat thou!
She's incredible. Anyone know where the shoes/hat are from? Desperate to get back into fedoras, but having trouble finding a good one in NYC/online.
THANK YOU style over trend (or fashion) once again!
she's so cute!!!
Without the hat or the massive necklace, the look loses the charm.
It's a perfect equation.
Diane Keaton move over! great work.
ugh, that necklace!! wow!
I love the chunky necklace combination with a button down. Classy and playful. I love your blog, it is hard to find a good photographer to work with. If you are looking for a stylist, I am here.
I love it! Not a fan of those jeans though! Do it yourself with jeans is not my favorite. Jeans look cripples and hurt when people slash and cut them! Leave them alone! They like to be whole! If you need to shorten them then cuff cuff cuff!
i love it.
all of it.
her mix of textures, colours, fabrics, shapes and forms.
She looks great! But isn't she cold. It's freezing outside.
Everything is so lovely about this. Simple elegance, the colors go so nicely together, the tans/browns. I think the shoes complete the look with the socks.
Oh, I love what she's done with those wide-legged jeans! So inspiring...a unique look.
i have the same shoes as her, but god are those sorta painful~ kudos to her for being able to trot around in them and look wonderful chic~
Love it, from the waist up, that is.
I love this SO SO MUCH! Nice shot!
Play with texture!
I want to like this. I really do. The fact that the look is unique and involves some very lovely elements is in her favor, but the cut off pants and gangster rap necklace leave me confused.
It almost worked, beautiful bag and tweed jacket. Just tilt the hat a little forward and a little to one side. Spiffy up the jeans by putiing a hem in them...or not...again, just commit to giving a little more care to details (like your shoes and your socks)to improve the whole picture.
She's definitely got style - it's all about how to dress up to make the impression that you wasn't dressing up at all because it's the way of how you naturally look like. Every part of this look (from the hat to the shoes) is great.
I've never seen anybody before who can match properly cut-off jeans with socks!!! great.
It's quite impressive how every aspect of this outfit appears masculine, but she makes it look feminine. Also, another great example of a girl pulling of something of the "boyfriend" jean appearance.
man i love the paradoxes that jump out amidst the structure here...the movement of her hair and her posture, the boyish pants and belt and that blouse, the gaudiness of that neckalace and the sensibility of that bag...the messiness of the socks and the shoes...the blue background and dirty sidewalk and her blue bottom and brown top coat...at this point i have no idea what i'm talking about, but great photo :). and i love the touch that newspaper adds.
plus i love the hole practical yet quirky feel of it. adorable :)
How adorable yet smart can you get? I don't believe this one can be topped. This is someone whose style brings joy to the world. Thanks - both her and Sart.
This is by far my favorite in a long time! The whole thing just made me smile. I especially love the wacky proportions of the pants, socks and shoes. And the bag is GREAT!
She is just cute cute cute.
I do love a bit of tweed!
All those different textures... it is so beautiful
Funny and irreverent.
And nice, from the knees up.
cute as a bug -
a very urbane bug.
I'm very much into knee-length pants this winter, and I just love to see them on others, especially New Yorkers !
This has to be the same wall against which you took the shot of Captain Wonderful Whiskers and Watch Cap. It makes a lovely background. I continue to marvel at the way you manage to see and capture moments in this world... thank you.
Love the bag, she looks so cute! :)
does anyone know who makes the shoes?
My only wish in regards to this outfit is that she get the pants properly heemed, because the rough edges don't work well here, in my opinion. Also, it is just kind of practical (pants last longer, etc.) Otherwise, I really love this!!!
The hat, coat, blouse, socks, boots and bags are a great match, but the cropped jeans are what make this look special. It somehow doesn't work for me though. It might be better if it were not jeans.
She has a nice warm smile.
She has a great look, it's a bit retro.
i LOVE this look!
great outfit, me parece muy cool su estilo, !! el pantalon es geniall
The hat sets the mood on this look. Very Annie Hall.
Little Orphan Annie Hall. Two, two, two Annies in one!
the shoes are charlotte ronson.
the clothes, the outfit, the way it's all put together are wonderful. but it's her face - she's something of a nymph, isn't she? adorable.
I simply adore the entire ensemble. I LOVE LOVE the bag
got nothing to say except I LOVE HER STYLE!
I love the chunkiness of the proportions!
Amazing boots!
Delightfully quirky. I agree with the blogger who said that anyone over 4years old shouldn't wear a peter pan collar, but she's adorable in total.....
Is the bag by Anya Hindmarch? (if not it looks a bit like one by her)
that is a Mawi necklace, it is so distict, it couldn't been worn in a better way - she rocks!
love the shoes!
the necklace is by Mawi, it is a real show stopper, she has really worn it well. she looks great.
This is a great look! I don't usually read the comments, but I wanted to see if the bag was Anya Hindmarch...I think it is.
She is the companion to:
Hudson Street, NYC | Wed, Feb 25 | 5:34PM
Intelligent, fun, present. There's hope for this country after all.
saw her attending the rad hourdani fashion show!
love the hat!
Beautiful coat and orrible shoes.. sorry!
i like the idea of wearing socks
jeans and those shoes. it makes all the outfit, i suppose)
Lovely natural look though I am not entirely convinced by the cut-off jeans however I might be swayed as the overall look is so delightful. The shades of brown and of course her wonderful complexion and hair colour really give warmth to this look. Really vibe the necklace!
How did I miss this the first time around? This should go in your "best of" folder! One of those so-good-it-makes-me-hyperventilate shots! This could be a great look on a man, too, but the peter pan collar and red curls just kills! She looks like all my childhood heroines put together!
WWD is the best accessory!
absolutely love the coat and the bag looks like anya hindmarch.
absolutely genius, definitley one of the best!
The bag is the 'Perry' by Anya Hindmarch. Amazing 70's style. Classic look.
i want that jacket - now. sigh.