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Comments on "On the Street......DB & Denim, London"
exquisite! i love her shoes.
love it! the shoes are amazing!
God I love this look.
can you get me he number please?
Those Studded? boots are amazing, and I like the fit of her jacket, and the bag looks pretty great too!
Those boots! That outfit, and that shot...GORGEOUS!
a subtle and refreshing way to wear a casual classic. she looks great.
Is that a jean jacket under her blazer? She looks simply sleek. :)
the SHOES so so fabulous and the layered charcoal blues are beautiful.
the SHOES so so fabulous and the layered charcoal blues are beautiful.
DB & Denim & those boots!
those are the greatest boots i have seen in a while! i absolutely love them!
absolutely fantastic. although layered, everything was nicely executed.
killer shoes!
i'd encourage her to get some jewelry up top to balance out the boots, but that is just me.
She looks fabulous with the pair of Gucci shoes...
Great shoes!
All accent on Gucci shoes!!!
I'd like to see a shot of the girl behind her too. her shoes look really interesting..
Spectacularly chic! I must get a denim jacket again...Serious clothing envy, I'm having! I love everything she's wearing.
great boot, the catch the eye! also I like the combination of the denim jacket with a short over-jacket... I usually wear the denim jacket under a long coat, so this is definitely inspirational :)
Uh.....wow..... I would inevitably run into this woman after leaving the gym with my worst workout gear on and smelling like I could knock a buzzard off a garbage truck! Once again.....wow.
This is superb, especially those shoes, but what's with the hot mess behind her?
Wow, she makes dreary old London look sunny and bright! Love the overall effect, but the best accessory is that knowing smile of hers! Yes, she knows she looks great!
I love this as well as your other pictures from London of late. Nice eye for the details!
Wow! she's beautiful. I love the textures, the wool blazer, chambray shirt under, and the studded shoes. She makes something very masculine - double-breasted, peak-lapel blazer feel very powerfully feminine.
Her boots look amazing with those pants. Great look!!!
she looks absolutely stunning, i'm a guy and i am so inspired by her look! i am on the hunt for a denim shirt and grey fitted blazer to go with my black skinnies now!
is that the mcqueen novak she's carrying?
The blazer looks great! Tres bien!
She looks amazing, but I'm awfully amused by the posture of the woman behind her ^_^
she's doesn't seem to be wearing make up and her hair is simply pulled back... everything is simple except for the boots and that is the best part! she doesn't need anything else, like jewelry. the layers are enough on top.
“These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you”.
Such a great look! I love the preppy upper half paired with the edgy rocker bottom half. She makes it look so sweet.
love her shoes & those of the woman behind her:)
Thos Gucci boots are my fav!!! She looks awesome!
everything fits very well, she looks really good. the shoes give the outfit a little edge, otherwise the outfit wouldn't be as interesting.
i love it.. so sleek. love the dark colors but im surprised no one mentioned her great face!! she's a pretty girl!! wearing a hot outfit!!
I just LOOVE the skin she's wearing.What brand is that,Mediterranean Fabulous?
Amazing shoes that remind us of the joy that fashion can bring. Kudos to Gucci's shoe designer.
boots are to die for!
I really love the gray platform boots the chick behind her is wearing!
must have her handbag....
Wow. Head-to-toe, magnificent. Impeccable jacket.
can't say enough about the shoes...
You really caught the essence of London Fashion. What a perfectly put together ensemble. Just the right bohemian twist with the boots.
I want those boots! Wow!
I love this look, perhaps one of my favour. Be fashionable doesn't mean that you always have to push the boundaries, this is practical and super chic.
Love love love.
look at that Blazer/ Jacket whatever u want to call it!!! so hot, love it.
she's also really pretty. lovely style
wow she is so pretty too!! great boots!
An odd juxtaposition of a fashion ultra-winner and behind her a fashion victim.
why, hello, shoes!!
love it. and she seems like someone i'd want to be friends with - not too perfect or precious. she seems comfortable in her own skin.
what a beautiful woman. She makes something that's very simple very elegant. Not to mention the boots.
Love her expression! And the studded heels are fabsome as well. Her whole outfit is just well put together.
those shoes are bitchin
I love those gucci boots. She has a super look. I love the contrast with the girl behid, same look, but completely opposite result.
Amazing shoes!!
The smooth material of her gray jacket and the refined sleek designer shoes are counter-balanced by the casual jean material of her shirt. It's like a yin-yang effect.
Delicious, very feminine !
there;s something missing preferabbly the hair
those gucci boots are to-die-for!!!!!!
All is perfect : blazer, boots and bag and this girl is really beautiful !
And I love the contrast with the woman behind.
Such a fresh faced beauty. The shoes balance out the plain (in a good way) blazer and jeans. Love the layering of the denim vest/top underneath too. Practical yet chic (L)
WOW. She screams confidence! Love it!
Coy / bemused / can't stop...
Nothing & no where beats London.
POW!!! THE SHOES! and the kick ass smile and attitude to go with it!
love thost shoes,
wonderful outfit and i love the studded peep-toe boots.
i'm a little concerned that the woman behind her is going to fall over.
The girl behind doesn't look that bad. I probably would have gone for a longer coat but I like the shape and colour of her shoes, like the colour of her jacket and everyone needs a big scarf in london right now.
She has a beautiful neck.
Oooooohhh, I can't wait for my GUCCI Fringe Boots to arrive from US..... I also adore these open toe boots :-D Her CHANEL bag is TO DIE FOR and the outfit at all is just gorgeous!!
Beautiful girl with an enticing
Mona Lisa smile.
Foxiness personifed.
Wonderful layered look. The boots are great!
DB + Denim + Gucci Boots = Very, very well done.
I love the simple details: the cuff of her jeans, the classic-shaped bag, the subtle show of denim and tee shirt underneath, the simple hair.
Very chic and very French, no? A Paris street shot almost.
Obviously her feet don't touch the ground - she has each one in a glass of champagne. Her clothes are very very lovely, but she is so beautiful she'd make a wet burlap sack look good. She is a study in effortless grace, in contrast to the woman behind her, who looks like she is pleading with her brand new boots to please not flip her face down onto the pavement.
she's from 2015...
impossible angle on the g-shoes!!!
Perfecta!!! no necesita sus maravillosas botas.......estaria insuperable aunque estuviera descalza
Great..! Subtle London elegance by the V&A...
Sade's daughter perhaps..?
OMG. those shoes are the greatest thing. I can't care about anything else she's wearing, just those shoes is more than enough!
Blazer on top of denim. interesting. she looks great!
Two pairs of fab shoes at the bottom.
The boots, the BOOTS!!! Must-have-those-boots!
the shoes are flashy.....
nice. indeed.
Beautiful Inspiration
She looks sooo wonderful, the jacket puts it into a serios classic way, which suits her perfecly, future classic. She is lovely.
I love, love, LOVE this outfit, subtle yet fashion forward, the best combination! She wears my heart on her heel!
The jacket is amazing layered over a distressed denim over a T.
mmm gucci...
i still need a pair of studded booties in my life
Wow, this one is really cool, Scott!
love, love, love.
seems like the boots are the most powerful piece of the ensemble.
the layered denim is Kanye West at CK Mercedes-Benz fashion week show.
love love love everything! she looks awesome!
Good call abbie
Those shoes look only so good because she is such a cute girl and has so much style to combine in an unusual way with a lot of class. On most women the shoes would only look cheap.
Oh how I love those shoes. It just goes to show that a pair of shoes alone can make an outfit look spectacular.
beautiful! really cool shoes.
oh, yes.
the shoes are amazing
It's caroline from Tank
Love her shoes!
Love those boots! And yes, you can wear a double-breasted jacket open as long as it fits like this. I wish she had worn little bit of makeup. It would not have spoiled her fresh-faced look, it would be like adding a frame to a beautiful picture.
She's beautiful. Perfect posture, jacket and Chanel shoes. Love it.
The Smile makes her Special.
Don't u think?
I keep coming back again and again to this photo because this woman looks so fantastic. The attitude is exactly right.
ooooh i am SO jealous!!!
love the gucci babouska boots...and the mcqueen bag..and her obviously..
wow, this is amazing! i also love how this girl shows how it should be done, while the one in the back... well... how it should not be done. the one in the front looks comfortable, happy. the one in the back should change shoes immediately. well. lovely inspirational picture!
lovely shoes!
I just love this look so much!
I have seen studded shoes like this and thought, "hmmm, not sure about those" but she rocks them!
I'm trying to see if she's rolled up her skinnies or if they are just the perfect length.
Love it! Sharp, chic and fun.
she is so lovely ---- classic, with just the right amount of a trendy edge with the studded boots. I love this look!
This is deliciously tastful. I love how you capture the gracful youth of her form. Truly splendid.
wow! the shoes!
Well put together. Classic, well-fitting pieces with an edge provided by the shoes. Sexy for us guys without being threatening to other women.
So chic and clean! Love the boots!
i LOVE her shoes. period.
wow, very striking look.
Walk it girl!
Caroline Issa is a goddess!
Canadians rule!
Gucci boots!
gotta love thoose shoes !!!!
gucci's shoes ???
What a posture.... GISELE....retire nowwww!!!
Those boots are awesome!!! Wow!!! Simply smashing!!!
She looks amazing and she knows it. Her confidence is more obvious than those spectacular Guccis!! The fit of her jacket is perfect. Oh how much i love this look!!! What's going on behind her?? Not so much!! The fit seems all wrong to me and i'm not loving the boots. Might look better from the front though.
I want this shoes !!! ;-)
She looks wonderful!! really really beautiful!
But isn't that a Malene Birger bag she's wearing?
I have never seen Caroline wear anything that didn't look amazing on her.
I absolutely adore her sense of style and her whole appearance really !