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Comments on "On the Street......Chinatown, NYC"
Lovely, her shoes are beautiful!
Absolutely gorgeous! I love the delicate floral silk chiffon peeking out from that incredible coat...The backdrop is also amazing for this picture!
The belt (Vintage I guess) looks so cool on the coat !!! but ... what do you do with the belt when you go into a place you HAVE to take off your coat ? Anyway too much questions ! Love it !
I'd like every single article of clothing she's wearing in my closet, please. lol
Great walk.
I love the colour of her tights very nice.
ooo lala! LOVE that coat!!! such a carefree look, but very put 2gether...
O.K., I get it...you're trying to "stick it to me" with all this real fur! I guess maybe the pendulum has indeed swung the other way, at least for now...but I still think it's gross!
Great outfit, BTW. Hopefully, the coat is actually vintage.
I love when women wear shoes like those...
hey, garance dore shot this same girl//same outfit a the other day!!
i suppose great minds think alike?
Very cool. I love the fur. It looks very delicate, which looks great wiht the floral dress.
Well, I've just fallen in love. Fantastic use of browns.
From the belt down, I like - but the real fur just kills it for me.
LOVE love love the look and wish I could pull it off myself! :)
Love seeing the monochomatic look in browns with a hint of print. Strong and feminine all at once. Perfect!
Wow her coat is amazing. The fur is great! I am assuming it's real? I love that she is in mid step as opposed to standing still, it's very graceful!
I love how the dark collar draws attention to her pale face. She is gorgeous. Is that a hat she's holding in her hand?
She looks great! Very well put together... makes me wanna go shopping now! God does my closet need a makeover!
Nice. I love how her ensemble is somewhat sophisticated but not too serious, and then her face is completely natural with very little makeup...such a natural beauty.
Beautiful! i love the way you've caught her elegant walk - those shoes look great on her, they really show off her slim ankles. (if that doesn't sound too old-fashioned!)
gorgeous coat
When I first looked at the picture I thought she was maybe forty. On first glance.
On second glance I realised she was very young (and beautiful)! I love the outfit, it seems a bit old for her, but I love it all the same.
The layers of different and complimenting fabrics are so sophisticated and look luxurious.
wow.. I love her!
love those in between walks shots! very natural :)
i kinda get depressed when i see all these really cool people with all these really cool clothes, but then i think to myself "if i was disgustingly rich, i would have amazing clothes too"
Nice to see a such cool and entertaining blog about fashion.I am sure you have got a good knowledge about latest fashion trends.
best wishes
wow - that's really gorgeous - but is the fur removable? if so, it'd be more versatile
i'm going to dream tonight about me wearing this. and it's going to be divine.
Simply lovely. I don't want to pick on elements that I like. I like it all together. Altogether.
I love that style and that girl is so lovely♥
I'm so in love with your pictures from fashion week. Both on here and style.com! You're amaaaazing.
Just when I thought all you needed to be noticed by the Sartorialist was a cool scarf we get someone this lovely. Homegirls style is where it's at!
yes she appears to have a beautiful gait
saw this lovely girl on garance dore!
Oh my...!!!
Look at that pic..
She's so fabulous...I like her coat and look at that bag,it's so nice...
Great post,hope to see you on my blog too..=D
cute cute cutecutecute!
Belted coats look SO good
You sure that's Chinatown? Looks more like Midtown.
She's beautiful.
love love love _ especially the bright white trim on the neck for contrast. fur is such a distracting turn off. appears vintage, at least.
That's not in Chinatown, that's on Broadway. Chinatown is too dangerous for such an elegant woman.
this girl has got it right!..i'm in love! stylefidelity.com
Oh that is lovely. She looks so beautiful.
My first thought when looking at this photo was, wow!!! She has a beautiful face, first of all, and her coat is fabulous. I'm actually usually not a big fan of fur (here in Chicago people don't usually wear it well) but it looks absolutely fabulous on her. Well done!
Let's face it -- fake fur always looks cheesy. Either wear real fur, or don't wear fur at all. From what I understand, our European sisters, especially those from Russia and the northern countries, wear fur out of what they truly believe to be necessity. I'm not taking a position either way, but I do think that fake fur almost always looks lousy.
As for this girl, she deserves the corona, the halo, that surrounds her. She's impeccable. And I've never seen a collection of basic browns work so well on anyone. Maybe it's her dark hair that brings it all together.
Another great photo! Any chance you'll come to California and take pictures of us UC Irvine students?
I am not a big fan of belting coats this way, but she pulls it off beautifully. Nice photo, Scott. xo
Angelic. She was born with inherent style.
She's delightful, and her clothing is delightful - they work together splendidly.
She has quite a face, pretty, sure, but observant, amused, wry - whatever, full of character. Then this outfit that just dances.. the coat swings, the purse swings, the hat in hand could be raised at any moment.
Excellent form with the strong shoulders, swinging skirt, tightly belted waist, lilting step... while she's looking you in the eye through your camera.
oh i just noticed the rolled sleeves. perfect. i may have to steal that little trick
love. it. the collar on that coat is really cool too. what a beautiful combination of textures. this is the kind of color mixing I like, where the saturation is similar.
She's beautiful and so is her clothes!
pretty girl, pretty dress, pretty picture :)
I LOVE THE FUR COLLAR! what amazing style she has
Such a nice post huh?!
I love the jacket and all her stuff..=D
This looks like SOHO. o_O Not chinatown. haha
I LOVE the coat!
Lovely- I like the belt and the natural look. These colors are great
Wow, what a stunner!
Yet, I'm not sure about tha bag... Seems a bit out of place to me. Something with a top-handle, or a brass colored chain would have looked better I think!
Still - she looks fantastic!
so delicate.. lovely !!
Can I just say 'boo' to all the fur on this site? Fur is never a good look, it's revolting.
I would love to walk that walk in that clothes and listen to the peoples talk about my walk!
Absolutely love this picture! Thank you Sart
Were you with Garance when u took this photo???
The same for Francesco...
I love the mix of themes here, like the fur with the floral dress. Beautiful outfit, great shot.
This is such a beautiful picture, the light and the shadow in it are just amazing. Makes everything so detailed and more vintage!!
Hands down the best fashion week look this year.
You should've asked her to wear that hat. :)
Is it really that sunny over there in NYC? I miss chinatown...haven't been there for almost 10 years!
These people in New York really look like they snatched their outfit off a runway.
Love the shoes and the bag. Delicate.
The shoes!!! and she got this pretty,innocent face.
MMM.The coat is hot thing.
i love the way she uses the belt!
This is one of those looks that is almost indescribably beautiful. So classic and demure. The woman fits her look beautifully.
Absolutely gorgeous and with a very elegant walk!
this is a wonderfup put together look. I too, would like everything she is wearing in my closet.
The fur collar is so unusual in shape, a coat I wish I had.
Love the outfit! Great photo.
What a beautiful young lady with perfect look, head to toe. I like her choice of everything, and she could totally walk a runway show, no touch-up needed.
thoughtful and simply lovelyl
She's amazing
Smart, feminine look. I'd sex it up a bit somehow...tossling the hair, shortening the skirt, wearing sheer tights?
I prefer the pictures in the old format so that when you click on them you're allowed a closer view. I'm curious about the white at the neckline, what she's carrying in her hand. Could that be a hat? That would sex up the look a bit.
woooooow, she's gorgeous!! so many times, especially in NYC, i see women, and men for that matter, who look like they are trying much too hard to be stylish and look pretty. but this woman looks so natural...i actually believe her!!! simply stunning. and i want her coat :)
I've just been inspired :)
she's pretty, love the outfit
she looks lovely with her coat...
Hey I think she's my English Professor! She's just so fab! Mr. Satorialist is her initials L.R.?
details, details, details!
that's broadway and spring...soho
the overall subtle brown-ness of this look is marred by the S+M-silver-chains-bag. still, she's pretty enough that we will forgive her.
I adore every aspect of this outfit: the fur collar, the floral dress, the perfection of the colored tights and booties! I love!
Where oh where can I get those shoes???
shes gorgeous... i hate fur, but damn is she gorgeous! i love love love love the leggings and the shoes.
Clothes aside, this girl is beautiful.
It really is beautiful. But it is such a shame that it's real fur. Really gross.
perfect length for the dress to slightly be peaking out under the coat. the tights are a gorgeous color to make the outfit pop, and the shoes are perfect with this. bravo!
very cute coat!great bag
Very classic and chic. I really love it!
well exposed in a difficult lighting environment
the coat and the shoes!i want them both...really stunning...just don't like the bag with her outfit.too chunky.i saw similiar shoes at zara...
This outfit is so sophisticated! I adore the trench with the fur lapels. Fur is such a good conductor when it comes to battling cold air. I love how she has a belt around her hips (wish it was a little darker) to show some emphais. Love her color choice of leggings and her booties! Cute! :3
STUNNER! --Body and clothes.
She's so dainty and delicate herself, which is why I love the touch of subtle strength/masculinity the outfit introduces. The robust fur nicely counteracts the flowing floral dress beneath the coat.
The peep-toe shoes are amazing.
...yes, yes, yes!
Lovely face, lovely sillhouette.
Love it.
That's my grandaughter and she is as pretty on the inside as what you see!
That's my grandaughter... and she is as beautiful on the inside as what you see!
she's managed to look both glamorous and natural at the same time- quite a feat.
magical - i could positively drool.
She looks great...
Her shoes are beautiful.
Twice in one week!
Garance Dore found her too!!
I love the jacket.
damn my photographic memory.
This is a bad chick, and I mean that in a good way.
I. Love. This! So elegant!
Enjoy the idea here - im a guy, but it looks great, cheers
She seems to be from another time. It's as if she were transported from 1940 and decided to just go with it.
Usually, I think "when a woman is under 40, the fur wears her", but not in her case. She seems very self assured. I love her balance of strength and femininity.
Very nice!!!! Her face is not lost among clothes!!!! Very wearable outfit. She has lot of taste
style to the last drop
I don't know where to begin! I have come back to this photo several times over the past few days just in awe . . . I think what I love most is the way you've captured her movement -- of course the clothes are gorgeous and so is she, but the composition & sense of body-in-motion in sunlight = magical. Bravo.
Hmm.. could this be Roman Polanski's "Chinatown" being channeled here? I have to agree with the other commenters that her bag is a bit lacking, but I'm more than willing to forgive the transgression given the immaculate styling of everything else- the proportions, the balance of color and texture, and the quiet grace of it all put together. LOVE!
Can someone tell me what type of bag that is? It looks a bit like Lanvin?
Oh! Where oh where are these lovely shoes from?? I've been looking for some for ages...
monochromatic manhantanite. absolutely flawless.
Love it!
Love the whole outfit! the coat is great and I love it with the belt and the shoes are stunning!
She's so beautiful I really can't see beyond her eyes. I'm drowning...
She's gorgeous, but I'm going to hope against hopes that, despite what everyone is saying, it's fake fur...
How amazing, how lovely at the end...how charming she is!
I feel so envious....wish I could have that coat....
fashion abuse
ps. AS always, YOU ARE Awesome :)
Great look, head to toe.
She is simply lovely.
Marvelous things & tres elegante
i think i went to college with her. she ate french fries and had knobby ballerina knees.
one of the most gorgeous coats i've seen in a long time, why don't retailers/designers make coats like that instead of 3 armed jackets?
well done, here's a gold star sticker.
Wow, its love.
she is gorgeous/adorable/has it all. IT all works great.