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Comments on "On the Street......Broadway, NYC"
Fabulous. Love the layering of the stripes!
What an amazing haircut! I love it!
throw some dirt on her to add something else besides cute, otherwise great overall, especially the audacity of the double collar.
wow, what a striking presence she has on the eye.
Astonishing !
Her haircut fits really well with the entire outfit and she has an amazing smile. Love it !
hmmm... interesting haircut.lovely layering.
wow... one of the best outfits on this blog ever...
Grey, navy, and cream... classic tri-combo. Love it!!! Love the color of the hair (it's the same colour as mine!) and the Linda Evangelista bowl cut. Spot on sista. <3 üdo
Love the preppy angle. The navy with white is simple and her red hair is a great topper!
I love how the stripes make the outfit much more interesting...cool haircut:)
Fabulous, she looks fresh and classy, fantastic shot!
She looks so refreshing. Love the layers!
Perfect in every way.
School girl look. Works well in layers.
I love her outfit. Love the bangs. Very fresh looking. Wish we could see her shoes, however.
Mary Tyler but more
I love this. it looks warm, girly, masculin and comfortable all at the same time.
I LOVE THIS GIRL'S OUTFIT. Great find!! The double collar peeking out from the sweater is fantastic.
she's bautiful!!
great colours, and the skirt is perfect!
I love her hair, too
this is great. love the jacket and the dress.
I think this look is great on her because her height allows her to have so many layers at all different lengths, including her hair, so it segments her body in a very flatering way...
LOVE this! I'm a big fan of black tights and a cream skirt or dress. The rest of the ensemble is great too - including her hair.
This might be one of my favorite photos ever that you've posted! She just radiates warmth and happiness...so beautiful and chic.
wow, love it!
Aw! Her reading for the day gently tucked under her arm.
She's beautiful.
I love the use of white in this look--the soft pleats, the stripes, the layered jacket and tights. Perfect late-winter transition to sring. Dying to see the footwear.
And that winsome face!
Oh, what a beautiful girl!
A great look: usually I'm not one for white and navy, but here it comes together beautifully. I especially like the huge bag, and the schock of red hair.
this is like sonia rykiel meets pippi longstocking meets audrey tatou...
love this and it just inspired me to dig out my summery white dress :)
I love her coat..
and I love new york, it's amazing.
this hair style couldn't work on everyone, but she makes it look brilliant with her outfit and her confidence... well done
Such a beautiful feeling of spring!
As a picture it's a jaw dropper. Splendiferous. Her look is totally happening too. I get an updated Annie Hall vibe (the buttoned up blouse, the layers), mixed with a fifties pin-up do and a Mary Tyler Moore smile (and newspaper). Yet the sum is very now and very crisp and very alive and very lovely. Makes my day. Thanks.
I love love love this! Everything is perfect. The outfit, the picture, the smile....it makes me so happy. Gorgeous!
so many layers but it works... cute!
Just beautiful.
Such artistic layers, really skillful colour choices
this outfit is very cute and flirty. i love the layers on the dress/skirt.
nautical is coming back! thank godddd.
I love this outfit, I need to have it! It makes me so happy! Maybe it's just her smile. But I love the frothy skirts and the stripes on her tights and sweater, the button! And the newspaper tucked under her arm and the little folded sleeves! I feel like this is what I'm trying for every day and fail! Supurb!
i think this girl looks amazing! so "fresh faced" - and the newspaper...shes kind of like a cooler version of jean seberg in breathless.
That's so funny - it's been about 2 weeks that I've been thinking of cutting my hair into a pixie cut and colouring it red.
It offset's the black and white outfit so well!
unique hair, suits with clothes...salam merdeka!
i LOVE this so much!
Love the navy blue with that hair.. She pulls it off and looks fresh.
Now THIS is a truly stylish and creative take on "comme des garcons" (as compared, say, to that little Parisian blonde in the schoolboy outfit of a week or two ago). Love the tights. I wonder if maybe French women are a little too invested in the idea of being pretty and feminine to really work this idea? (not trying to start a nationalistic debate here--just wondering. Really.)
she's beautiful. There is something very carefree about this photo and her sense of style. I smiled when I saw it.
LOVE this look! Sooo sweet,fresh and Parisian looking!!!!!!!!!!
this ensemble is absolutely charming! whimsical layering, radiant confidence, and navy does look so lovely on redheads.
How can preppy be so cool??
Adorable! Love the nautical colors, and the way the soft fabric of the skirt softens the look. Also pleasing is how well the horizontal (sweater and bangs) and vertical (skirt and tights) lines work together. The newspaper inconspicuously tucked under her arm gives the ensemble an old-fashioned feel. Very nice catch, Sart!
what a truly unique look! So very lovely. And who would have thought of that hair?!
Oh wow. She is lovely. Everything just works.
Love her look!! She seems so happy!!!
Love this! The layering, the stripes, that cool jacket, even the newspaper tucked under her arm! Not many people could work such a severe haircut but it really enhances her beautifully symmetrical face, great eyebrows and lovely smile. A bold and inspired feature.
The layering is masterful and the proportions are ideal making this look a classic: or as the word verification says - herstali!
We love this so much. It puts us in mind of those brave 20s flapper girls, and Coco Chanels sporty looks, and Joan of Arc (the haircut). Very inspirational. It IS good to see New Yorkers here again. X
This is great. I love it...
best ;)
Oh, Oh, this is lovely. Great outfit and haircut and she is so fresh and cute!
godard meets "42nd street". hair's a bit distracting, but the energy's contagious.
Nope! The hair blows it.
I haven't seen imaginative haircutting like that for decades. It's about time long hair takes a back stage in fashion.
I just knew this is going to come here from the style.com feature
gorgeous, I love outfit, hair and this lady face. She looks so happy and fresh.
i love the cardigan. where can i get one??
I'm so happy about the mix of textures we are seeing lately. The thin layers of the dress and thickness of the sweater are such a great contrast.
Great fabric in clothing is hard to find!
Somehow she reminds me of Judy Garland.
I agree with everyone! This is a great outfit! She makes her clothes look so easy and natural. Great inspiration!
A fresh, happy nautical look! There should be a country-wide campaign with people like this on billboards to give all us Americans hope in these tough times. All is not lost, some of us still have it and you can too--happiness is around the corner! Great shot, Sart! You are a genius!!
Wow, this is definitely one of the better outfits I've seen on this whole blog.
I think this one also should get in your book!
Looks great, but I am still not sure about the haircut.
I'm not usually fond of white & navy together, or bowl-style haircuts, but this is so fresh, clean, stylish! Quite retro, in fact.
She made me think of Judy Garland circa "A Star is Born".
great shot, the daytime light and shadows make the outfit look fantastic
love her haircut and her amazing look!
She looks so happy that it makes me smile! I love her outfit, I especially like the black tights with lines and her layered cream skirt, I want to try it on myself. I haven't worn a skirt like that for years!
I have to say usually I don't find the women's wear looks on your blog very inspiring - always tasteful, yes, but often a bit ho-hum. BUT the last two women you have posted, including this one, have been fantastic and so vibrant! If this is a new turn for you, keep it up!
I absolutely love her look! The stripes, the layers, the blazer, the haircut, just gorgeous!
in england they would say top totty!
eblouissante! even the newspaper blends in perfect.
ohh! i love this!! very fresh!!
Wow. Intelligent. Surprising. Friendly. Even adorable. She must have had a great day.
the hair cut, the face and the awesome layered style is great.
wow! stylish hairstyle goes with her clothes so well...i love her style!!!!
adorable! the layering, the hair...fab!
I LOVE THIS!! She looks so great in the off-white pieces coupled with the navy - so fresh. Normally I wouldn't love this kind of haircut but I think it gives the otherwise classic clothing the edge that makes it all come alive. I somehow think if she'd had boring hair, this whole look wouldn't have the same impact. Bravo Scott, very well done!
so cute!
She is cool :) Her outfit + hair are perfect. French classics paired with a striking haircut. And she smiles!
i love the outfit!
funny how her hair makes a lovely contrast to the jacket.. ive been seeing a lot of navy lately, im pretty excited about that.
I thought the picture is from paris. Very nice.
Classe et recherché : très réussi !
WOW, I love this outfit, just GORGEOUS !
Amazing how anything can look fabtastic when you're young and stick thin! I'm not excited about this outfit, but You, Mr photographer, are pure talent.You make all of your subjects look like models.All praise to your excellent eye.
Throw no dirt upon this. Sometimes clean is complete. I feel refreshed looking at this pic. Great hair -- the cherry on top.
Throw no dirt upon this. Sometimes clean is complete. I feel refreshed looking at this pic. Great hair -- the cherry on top.
she is like an angel!!I like her dress,cardigan and jacket,and evrything....Best look.
Count the number of times posters have written 'fresh'! she's nailed it. What a gorgeous girl, outfit and shot.
Aaa! My stylist is after me to get a get a cut like this but I am too chicken. She looks great.
love the layers,and great haircut+colour
the hair and outfit is gorgeous, and yes, fresh!!
I completely agree with Alma @ 10:24. She looks like she has come to tell us that the crocuses will soon come through the snow!
Adorable! I just love her. Great style!
here it comes, nave blue!
she looks so nice, little bit like Odry... may be, because of hair? )
Not a big fan of the haircut, but it combines with her outfit to form a great overall appearance. Love the texture combo of the ruffled skirt and stockings.
she is adorable! it all comes together, her attire, the setting, the light and that smile! fantastic!
Margo Stilley
I adore her skirt.
seriously one of the best and most creative outfits you've had on this blog. She uses very traditional colours and patterns and mixes them in a very unique way. the subdued colours works so well with the various weights of the materials and her hair is the perfect foil. who is this women? she looks so smart and interesting.
Beautiful combionation, love the way you can see all the layers...
Just amazing.
Light, fabulous, fun layering and stripes, stripes, stripes!
Man, you always find the best :-)
Pixie perfection.
she oozes confidence and happiness. Her smile says it all. She looks adorable.
Tremendous! The grey ribs on the sweather, the dark grey ribbed hose... just fabulous. And the girl... well... she has the bangs and proportions of a young Audrey Hepburn with an interesting androgynous quality that belies one of the most "feminine" outfits on the blog recently. Really, really special.
I adore her style even her hair!
her hair matches her clothes,the way she dresses, the style,the colour
I agree with E,you're great! I can't imagine life without you ha!
She is darling!
Adorable, and because of her bob, I feel an Amelie vibe.
I love this. This is how I wish I could dress.
She seems in tune, her background could be New York, London, Hong Kong or Minnesota and I feel it would work just as well
super cute hair.
You can't fake what she has got.
I think this is a Belgian model called Virginie Bleyaert ...
google her if you like... I'm quite sure it's her.
xx from Belgium
God, I love her blazer.
The cut, the colour;
The length, the proportion...
Love the outfit.
Think she could be just as lovely without the "striking" haircut.
i love her gamine crop- it so wouldn't work on anyone else
she looks very parisenne- très mignon!!
This girl is all of these comments and more! Just radiates beauty, inside and out.
I think a lot of the fun of this blog is looking at the amazing photography and than painting a story. So I don't want to be a spoiler, but I am so proud to have this girl in my life. So to add a little background to the story, the comment about New York, Minnesota, Hong Kong, and London had 3 out of the 4 right...