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Comments on "On the Street......Bold On Sixth Ave., NYC"
love the way she's wearing the scarve with the coat.... really modern.
I love it..Scarf tucked in to the belt loop of her Trench, smart & chic!
ooh - love the drama of the scarf and the navy/white and browns combination.
~ stylethread.com
Completely fabulous! this instantly brought a smile to my face. the hat has panache and makes the whole outfit. Great photo, Sart!
i never would have imagined the proportion of that huge scarf on her tiny frame working yet, it's impeccable.
Your pictures are better when you take them in NYC. Don't know why that might be.
Maybe the light, maybe you know the place beter, maybe you are happier at home...
her scarf is perfectly placed. the hat completes this very city- chic look.
It's catch our attention!
I really like!
ooooh, perfection!
Who is she? She looks JUST like my Parisian friend who's visiting New York? Though she mostly wears black.
This is lovely!
i wish i could see more of the coat but wow what a scarf. love the trench belt tied over the scarf.
It's all about proportions. She's petite and she's accentuated that with the bulk of her accessories. I love that hat. Very elegant and mysterious at the same time.
This one may be your best NYC photo ever.
It's because of the way the person is captured in this photo. Not JUST because of her (beautiful!) outfit.
I like this one. I think you should make more 'moving' / 'action' photo's just be one step ahead of all the other million Sartorialist-related-blogs. (Of course, I'm not telling you what you should do....just an idea!! :))
Keep up the good work.
She looks terrific! Seriously!! Fantastic choice...Her hat and the huge scarf, the lovely trench with the high heels...she matches but it looks natural...great job.
Wow, I'm always afraid to pair a hat with a big scarf, but this looks amazing. She totally pulls it off, and I love the scarf tucked into the belt - genius.
Fantastic colours and textures... I do, however, think the pieces overwhelm the lady.
This look is so over the top its fabulous!!
so... coordinated yet unique.
Huaaauuhhuuu!!! That's style!
The shoes are the best. Beautiful palette of colors too...her sense of proportion is impeccable. The flipped brim of the hat is my favorite detail. NYC style is always superb....
Definitely one of your best photos ever. The oversized scarf works on her small frame (probably because it is tucked into the belt and therefore conforms to her body) and the hat covering her eyes is just downright sexy! I think I'm in love...
This is one of the most fantastic outfits I have seen in a long while, she's like a sexy, alluring, spy!
She rocks it so beautifully. Love her shoes!
that's a lovely scarf- really makes the outfit
wow...that's a woman who knows what she's doing. It doesn't get any better this. well done!
Surreal - I <3 all, the combination of cloth, colors.. the gaze shaded by the hat's shadow..the indigo leaves on the scarf..the voulmes..and again the motion & the dynamic feeling within
wow... very chic!
Wonderful scarf. These things can be found only in NYC, maybe this is the reason why the photos looks better when taken in the city!
it looks so stylish!
huge scarf, and caramel colored trench - fits good!
She is so petite like a smaller Audrey Hepburn. It is hard to tell if her feet and waist are exceptionally small, her hat and scarf are exceptionally huge or all of the above. She does look smart though!
This look seems like it'd be hard to pull off, but my goodness does she do a remarkable job! The hat and scarf are giant in proportion to the rest of her body. It would be neat to see this outfit with a slimmer-fitting pair of pants to really accentuate the comical-but-charming oversized proportions of the hat and scarf.
Very well put together.
I never knew navy and brown could go so well together, they complement eachother alot in this outfit.
I love love this. I would love to have this ensemble for myself. Beautiful shot!
It shouldn't work, but it certainly does. She can really pull it off.
Well, I actually think she's overwhelmed by the scarf in particular. Not so much the size, but the pattern. And the hat doesn't help either. As a small woman, I find this slightly cautionary!
Oh, how I want that scarf!
I have the hardest time finding hats of that sort. She's one of the few women who looks stellar in a hat taller than her face.
i think i need to move to new york...sigh
ridiculously chic!
Very harmonious colour combination and lovely scarf.
HOT DAMN! That woman looks good.
Is this that lady who wore the great green leather jacket a while back?
wow. amazing photograph sart, theres so much motion and power in it.
plus, that is one incredible scarf.
Build confidence
Great scarf,i think all focus on it and Fedora hat.
perfect. gorgeous. amazing. her hat, her boots, her scarf and the way she wears it. really cool!
I have to disagree with most of your writers. Did she just escape from the upholstery shop? She is dwarfed by the amount of fabric, the huge print, and the oversized hat. I don't think it works at all.
I love the movement in this photo.
She's WEARIN' that hat, baby!
God, that is glooooorious.
WoW...love everything about this pic, specially the proportion and the movement!
Waou waou waou!
ahhh..... this outfit is to die for! i want it so bad, i just love how she paired the scarf with the jacket, so very modern. love this pic too.
dont love the baggy pants
but i love the oversized scarf
practical and cute
Not sure it fits the category of scarf or throw, but I'm with everybody else—it's mighty fabulous. I'd look twice, three times, and tell her she looks smashing.
She knows how to wear a hat. It's situated atop her head just right. She knows how to wear a scarf. That humungus swath of fabric is wrapped and cinched with the belt just perfectly. The colors look great, the shoes look great. She must've looked in the mirror before leaving and cooly and confidently thought, oh yes, this works.
Navy is such an under-rated color on women. I'll take it over black any day.
breathtakingly G.
So much energy here, this almost feels like a movie still.
somewhat towelesque but fabulous! Great shot
Aside from the utter chicness of the woman, the light in this photo is fantastic. Well done.
the scarf is hot like fire...
Love the proportions! The hat gives her sass!!
The hat combined with the giant scarf is just perfect.
that looks like an awesome big warm scarf
on paper, i would mock you for over-accessorizing.. in motion, this is surprisingly effortless and fresh.
May hats be coming back as seriously as the big scarves have already done!
May hats be coming back as seriously as the big scarves have already done!
wow! it's just perfect!
I would love to see the pants without the coat covering half of them. They look very interesting. I love the overall outfit, but it works so well because of her petite figure. The contrast with the huge scarf and the small waist are eye catching
That is absolutely gorgeous from head to toe, the oversized scarf tucked in the trench, the hat, the pants, the boots, just amazing!
So beautiful outfit! It's simple but well mixed!! Gorgeous!
And i love the hat!
the milk chocolate hat and beautiful large floral redefines how casual can truly be fabulous.
Stunning - I love it all. The hat, the neatness of the jacket, the wide cut pants, the boots and THAT SCARF!!! the colours and proportions are so great.
I would wear this in a hearbeat!
Oooohh! Aaaaaahhh! Very nice! Lovely combo indeed!!
THAT IS ME!!! i didn't even see you taking my pic!!!
kidding. i just WISH i had that outfit.
What a beautiful woman, not to mention original in her taste (while still being tasteful). The hat and shoes are especially stunning, though I love the scarf and coat as well. They make for a fantastic shape.
It's Rorschach!
I like it. A lot.
It IS oversized but somehow it works and that's all part of the charm. It's one of those photos you can look at over and over. The muted tones of that very tailored trench, the pattern on that lovely, billowy blanket of a scarf.
Most of all, I love her face - the shadow of the brim covering her eyes.
She's like a modern Girl Friday with Bogart in her wake.
Wonderful, really. The weight of the large bag keeps the top half - the hat and huge scarf - from being top heavy. Very, very nice.
oh man. Wow, so great.
DAMN I love it.
Holy moley!
Three absolute favorite colors of mine together. It's the pavement of the city and the earth of the ground.
wow! she looks fabulous! i love the hat, scarf and shoes--this is a case of the accessories making the outfit (or what i can see of it anyway).
Now that's style. That scarf is perfect and a very nice touch tucked into the belt. The dark wide pants and dark shoes are perfect. Also just a great shot with the shadows beneath her.
so far the most impressive image i've seen of someone in nyc.
Stunning!and i love that she tucks in her scarf to avoid the wind--thats a great idea.
she's like a fashion forward..
Is this the lady Julie Ragolia that you shot in May 2008?
that hat is fantastically perfect! it's hard to rock the brown shoe/navy pant combo without looking dowdy, but that scarf sure did the trick!
This is all about shape!,
It reminds me some japanesse influencers!, the pants, or what can i see about the pants are great!
There's a pretty girl somewhere under all that scarf. Sorry, I see the scarf. Then I see the girl. She probably had to tuck it into her belt so the wind wouldn't catch it and blow her away.
I love this look! The accessories (hat and scarf) definitely take this look to the next level!
What a great shot; I love the movement. I don't remember where I first saw the trick of tucking scarves into belts, but it has the ability to make an outfit really different and special!
O M G !!
gorgeous scarf..she looks beautiful too =)
i'm wondering if maybe the 'scarf' is actually a blanket? it looks maybe just large and bulky enough...but it's PERFECT, whatever it is. i love this chick.
Oh I loveeeeeeee this look.....
she looks like Boccioni's sculpture
Excellent scarf
I'm completely besotted by that scarf!!
i just love this. love it! she looks so chic and feminine without looking as if she is trying too hard or wants to be a barbie. the essence of cool.
I want those shoes and I wish I could wear that hat!
Her scarf is the size of my blanket, my goodness she carries it very well.
oh, beautiful - one of my faves ever. Incredible silhouette, from *that* hat to the boots. And then, after you recover from the chicness of it all, you look closer and HOW GORGEOUS IS HER FACE!! Love it - especially in motion.
I loove this. Seeing a petite woman striding out and making a statement is marvellous. As a small woman I am so afraid with fashion - cautious that I will look like I am playing dress ups in my mother's wardrobe, worried about how everything seems to "hang" rather that "fit". Yay her.
nice but...cant you post those pics of teen vogue-sarah kuhn from style.com? love, love, LOVE her looks.
gorgeous palette. wish i could pull off a look like this, but it requires some height, no?
The winds of NYC. Fab.
That looks really, really super. Love the hat and scarf!!!
And the light is that cold, crisp and clear spring light. You have north winds and arctic air?
i love this look very much! very nice!!
love the way she's wearing the scarve with the coat!!!! :)
this is actually something that i would wear, believe it or not.
I love the way she has worn quite neutral colours, it works really well for the winter in NYC.
i cant wait to visit there to see all the fashions.
Nice Post. Thanks for sharing and keep posting more new info.
Thanks again.
Fantastique Sart, where did she get that hat?
I've been following this blog for 2 years now, and this is BY FAR my favorite picture.
absolutely amazing style.
Cute in a very,very special way!
Amazing! Such a great shot and great attitude. I love the way she carries herself.
Hmm. That ain't a scarf it is a freakin' blanket. LOVE the shoes though.
once again i thought what an incredible talented photographer (manual and artistic) you are.
i love your site not only for the stylisch people you find but also for the stylisch way of showing them in the right spot.
thank you.
i totally agree with Jack Daniel: your photographs look best when there is 'movement' in them. that really makes the difference.
this picture is awesome. it's full of life.
Well captured!
She and the clothes are beautiful, but I think she's a bit petite to carry off such a voluminous scarf. I love the colours together, and she has a gorgeous face.
This is an AMAZING shot!
I'm still trying to figure out how large that scarf really is. A blanket perhaps?
nope... too much.. i love the scarf,i love the shoes, the trousers... but it´s too much. first: the hat should go. that would do wonders. also, i think she looks too slefcouncious. it´s as of she´s looking for feedback, and that reflects in her outfit.. too much. but one thing, sart: i don´t like these staged photos of yours. shoot real people, come on! not semi interesting norwegian models, like the other day. please!!!!!
Inspiring. This outfit had my mind reeling of how I can recreate it with my own wardrobe. She looks so elegant and has that je ne sais quoi that is so hard to achieve. Incredible. Beautiful shot too..perfect motion to capture the feel of the outfit.
sieht fantastisch aus, looks fantastic...
ooh she's a fantastic cut-outable silhouette. Bravo to her and you for spotting her!
i love the movement of the scarf and the pants; beautiful subject and gorgeous photo !
an iconic modern image, perfection of shape + light + shadow + colour. i shan't forget it soon.
magnifique, sir; i tip my hat to you.
She look so smart girl...
I love the scarf,and that hat is so fab on her..
She looks great on her outfit..
Nice post..=)
Hope to see you on mine too.
she owns this so well. the brown hat is hard to pull off she does it marvelously.
the volume at the top and bottom oh her silhouette just accentuate her small waist.
love it!
this scarf is amazing. who is it by? i want one!
Sharon wrote:
Dayum! She is rockin the hell out of this outfit!
She is proving u can still look fly and sexy bundled up with a sofa throw in the blustery winter cold!
*eyeing the tassled drapes on my window*
fab and chic...love it
chic love it
Crossing the road w/that fabulous coat,amazing..
I loooove the coat very much..=D
Putting the scarf under your belt is such a nice twist!
She's just too cool for words!
really like the combination of the scarf and coat. the hat is very cool- she's got that "don't mess with me" attitude goin' on...
This is so dramatic. Like shot out of a Frank Miller movie or a scene from Dick Tracy. Bold indeed!
If you want a scarf like that I know where you can get one. Off of the back of your grandmothers rocking chair. It's called an aphgan!
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This is a chic pic. The dramatic scarf and the classic hat is a nice contrast plus the gorgeous girl!
This is a chic pic. The dramatic scarf and the classic hat is a nice contrast plus the gorgeous girl!
such an inspiration...
Tres fab!
Great photo!!! My question....is this just some random New Yorker? It looks great and her fashion is incredible. Love the suede fedora with the vintage rose colored jacket. Very soft and romantic colors. Very in right now. Great photo again!!! XOXO
Beyond description! Everything is so put together. The look is flawless. One of my top ten Sartorialist looks ever!
GREAT shot. Love the shadows + the colors.
Wow, so chic, she is literally creating style.
This lady has power. And it's hot.
lovely! beautiful photo, and a classic emsemble that looks fresh and smart. I love the scarf!!!
this has to be the hottest woman ever......some women just have an air about them....they can pull off anything....this woman is getting away with alot and it's sexy.
wow, i really love that scarf, and those shoes, and that hat. I'd like to look so great myself!
i love the sense of movement in this photo.
Scott, this is a masterpiece.
Love the way she's wearing the hat! In a time when alot of people are wearing the trilby off the face, she looks great wearing it in the classic 40's way. Bring back more pert hats!
I never would have guessed that the world's largest scarf on one of the tiniest of women could look so chic. She looks like a writer in the late 1930's who would send Dorothy Parker into anaphylactic shock.
Can't remember if I commented on this already, but this is perfection in navy and brown.
.... and yet it seems so easy... Perfect!
ps - ever thought of visiting Lisboa (Portugal) Mr Scott?
owww i just love her! such a strong look i love the navy and brown the scarf and trench are lovely together...that scarf ow that scarf...i can imagine her stromping around the city in that..shes fabulous.
absolutely great photo! AWESOME SCARF! love the whole attire. she looks gorg.
brilliant photograph.