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Comments on "On the Street....Before the Ralph Lauren Show, NYC"
The gentleman on the right is most definitely OWNING hos outfit right now. down to the jacket left open and tied. LOVE the fit of the denim with the "working class cuff" he needs to ditch the coffee cup and get a better accessory tho...
wow excelentes outfit, me parece genial las convinaciones utilizadas!!!
Haha, I live in Ireland and when for whatever unfortunate reason I have to leave to confines of the city, I see men dressed like this everywhere, tending to their cattle! xP
That said, they wear wellington boots instead of lovely Loakes and lack the turned up jeans and lovely scarf and belt detailing xP
This post made me laugh anyhow, just imagining the good old wholesome farmer look passing as stylish!
soo cool!! me parecen muy pero muy interezante el estilo de estos hombres, me encantan
they should be IN the Ralph Lauren show.
effortless cool.
love the easy belted barbour-jacket. both of them have a great style!
are the paper coffee cups part of the outfit?
I wish I knew more men who wore clothes that actually fit properly. Bravo!
Hot!!! coffee no cell phones. The cropped vest is superb style.
Barbour yes. Fashionista Barbour Yes. But I still like. No foxes?
What dapper looking gentlemen. Stylish cuties indeed!
mmmm foxy
A fox around the necks would set this off beautifully.
These two gentlemen pair well together like wool over your shoulder on a very briks evening. I can appreciate the spread collar with the textured tie and imperfectly lined tie-clip. I think that the vest if not anything else brings this look home. The jeans provides a relaxing look and feel and the brims adds a element of sophistication.
That's a Belstaff jacket on the left. And those shoes on the left are either a high end Ralph Lauren or something even more rare, maybe Lobb. Very nice all in all.
Yum. I'll take both please.
Absolute perfection. Loose the coffee cups and they would look wonderful on the catwalk at the show.
I especially like the hat on the fellow on the right. Is it just me or does it seem that J.Crew and Ralph channel the same muses?
Must have been a cold day, but their smiles are warm.
These two gentlemen pair well together like wool over your shoulder on a very brisk evening. I appreciate the spread collar with the textured tie and the imperfectly lined tie-clip. I do believe, that the vest, if not anything else brings this look home. The jeans provides a relaxing look and feel and the brims the both sport are dashing.
haha boys you beat me to the main page! Well done!
Looking good!!
I luv the hats!
Great layered country looks!!
i'm in love.
i love me barbour jacket!
Handsome blokes, they are.
very nicely done. classic RL look.
damnit! i want to look awesome like that!
They work for Ralph, and John on the right has been featured here before. Great style.
As a Ralph alum - I thought the man on the right was my old design director at LRL, they dress EXACTLY the same! Even if you go into Ralph one way, you will come out Americana.
Everything is perfect about these outfits!
Everyone's perspective is different, but these outfits look so self conscious to me -- obvious combinations, done just so -- in a way that 'rugged' apparel always seems to fall flat. It looks too forced, so much reference to utility without actual purpose, but worst of all it doesn't look effortless. It is evident in a glance how long this dishabille took to assemble, how very noticeable the artificial informality is -- in three words, trying too hard. Really perfect for a Ralph Lauren show, I must admit.
like it like it
If I saw these guys on the streets, I would have given them a triple take. It was insta-appreciation when I saw this picture. I especially enjoy the gentlemen's outfit on the right - it's old school/early 20th century yet appropriately fashionable and nostalgic. Ding-ding-ding it's a winner!
wonderful, terrific. why don't men dress this way everywhere? everything they wear fits well, is put together with such an attention to detail - yum.
Dapper Dream Boats—Yum!
Yes and yes. Models or mere mortels?
This should not be a fashion as this is how men should dress other than suits.
Ew. Starbucks?
so do they work for RL? because they are a living ad for the brand. amazing. it's a good look though.
How is it possible they could be up to any good?
If they passed me in the street, this old lady would look. Twice even.
i love the coats -- they look like belstaff....very english...
Yea awesome. Both look very well dressed, wouldn't expect less of course for attendees of a fashion show.
If the Sartorialist wanted to take my picture, I think the first thing I might do is get rid of my damn coffee cup.
Anyone know what shoes guy on left is wearing?
These gents look GREAT! The colors, layering, fit. The clothes look worn in, except for the blue dress shirt on the right. They look good with out the trying too hard look.
I wish I could see more people dress like this in LA. These chaps should be walking around Los Angeles and hand all the Ed Hardy or Hollisteror untucked dress shirt w/ square toe shoewearing guys REAL dress shirts, ties. newspaper boy hats!
Probably one of my favorite posts so far this year. Love this!
They are hot, love the cozy, sexy and effortless looks.
this screams R. L. like honestly.
gentleman farmer
Does this mean that the market town near where I live is now cool? It's full of men like this (only they wear well worn boots & the bottom of their trousers can occasionally have mud stuck to it & their faces are very weather beaten). Great look but a little baffling for the middle of a city.
The jackets are Belstaff - www.belstaff.com - not Barbour
what emma says is true but heavan knows we all love a man who works hard especially when he looks good too.
can i crawl into one of their jackets? mmmmmm the men of NYC!
Fabulous - both of them.
Wow! All they need now is a pair of shotguns and the English countryside
A bit of "authentic" field splatter and......outfits complete. Great newsboy on the left.
all ive got to say: i die. can i have them?
well done...simply well done
well done..simply well done
Bravo! Well done! Now, to do some crunches, so that I can wear
a vest (waistcoat? "weskit"?) like
the guy on the right.
they are Polo's mens concept designers
Are they Ralph employees or just aficionados?
Way too costumey.
what a smile mister! lovely.
For NY the look is a little forced, but, hey, Ralph Lauren walks around NY wearing cowboy gear!! LOL!! The look is super hot in NY now, seems beards are coming back too.
But, both of the gents do look great. I especially like the vest on the gent to the right. So much so, that I tried it on at RL Atlanta. You better be lean and mean to wear that baby. I couldn't even get it buttoned up!! The same with the jeans, they are super narrow below the knee, but I love them just the same :)
A man can't go wrong with classics and RL does it best, just choose wisely.
I would easily buy and wear everything the gents are wearing. Except the vest, which is my problem!!
I am clearly hanging out in the wrong part of town if these gentlemen are roaming the streets in Manhattan!
oh my goodness, they are both gorgeous looking men!!! I usually comment on the clothes on here, but this time it was inevitable!!
Whatever they are selling I am buying! Gorgeous! And their clothes are cute too.
After we finish these lattes, let's go duck hunting!
So amazing. I need to show this to my boyfriend so he will start dressing like this.
response to first comment... maybe he just needed some caffeine and wasn't trying to accessorize his look, hmm?
Yes, very nice, and very sexy. All the layers are working nicely forthem. Love the fit of those jeans on the guy on the right!
they look like the cool kids in high school that i wanted to be!!!! l
Come on, Sart. There are obviously industry guys, so we expect them to look amazing. It's an occupational hazard not to. More average Joes on the street, please!
It's so fake, i can't bear it! Some would argue all fashion is fake. Where do you draw the line between 'fashion' and 'style'? Brings up lots of question about cultural appropriation (i was raised among people for whom the origin of this look is a daily working uniform) and other questions you have to think about in fashion theory lectures...
they look very well put together and this is a photographer on the street so-the coffee cups are part of the street scene.
Gorgeous boys in wonderful clothes - but where is the dog? Maybe in line at the Starbucks getting refills. Because you can't stroll the streets of New York with a shotgun and a dead bird.
To me it's overkill.
Two very goodlooking men.
Ah !!! prefect...
I didn't even want to analyze it; I wanted to say that I think they're drop dead sexy; but then I started to read the other posts and I can't resist.
They also remind me of Ireland/England/the UK generally/Barbour; but I don't think that they're necessarily fake or affected. For all we know they're "authentically" from some place where they developed this look, but even if they're not, what's wrong with a little homage?
Especially when you look this good doing it.
i love that their pants are too tight :)
Classic but a little too together no?
Luv the combos! this is exactly what i want to wear when its cold. they look great!
I am also from the Irish countryside and find the look (of the guy on the right especially) is unbelievably accurate.
However I'm afraid I agree with Nick and Suzanna on this. There is far too much narrative involved here. There's a very fine line between being interested in a certain theme or looking like you're going to a fancy dress party.
In my opinion style is a often a very personal account of a certain look or narrative, usually derived by what is available in your particular location and adding your own personal touches to this. Simply hijacking a complete regional style in an impersonal and humourless way is not interesting for me.
However all the items of clothing here are beautiful in their own right
This picture would make Roland Barthe return from the grave
What can I say?. The great depression look is suited for times like these.
WWWaouuuuuuuuh !
Two very handsome and stylish brutes!
I absolutely love this look. Being of Irish-Welsh descent I can see me as these guys. As in the other photos you've posted I love the shorter, fitted vests.
How Ralph Lauren of them !!! Good eye, love it!!!!
are these the runway models for rl?
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I bet they're BFF. Both the same style and I bet they're even drinking the same coffee. :)
Sigh..... They ARE indeed on the Polo payroll, so the be all end all is that they are comitted to Polo, overkill or not. Just hang around 60th and Mad and you can watch the parade all day long for inspiration....
Morsels... can I take both home? How to torture a girl, Sart! I like how the tie gives the look. I like the contrast of the tight and lose fitting of the clothes... I think I prefer the tight fitting one, you can see more of the man/person.... and I mean that in an innocent way! :)
like it,
the coat of the right part men is a belstaff or a barbour? it is a barbour´s green. I love it.
I'm partial to the guy on the left - he looks a little less "done", but mostly I just love, love, LOVE his smile. It's one of those that makes you want to smile back just looking at it. And so nice to see a man flash a genuine smile in a photo instead of trying to look all serious and macho.
I think it's way to thought out...from a how-to-book.
Don't get me wrong, the clothes are nice, but a little to look-at-me-being-effortless
oooh la la!!
Epitomize RL. Straight out of the adverts. Dig on the Barbour or Belstaff. As mentioned above...effortless. Look as if they work at the Double RL store in SOHO.
I would have to say this is probably my second favorite mens look posted. Second only to John's deliciously preppy September cameo, of course.
oh! these beautiful men that u take pictures of!
i cant.
It is true of dress in even a higher degree than of most other items of consumption, that people will undergo a very considerable degree of privation in the comforts or the necessaries of life in order to afford what is considered a decent amount of wasteful consumption; so that it is by no means an uncommon occurrence, in an inclement climate, for people to go ill clad in order to appear well dressed.(The Theory of the Leisure Class, 1899)
Definitely should not pose together.
Alone they look cool but together...uh...eh....