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Comments on "On the Street......Another Herringbone Tweed, Paris"
his clothes look really great
Great material and layering. The hair is also dramatically good. My only criticism is the rather daunting lapels, which give a somewhat costumey and outdated vibe to the coat.
Oooh, I love the textures and the layered neutrals. Very nice.
Oooh, I love the textures and the layered neutrals. Very nice.
Great layering and fabrics. The hair is also dramatically great. My only criticism is the rather daunting lapels. They give a somewhat costumey and outdated vibe to the coat.
Lovely outfit!
He wasn't in a hurry when he prepared for the day now was he?
I think the coat looks a tiny bit oversized for him, but definitely worn with panache, along with the rest of his outfit. But, wow, he's so beautiful. I can't stop gazing at him!
I know this guy.
He is great.
He did a fantastic styling on our last Cerruti fashion show. To see is talent, just visit www.cerruti.com and watch the fashion show.
His coat reminds me of a Kiyton I once owned and the sweater could be Etro. I like his laid back look.
Such interesting details!
the coat is AMAZING!!!
double breasted and the lapel!!
but i allways ask myself, what do these guy do for a living? the clothes have to cost a fortune...
I like the mix of colours, but I do not like his coat...it just does not do anything good for his figure/posture...
I do like the herringbone tweed and his scarf!
He looks like a young David Bowie
Another great color- pattern- and texture mix. Well done.
Absolutely love everything- the amazing scarf, detailed cardigan and of course the jacket!
gorgeous. I love the trim on the cardigan and the "neckerchief."
I hope he's a writer. He looks like one.
Loving that cardigan!
That man is rocking his spring/summer already. Kudos on that Burberry cardigan
Good look. The coat is right, not tight. Put together well.
I love the textures and the layers...beautiful:)
He always looks good. He's effortlessly elegant and chic even in jeans. Never precious or witlessly fashionable. Slightly androgynous but definitely masculine.
He's one of my favorite guys on your blog.
I totally love the outfit, from hair to botom, very boho-chic kinda style, but I'd probably put up some more colour...At the end of the day we are not chromophobic, are we?
Love the coat! He knows it!
The colors and the look reminds me a bit of one shot few days ago (Christophe Lemaire)...such an amazing cardigan, its Burberry Prorsum.
Herringbone looks especially good on men and this guy proves it. He has a kind of university vibe but in such a stylish, fashion-forward (no matter how much I hate that phrase) way.
Love this look!
he's not just styled, he's art-directed.
hello David Bowie!
To mirror most the comments above, I think it's great how he's mixed loads of different textures together by layering the clothes - that way each item gets its own piece of the limelight and nothing looks out of place.
Ooh, i love the texture on the cardigan placket.
Looks warm and classic!
Love all the pieces individualy! Not too sure of the combination though - a bit heavy... too many heavy textures and colours...
That Coat is epic!Love it! :)
Cardigan is great too!
Reminds me of a young and dapper Bowie...
I love it - another incarnation of the grey and brown story we have been seeing a bit of lately. I love the combination of shades and textures - devine
the inside jacket is on inside out. this risk brought reward. i really enjoy so many textures in the cold weather.
Amazing detail on that sweater cardigan placket. Looks like fish scales and that blue/gray is perfect!
Perfect androgyny
Wow, one of the best ever. Incredible use of colour. Love the drape of the items, texture, hairstyle and attitude.
What an intense expression he has on his face. So pensive.
Such a nice drape to everything. He's a great hanger.
Wow. I don't even want to count all those textures, but there they are.
this is an acheivement in the combination of neutral tones and different textures. Comes from having a well-stocked closet, deosn't it?
he resembles a young david bowie...that 80s haircut, that face...
beautiful clothing.
Yes he does look like an artist or a writer, doesn't he Erin? I think he could have come out of any decade in the last century - the classic fabrics worn with his own personal, dateless style.
I think it's his hair that makes him look arty. Or perhaps his slightly gaunt starving-artist cheekbones, and eyes that have been up all night working on his latest masterpiece.
What a beautiful face.
I thought of David Bowie right off the bat as well.
i love the detail on the sweter hem. i can't stop staring at it, yet i don't really understand that it is...feathers? beading?
I think his coat is the best!
Presence! It's like he's looking right at me. That paired with a great outfit is a 10 out of 10 :)
Bowie-esque. Lovely.
Great !
does someone knows who is the designer of the coat ?
Great !!!
Oh! Elegant Mr. Vampire, please bite my neck, and look fantastic doing it.
oh wow, Bowie
Am I the only one who on first impression thought this to be a woman? The face looks feminine in a way to me. Seeing all the comments it looks like everyone is sure this is a guy... Doesn't matter either way, what matters is the clothes! love the trim on that cardigan and the texture of the coat. great look for a man or woman!
Sings: Oh, the most beautiful boy in the world!
He oozes style. I think standing next to him would give one style, simply through osmosis. In fact looking at the picture does. The force of his style is an act of generosity. Unforgettable. Thanks, Sart.
nice materials but dull colours.
for those who asked: i think this is hannes hetta, (formerly?) of men's vogue.
everything is swaying to the left, his hair, the jacket, the scarf. very cool picture
You did a nice job on this one as I think you made sure his garments opened/folded in the same direction as his hair sweeps to the side. I do like all the subtle textures and tones. He's gorgeous. He reminds me of Julie Andrews gotten up as Victor.
i love his cardigan! it's burberry prorsum...what a great combination of patterns and texture.
I like to be somewhat different from the rest of the heard. With short, tight-fitting topcoats being the rage, this big herringbone topcoat brings a smile to my face.
Yes, to confirm it is Hannis Hetta, looking great BTW,
Great look! Just watched "The Man Who Fell To Earth" for the first time and bought the movie. Even incarnate as a human on earth in the movie, Bowie seemed 10 years before his time in the film. This man's look is inspiring and captivating additionally.
He looks amazing! And someone even wrote a comment about knowing the guy - it seems is he a model. The layering looks amazing - there is no point in trying to find something wrong at his outfit.