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Comments on "Now We Know Where Luca Gets It From, Naples"
I like the way he matches the stripes. And the blue so matches the colour of his eyes.
Please make Luca appear on my computer screen every morning. Le sigh.
Hi father's suit looks to me to be perfectly fitted. And as a woman, I'm taking inspiration from those blues mixed with the brick red.
Luca is a feast for the eyes. I like the mix of neutrals and colors - the blue shirt/tie/gloves picking up the blue in his eyes, and the purple just works... stripes mixed with plaids... I feel visually sated.
Fabulous Colors!
Is that a red ribbon around the right wrist? it looks great
thze coat is great
and the suit fantastic
Thanks for this post. It's nice that it runs in the family. They both have great individual style.
Oh my god! He looks fantastic! The colours, the patterns, somehow - his attitude probably - he manages it to look casual and stylish, not like a clown...He totally has his father style, quite redefined of course, and some unbelivable eyes...man, that is such a piece of art!
What a beautiful suit, cut from lovely cloth. Very well accessorised (with the exception of the cellphone..). This gentleman looks very fine.
his eyes - unbelievable.
Good GOD I want his wardrobe!
Fine men.
Luca is a heart throb. Thanks for making my morning. xo
good god I want HIM!
It's funny, because when I was younger I was a complete tom-boy..growing up with ALL boys around me for the longest time. My mom [whom has the best sense of style of anyone I have EVER known] would curl my hair and put gloss on my lips and I would cry 'I don't want to lookkkk like you!'...but just the other day I walked briskly by a mirror on the wall...and I had to do a double take! It turns out I am more like my mom than I ever thought I would be. I thinks its an honor to possess the sense of style and keen eye for fashion that she does. It looks like Luca is the same way. Bravo Luca!
Yeah, why not? Isn't it carnival times?
Father reflects true Italian elegance that, you will be surprised to hear, resided in Naples.
Anyway, they own a fantastic shop in Via dei Mille. Very old fashioned even in the forniture. But absolutely worthy.
I want to BE them--and I'm a woman.
What I mean is that I want to be dressed in a way that exudes/conveys/telegraphs this type of glamour, style, confidence, attitude.
Its like they have it all together; they're in charge; they know what's going on; but they still know how to have fun and indulge their tastes and whimsies.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, those fabulous eyes...a very stylish man.
Mamma mia! Che bello...
If I had those blue-out-of-this-world-eyes I would match everything with blue too!
Fine suit, love the bit of red on his left wrist.
Luca's tie and jacket are phenomenal.
Of course they look great, they are tailors...
I adore the purple of the scarf and the vibrant blue of the gloves in Luca's photo. His dad has it locked down as well!
Good Lord these boys know what they're doing... bravissimo!
You can repost that photo of Luca as many times as you want; I'll never get tired of looking at it. Dreamy!
Ah, the adventurousness of youth! That said, underneath the plaid coat and the hat Luca is really working the same classic look as Mariano.
Great style from both generations.
italinas are good with that kinda of colors mix...nicely put, probably too nicely??? an italian
Love the colors, patterns, eyes...
Both of them very good. Since I'm in the Mariano age group obviously his get up has more appeal. It's outstanding of course...I'm not one of the fans of brown shoes with blue suits but because they are really dark he gets away with it. Just. And all those guys who think you can wear pale tan shoes with blue suits...don't...you look as if you're managing a team of ladies of the night. Basically this is how all men over 35 aught to look when they are wearing a suit. Unfortunately only a small minority do as you can see when you have a wander around NYC. But at least they have a role model.
Oh my god, with those fabulous eyes, no matter what he wears
OMG, both of them could get me in so much trouble.
Sart, are you going to give the Rubinacci's and the insurpassable Giovanna their own chapters in your forthcoming book??
The apple doesn't fall fram the tree in that family; both men are very stylish. Beautiful captures.
Luca has it going on - the way that he presents himself is spot on!
Check out the fresh cotton/linen bucket hat - I'm going to have to steal Luca's thunder on this one and give it a kick.
It's amazing how he made all of those colours work for him.
Absolutely love the combination of colors on Luca; it's just the right amount to retain some life without being gaudy.
Luca Rubinacci style is down right great, Haven't been impacted by someones natural talent for modeling in a while, cheers to the one who put the outfit together.
if i ever have a boy baby, i want him to look like luca. he's just so beautiful.
I LOVE the pairing of stripes with plaid & vibrant color. I have been trying to master this myself recently. I commend any man that can pull this off with such flair.
cheers to you Luca.
Both of them look absolutely great. I love the color of the father's suit -- it's not that almost black Navy blue that's so prevalent in the US. It's a little brighter, more interesting and more flattering. What is that bit of red around his wrist? It looks good in the photo, but I'm afraid it's one of those rubber charity bracelets.
Where does Luca get such wonderful gloves?!? And scarf, and coat and . . .
want that coat!
I saw Luca and thought, "Hello, Luca, I am Christina, do you wish to wed?" What a dreamboat. And with a stylish father at that!
Thank you for your images. What dreams they all seem to be.
Impossible not to like him, those eyes, playful clothes a feast to the eyes.
Luca is fantastic! This is gorgeous.
the first picture, the gentleman in the suit - dapper.
the second - hubba hubba - my new screen saver.
Molto bello!!! I'm very proud that you actually put his father's pic, too, since it's from Napoli. Ppl always think South Italy is the worst part of Italy. But, hey, if U never been there, U should....beautiful food, great friendly ppl, the scenery, everything. Even Napolitan in the US are so friendly and charming. They know how to cook, especially the men. BRAVO!!!
that picture of Mr. Luca Rubinacci is still one of my favorites you'veever taken. Definately love at first sight :)
It would be interesting to see what Luca's mom looks like...
Luca is hot! I love his color palette and I love that he was daring!
who could even notice what luca is wearing with those eyes? please please please do a style profile on him soon, sart.
I love Lucas daring mix of both colours and patterns! Fabulous!
Luca is hot but Mariano is owning it! let's look in young Luca in about twenty years. His pops is hot. by the by, Luca should hope that his dad's tailor has offspring who will be able to produce such beautiful work. a good tailor is hard to find.
finally a classic suit with pants of the proper length - not those silly ones which reveal the socks even when one is standing straight.
He looks fantastic
Mariano, definitely Michael Gambon in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Great tailoring and he owns the suit, the suit does not own him!
Wish more of that color and style (or quality of tailoring) was more prevalent in the US.
Simply put, I'd sport Luca's look everyday and not get tired of that. Love the tie, especially.
Father is perfecto.
Too focused on the son's eye to comment on his wild combo.
Luca e una inspirazione.
I GOT to get me a Mariano's Blue Suite like that!! I just love that royal blue... wow!
I am curious what kind of material Luca's tie is made from to allow the ruching of the not like that. I love the contrasting fabrics; I can almost feel the texture.
Which stores are Rubinacci outlets in the USA?
those eyes!
I love the whole color scheme, and he has beautiful eyes that just bring it all together.
~ Montreal Fashion Minds ~
he's pwitty
I prefer the style of the dad.
That Luca is a hottie and he knows how to dress too.
great blue
For me Luca is probably the most inspiring person I’ve seen here. His father photo is just a confirmation:)
wooooow !
Je ne me lasse JAMAIS de regarder ce si beau visage ... accentué de ces beaux vêtements !
Luca Rubinacci dans mes rêves.
his eyes are the burner!! :D
Pretty :)
Omigod, the colors, the eyes, the hat, the stubble!! Kill me now!
Quel beau bleu...
I love Mariano Rubinacci´s suit, and the color of the outlook is so great.