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Comments on "On the Street....Yellow Shoes, Paris"
I think she messed up the buttons on her coat...
For some reason, it REALLY bothers me that her coat is not done up properly. Either leave it open, or do it up right!!
She's too fabulous to even care about buttoning her coat properly. Gotta love it.
i was in DC for the Inauguration. There were so many people with fur coats on. I mean different styles, long short, with hoods. Fantastic! I love themmmm...
you could of have done a
The setting is gorgeous! Notice how there steps are clean but the rises have that mossy thing. I wonder how they do that. The outfit inspires me a bit less, but great picture! Jorge from W Palm Beach
love the shoes...and love that her coat is buttoned "wrong" - very "I look good no matter what" (which she does). wish I had that vibe!
This is absolutely stunning...
She wears the fur coat well! I don't think its by accident she missed a button.
love the retro look..she looks so serene and hollywood leading lady like. from another time..
I'm feelin it!
I love that she misbuttoned her coat, but had her shoes match up with her earrings
I do not like fur coats and I do not like how she did the buttons wrong. I do not like her shoes either. Her earrings are cool though.
Haha, SallyO, you're my hero! Jorge, you are so right about the setting, sooo beautiful.
pops of color are a MUST. winter, otherwise, can bcome too boring! I love her incorporation of bright yellow. not only a hard color to incorporate, but zebra? and open toe?
she pulls it off well. kudos.
It is the asymmetrical beauty that comes from Japanese esthetics! (I'm not sure she is Japanese, though.)
I am crazy about the mossy stone steps and how their horizontal power plays against the vertical lines in the fur. The "wrong" button disturbs all of that rectilinear order and gives the image a vibrant tension.
Her shoes remind me of the days that I forget to change out of my slippers to drive my daughter to school...
For some reason, this coat reminds me of Jean Patou's cocoon shaped coat creations and also remind me of the nonchalantly thrown plush fur coats by the flappers of the 20's and plus a plush bathrobe. It gives the feel of leisure and casualness but, not screaming and serious glam 1980's look ( eventhough, she may have intended to mix some 80's accents--kinda Krizia esque too). Overall, unique look!
the bottom of the coat looks cool - like i'd like a coat that was asymmetrical.
I like the way she has buttoned her cout, han it is a beautiful picture!
reminds me of the animal that coat was made of or reminded me off, in a forest (the moss steps) and rocks (the concrete) steps. oh i am pro fur btw ;)
There's something about women wearing fur coats...
Love the composition with the green steps in the background. The missed button adds a jagged line...not thrilled with the look. Love the photo, hate the fashion?
..."yellow shoes and the weird-buttoned coat" !
I like the way the coat has a flow..it's natural. But I don't like the shoes..I normally love yellow shoes but these don't fly with the black tights and the black trousers. but the coat is great, v natural
Yes, this photo is stunning, but I am not a fan of the outfit. I also love the combination of hard edge/softness (the "grain" of the fur coat, the mossy marble steps--even her linear hair style).
tres jolie photo
she's amazing. you're amazing. the steps are amazing! one of my all-time favourites!
Her sharp gaze and smart hair are in an interesting contrast to her misbuttoned but lovely fur and sloppy house shoes. There must be a story behind it.
she is fabulous . so off beat. love it
Vintage is great!!
are we sure the coat is buttoned at all and she isn't simply at an angle w/ her right arm bent at the elbow just such? also, to jorge, "how do they do that?" in reference to the steps?? i believe you can thank condensation and the sun for that masterpiece.
I love reading these comments! I do not understand the shoes, but perhaps they're over my head. They seem so out of season. But man, that coat is gorgeous and she is too!
At first I was not too keen on this outfit as a whole. I liked it from the waist up, but the whole thing together didn't suit me.
Then I saw the colors of the steps in the background, and the whole outfit came together for me.
I love her earrings and hair style- they're so elegant.
love that the buttons are off and she could care less
Hmm. This is a test, isn't it? Yes, I pass: OCD++. Cannot stop staring at mis-buttoned coat.
This is really not my favorite look - I could do this rolling out of bed, but she looks to put together up top to have just rolled out of bed...so the look sends a mixed message.
Um i am not sure its kind of trendy look,i think she just went out to the shop near her house!But she is looking as dutchess!
My wife would love that coat. Nice! Can't believe that I'm chiming in about this too but the buttons being off does really stand out.
Reminds me a lot of the coat Gweneth Paltrow wore as Margot in the Royal Tenenbaums, beautiful, I love a memorable coat.
This doesn't really do it for me. i have the impression she is wearing her pyjamas under that coat. though the earrings are nice. looks like she had to rush somewhere early in the morning which made her grab the coat she wore last night and leave.
i think this is a margiela type coat! the buttons are ment to be that way duhhh
Wow, she looks like one of Haruki Murakami's femmes fatale. If only this were in Aoyama. - Ken
@ M or M: democrats in fur!? (gasp!)
what a great shot. not only did she mis-button the coat, but it appears that's the only button left, and that it's hanging by its thread!
love the colors of this photo...
buttoning genius
I'm really feeling for yellow shoes at the moment! Love them
Ruth @ Matches
Chanel earings? Love!
Its all about the messy buttons..and of course the geisha inspiration of the sock in the sandals. Her fur coat properly buttoned she would look like any other normal lady but now she has a little yamamoto edge that makes it look funky and stylish.
oH i do love this character she looks like a little bit old school butch/femme movie star a little bit grey gardens..
She has a sense of nonchalance can feel her character..has she just got up and slipped on her favourite old bobbled cashmere trackpants under that gloriously misbuttoned coat what about those wonderful comfy cork soled shoes teamed with socks..are they kept beside the bed(house slippers?)
great article!
I love shoes!!!!
Caroline White
tonsillitis symptoms