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Comments on "On the Street....Via Savona, Milano"
now this is italy..
absolutely loving it
this leggings, skirt and short coat only can happen in a place with mild winter. NYC now? very masochistic.
Once in a while I will meet a young man who dislikes his youthful appearance; I tell them youth is both the best outfit and the best accessory. Similarly, you could put these ladies in burlap dresses and they would look outstanding- but God will you look at that fitted below-the-knee skirt on the left!!! I like the light reflection on the right heel of the girl on the left. Jorge from W Palm Beach
Love this image..very Princess like
This beautiful picture just made my day, Thankyou :)
I love the silhouettes of these coats. Very feminine.
Lovely, lovely women! The stockings are the thing.
italian fashionmates?)
Love the similar silhouettes
I love this picture the silhouettes are amazing!
Love the all black. Simple, sophisticated.
what can i say....
black is sexy
They are really stylish!
A very nice photo!
Now this is classic...
Great concept.
lovely silhouettes
love the silhouettes...
i love this picture, their outfits look gorgeous...reminds me of sex and the city
it's like a dream!
The contrast between the starkness of the white of the wall and the black of the figures is striking, to say nothing of the fullness of the coats against the shapeliness of the women's slender legs. Exquisite!
Black. Dull white. Gray. A street exhibiting no joy. A fitting photographic metaphor for winter in Milan, as well as the state of the world in 2009. Yer these two young women--with the exuberant height of their heels and the flirty fit of their coats--speak to the resilience of the human spirit.
A shot that goes far beyond fashion, at least to this viewer.
That's the best Milano can get.
Absolutely exquisite outfit.
Deliciously whimsical! And stupendous legs. Love their waisted coats.........
Deliciously whimsical! And stupendous legs. Love their waisted coats.........
What lovelies! I love the cuts of their coats, too.
They must have to hold onto each other to stay upright in those impressive shoes!
Wow! What can you say? This is so cool. The Sart at his best.
OMG! Breathtakingly good! Sart, how do you do it? Your powers of your style antennae are superhuman!
they seem like "ballerini di balletto" dancing along the street...definitively luv them!
love this shot
truly captures a moment
and their flared bell jackets
too beautiful
awesome girls
black never goes out of style.
What perfectly chic women! And so well coordinated!
This could make a terrific back cover of your book!
waist-cinched coats.
incredibly elegant.
i love it.
Those girls are beautiful. At least from this perspective! Twins? I love the shoes and the hourglass figure! So dramatic. But it all seems very playful! Love it! Do you know the shoe brand! They're exquisite!
O how sweet! They're like two hip novice nuns, or maybe the latest thing in uniformed schoolgirls. Love the flash of "nude" leather from the bootsoles of the girl on right. Designers haven't exploited the highheeled shoe/boot sole enough, by the way--it's a kind of fashion erogenous zone, and to my knowledge only Louboutin has really used it (with his signature vermilion soles).
This is amazing, the richness of the black against all those grays, the vivid shape of the girls and the little heart-shape of light peeking through between the waists - and I love that seeing a tiny bit of the face on the right makes this shot totally human. Beautifully dressed too. Wonderful
This is lovely.
A breathtaking photo.
It looks as though the window frames are blushing at having gotten caught looking out at these two lovely women.
Shots like these urge the rest of us to find the ordinary beauty in each day where we otherwise might not have looked.
silhouettes are lovely
Even though it's in color, it could be a a b&w shot by Henri Cartier-Bresson from decades earlier. Timeless.
I always wear black. Black is elegant and these woman are the perfect example for it!
I love all the pictures dear Sart!
Loving their coats and shoes! (^_^)
I second the back of your book comment!!! Exquisite. This picture reminds me why I left home in America and traveled to live on this side of the globe. Thank you..I needed reminding.
did they know that you are taking the picture? it seems they didn't;)
Great shot! Fabulous legs!
Without a doubt a beautiful picture, the clothes are simply wonderful. That picture is perfect.
I totally agree with the comment that this would make a terrific back cover for your book. This is a great look by these two young women.
We loved the coats and the picture!!!
Kisses from Brasil!
ABSOLUTELY loving those coats and the shoes to the right!!
Black is the new black.
Perfectly stunning.
Why can't more women dress like this in Nyc? :-( Leggings and heels..christ I'm in love! and the blk coats..aww. Thanks sart, just made my day!
striking, elegant & chic....i am in awe of this starkly beautiful photograph.
two beautiful black flowers ...
unglaublich schön und großes kino!
c'è ragazze belle!!!!
spectacular shot. i want these coats.
I see tweens walking around every day. Dressing the same, walking the same, hair in the same style. I see this photo: Uniform dresses, similar hairstyles, but each one brings a different variety, and expresses different styles. It's simply chic!
This image reminde me of Fellini's Dolcevita...
Love love love the cinched waist-flaired skirt coats- what a fabulous silhouette.
Other-worldly. Fantastic photo.
the shoes on the left are chanel. i can see the interlocking c's.
lovely photo.
beautiful things do come in pairs..
i love all black.
I love this! It reminds me of them attending a chic funeral.
Ooh I want a friend or sister to look like this with. So basic, so sexy, so sweet, so edgy.
The fashion twins, looking good, out on a stroll, hoping to land a part in a Robert Palmer (too late) video.
Girls like these are the reason I love traveling to Europe and walking the streets. I can't tell you how many women I saw with this silhouette (a true uniform of sorts this winter) and they drew eyes everywhere they went. They are a wonderful reminder that winter clothing doesn't necessarily mean a loss of femininity and youth.
luvvvv the coats!! very dark colours but not dull!
i wud luv to be the 3rd one walking wif them lol
xxx paige
Black is a color that gets you lost, especially in New York City, but the silhouettes and fit makes them stand out. Black is starting to become a staple in my closet.
Nice work Sartorialist... I like your European coverage best.
love their coats (L)
This is so inspirational to me as a women who wears a lot of black. Magnificent! Also, that's it, I'm SO growing my hair out.
simply Gorgeous!! <3
Maybe one of my favorites of all time. Amazing. Do I see a pair of Chanel shoes? Just beautiful.
so wonderful! great photo AND coats.
Wow. They look great - such a sophisticated look and very Italian. I used to work on that road. Do these girls work at Zegna, by any chance?
I'm in love with the left girl's Chanel shoes !
great pic!! very expressive and extremly powerful!!
Black has always been the new black.
I love your blog, so, so, much.
Gothic and wistful at the same time, arm in arm chatting about who knows what. The perspective from behind adds to the mystery of the moment. Grand shot, Sart!!
reminds me of witches
I have a coat very similar (of what I can see) to the girl on the right's. I love the skirted coats. Vidler Nixon made a very similar one. Warm, versatile, and still feminine and chic. I love it.
This pictures is full of inspiration!!!
So elegantly photographed
Time travel, self replication, and dualism incarnate. Too beautiful to be real. Look at the negative spaces between their legs-too perfect, and the heart-shape between their waists? I wonder what kind of advice/encouragement she's giving herself. You're eavesdropping on the immortal. Thank you.
What an absolutely stunning photo! Love everything about it!
sart, what an unbelievable photographer you are. you are getting better and better. such great shots. thanks so much for sharing.
i want her coat.
Im loving it the Italy photos. Most italians are stylish, don't know why, but they are!
Keep up the good work!
So beautiful it makes me want to cry.
Beautiful brown hair! And to think I almost died mine blonde.
You could give the title to this photo "why I love living in Milano"
Reminds me of Brassai... Now THERE'S a compliment any photographer should treasure!
the colors are so lovely. the seriousness of the black and the delicateness of the windows are absolutely beautiful.
Love the length of the coat in the right and the dark blue tights, just wonderful..
i literally sighed when i saw this photo. GORGEOUS
What a magnificent photo. I love how our attention is drawn to the shapes of their clothes as they are all in black. Check out my Tokyo Harajuku Street photos if you get a chance.
Bloody amazing! This must be one of your best shots ever. The all-over black totally make those silhouettes.
I hear you get discounts at Chanel if you're twins and buy the exact same thing. Obviously this is the beautiful truth.
what i like best is the sense from the shot that they are close friends. love the clothes, but the photo is outstanding.
when do you go to paris?
I would hang this on my wall
How lovely....I want a photo like this of me and my best friend!
i would like to see the front
She never remains foolishly gratified with her appearance after a cursory glance at the front view, but remembers that all the world does not bow before her; to many it is her back that must mainly be visible.
(Jean Worth, 1914)
wowzers. so perfect, and a great photo to boot!
I wonder were they are going.....'cos i want to got there too.
Love Love Love
Perfect shades of black
Wow, I just have to keep looking at this one--again, and again... classy, striking--timeless but really gets your attention.
this is my favorite thus far!
Love it!
I am struck by their simple hair. Looks natural, not with some horrible color job with unreal magenta or overdone zebra streaks. No of-the-moment cut that will make them cringe later. They will have no regrets.
so italian classic!
Mild winter in Milan???
It's not sunny anywhere, in Italy...
This is why I want to go to Italy.
Great! Simple, elegant, sophisticated, stylish and oh so cute! Next stop for me-Milan (I wish)!
Amazing image, mainly from the silhouettes and contrasts in tone from the background and what they are wearing. Amazing and sophisticated!
Nicky X
Fabulous, stylish, elegant, classic, chic. I adore this shot, the colours, the clothes, the mood, the lighting..it's perfect!! Sart, this would be a great back cover for your book that you simply MUST do SOON!!
God they are sexy!
So lovely the coats!!!! I'm tingtofinda pair of shoes like those...Love it!!
Where did you find these extremely modern nuns?
now could these be twins....
This site is..wow..
I'll use this site a lot
just leaves me breathless!!!!! makes me home sick!
lovely photo. the ladies have the figures to pull this off.
I wish you had also taken a photo from the front so I could see what the coats look like
ever so shapely! what a great way to stand out wearing all black!
would have dug to see them from the front. a pencil skirt in milan is currently a rare thing
wow, this foto is one of the best you have ever taken, really nice. thank you much.
GOOD LORD, if this photo doesn't win some sort of award, I don't know what would.
Someone said, "This picture just made my day." I would add this picture just made my winter. So inspired. Sexy, fun. Love.
Beautiful! I love their silhouettes, and all black, lovely.
Its like a painting. startling contrast, beautiful winter.
great cut for women, emphasises their natural waist and curves. i think its great for petite girls
So sophisticated. This helped me decide what to wear today!
chanel heels?
black coat?
i'm lovin it!
This is amazing.
Beautiful...and so artistic!
Thank you for this image: on a gloomy day it has lifted me up.
I love it!
Look at these two! I can't see their faces but I want to party with them. They look wicked fun. The leggings, the heels, the hair so devilish. They make me want to be Marilyn Manson dressed in a slim black and white gothic looking suit.
i can't even take the fabulousness of this picture! love it.
Like Hansel & Gretel combined I'd trail them, the sounds of their heels, their intoxicating perfume...
I love, LOVE this.
Like sexy Amish on the way to a fashion show!
very nice black on black... only in italy
Love this photo!
i this this is a great photo..and i love the tights and all black =)
LOVE the coat and the way it flares out. So gorgeous and feminine.
Those black silhouettes remind me Atget's pictures in Paris...total black always gives that touch of evergreen elegance, 120 years ago as like as nowadays.
I adore this photo. I love how the two coats look together, and how the woman on the left offsets the swingy-ness of her jacket with a tight, fitted skirt. Simply lovely.
Striking. Classic. Yet still very now.
In my humble opinion the best photo of yours Sart.
I would blow it up huge and hang it in my hall.
Sart and other readers-can you recommend where I could buy a coat similar to the one on the right? I have been looking for a special winter coat and I think I see my inspiration! Thanks so much
adore this.
Great picture but I dont know about Italian.....
Sart, aren't those two girls from Bloomingdales NY?
they're not twins, i know the girl on the right.
The all black is so classic European. The patent heels paired with the adorable silhouette is sophisticated and it's times two!
anonymous, can you please ask your friend on the right where she got her coat?
I absolutely fell in love with the atmosphere created by your photo. Thank you for sharing. Again.
oh always the stunning black .
I love black :]]
perfect look! great shot!
Reminds me of my friend and I!
Great picture.
I wonder where they're going?
Words cannot describe this photograph. It's simply...lovely.
I like the parallel, undulating lines their legs make. Lots of geometry here, oval, rectangle, triangle, wavy lines!
the prada and chanel boots are fantastic!
What a stunning photo!
sophisticated and classy wemon! Love the coats, beautiful pieces :) I agree it is a stunninng photo!
such a beautifull photo! love it
Did this pic remind anyone of Franca and Carla Sozzani, only in brunette? lol
Loved the coats, must be Alaia I guess, at least the one on the right
love, love
Just to add my voice to the melee... This photo is more than fashion journalism, it's art! Brings to mind Degas' dancers. Thank you sartorialist
That is a fantastic photo! And yes, while this is such a "Milan" shot, you are missing the many dog droppings found EVERYWHERE on the Milan streets. At least, that is my experience right now.
May we all share dark, alluring secrets with such flare!
those are Gucci shoes
what a fookin' great shot!
I've been enjoying this blog for a while now and i think this is my favourite photo/scene yet. I wonder what they might be chatting about, where they're going.... just fantastic.
I love it !