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Comments on "On the Street...Rue de Castiglione, Paris"
Oh the french. They never fail do they :) I love her boots, does anyone know where they're from?
wow she is a very good poser.
Tres jolie. J'aime beaucoup sa manteau.
oh la la. Paris chicque...
Tres chic, Tres Paris. Fantastic coat. And those shoes. That hair.
nice silhouette! great pose. love this pic! thank you! :)
I love the coat! great silhouette!
The hair, the pose, the colors, the location...picture perfect.
she looks great, love those boots
she looks a bit like coco chanel!
Classic with an edge, i like it! How romantic!
WOW! I know you feel proud of this shot.. You should be! This is one of my favorite shots of yours. I want to matte and frame it. Love her expression, her hair, and I really like how you focused the camera with the tile in focus. It feels sooo vintage! Superb.
A different sort of composition for you(?)--full of soft curves in the architectural details, the rug, the subject's coat, her hair; even her hand shoved in her pocket adds to the feeling.
so french
Beautiful - down to the shiny patent surface on her boots.
i love the shape of that coat, and the shoes just complete it perfectly
This photo is *superb*. Face, hair, dress, posture, setting. This is pure brilliance.
Gorgeous girl, gorgeous shot. No wonder the whole world loves you.
French fantasy...
The look is lovely. Very parisian.
It's a beautiful image, but I'm still trying to decide if I like those boots...
Her pose is so demure, so French.
I am enamored with the entire ensemble.
I live in a hot climate where good street style is nearly nonexistent. Therefore, these photos of people actually dressed for the day really speak to my fashion spirit.
Tres tres tres bon! The boots are amazing - I bought them recently for dirt cheap, for Michael Kors (find them online at Jildor Shoes). She rocks this look. And you rock the angle.
Those boots could walk all over me!
she looks very confident, I would be too in her outfit :D
great coat!
such a coquette !
love the pose, the coat, the hat, the bag --
and oooooo the boots....
so you're in Paris??
I love her boats but more her coat!!
it's beautiful
absolutely gorgeous. what a wonderful coat. and she wears it so well!
What a great silhouette! I love that her boots look so modern, her coat is classic and her bag is vintage looking, and yet they all work together.
Ils vont bien ensemble!
I want those shoes!!
This is dripping with class and charm, but I could think of some better shoes for it.
Can we please retire that style of shoe? They're tacky.
i was there last christmas!
lovin Paris!
coat's nice. but wouldve been a generic french chick without the boots.
the boots give the edge.
French fashion, never wrong. I want to wear that coat! And I absolutely LOVE the background!
Dark eye, dark hat, dark boots, wonderful hairdo...
Golden background and extravagant floor make it match so well with the name of the photograph (countess of Castiglione was an extrordinary, 'blazing' woman...) Great!
She looks happy and a bit naughty, in a good way like she just had a wonderful lunch and is ready for a nap.
Love the boots and her attitude!
Damn French and their great sense of style. Ugh, adore the jacket.
Too chic for her own good!
wow...minimialism est belle
She looks chic but that coat on short me would never do.
Paris, paris, paris!
fabulous boots!
Very nice! Wonderful ensemble, from the tips of her boots to the top of her beret!
This is awesome
It's all about that jacket.
Ooh la la, when isn't Paris perfect?
so sexy
Not enough women of this kind on our planet!
I love boots!
kiss kiss
I love her, and I Really love her boots/coat combo
xx whatisrealityanyway.com
So elegant!
Parisian women def have a great sense of style. I can't believe that you just find these people in the streets.
Fashionable footwear is de rigueur, and she clearly got the memo! Those boots are killer!
Boots are Michael Kors, just bought 'em last week. They have a thick rubber sole which makes them suprisingly comfy too.
What a beautiful photo! Love the colors and the attitude of the woman. I love your photos. Super blog!! Keep up the great work of art!
This is so great.
Can't imagine seeing someone looking this great...just seeing it in motion.
The coat is lovely. The pose well, it's memorable but not really necessary because the coat speaks for itself. I don't think that i agree with the footwear but I appreciate the contrast they offer to the coat. I get it.
Also, thank you for getting back into showing a mix of types of people. She's not so conventional and that is great!
I love it....just great!
Michael Kors High-heeled Doc Martens! I bought them a couple weeks ago for 75% off! the comfiest shoes in the world and instantly breath some edge into any boring old outfit. love it!
i think she tries too hard to look good. there's no natural flow.
i really like her shoes- very smooth...
I want hair like her...but red.
gorgeous picture as always Sart
Beautiful Photo!
killer boots and love the back in the coat, the silhouette is great. i dont like that the bag is brown though, would have been better in black.
How do these people even develop this unbelievable sense of style? It seems as if they are born with super powers. Even children are well-styled.
Put it on the cover of your book. Amazing, dreamlike. Work of art.
Love her grey balenciaga coat!
A lovely image and so natural in Paris.
Merci, Zoé
I love the comments about a "so french" look, believe me reality is not always like that, but this is interesting the way you see France or you imagine France, you can find this in NY or Berlin even Bruxelles , but anyway this is nice , remind me the idea about America and NY that we had when we were young, I mean in France. Something mythic, the French glamour, Paris capital of fashion.America the country where you arrive poor on monday and where you are rich next saturday..
Concerning the pic, love the Annick Goutal tiles under the "mistress" shoes of this glamourous young lady. Very 1920- 1930 mood, could be Cartier Bresson atmosphére!
Thanks Mr Sarto ...
"so french" veut simplement faire référence au passé, à l'image de la ville de Paris et de sa la parisienne chic. Evidemment le style est unniversel , mais pas les influences
very sleek, S&M boots!
I second studiophoto1, the floor is an amazing stage
thanks phillipe for mentioning this elaborate, romanticized, 'so french' view of parisians, or "french" people in general. just bc it is a 'good' stereotype, it doesnt change the fact that it is a stereotype and these are inherently reductive.
paris is a place of incredible diversity and a range of style. there is no one french 'look.' perhaps those within the fashion community share a love of fine labels and couture, yet i think if you were to venture into immigrant communities, you would really see the inequity that lies there and also appreciate a different and equally valuable notion of 'style'...
Love the proportion and the styling, those bangs!
This is a gorgeous shot!
Her sphinx look is kind of fascinating - just like "decipher me or I devour you".
And I love her bag, too. And her hair, and her boots, and her coat... xD
Hey, you just make my day with these brigh, clear pictures full of hope and goodness. lovelovelove
on the street?
Rhaaaaaaa... i looove Annick Goutal!!!
Mine is "Grand Amour"...
And the picture is... sublime!
What a beautiful coat and those boots are amazing.
It looks like a time warp but in a beautiful way. I love the whole outfit!
Love the photo.
Love the coat.
Don't love the boots.
Hope she doesn't drive with her hair like that.
Most posers are ordinary posers. But this lady really takes the effort to pose in a original way.
Good picture!
I love everything, especially the back of that coat!
I like the way she looks!! So French!! What about her eyes?
Well inspired and good pose!!!
Gorgeus boots!!!
I wouldn't need anything else with a coat like that!
Very nice pix, I love it!
Some great stuff this week Scott!
Love the shoes
holy shit this is an amazing shot!! there is something old world glamour about her but at the same time her boots are pretty modern.
love everything!
this shot should definitely go in the book!
Love the drape at the back of the coat, and what a wonderful backdrop for her. It's like you caught her window shopping and she only noticed she was being watched when the shutter snapped.
She's lovely, so Fresh French! Not a fan of those boots. What I'm really in love with here the that whole setting! Delicious!
boots on their own, not a great deal .. coat on its own, not a great deal either .. but put all together on this lady, on the beautiful mosaic, romantic lighting, with only one eye hynotising the camera .. it's wow! love this pic
Je crois que c'est la photo que je préfère parmi toutes celles prises à Paris. Encore une fois cette lumière, ce style et cette pose!
I want those boots!
How fabulous this photograph was taken at what I think is the Paris main retail location of my favorite parfumeur - Annick Goutal. The store is tiny but completely mirrored so comes across like a 40s Hollywood jewelry box.
Nice pose. She is doing her damn thang! I don't like the back of that coat. I can't help but think "back fat" or a place to store stolen goods. She sorta reminds of of a sexy thief coming out from the store behind her. Anyway, Great pic.
this is shaina...and she's a new yorker (and lovely). ;)
i really love the double buckle topping the ankle boots. non-functional but perfect. the back drop to the coat adds a subtle flair to the lines.
nice. super nice.
Cool outfit and a very nice background to go with everything!
what a perfect photo! Those boots! That background! So perfectly French!
Elle est tres jolie!! What a terrific blog you've got! The photos are endlessly gorgeous to look at! I'll definitely vote for the Sartorialist in he blog awards! :)
I just had a very weird moment. This girl looks exactly like me, but with better clothes... and I literally went, "WWHhhaaa?" thinking that I had somehow posed for this picture without remembering it.
Wishful thinking.
That coat is by Rodnik and sells at Barney's in New York.
Unfair. Everything is better in France.
I love the outfit especially the coat and the way it had been created. Very creative and the girl is so chic in her pose.
This boots are made for...her! :p
They are Kors.
I love how chic it is from head to shins. And then BAM, bondage boots. She rocks them.
What a picture, what a woman.. Love it!!
i love her pose!
A funny thing... so many people "wow!-ed" about her being so French while someone mentioned that she is a New Yorker:) and that she actually wears stuff by American designers.
So i am thinking to myself that it is not an excuse "I don't dress that well because I am not French". In fact, it is about some kind of consciousness that makes you dress in a certain way.
The whole look is fantastic. The boots are perfection! WOW!
I love it!
She is beautiful!
and the pose....DIVINE!!
The upper part of the outfit has that "timeless" quality about it, but those boots. Ugh...
So French ! So Paris ! So chic !
Except the lady's from New York and she's wearing Michael Kors shoes and a Rodnick coat...
The KORS Michael Kors - Mogul looks very similar to her boots.
I am in love with this photo!!! Inspired and in love! The lights, the store fronts, the woman and her fabulous French style and the tiling on the floor. Just gorgeous all around!
Don't know what is more gorgeous, the tiled floor, or those shoes!
You're killing me with these gorgeous photos.
As if Cecil Beaton hit the streets!!
1920s chic! Love the beret and boots!
That coat is so unique! i love the way they have placed the volume in an usual place on the back? Weired, but it seems to work, especially with her pose!
And amazing boots... i need me some of them!
Was this really a person you randomly found on the street? I can't believe it! BEAUTIFUL pic!
This picture deserves a short story or at least a poem written about it. Gorgeous!
Is she wearing a hat or is it just impeccable hair styling?
Very Marilin Monroe.
Très début du siècle...
Elle serait tellement belle en noir et blanc!
Agree with Sosie..Very Marilin Monroe. Really attractive..
That's model Shaina Danziger. She's American.
The coat is tantalizing! It's like a long come-on that I don't want to end.
I love that everybody thinks she's "so French"! She's actually an American model named Shaina Danziger from Kansas! She did my lookbook last Fall. She's with the Muse agency in NY. She's SO sweet and the girl can seriously make shapes...amazing poser!