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Comments on "On the Street....Outside Old England, Paris"
Love Old England in Paris. When I come there, I feel like being in London! So British...
So charming.
For a younger gentleman it's hard to wear a hat like that without just seeming like a poser/hipster.
He looks as though he's just walked out of a 1950's race course, and should have a copy of the Racing Post tucked under his arm.
Immaculate style! i love the different shades of brown, the gentleman's beautifully polished shoes, his hat. the coat is terrific. Seeing someone dressed as well as this lifts one's spirits. Great photo and post, thank you Sart.
Doesn't he look like one of those gentlemen with a million stories from his youth. Love the hat & shoes.
this picture is great!
The outfit on this gentleman is very English!! timeless classics!
What a great look. Right out of the 40's?? What's not to love in Paris...
gotta love the glasses.
Amazing how smoothly he does it, the coat only partly buttoned, the hat cocked just so. Magnificent!
Amazing glasses! And it's interesting how he's only done up the second button of his coat and none of the others.. Parisian style, so nautral.. love it.
A perfect Parisian type right down to the monkstrap shoes. The monkstrap is more popular in France than any other country as far as I can tell based on personal observation. The pants are a bit tube like for my taste but I realize this a popular modern look even it destroys the concept of drape which is what stylish mens pants are all about. Love the scarf and the Gaullois. The French have tried to ban smoking in restaurants and bars but they are already backing off basically because no one is paying the least attention. Vive le difference.
Very handsome, he reminds me of the early 40's.
I really need hat like that.
I really need hat like that.
nice le corbusier glasses!
A hat is not a hat until it´s tilted - how true! I appreciate the perfect shine of his shoes and his smile. There is hurt in his eyes behind that smile, though.
This is the kind of man who could easily woo a lover 30 years his junior. Classic yet personal, casual yet alluring.
Atreasuryof, unfortunately I have to agree with you; perhaps because this sort of elegance is earned?
COOL!!!! Nice picture of the man.
all I can think is, shoes= something of a fairytale where old men have their shoes shined and ladies always curl their hair.
very distinguished, i like
I am really loving all this camel everywhere.
I wish my grandpa looked like this!! I love his glasses
HIS SHOES !!! Structured, toe-perfect, shined, foot fitted, color-to-die-for, period!
this is just classic stuff!
The trick is: I'm not sure this gentleman spent many minutes in front of his mirror before to go out... (A bit like the Italian gentleman on September 25th) Nicely done... and nicely shot, as usual.
makes me wish i lived in paris for some reason
I'd like to be as cool as this when I'm older, minus the cigarette! if i can stop smoking by then!
Windows like those in O'Brien's or Roberts' example would have been great.
sorry about the "would'a, could'a, should'a"...
So many men in North America will buy a hat and just plunk it squarely on. This gentleman has been WEARING hats for years, knows shape, crease, tilt attitude; the many dimensions of a well-placed hat.
Great portrait!
Love the scarf, hat and glasses combo. Timeless. His expression is so 'F*ck you!' Reminds me of my grandpa.
this guy remembers me Brat pitt in Beijamin Button.
this look is great!!! perfect coat, pants, and shoes. I like this
nice look , remind me Henri Miller,it could be during "jours tranquille à Clichy" with Anaïs Nin....
I love the well cleaned and shined shoes...
He has a Henry Miller vibe going for him. That's never a bad thing.
I am helplessly and hopelessly addicted to your blog now.
Are you happy?
Anyone know where the coat comes from?
aww I love this photo!! it's very powerful and the man looks very very likeable :)
Magnifique, Sart! The angle of this young gent's chisel-toed monkstrap shoes does it for me. That, and his tortoise shell specs and cigarette. Simply beautiful.
Old people with style is the best.
For me its French style. Take away the glasses and the co-ordination of the scarf and coat and then perhaps its British but those small round glasses and the planned are very old french artisan/writer to me.
Just a thought.... :)
the shoes are what really sells it to me.
Great selections-
He looks splendid.
For me, I'm not a fan of the coat itself. It's the lift of the collar, the scarf---the scarf is perfect, the tilt of the hat, the shoes are immaculate and even the way he is holding his cigarette.
If he was puffing on a pipe instead this would be perfect.
I love how he has done his coat collar and scarf
Henry Miller all the way. Bravo!
I didn't even have to look at the title to know he was from Old England, a great style to match the outfit.
Goodness, Mr. Sartorialist! You are on a tear! These past couple of weeks of pics are really lovely.
^could be Georges Simenon, the Belgian writter, with so many wifes and mistress, he had the same look.
A yes, I must agree with Kay. I was a little uncomfortable with the cigarette but couldn't say why... now you have helped me! A pipe is the answer! Then he would look just like my dear old grandpapa.
Perhaps we could also furnish him with a well-travelled leather bag, in which to put all the items he currently has in his coat pockets.
On second thoughts, perhaps I won't give him the pipe and bag because then I would also have to give him a hug and ask him "grandpa, where have you been hiding all these years?"
How wonderful that this is shot outside Old England as you know this shop is the epitome of English style
a seclection of everything of quality from London available in Paris but put together in that Continental interpretation that makes a national style chic.The portait of the genteleman is so apt as he seems to be the type of customer of OE who simply shops no other place.Wonderful contrast very much Cartier Bresson
amazing, charming, perfect. (addicted!!)
<3 brooke
I'm 23 and I wanna dress just like this gentleman when I'm 50...
And I'm French btw...
Love it!
So classy... He could be a character of an Oscar Wilde's story. His elegance, his classic colours, his allure... And all in the picture seem to be perfectly integrated, like the books in his arms, the leafs in the ground, the trees behind...
Wow... he looks just like the late Henry Miller.
Nice crisp hat...and he kinda has Stephen Spielberg glasses.
Oh, to age so well and remain tirelessly and effortless chic.
He unknowingly, or not, makes a great argument against a fitted overcoat.
Great shoes. Are they burgundy in colour?
Stunning photo!!!!
what a charming old man. It look's like the potuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, if you search in the net you ill find photos from the poet dreassing like this gentleman. in spit of the mustache.
sorry for my english.
I'm not a fan of the coat although I know I'm comparing it to the current fitted style. It seems a bit large and rumpled while everything else is just-so. Those are the perfect glasses for his face!
James Joyce ? Or Samuel Beckett ? THAT kind of elegance...
studio photo one - You are so correct. I thought immediately of Georges Simenon. Just needs a pipe.
He looks wonderful, I love the monochromatic look and his look of confidence.
He looks wonderful, I love the monochromatic look and his look of confidence.
Is it just me, or does that look like Bruce Willis?
Love the shoes, though...
I find it interesting, that no one has a problem with this stylish gentleman smoking, but seemed to have a problem with the young lady smoking, in the previous photo. Does this have to do with age, sex, or both?
What is Noel Coward doing in Paris?
This photo makes me want to hear his voice; although no matter his accent I fear I'd die on the spot from an overdose of charm. Would he shake my hand or would he kiss it? He is the bee's knees.
Oh my God, it's Arvin Sloane from Alias!
Henry Miller lives on...
stylish old men. fantastic.
Amazing shoes. Great hat and glasses. Oversized coat makes him look small and weak. The pants are obviously fitted why not the coat.
Exactly the look I'd have at that age. I definately get the Henry Miller comparison...also a bit of William S. Burroughs.
perfection. i bet people buy him drinks all the time just to hear his great stories.
Lovin the look in his eyes..and ofcourse his attitude..
I don't mind the cigarette.
This man is FRENCH. Full of charm,and handsomely dressed but French. No Englishman of any generation ever dressed like this. The hat, the scarf, the coat, the trousers and the shoes - no, nay, never. Left of centre, sorry. But oh, if only Englishmen could, then I would have married one. (Don't tell my Scottish husband.)
George Burns! Where have you been?
He is comfortable. He could take care of me.