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Comments on "On the Street....Nails, Stockholm"
I love the combination of Navy and Black - somber and chic.
Mello punk?
I like it though..
The Shoes are fittingly odd. Like the fingernail detail. And the bag. Calvinist-Minimal Punk-Grunge
The Uber Amazing Blog Award to You from Me, Best regards
i love it
safety pins jap jap
Combining aubergine nails, an over-sized seamstress' pin, a cigarette and that youthful hair seems to make the purse just seem like a naturally included accessory.
I am very impressed with how synergistic this whole ensemble ends up appearing.
awesome site~!!
he's very sweet looking. i like the little detail of the saftey pin as a badge and the earring when the rest of his outfit's so simple.
that second photo is gorgeous.
what are the shoes?
That coat is so beautifully constructed with a gorgeous texture, love it!
it is the simple aspects that take this to the next level: the pin, the plum nail varnish the devil is in the details!
Sweet! It's purple, love purple.
Simple, edgy, and androgynous.
Ufff. This is soo eighties!
Wow 'v'
i like his nailcolor!
I really like the huge, oversized collar and lapels on an otherwise fitting coat.
i have the same nail polish...lilac is the way to go!sweden is a very stylish country...nordic,i guess the cold makes u being more creative!
How utterly romantic! That kilt pin in the lapel is the perfect accent on that GORGEOUS coat. The contrast in the snow is nice too...Are those clogs?
Gorgeous. Love the nails and safety pin. That's all.
the pin brooch.. i wish i had one.
This photo with the mix of androgony and timelessness makes me think of a Twilight Vampire. i love the very dark blue with black and the bare skin - the V neck, throat and gloveless hands. It's interesting.
these pics from Stockholm are awesome!
I already knew they are very stylish people, and it is a pleasure being able to see them from your point of view.
love boys with black nail polish.
love it, everything about him
Ah, so this might be a girl! More androgyny - love it! This person has the most beautiful face, head and neck. The haircut is also pretty damn hot. Love the whole thing - a truly stunning individual.
Interesting. Gorgeous. Looks a little chilly, though.
Did you bump into Garance while you were there? This kid's style looks a lot like the kid's she photographed.
Oh perfection! There is something in the friggin' water in Sweden.
I love this look! So young and roguishly insouciant. Damn nice...
Love the second smoking picture...
He reminds me of Bowie, and I like it...
Boy, girl? Does it, should it matter? I like the short purple nails that choke out a bit of life in this very cold and barren picture.
i have my nails that very same color right now!
i LOVE drak nails
I like the nail polish, but I really want to wrap a scarf around his neck!
Love the second photo, especially the hair. Very sexy. I know ciggies are bad... but they still look good, don't they?
Interesting! His nails.. kinda strange, but I liked it!
Our current nail colors match. It is meant to be. I am booking my ticket as we speak. Toronto to Stockholm.
this feels so wonderfully '70s-early '80s to me--it's got a great, glamorous punk vibe.
plus i am a sucker for men with pierced ears.
a punk style..like the hair style..
but i don't really like the nail colour...and men with nail polishing...is sth weird to me.
I was waiting for the inevitable "should the gender matter" comment.
It doesn't matter, and it does, because we want to classify things in nature this way. Don't read so much into a benign--and utterly acceptable--question.
I am going with male.
safety pins. i love.. :) and also the color of his nails fits on him.
Yes, fine androgyny! I like the first image best...rumped, bedroom-slippered.
not a fan of the nails.
I didn't like the shoes.
But the nails are amazing! Here in Brazil, some moths ago, it was a trend to put strange colors on them. It used to be nice...
Great find, Sart. Love this young chap's haircut and coat. The nails, hair, trousers, and safety pin make me think punk.
Love the nails.
This was how me and my friends were like in the early 80s (other than the smoking, of course). We were originals.
Sexy !!! Love it
His IS sweet, and he DOES have a certain panache, but aren't we FAR too sophisticated to think of androgyny as being original?
i love it.
I think his creativity is superior. The ability to make the used coat his with the touch of kilt pin sets him apart. The hair and nails, while nice, only show his fashion sense- but the wearing the coat alone shows he has an eye.
Punk will never die!
Hey, if you liked Stockholm, you will defenitly like (or love) Gothenburg, I think you'll find very much inspiration there :)
He kind of looks like Ash Stymest.
Thought it was for a second.
This person is so androgynous and so sexy! I love the serious-but-rumpled casualness of it all.
The pin! The pin!
i fell in love with this guy..
Nails and shoes...
Reminds me of the character from that book Twilight Edward Cullen...vampire
I like his nails! lol!
love the color of the nails.
brilliant; i love it
I am so on this young fellow's vibe.
Interesting... Not too sure how I feel about this look. The safety pin I like, because the silver of the single earring unifies it. That just me?
beautiful nail colour, coat to die for, and a very clean andro-punk feel, almost as if punk went to finishing school or rehab.
This is one of my favorite looks in a while!
He was one of the Acne models sneaking a ciggie while still in his catwalk gear. Shoes had to stay inside, hence the strange shoes.
And Chanel have just released their nail colour: Vendetta, a dark violet...
These two picture have a beautiful crispness that accentuates the little details. Definitely my favorites in a while...
*happy sigh*
The thing I love best about the nails is that they are perfectly manicured. He's committed fully to them. And how gorgeous that purple looks against his pale, pale skin.
love the pin--exactly like the one i had on a kilt in the 70s. wish i still had it to use as in the pic!
I love the last pic!
Love him, and so does my sister. :-)
what else is there to say? i echo everyone else here who finds his vibe to be captivating, sexy, & beautiful. i love everything about this! and i must get my hands on that new chanel color vendetta...i have a thing for dark nail color.
Is there a cassette tape copy of Joy Division hidden among the folds of the coat somewhere?
Healthy looking young man, yeah?
I love that you shout out her nails. fierce
I would think this was an edgy, forward look had I not seen it just yesterday on a sales clerk in the electronics department of our local Walmart.
I guess the internet is the Great Fashion Equalizer.
I like the nail color. The big pin is a nice touch too.
this is certainly a woman. a married one at that. perfect real androgyny!
Man or woman, what's your guess?
Androgeny is as funny as ever.
so many pictures with cigarettes now. totally understand that that's a part of life in europe--lived there for a year myself, but i remember when you used to write little disclaimers about cigs when they were included in the pictures....
i *heart* the funky nail colors!
i want to get a kilt pin.
where do i buy?
btw. i'm not an earring person but this shot makes me want to reconsider for some reason.
Ah - love this - exactly how my friends and I dressed in '83/'84...
he is definetely sexy on the second photo :)
he looks tragic and beatiful at the same time.
he could break somebodys heart.
he is just ordinary. a snapshot of a regular person who isn't better or inferiorly dressed than anybody else.
I personally love when guys wear nail polish and assume that kind of androgyn behaviour, and the colour he chose is awsome, and he wears it better than I do.
Love the coat and that huge pin.
Love his pale & cold hands.
Great hair
I love his skin. Ok
Really handsome however effeminate he is... He made it!
i love the bad boy vulnerability, very sexy!