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Comments on "On the Street...Mixed Pattern, Stockholm"
love the jacket,is so scandinavian reminds of mimaco paterns and goes so well with this weird ckeck shirt...
That's the rapper from the duo 'Snook' (http://www.snook.se/downloads/press/). Nice outfit.
There is something very Royal Tenenbaums about this look...I love it!
Do You know that this Guy is a famous Swedish HipHop artist..
One of the Snook members, a swedish hiphop group. Look youtube.
Love the size of the glasses, gives you a wider focal area. Face and jacket are beautiful, framed by black hat and pants. Colors of yellow jacket and purple (shirt?) and reddish lips work so well together against the pink typical Stockholm stone buildings in the background.
This is my first comment and I am learning so much from this blog. Thank you Scott Shuman and all the commentators for helping me to hone my fashion eye. This blog celebrates individuality and courage in dressing and finding beauty.
great glasses!
i've noticed, that such glasses are the most pop in northern Europe. interesting situation...
Absolutly addore those glasses!
Great Jacket!
Wow, he has really nice features. The pattern combination is great.
Very very cute... Love the glasses too.
I had to do a double take, this kid is the spitting image of my son.
I like his style a lot.
Smart casual and the glasses giving that little extra notch.
Those glasses again!!
Too accidental-looking to be up there with the best mixed pattern shots, but that's an interesting shirt.
this kid is adorable! Love the glasses, and the entire look.
love the glasses..and the inner t-shirt..it's so cool..
and, the pant is good!!
I like this photo!
Glasses do seem to be getting bigger.
This print reminds me of one from Jil Sander 08, that was copyrighted or licensed in some special way.
I love the blog, but wish there was some way of getting some facts about what we are seeing. Though of course half the fun is seeing what others know and can contribute. I am learning a great deal.
Thanks to the Sartorialist and all for their thinking!
love this look, give the Elvis Costello image
take my breath away, damn Sweden. You've got good looking and well dressed folk there.
Love his outfit!
he vaguely reminds me of stephen malkmus of pavement.
nice use of patterns !
His jacket is just great, I love how natural and earthy it is. He's also pretty handsome!
This guy's look is fantastic. He's got a wonderful face set off quite nicely by the oversized glasses. He could be a character in a Wes Anderson film.
danne I love you <3
sooo hot
I would love to burn that coat (shirt) and see what is under it. Whatever is peaking out at the bottom has some great color.
Danne from "snook" has allways been very well dressed I think!
not sure why - but this feels unnatural. great shirt/jumper/jacket pattern though.
the pictures on sweden.se are so cool as well.
yeah, this whole outfit is really interesting!
Thats daniel from the famous, swedish hiphop group; Snook. Gorgeous guy with great style!
love it.
now that's a statement. i adore this
the perfect nerd style.
the glasses are killer
i really like this.
Scott Schuman,
These photos are inspirational. It's no surprise this blog has been as popular as it has. I love seeing what's new and all the styles around the world!!! Come to Boston!
Does anyone have an idea of who makes that shirt/jacket?
Looks like an LA hipster..... but still, very nicely done.
love the maybe its tucked in....maybe its not.....they dont match .....but go well together.....and we are seeing...no pun intended...more of those black glasses
i want these glasses! anyone know a good site for vintage or a designer who is making new ones like this?
love the glasses and jacket!
this is a beautiful man. like the pattern of the jacket and the more relaxed style of the trousers. combines caring w/ laid back/threw it on.
Yeah, I thought that was him! Love his style. Wish I was brave enough to mix patterns..
Except from him being one of the members in Snook, he is also a designer for the brand: Lagom. I love their clothes.
OMG that's Danne! I looove Snook, the greatest hiphop grope in Sweden!
He definitely resembles Max Fischer from "Rushmore".
He looks great. I would smile at him and say "Hi!" walking by this guy. I adore the jacket.
he's very handsome and i love the jacket
Yeah i was just gonna say... looks like Jason Schwartzman (sp?) in Rushmore
The inner t-shirt added all the fun to his outfit. Sophisticated
Love the look! As much as i would like to wear glasses like his i think its very much for people with defined facial lines and no double chins lol
That jacket is awesome! and i love the shirt sticking out underneath
He's too yummy I don't really care what he's wearing.. lol
Great jacket (^_^)
Excellent glasses. Not yet sure about the jacket pattern; I'll have to think on that one. Pants seem like they're looking good. Wish there was a full view.
this guy has a fashion brand called LAGOM! :) I can see some of the shirt from the coming AW 09/10 season sticking out?