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Comments on "On the Street....Green Gloves, Florence"
He looks so cool, the way he combines white trousers with the brown, and then green glowes and the blue scarf makes his look unique.
Awesome! True style in a complete package. Very good indeed.
That's a stunning photo. LOVE his style!
I love tight white pants in the winter.
Love the whole look esp the bit of blue peeking out at the collar
i don't typically care for white pants, but here, somehow, my prejudice doesn't even factor. maybe it is the boots with the gloves and hat or maybe it is just him - whatever it is, it works. he looks so so cool.
The gloves, the scarf and the shoes are the 3 pops of color in this outfit, everything else is just the perfect mat and frame for them. The coat and pants seem to fit him very well. It is interesting how men's fashion magazines always tell you to get leather jackets, but nothing below the waist; and here is one presumably fashion insider doing the opposite and pulling it off. Great job! Jorge from W Palm Beach
i love colorful gloves!!!!!
great outfit
Loving how the colours in the tie/scarf tie in with the gloves. And the jacket. Great photo!
i LOVE his jacket. the gloves are nice, too.
I like the contrast of leathers with the white pants, brilliant.
Despite the lack of differing textures, the variations of color amongst the leather coat, gloves and shoes looks ultra-refined and polished. The paleness of the brown and green allowed for the creation of a "light" look despite the usage of such a heavy material. The seperation of color provided from the sleeves peeking out and the ascot prevent the outfit from looking washed out.
ah i see the trend is asians wearing little bright bits of color!
Boots are clean, but its throwing it off a little with the leather trench. I Understand with the contrast but I think it would look different if it was a standing photograph. I'm gonna have to get my white slim fit on deck though, super clean.
Your that dude Scott! Bringing inspiration since September 2005
this picture is brilliant
everything about this image is beautiful.
Great shot, great style! I wonder what he's thinking about...
Not all men can pull off wearing a leather jacket, especially not with those colours. Amazing use of colours and style combination. Slim fit on men...he definitely suits it perfectly. Love it!
The boots are throwing me off a little with the leather jacket. I think if it was a standing photograph it would all come together well. Still looks good though, and i've got to get my white slim fits on deck.
Your that dude Scott! Inspirational since 2005!
inspired by michelle obama??
yes but how on earth does he keep those pants clean??
i love his shoes.
B E A U T I F U L !
green leather...amazing...and he looks good,too.
Macho macho man.
I don't like the too-snug jeans. White pants, I think, should be worn just a bit loose; it's a far sexier look.
I love the awkward-ness of his position, it makes the photo look so much more intense. he is truly a man with great style.
oh my goodness... this fellow is THE definition of cool, and it has nothing to do with the cigarette. He ROCKS every stitch he is wearing. I am especially enjoying the boots and killer green gloves. I also quite like how you've got him perched on that unique aggregate wall/planter... complements his look very well, somehow. Top Notch!
Those shoes are it
Veery well done, white pants and green gloves, this is an epitome picture of how unconventional great style really is. I'd never think green gloves could look so well on a man..luv everything about this.
The way this is going the sart might have to post a photographer in Florence, great shots back to back from there!
Proof that no white after Labour Day is pure nonsense....
(LOVE the jacket btw)
ohhh Dio Mio!! Quanta nostalgia di questa bella cità! Amo quando Lei posta foti di anonimi à Firenze!! Auguri!
but this photo does bring up an issue I've had. Don't you think his leather jacket is being scuffed by sitting on it on a such a rough rocky surface? I know everytime I'm wearing a nice jacket I mind my surroundings- so if I was him I would probably just enjoy my cig standing up!
love the shoes too
i adore, his shoes... the green gloves. it would have been flawless without the skully and cig.
yea more htan the gloves..the SHOES!! love the whole outfit..well the jacket least because it looks kind of vinyl-y and is a BIT clashing with the shoes. but the beanie, gloves, white pants and shoes make up for it! and no-no on the cigarette...though he looks cool with it..
I am struck that in many of your pictures people are smoking. I am not a fan of smoking but these Europeans make it look sexy!!:)
Great shot! I'm really liking the photos you're getting of men in white pants. They pull it off so well!
the colors are incredible! and what flawless white pants.
Does anyone know the brand of his shoes?
WOW! He's stylin'.
the scarf...the shoes...the leather jacket...and those gloves all paired with those white pants just look absolutely fabulous. The neutral colors of the pants and the jacket really accent the different colors of the glove and the scarf. love it!
I think Michelle Obama has the same gloves...
Insouciance. When I see this photo I imagine how he may have stumbled out of bed, instinctively chosen what he wanted to wear and somehow (sheer taste) it all came together. Nothing from this head to toe look was bought as an "outfit" -- it is a collaboration of pieces that he loves. That, my friend, cannot be bought. Beautiful.
I love the contrast of the leather jacket and the silk scarf. A great juxtaposition.
I ADORE his shoes!
the color combination is great.
He's perfection. I love the leather trench... but it's those shoes! I've got to get some in deep purple.
Love those shoes, especially contrasting against the white bottoms. I'm probably on crack saying this, but I think the jacket looks cheap. Like I said, it's probably me.
Isn't that the same guy in one of the other recent photos?
He's got it goin' on! Except for the cigarette. He could definitely lose that, a mon avis.
I am sure I have seen this man recently, and he was brilliantly dressed then too.
Wow, the shoes....just ahhhhh want them
Very envious of the trench, shoes (boots?) and gloves! Great colors, amazing textures.
Amazing. The gloves are to die for. Lovely, lovely picture- if only he got rid of the ciggie... :)
yes! green gloves... just like lady M.
I am in L.O.V.E......swoon.
I could wear his clothes as well.
love this coat!!!
the texture of the gloves and coat match nicely and the warm colors work well together with the rough, ragged surface of the ledge he's perched on. great capture!
I like how this guy is breaking "rules" that other people make about clothing (white jeans, eg).
If you have confidence in your own style, you can wear what you want.
It makes me wonder whether I would look cool if the Sartorialist photographed me or if I would look like a dolt. I am afraid I know the answer already!
White trousers are diificult to pull off. It's a thin line between funky and swim-teacher...
But, he has made a great combination with that fabulous brown leather jacket and the scarf and his gloves give the look a bit of an edge ...
Love it !
This only "happens" at Pitti Uomo.. But what a Look:-)
This brings to mind the green leather gloves that Michelle Obama wore during the Inauguration.
A fabuolus outfit, almost eny man could wear this and look good! The gloves are nice.
i am in love :)
GREAT style from head to toe. Love the shoes. And I think I need a pair of white jeans.
wow, his shoes. I want them.
I agree,somehow the white pants are working fine with the earth tones - the texture of the wall he is sitting doesn't hurt either- great shot!
this some guy who creates trends...awesome shoes and scarf!
i would add - and blue scarf...
so fresh!
Whenever I visit this blog I always look eagerly at the clothes forgetting that I'm actually looking at images carefully composed by a photographer. However I just jumped back to this page after browsing some other sites and realised how interesting this photo is as an image or piece of art. I love how the mossy white pebble wall compliments his outfit and how his relaxed pose contrasts to the shuffling people in the background.
love this.
the colours are all pieced together perfectly. Wish i could see a shot of him standing up just to see the clothes, but this is a beautiful picture. His pose makes the whole thing look effortless, even though it's obvious that he chose his outfit with great care.
Shoes are the highlight of the outfit.
I'm crazy about his leather trench and shoes. What a clean look! And two very smart touches- the scarf and gloves.
Gloves pants and shoes- killer!
What a great combination of colors and textures!
Leather is such a beautiful material and I´m glad it´s making a come-back!
I love the way he's sitting in this photo, the lines of his body, just as much as I like his clothes!
Very Michelle Obama
Those boots! I want those boots!
He's such a gorgeous Japanese man with his Samurai features...
I love the blue scarf, it's such a beautiful contrast against the brown and white....
Lubu (not Peyda)
the coat, the shoes, the gloves and the scarf... omg i love them!!
Is anyone else thinking of the famous green gloves worn by a certain First Lady on Inauguration Day??
I want those gloves. Green is such a good accent color...
Leather is made to be beaten and scuffed and loved...sure smoking is bad, but then so is eating donuts (no nutritional value) too...he enjoys one of maybe his few unobstructed pleasures in great boots.
I know this is way too general a statement, but I really think Asian guys always have the coolest and most unique style. They pull of sooo many things so effortlessly, and I think they are able to inspire both men and women at the same time.
I like it. I like it a lot. He looks compact and neat and perfect.
Green Gloves by The National.
Maybe he listens to them.
i need those gloves!
I love this not only for the killer style, but because the green gloves remind me of Michelle Obama's festive outfit on Inauguration Day!
I love how he is looking at his cigarette like it just asked him a question.
I love this! It's kind of off-kilter, but it works. I really appreciate his choice of colors--I love green and blue together. The rough texture of the boots and the soft sheen of the leather jacket are such an interesting combination. This blog is definitely at its best when showcasing unique individual style, not just safe choices or cookie cutter trends.
If I were a guy, I'd want to dress like him!! Love it.
his shoes are awesome.
how very michelle obama of him...
Great shot, great matching of colours...
But I'm so sorry for his green gloves... When one smokes with gloves, then they smell cold tobacco for the rest of their life !
Just awesome
What an amazing sense of style, he most definitley has it.
im loving the whole outfit, not sure about the jacket. but the green gloves are the best.
Absolutely smashing!
the shoes the shoes the shoes
This is fabulous.
I like his green gloves...But the deal in all his look,he is looking so nature,as he was born in all of these.
the way he sits and the way he is holding his cigarette...even more unique than his great style i think
he looks...hot.handsome.polished.
and his style.omg.ahmazing.
This look is really working for him! I particularly love that little hint of blue at the neckline.
I used to have some green gloves that were very similar to those, and now I really miss them.
Beyond stunning.
this is genius. i love the colors.
I love the green gloves and the white pants
Only someone creative could put this together. He has a very good eye. Yes brown and green go together. Let's thank nature!
He looks hot!!!!!!
the white trouser is impeccable, but all the different colors, especially those forest green gloves, make them seem so crisp.
That leather trench is amazing, too.
the green gloves, the brown shoes, the white pants, the blue scarf, the mocha jacket, the black hat, the cigarette,his facial expression, the pose ... even the gravel - that confuses the eye of the observer and make the guy look kind of suspended in the air, kind of still trying to walk down the wall while the rest of his body is still sitting...
this picture is a piece of art!
I love this shots a pair of crisp white pants with brown shoes always wins. Thats a quick sure way to add some classiness to your look it never fails
The thing I love the most about this photo is his carelessness. Would you sit on mossy green pebbles if you were wearing white trousers? (Would you sit in the garden at all?) Would you sit on a rough surface in your shiny leather coat? Would you combine these colours?
The wall he is sitting on is quite high. It was not designed as a seat, and he would have had to jump to get up there. I bet nobody else is sitting on that wall on this cold winter's day.
This man seems to be artistic, athletic and introspective. He has a natural confidence in his style and he's not 'precious' about it.
I would like to meet him. I think I would like him a lot.
What an amazing look! And an amazing photo! He looks great and in a way that a normal guy could pull off.
Where can you buy gloves like that? Europe, I suppose. It's like sox. Go to your average American department store and you see black, blue, brown, tan, and white. Go to the Bon Marche in Paris, and they have every color of the rainbow (and so I spent more on sox there in one day than I've probably spent in my entire life in America).
i'm in awe. rare are the people who can actually wear that amount of colors so well studied and perfectly combined. i am particularly admiring the shoes and the gloves. again, love the colour combination!!
Not to mention, white pants during winter look odd, difinitely not in this case!
Love it. I want his cravat!
Ooooh! Forget the threads, HE is incroyable and delicious! Have to say, though, the silk scarf that ties in ever so slightly with the gloves - that's a great touch. I wonder if the buckle on the shoe was meant to echo the one on the jacket. Bit much then, but still - WOW.
awesome monk straps.
no one is talking about his amazing silk scarf.
Oh, man, I love this! The gloves, the blue at the collar and those shoes really make this stand out. Really nice.
Have we seen this photo before?
You have a truly gifted eye Scott