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Comments on "On the Street....Gianpaolo, Milano"
Molto chic, molto italiano!
Stunning picture!
Fantastic. Beautiful fit, fabulous shoes all worn with such confidence and panache. I really like the spread collar with the blazer. You can see that the feels good in his clothes. The way to do it.
Now there is confidence!
That ultra-wide tie. That exact brown with that exact blue...there's a quiet whimsy to it all...
I am going to gush: I LOVE how he is dressed. I love that his shoes and tie are the same rich brown, and that his white shirt and hanky snap white, and that his court is a teal-y navy. I love that he is striding out with confidence and sure-footedness, and looking like the hippest guy in sight. I wish more men had this fashion sense.
Awesome! His style is really classy... I love his blue suit, and also the brown tie!
dig the jacket. Milan has style, but so does Covenant College.
approve it please! we GOT MAD STYLEZ!
Hello from Canada. Love your work. I find it curious that most of your subjects are in solid fabrics rather than prints and patterns. Is that your taste being revealed or the 'fashion society' in general?
Love the color of the jacket, and how the tie is coordinated with the shoes.
I wish I could see more of his shoes ♥
i love this picture
My girlfriend says I should never wear black and blue together, but it looks good to me! I am color blind though and get blue and purple confused. is this blazer blue or purple? I guess it doesn't matter if your confident or you don't care what other people think.
Handsome man with a commanding presence.
I like the fit of the DB jacket, the shirt collar, the tie.
But I'm having a really hard time accepting the short, narrow-legged trouser. Combined with the length and weight of the jacket, the trousers look wrong, and give him the appearance of having legs that appear considerably shorter than they likely are.
bravo! es exquisito!
The dark-grey trousers ever-so-slightly short paired with chocolate monk straps finish the look. This is the epitome of Italian style - fit above all else.
He looks like an illustration from one of my old Italian language textbooks.
Hmmmm, blue & black & brown, yet every one is gushing. This is classic; this man could carry off anything, I think. Put this suit on some one else, and it would look wrong. Self conciousness is the death of fashion, so this man's confidence makes the outfit; savvy?
Yes! Nice looking man. We dont have them in Stockholm...yet.
The outfit is great, but what is also remarkable is the excellent hair. Remarkably good styling.
hmmm, that jacket doesn't go well with those trousers. too close tonally to look like a deliberate mis-match. a bit top heavy too.
sorry sir.
che bello,classy and distinct without overdoing it. A timeless look. Bravo
clean cut- love it
I am in love with this coat!
your blog is wonderful! I love how you see the world.
Sharp as an Xacto. Love it.
the best look I've seen in a while. Stunning.
I think the issue here is that the fit is superb, but the colour slightly off. I don't think you can wear dark shades of colour on both your jacket and trousers when wearing separates. One should be light and one should be dark, or there should be sufficient textual difference to make colour irrelevant. e.g. a dark tweed jacket with dark grey trousers.
I really like those shoes, due to the buckles they look as if they shouldn't go but he pulls it off, perhaps because of how quietly assertive he looks
The spread collar is not getting enough credit in this picture. Just imagine for a second how lame his db jacket would look with a plain vanilla straight collar.
A nation of gigolos!
Your blog is the best concerning fashion and in my opinion there is only two cities where the true chic and elegance can be found: Paris and Milano (with rare exceptions). And yes, this is a timeless and elegant look!
like this look, tie a bit too wide, but a great business look
Not my fav shade of blue. Pants a bit short. But a cool guy and handsome fellow.
I wish more American men--those in suits--would go with the longer hair. What is the hangup? Perhaps it is the prison culture influence--we must have gladiator hair and be prepared to defend.
only in milan!
only in milan!
i'm in love ... again ; )
beautiful image!
My, how dapper he looks.
Please your danish men take a look at that, and learn a bit, just a bit... Wouw...
Ps i have the shoes :-)
love him but the pants are too narrow and short with the jacket.
Contential chic ala Italiana.the spread collar one would eaisaly say that the |DB jacket shows all the hallmarks of old Carracini very slight roping in the shoulders enough cuff, slim linte pants just the right length to show off the Lobb Williams,and caught in motion.Wonderful work the photographic composition is what you see first then the style interesting looking at the photo in black and white the entire ensamble stands out.
Everything fits so damn well on this guy, who cares about the color! What draws the eye is the fact his clothes are made to fit and he walks with a wide stride (his shoes must be comfortable). The pant length is perfect and I bet his black pants are actually gray. Brown and gray is not a sin with a strong blue color, this pic is a clear illustration. Confidence prveails!!
Beautissimo! Mi amo il rivestimento ;)
Great classic and perfectionnist style in pretty tiny details, like shiny leather shoes, perfect hair-brushing...all your pics inspire me.
love your pics!
ciaoo! xxx
Simply dashing!
Perfectly man ! ;-)
the tie is great, perfect for that color. A double breast his is a hard sell, but I like the overall depth of this outfit. The little details are great. The cuff poking out at an amount I prefer, his pocket hank, his barrelesque body offset by skinny legs, and those shoes that pair up with the tie. Even his hair.
superb shoes.
So chic ! Perfectly man...
wow, his shoes are wonderful!
this is a beautiful shot. I love the mix of modern and old. and the dapper gentleman of course.
Wow ...yet another snazzy looking gentleman, we're spoiled sart lol i've seen a similar pair of shoes at barneys Ny which were by lidfort or ferragamo I don't recall which exactly, they are amazing shoes indeed. A bit unconventional due to the double buckle..thats why they "pop" I think.. I love again how flawless his attire is, perfect fit, sleeves, the plain bottoms slacks, pockets sq ect..utterly italian yes. I've been reluctant to get a double-breasted navy sportjacket...maybe not so much anymore :-)
Much communication in a motion
Without conversation or a notion
I love the seemingly unbuttoned shirt cuffs, i do it all the time, unfortunatly my shirts are tailored as perfect as gianpaolos and therefore end up looking a little sloppy...o well, fantastic as always
smooth operator
This is Gianpaolo from Al Bazar in Milan. Great sense of style and a wonderful person!
Such a well-fitted outfit on an Italian gentleman! - I think it can be only regarded as " traditional look " among italians.
Especially adore the brown tie with the spread collar shirt, already a very good combination. DB blazers with a white pocket sqaure. Anything, we can complain about?
I have talked with my favorite tailor in Vancouver about this work. We agreed that gentlemen must have at least two pairs of double-monk shoes to consolidate the bottom and entire balance. I am going to get a new double navy blazer like this for this summer!!!!
Stylish man!:)
there's a special air around him. his shoes are amazing. but my first thought was: the man and the silver mercedes in the back perfectly match together! for me they both represent timeless style.
The elegance of a gentleman of Milan.
I absolutely adore this outfit. I've always been a fan of the classic blue DB blazer - it's a living legend in its own right and a style essential. Normally I'd hate to see it with anything other than its natural partner - mid-grey flannel trousers - but this fellow knows how to wear it so well that I can suspend my presumption! The shirt collar is perfect too - it add just the right amount of crisp snap to the look and shows that the wearer hasn't just thrown the outfit together, but considered what to wear with that, down to the last detail. Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Gu. Ga-Ga!
Very Italian. Jaywalking in the middle of the street just before being run down by a suv... Very elegant, though, I have to admit.
The classic gentleman of Milan.
The collar is more than a spread, it's a cutaway...that's what makes it so dramatic. Usually it's wrong with a blazer, but here it's right...just because it is.
>>I believe I recognize him as working for (manager) the fine men's store in Milan-Al Bazar-
This picture reminds me of this huge poster I used to have in my bedroom as a teenager :
L'amant le mieux payé de Hollywood, prise dans une affaire de meurs et de meurtres...
It was a French poster of American Gigolo with Richard Gere...he looks as handsome as Richard did back then...(sigh)
I bit this is one of the sartorialist's own favourites; everything abut this shoot is just perfect..ot only the gentleman's sence of style..it's his Ego, his gaze, his walk..the shooting angle, the buildings , the wires..the way the cars are about to move..just so dynamic , just so ALIVE..I LOVE
I Think I love him
The shoes are dope, and the fact that they hit the tie is perfect. The shirt matching the hanky is good. The spread collar is fantastic (seriously, spread collars make everyone look more sophisticated).
BUT - Pants like that with a different jacket OR jacket like that with different pants. Don't try to tell me those buttons make it work, they don't. Overall - it's a miss.
Sorry. Just cause you are sexy doesn't mean you can make everything work.
what a great stride he has ... the whole scene is just wonderful.
I'd semi-vowed not to chime in a second time on these posts anymore but I'm going to, firstly because I've realized from previous posts- including your wonderful custom shirt story- who this is.No wonder he gets it right, and I guess this is actually an "extreme cutaway" rather than a spread collar? Secondly the color criticisms are somewhat amusing. Surely these are charcoal slacks. What could be more classic and traditional than charcoal slacks and a blue blazer? Even if they are black I think it's perfection- an all-time favorite. Thanks.
I like the pants and shoes but not the jacket
I'm with those who think this picture seems off. Maybe it's the lighting, but those pants look black.
I have already seen this guy somewhere...
just cant remember where and when ...
Very italian. Very charming!
that's it! i'm moving!
Trendy old men!Italian chic!
Great capture. There is a cinematic quality to this photo, superb shot!
Beautiful. Love how the tie and shoes are the same brown.
I see poor to average dressed men trying to mix colors like this but they just look sloppy; it's the tailored look (unbuttoned cuffs optional) and the attitude that makes the mix look incredible and makes me want to live in Milan.
forza stile milano!
Wow! is fabulous!
Ahhhh!!!!! Italiano.
Cat daddy!
Oh, the European men... Mhm mmm....;)
Perhaps it's the angle of the photo and maybe a full front rather that 3/4 profile might have been more flattering but I'm not seeing the emperor's clothes here. The idea of this outfit is nice but the actual thing isn't working in my eyes and feels a bit cartoonish. I don;t know if it's perhaps not the best outfit for his build or what. The way this outfit is held together is by this gentleman's confidence. I like to think of it as the "potato sac effect". Some people can carry off wearing even a potato sack and make it look good.
Since modern man wears something that is a variation of the very early 20th century's Sack Suit, this comment is
i love the face, the eyes are magnetique ! and the elegance is just normal in Milano!
Very nice... I think it is the tie-blazer-shoe coordination that does it for me.
I'm not such a fan of the exaggerated spread collar though...
He look so fine. It is risky to play with such combination of color but he worked the outfit so well.
Charming,an italiano vero!
what a FANTASTIC shot
The top half looks sound, but I’d prefer it if he’d gone for the full whistle rather than the black kecks with the blue jacket. However, the shirt has a boss spread collar which works brilliantly with the blazer and tie. Ditch the strides, lad and you’ll be laughing.
Stunner all the way!
I am proud to have been said 'You are very stylish!' by him at his shop of Milano.
Thank you Mr.Gianpaolo.
I enjoy seeing a man in a fitted jacket that's not too tight, as younger men often wish theirs to be. Also, "Little Critic of the Big World", who referred to this gentleman as an "old man": surely you jest?
This portrait is wonderful...I love the quality of the depth of field...did you shoot this with a 35 f/1.4?
he looks like paul smith!
I love him!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mamma e Papa' always said to me " BE A GOOD BOY AND NEVER WEAR BLACK AND BLUE TOGETHER", Be he's getting away with it with so much nonchalance
From the waist up, yes. The aggressively narrow trousers, however, are overwhelmed by the blazer. A fuller cut on the leg, and I couldn't complain.
May I point out that it's not a suit as many suggested. It's a blazer. See the guilded buttons.. The pants are not black as another suggested, but charcoal. The shoes are the famous double buckle 'John Lobb Paris'..It would have been a perfect combo if the pants were of lighter shade of grey...The whole idea of the blazer is that it's less formal than a suit so the pants should bring a contrast to the coat. It would be unimaginable of this gentleman to wear black pants! An absolute no no in the circle of the blazer wearing gents.
Uomini ben vestiti e affascinanti così non se ne trovano in nessuna altra parte del mondo che non sia l'italia...Only made in italy...
Simply perfect except metal button!