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Comments on "On the Street....Front Row Fashion, Stockholm"
Pequeño y futuro fashion-Boy!
That's one smart Momma!
Haha! the coolest baby ever!
Cutest pic ever ! I am your biggest fan Scott. Check out my blog if you have a minute ! I am starting.
Love, Moodie
Why the head phones? Is the music really that loud at the shows?
Love the dummy, very cute!
This has to be one of my new favourites of yours.
Love it! ;)
How absolutely gorgeous & adorable!
oh my, adorable!!
stockholm fashion week? how about coming to Toronto's? ;-)
im glad they are protecting young ears form tinnitus
so sweet
Very cute indeed!
When South America? When Uruguay?
why would a baby need headphones?
cute kid though
What a chic pacifier!
yes, the music can be very loud at the shows - that's part of the fun - it really sets a mood!
This is ground control to Major Tom!!! Cute pic.....
That has to be the cutest baby ever! and the smartest mom ever...
brilliant pic.
My grand daughter has that exact same comb, it was a gift w/purchase from Clinique. She loves to fold it back up. Good thing to keep baby busy at the fashion show. Cute baby.
awww..this is cute.. :)
good color combination! well done for the mother..
The Pacifer and Headphones are verr stylish!
Hopefully, he's listening to Mozart :P
NBD he got front row before he can even walk. jelous.
so adorable.
That is going to be a very stylish kid one day!
How adorable the bebé is.
headphones don't play music - it cancels out the noise as to protect the child's hearing.
The Swedes always win.
Ohh my God!
Soo sweet!!Soo Cute!!
It's official. You should have a least one picture of a cute baby every day.
Such a charming lad; his hearing protection and binky color choices are clearly a nod to spring, and the trousers tucked into the socks are so of-the-moment. Mixing his stripes and leaving his jacket open are both indicative of the casual confidence his look conveys... and he is obviously totally comfortable with his less-than-full head of hair.
What a cute little dude.
This is so adorable...what a color combination!
How adorable! My favorite sartorialist-to-be!
oh my, he's adorable! and it seems like he's smiling under that pacifier! soooo cute!
that's a dope little booger right there
The swedes are cool! They did the same with their babies during world soccer cup in germany. Take your kid everywhere! Never saw so many babies in a stadium. Here's a proof.
Swedish baby style: POP colorful stripes, check. MAM colorful pacifier, check. Style in his genes, check. Makes me miss the days when my children were babies in Sweden. That was the way to live a family life.
Since then, I have moved to Paris, where children where black, brown, navy blue and grey. But are nonetheless tres chic.
It is funny to think that even babies have different styles in different countries...
Hah, so cute! Hope you're having a wonderful time in Stockholm(:
i thought this baby were "apple"
Chris martin's daughter..
anyhow..cute pic
Love babys with that cool stuff! ;P
Sweet hart fasion boy! He'sgot alot to lern when he is stil young! :) Lovly picture!
ahahah musicology...
I wanna be like this dude.
Ahhhh right up my alley! Love the blog, love the pictures, love that baby!
such a fashionable baby..he looks smart, too
He's so cute!
I'm clearly the only one who thinks it's weird to take a baby somewhere you know is going to be too loud for him/her. Whatever happened to babysitters? I can't help feeling kids are an accessoire for some.
Fashionistas breed fashionistas...the little one is well on his way.. Swank headgear and a sweet pacifier to boot. Cool!
awww So adorable!!!
and his clothes are super cute!
Am I the only one that thinks a Fashion Show is not a place for a baby?
There are lots of stylish dads on paternity leave with their cute babies in Stockholm btw. Hope you catch some of them on your photos!
But lurking around playgrounds with a camera is maybe not a good idea... But you probably can see them on the street, in coffeehouses and such.
I think this is my favorite post from this blog, and I've been reading it a long time now. Nothing like a cute baby to brighten your day.
he is too cute!!!
wow, so young and already front row seats.
too cute! he makes green neon headphones look GOOD. :)
Awwwwwwwwwww, he's so CUTE! :)
cute :))))
that's so cute.
Guti Guti... beatiful...
What a cutie pie.
To those of you who are questioning a baby at a show:
maybe he LIKES going to the fashion shows. The lights, the action, the movement and all the people to make faces at you. Why wouldn't that be REALLY fun for a baby? He's safe, he's with somebody who cares for him (prob. his mummy) and he looks happy. Why not?
I work in the music industry and it's not uncommon for people to bring their children to outdoor summer time concerts (with hearing protection of course).
not to mention - Stockholm is a very parent friendly place.
This is definitely a cross-cultural moment to make you think!
I'm one of those Americans without kids who doesn't think kids need to be toted everywhere, and I wickedly wonder how soon this kid is going to start bawling or spit out the pacifier onto the runway etc.
But if the Swedish think it's groovy -- great! I remember a trip to Japan two years ago where I was impressed by how much more child-friendly the cities were than those in US; I like seeing and thinking about different ideas of a culture's involvement in child-rearing.
Ooooh! He's soo cute! Amazing photo!
adorable baby--and of course he has a pacifier, 90% of the fashionable adults pictured on this blog have an oral fixation as well (cigarettes!)
Hear no evil, speak no evil.
boy after my own heart!
i wish i could look that cute without wearing shoes and sunglasses!
How much would it inspire the baby..
The only time lime green makes the outfit...!!
I think a fashion show is an excellent place for a baby - as long as it suits his/her personality. And if it means the mother can keep breast-feeding for longer, that's great too.
Why should she hire a babysitter to look after her child while she gets on with her life - the baby is part of her life.
I often wear ear-plugs if I go to noisy places. The muffs in the pic are perfect for a baby out & about in a super-noisy world.
trés trés CUTE!
SO CUTE!!! I mean, take a look at this baby...so fashion and so young hahahahah. Beautiful.
you know what makes this picture? A child being included at a posh event. Fantastic photo, I love the way you blurred the background and focused on the beautiful brown eyes.
aaaawww how cute
sigh. i love babies. i cannot have my own baby, but i will one day have a united colors of benetton.
I think I may have just found a baby who has more fashion sense than me!
What a cute funny baby. I love this baby.I think I may have just found a baby who has more fashionable.
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