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Comments on "On the Street....Camel Coat Alternative, Florence"
I like this coat, dont like brown alot but this look is ok.
very nice!
Singapore here~! (:
Love the matching shoes and coat. But what's especially nice is the scarf. I WANT the scarf! Anyway he looks both chic and cuddly.
I think your title was well-chosen: this is an alternative. Personally, I think such a fuzzy fabric has no place in a man's wardrobe, but that's just me. Having said that, I like the well-worn shoes of the gent in the top picture, and the unusual scarf of the guy on the left. When you are out covering the fashion events, it is always refreshing that you cover non-fashion people as well. Look forward to more of your photos on men.style.com. Jorge Perez from W Palm Beach
The photos are great. It's wonderfull to see your work improving at every post. The coats look cozy and beautiful while both gents look confident and chic. I guess in this case good personality came along with great clothes.
wonders if they are made from the same dye lot...
Those coats are beautiful! Thank you, Sart!!
The man to the left in the first image looks great too. I love that military/M-65 inspired field jacket. The perfect casual jacket. That looks just like one I saw at Boggi this winter.
I'm not loving the colour,
prefer the traditional camel!
Re:the top picture - i looked at the coat and my initial thought was 'Teddy Bear'. then i took in the wearer's fine looks, his hair, those narrow pants and his great beautiful shoes that look as if they were made for him 30 years ago and have been much loved, repaired and polished eversince. As for the turned up collar? nonchalantly perfect.
Mamma mia che brutti these dark camel coats.
Strangely enough, I have been recently begging my father to finally get rid of a very similar one.
However, this is a good example for whoever thinks that in the Italian streets everyone's well dressed and paying attention to style. Simply untrue.
I love the man below - I wonder what he is discussing on the phone - and the soft chestnut against the ivy is perfect. Good scarf
My favorite bit of the first photo is the timing. The man on the right looks like he is just about to stamp out a cigarette butt that is lying in a puddle. I love the absurdity.
The color palette of the second photo suggests that this gentleman could be the grandfather of the stunning redhead from a few days ago.
I am so taken with his smile and his gnarled and knowing hands. I also like the russet-y warmth of his coat, although I'm sure he would be every bit as charming in camel or navy or black...
Does anyone know what's the fabric on these coats??? My first guess was a brushed rabbit fur but seems unlikely after reflection. Very nice alternative to camel indeed. Not sure I could ever wear this and look good in it. Seems to be an older look too, not to sound condescending, just a remark. I just feel like you have to mature in fashion to wear ths as well as these gentlemen on here. Snazzy!!
Mmmmm, more huggable and rich in color than camel. Love these!
i like the color, texture and overall look. gent in #1 looks very spiffy.
Where do i get one????
I'm more obsessed with the guy on the left. How cool is he!
Ok...enough already! You are killing me from the envy I bear looking at these beautiful people in their warm striking winter jackets. I also hope viewing these pics will keep people from asking me "why are you wearing those nice suede shoes in the rain?"
@leinmeister, the first coat is made from alpaca
Nice, warm-looking coats. I like the camel ones better.
pink gloves pairing with the scarf perfectly and an Indiana Jones hat to boot. so adventuresome and rugged with the jacket, yet a hint of playfulness with the accessories. loves it.
Never mind the coat, who is that handsome man top right??
Ohh ! Such great browns ! Caramel, toffee, praliné...all comes to mind !
The colours look so vivid you almost want to taste them !
To lenmeister and Sart: Are these coats vicuna?
Great style, both coats. The other man sports suede shoes even on a wet day. Brave!
The second picture fails my taste. The coat is too long and large, regardless of his age, IMO.
Coat stylish it is!
Yes the guy on the left looks like he's not really trying to be cool but he just is that way naturally with out even knowing it, maybe?
both coats look like they are made from real camels!
FABRIZIO! He's absolutely as cool as he looks. Too bad we can't see how crazy his scarf really is.
As for the other two, it reminds me of casentino wool, but it has to be something more elegant i think. I'm not sure that they're the same material, but if so, it is much better made up as the double breasted.
I love the rich colour of these coats. I especially love the older gentleman's elegant manner even in the looser style of the coat. I am charmed by the look in his eyes and his beautiful hands. And I love the way the colours of the coat and ivy are picked up in the stone underfoot.
Just wonderful! Bravo!
Not sure the fabric is either alpaca or vicuna (thanks toni and beths) the fabric looks pretty rugged to just be traditional alpaca, unless its mixed with something else or it went to some process in manufacturing, that is? Or my sight is not what it used to be? lol I just want to know what to ask for if I ever go looking for something similar. A sart. intervention here would be appreciated :-)
I don't know, I am not as thrilled with these as the camel hair - the bottom photo of the pleasant gent on his phone looks like he's out in a bathrobe. However, I do so like his brown suede monkstraps! I wanta pair of those.
wow, great finds!
i like the color, texture and overall look. gent in 1 looks very spiffy.
Gentleman 3 looks so cosy and friendly and the color scheme with the tiles and ivy is just perfect.
It´s a pretty world we have.
Such a wonderful gentleman in the brown suede shoes!!!
White Wall High Heel
Excellent men's coat posts over the past few days. Could you recommend a place to buy a camel hair that buttons up to one's neck? I'm not a lapels person when it comes to overcoats.
lvoe dthe colors.
I like the color of the coat a lot.
I really love that nubby wool, great textures. This kind of dressing seems to reflect the organic textures surrounding the city. bravo.
The 2nd gentleman, sort of looks like the good-guy version of the Penguin from the Batman (returns?) movie. No disrespect though, he really looks like a nice guy.
Love the shoes!
Like both photos a lot.
Love both coats.. which seem to be worn by interesting men.
I'm noticing that the Italian men like cuffs.
I'm guessing those coats are made of alpaca...
I keep gonig 'camel coat' in my head every time I see someone wearing a, er, camel coat. Makes me chuckle a bit, and I probably look odd. Anyway, keep up the good work Mr S. List.
Heather in Bristol
Nice coat, great color.
if i would be in his age I could love him. he is so handsome
After ice cream covered with syrup the color of the coat, I want to begin by making the scarf my very own.
it's vicuna, the first picutre's guy is the director of one of the most important and famous windmill in Italy, and in the world.